#acegiak!tell gwg semantic linkbacks was a part of ... I think the webmention plugin? But then pfefferle and I decided that the functionality should be split out so I did that because pfefferle was busy. Or at least that's how I remember it
#KartikPrabhuif you feel some page is a stub for no reason then improve it
#dym_cxit's a given that a wiki page is something everyone can and should improve if they can, no need to remind about it every time
#dym_cxeven long, old, full articles (like http://indiewebcamp.com/authorship ) are "stubs" – there is no indication on what is really a stub if everything is
#LoqiA curlable URL is one where you can use the curl command line tool to request the URL via http(s), and receive back HTML with visible contents https://indiewebcamp.com/curlable
#voxpelli^ that's pretty much the approach of all or at least most indieweb-tools – if it's not curlable, then it's not available
#voxpellisnarfed: understandable, I felt my description became very confusing :P
#snarfedearlier in it, kylewm asked if his site (not granary) would ping the hub, and you agreed
#voxpellisnarfed: but wasn't that when a custom hub was added?
#snarfedcustom, ie different from the site's rel-hub link?
hs0ucy joined the channel
#voxpelliI think that either Granary does a custom hub through query param that the is pinged by the one that added it, or Granary has a hub of its own and adds it to all PuSH-enabled feeds and pings that hub whenever it receives a notification from the original hub
#Loqivoxpelli meant to say: I think that either Granary does a custom hub through query param that then is pinged by the one that added it, or Granary has a hub of its own and adds it to all PuSH-enabled feeds and pings that hub whenever it receives a notification from the original hub
#snarfedok. yeah, i was always thinking the former
#snarfedbut i figured the site would also have that hub in its own rel-hub link
#snarfedi still don't quite understand the multiple hub use case, or the custom hub for granary use case, but that's ok
#snarfedi'll start with reading the site's own rel-hub, and then if we actually have someone who wants to use a separate hub for their real site, i can add the query param
#voxpellisnarfed: the hub needs to know about the feeds its supposed to send notifications for and if the hub is built into the page then it won't know about any third party URL:s
#snarfedi guess i need to read the push spec to fully understand this
#voxpelliI don't find much sense in reuisng the rel-hub – sure, in some cases like when it's a Superfeedr hub it will work nicely, but then one can just as well specify it explicitly
#voxpellia rel-hub indicates that one can expect a ping to be sent to the hub whenever an update is added to the feed, so if one adds a rel-hub without ensuring that the hub is actually pinged, then one will make most sites only fetch the feed once every 24h or worse
#snarfedbut granary can't ensure that your site pings the hub param any more than it can ensure you ping your own rel-hub
#snarfedit's just trusting your site either way, right?
[aaronpk] joined the channel
#[aaronpk]Wait what happened to the slack gateway?
#voxpellisnarfed: if one explicitly adds a hub, then one kind of takes on the responsibility of ensuring that the hub is pinged
#snarfedi guess. but the site also explicitly added a rel-hub to its html or headers, right?
#[aaronpk]Oh apparently found another bug with the slack gateway lol... Messages from slack not appearing in the web streaming logs
#voxpellisnarfed: a ping includes the url of the feed that is updated, so one needs to ping a hub with the granary URL specifically for its rel=hub to work
#snarfedvoxpelli: ...ok...but it would have to do that for the hub= hub too, right?
#snarfedok. so i guess i still don't see the difference btw hub= and rel-hub
#aaronpkdym_cx: I think you found a very special edge case with the slack/web chat gateway
#snarfedexcept that some sites want to ping hubs that they don't advertise in their own html/headers?
#aaronpkfeels like he should catch up on the PuSH discussion
#aaronpkrel-hub is for a consumer to discover the hub to subscribe to
#voxpellisnarfed: the difference is two: 1. it's explicit so one knows that the hub will be pinged 2. the explicitly specified hub can be expected to handle a third-party URL like Granary, which not all hubs do
#snarfedvoxpelli: just to be clear, this isn't proposing that granary ever pings hubs itself, or does anything else to participate in PuSH, right?
#dym_cxwhat about urls with other "special" symbols like ?, & and https-only sites.. maybe make like a subtitle on wiki user-page which will always show login-url?
#aaronpkyou can hide the default title on your user page and add your own
#aaronpkadd __NOTITLE__ in the page then just use regular header syntax
#snarfedsingpolyma: ah i see. i definitely didn't mean protocol then, i meant UX. i think the *email UX* is dying, which is a good thing.
#snarfedslow, async, long form comm is great! i just think there are/will be much better UXes for it than the current email UX
gRegorLove joined the channel
#aaronpkmaybe "a lot" is a stretch, but we've come a long way from the simple inbox/folder model, with threaded conversations and labeling and instant search for example.
#gRegorLovedym_cx, aaronpk: Mediawiki user pages can be moved. Not sure there's any fix for the forward-slash though, since that means a sub-page in MW.
#aaronpkit looks like the actual problem has to do with the IRC logs autolinking usernames to the wrong thing. I can probably fix that without fiddling with mediawiki.
snarfed1 joined the channel
#gRegorLoveWhat would it use if not the user page title?
#gRegorLoveI guess it wouldn't pick up a redirected user page in that case, though.
#aaronpki think right now it's just using the literal text of the MW username, not actually fetching the page
snarfed and Breadbasket_ joined the channel
#aaronpksnarfed: argh you got me into a facebook argument about email :P
#tanteksnarfed, your lightweight trolling has me thinking, perhaps April 1st is a good day to pick such fights
#snarfedaww only if you don't actually care about the subject
#tantekbecause people don't know if you're joking or not when something is actually conceivable, they have to think *harder* about it in order to respond
#snarfeddefinitely nice idea in theory, not sure if it's true in practice
#aaronpkit's kind of fun when this all comes together. just used Quill's nice editor to post that blog post to my site via micropub, then added tags to it and syndicated it to indienews with the p3k inline micropub editor.
#snarfedall good questions, i have no crisp answers
#LoqiGWG: acegiak left you a message 11 hours, 48 minutes ago: semantic linkbacks was a part of ... I think the webmention plugin? But then pfefferle and I decided that the functionality should be split out so I did that because pfefferle was busy. Or at least that's how I remember it http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-08/line/1460104854393
#GWGWhat is the advantage of using per media type rules in webmention verification?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "advantage of using per media type rules in webmention verification" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10Hk
#tantek.comedited /User:Aaronparecki.com (+37) "use img instead of Image: for simpler markup, use explicit property class names since markup too complex for implied name, URL, photo" (view diff)
#sknebelGWG: re filesizes: 150kb seems a bit limited to me, e.g. https://indiewebcamp.com/projects is ~110k, a random page from the python docs I just had open is 350k
#aaronpka text search would falsely match on an HTML page in some cases
#aaronpkan HTML page doesn't "link" to another URL unless that URL appears in the href attribute of an <a> tag. so if the page just contained the string value of the URL it's not actually linking to it.
#aaronpkLooks good! I'm going to move the TOC down.
#aaronpkalso looks like i need to update a few things on that page ;-)
#tantekgo for it. the TOC right now is auto-generated
#tantekso I left it that way (tried experimenting with moving it down, then decided you should decide that presentational aspect)
#tantekso now we have (at least) two examples of user: pages with h-cards with photos. mine has an implied u-photo, and aaronpk's has an explicit u-photo
#tantekshaners when did you add tags support to Dark Matter?
#tantekremembers he added tag support a few months ago
shiflett and frzn joined the channel
#[shaners]Well, it was in two phases. I had linked tags to aggregation pages. But those pages weren’t listing tagged posts until recently (last week I think). Do you want both dates or just the latter?
#tantekwhen did you add the u-category markup support to tags?
#tantek.comedited /tags (+531) "/* IndieWeb Examples */ add myself, implemented tags on a long flight back from NYC/EWR 2016-01-25" (view diff)
#gRegorLoveI'm still thinking through / not sure how to add more context to a tag. E.g. I'm tagging a lot of things with band names and would like to make it clear they are bands and not something else.
#tantekaggregating tags across sites vs. just across posts on one site
#tantekaaronpk: what do you call your pages that show all posts with a particular tag?
#[shaners]tantek: I committed .p-category on 2012-11-18, adding it to tag links that I had since 2010-06-17.
#tanteknice! yeah I expect a lot of features we build apply to backposts like that. if you have the date of deploy, note that explicitly (i.e. for sorting), but definitely also note the date of commit
#gRegorLoveKevinMarks: Not sure how to do that if I'm just selecting tags from a list. And does that mean I need to create a page for each band that contains an h-card?
#[shaners]aaronpk: is there a private repo URL? for future you if no one else.
#tantekthis precisely: "leave it as one URL and leave it on the author to space out their URLs"
#KevinMarksas urls can contain commas, though I haven't seen anyone do it sicne webobjects
#tantek"," without a space is likely part of previous URL
#tantek", " with space is required for English use of comma, and since the outer context is plain text (likely) English, it makes sense to treat it at that outer context instead of part of the URL
#tantekre: p-org implying p-name - really don't want the parser to have to do anything specific with vocabulary it encounters
#KevinMarkswell the distinction is <a href="#" class="p-category h-card"><span class="p-name">Paul McCartney</span><span class="p-org">The Beatles</span></a>
#tantekand yes, person-tags are just a subset of possible linked-tags
#gRegorLoveMeaning I should use p-name p-org so it's explicit?
#gRegorLoveIt's not live currently, but that's written as I might actually implement it
#gRegorLoveI wasn't really aware of the implied p-* discussion
#tantekgRegorLove: it has come up quite often here as frustration with implied p-name being too long / noisy to be usable (by consuming code)
#gRegorLoveYeah, I'm familiar with some of that discussion, just hadn't read that microformats.org discussion about it before.
shiflett joined the channel
#gRegorLoveNow I need to figure out how to associate the h-card with a tag so I can just select it from a list and it displays the h-card markup rather than just p-category
#[shaners]kevinmarks: i believe json-api uses commas in urls when requesting a collection of non-sequential resources
#tantekhas anyone here ever used hashbang URLs with their site?