2016-04-07 UTC
sriperi and tantek joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
yakker joined the channel
mblaney, shiflett, KevinMarks and tantek joined the channel
# 02:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:19 mblaney !tell snarfed thanks in advance for your help (let me know if I've done something wrong)
# 02:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 02:23 mblaney kylewm it is, but that's not the original created by bridgy.
# 02:24 mblaney (that's the one I shared once the post was published)
# 02:27 mblaney kylewm: sorry you're right, that link is to the share I created that should get backfed as a repost.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 02:29 kylewm If you include the url at the end of the text of the post, that should fix it
todrobbins joined the channel
# 02:31 kylewm is sitting close enough to tantek to know he did not actually lol
# 02:31 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] @cackhanded is right. class is used on visible content.
# 02:32 mblaney kylewm bridgy didn't backfeed the likes to the original post either though.
# 02:33 kylewm mblaney: I don't think it can find the original post
# 02:34 Loqi [Malcolm Blaney] Windsor Food Collective
# 02:37 mblaney but sure, just from that facebook url there's no way to do OPD
# 02:37 kylewm hehe, yeah bridgy publish doesn't talk to bridgy backfeed .. that's a good point that it could
gRegorLove and friedcell joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:42 KartikPrabhu that is up to you to publish. having bridgy do everything only increases reliance on bridgy and spof
# 02:44 snarfed mblaney: you need either a backlink in the silo post or a syndication url on your site. either works.
mlncn joined the channel
# 02:48 snarfed (mblaney: and if you go the syndication url route, you also need at least an h-feed linked from your front page so bridgy can find the posts. looks like there isn't one right now.)
# 02:54 kylewm that'd be a real advantage to publishing via Bridgy Publish -- you get the same app-scoped user id on both sides
# 02:54 mblaney so if I want to add a syndication url, I would need to create a post, POSSE with bridgy, find the new facebook url and then add that to the post?
# 02:55 kylewm bridgy publish returns the facebook url in response to the webmention you send it
cleverdevil joined the channel
# 03:01 mblaney I have a few other bridgy questions while we're on the topic,
# 03:01 mblaney I know bridgy will remove html formatting if you ask it, but does that include paragraphs?
# 03:02 mblaney ie facebook will convert <bold> to ** which I would rather just be plain text, but would like to keep paragraph structure.
# 03:02 snarfed mblaney: oh. yes, it's all or nothing, no fine-grained knobs
nitot_ joined the channel
# 03:04 mblaney thanks yes I saw that, maybe I will if it bothers me enough.
# 03:04 mblaney I'm not sure if my other question is a bridgy thing,
# 03:05 mblaney I've seen that known let's you choose from multiple facebook or twitter accounts to POSSE to?
# 03:16 tantek hmm looks like a bunch of recent KevinMarks HWC SF tweets are not making it through
# 03:16 mblaney I'm sure I've seen screen shots from KevinMarks where his posting UI has multiple twitter accounts selected?
shiflett and mdik_ joined the channel
# 03:21 mblaney anyway I'm happy to look at adding support for it to bridgy too.
# 03:21 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:32 snarfed mblaney: oh, sorry, missed the "known." you're right, known can publish to multiple accounts on a given silo. i don't know how though, sorry.
# 03:36 mblaney no worries, I'm interested in multiple accounts on the original domain too.
# 03:37 mblaney haven't done any python for a while but will look at it if dogada doesn't beat me to it :-)
snarfed joined the channel
# 03:47 mblaney (p.s. I only mentioned known because I saw it was possible from their posting UI, assumed they used bridgy)
# 03:49 mblaney cool well I realize now that my multi-user can't handle multiple accounts signing up to bridgy so will have to fix that soon.
# 03:49 Loqi mblaney meant to say: cool well I realize now that my multi-user site can't handle multiple accounts signing up to bridgy so will have to fix that soon.
# 03:55 mblaney snarfed: since you mentioned silo.pub though, feel free to say don't add multiple silo account support to bridgy...
# 03:56 mblaney I could always add micropub support to my site and use silo.pub instead?
gyuumaou joined the channel
# 05:03 gyuumaou i have a question, mostly curiosity. how often do you all find yourselves significantly changing the design of your site?
# 05:05 gyuumaou i end up redesigning mine every 3-6 months. usually from distaste of the current design
# 05:24 aaronpk gyuumaou: my trend has been redesigning every 3-4 years
# 05:28 KartikPrabhu I am 3 years into the current site and don't feel the need to a major redesign at all
# 05:29 KartikPrabhu i would rather channel that urge into designing articles since I can style each article separately
# 05:42 mblaney sorry me again... the twitter POSSE of the post I mentioned has a link back, but the bridgy log looks the same:
# 05:48 mblaney I was confused at the "No webmention targets" status but that only applies for the original post.
# 05:58 gyuumaou i try to do as much as i can myself, but for some reason instead of changing parts i change the whole thing every time i learn something new. which i suppose is good, if i'm changing it often i must be learning.
# 05:59 gyuumaou should really just use wordpress or octobercms or something though, it's getting old haha
# 06:00 KartikPrabhu this is not tied to using Wordpress or any other system. I use a custom system but don't redesign all the time
# 06:21 mblaney I can't believe the effort put into dealing with how silo post presentation... it's quite impressive.
loic_m joined the channel
# 06:33 mblaney Also I'm sure there are reasons why you might want to keep bridgy publish and bridgy backfeed separate, but if you've already got the data why would you want to go through the discovery process?
# 06:38 mblaney sure the posse-post-discovery process is fine if that's all you have. but it could be the fallback in this case.
# 06:42 KartikPrabhu also I am not sure Bridgy Publish saves the data of the published post; maybe it does
jihaisse joined the channel
j12t, sanduhrs, cweiske and jrenslin joined the channel
j12t, Pierre-O, arthurspooner, mlncn, mlncn_, brandonrozek, miklb, hs0ucy, Garbee and Harsha joined the channel
[jgarber] joined the channel
# 13:01 [jgarber] Good morning, all! How were last night’s Homebrew Website Clubs?
mlncn__, mlncn_, friedcell, arthurspooner, M-Kodo, M-RyanRix and mlncn joined the channel
# 13:37 GWG !tell acegiak What is the history of Semantic Linkbacks?
# 13:37 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
friedcell, singpolyma, snarfed, arthurspooner, j12t, gyuumaou, hs0ucy and shiflett joined the channel
shiflett and KevinMarks joined the channel
chrisaldrich, hs0ucy and emmak joined the channel
# 15:50 emmak aaronpk: i'm sorry i couldn't make it to hwc last night
shiflett and snarfed joined the channel
# 16:09 aaronpk it's nice that the weather is getting warmer now :-) makes me more excited about actually going out to places
# 16:14 aaronpk if the micropub update request results in the post having a new URL, I need the response to include the new URL, otherwise the editing interface has no way of finding it
# 16:17 emmak like if you edit the title of an article?
# 16:17 aaronpk depends on the site, but editing anything that would cause the URL to change
# 16:17 aaronpk in my case, my URLs are based on the publish date and an optional slug
# 16:17 aaronpk so if I change the publish date, the post would have a new URL
# 16:20 emmak what about the http location header in the response?
# 16:21 aaronpk wondering what HTTP code to use. I think either 202 Accepted or 303 See Other
# 16:21 aaronpk leaning towards 202 since it's already a valid response, although that means a browser won't actually follow the Location header from a form post
j12t and mlncn joined the channel
# 16:24 sknebel 202 is more "queued, you can look up later if I actually did something useful with it" in my interpretation?
# 16:24 sknebel as in, it isn't clear yet if the request was sucessful
# 16:26 aaronpk the only 2xx codes that allow a Location header are 201 and 202
# 16:33 sknebel 201 implies it is a new post, which it also isn't really... hm
# 16:41 aaronpk but it kind of seems weird to use a 3xx code as "success"
# 16:43 sknebel 303 is a redirect sending you to the success (or failure)
# 16:43 aaronpk 303 isn't quiiiite right "The response to the request can be found under another URI using a GET method."
# 16:44 aaronpk is this not a thing that happens normally? what does WebDav return?
# 16:44 aaronpk there's a "move/rename" operation in WebDAV right?
# 16:46 aaronpk and they use 201 to indicate "The source resource was successfully moved, and a new resource was created at the destination."
# 16:47 sknebel yeah, the model of "it's the same resource, it's just under a different path now" doesn't really work with HTTP
kegan joined the channel
# 16:51 aaronpk okay i'm going with 201 since it's what WebDAV does and seems like the least wrong option
gRegorLove and begriffs joined the channel
# 17:40 aaronpk so in doing a more thorough implementation of my site where i can update the slug and publish date of posts, it turns out doing a copy and delete is actually looking like a good option just architecturally
snarfed and calumryan joined the channel
# 17:45 aaronpk lots to consider when moving things around on disk
[shaners] joined the channel
# 17:55 [shaners] aaronpk: That’s prolly worth noting in the (DB vs filesystem) as datastore documentation on the wiki.
# 17:55 [shaners] Seems like, A: that’s not a problem for DB as datastore and 2: a decent solution to the problem in filesystem as datastore (copy and delete)
# 17:56 aaronpk mebbe. it'd still be a problem with DB as datastore unless you also stored attachments in the DB
# 17:56 aaronpk it's the attachments (photos and stuff) which make it hard
# 17:56 [shaners] If they’re stored in datetime directory structure. If they’re not, you don’t have to move them. Right?
# 17:57 aaronpk so i'm not sure there's anything really useful to add
# 17:57 [shaners] Also, I wonder about transactional concerns. What happens if things fail after you’ve copied but before you’ve copied?
# 17:57 aaronpk i could have also avoided a lot of this complexity if I stored things on disk in a different way
# 17:57 Loqi [shaners] meant to say: Also, I wonder about transactional concerns. What happens if things fail after you’ve deleted but before you’ve deleted?
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:17 aaronpk for the main post contents, yes. but I am actually doing a "move" operation on associated files
# 18:19 aaronpk now i should be able to better fix my posts when the timezone is wrong
# 18:20 aaronpk right now if i post after 5pm and the timezone isn't set properly, the date in the URL is set to tomorrow
# 18:21 aaronpk now that i can properly handle moving the files around, it should fix it when i update the date to be a different day
j12t and [shaners] joined the channel
# 18:32 [shaners] I made an event for IWC LA on FB. But somehow I made it a private event.
# 18:32 [shaners] But I can’t figure out where in the UI to make it a public event.
# 18:33 aaronpk cause anyone who RSVPd to the private event may not want that information to suddenly become public
# 18:33 aaronpk but if nobody has interacted with the event yet, they should let you change it
# 18:36 kylewm !tell rhiaro the second entry on http://rhiaro.co.uk/ has a little odd mf2 <a class="h-card p-name u-author u-url">; I don't think that's doing what you intend. also that post permalink is broken
# 18:36 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
M-kegan joined the channel
# 18:45 snarfed if anything else let me publish/own my data in public and (effectively) for free, in the same way, i'd be all over it
# 18:47 rhiaro I was going to further back up my position by linking to a recent post I made saying 'I hate computers'
# 18:48 snarfed if i could do computer science without computers, i'd do it and never turn back
# 18:48 [shaners] snarfed: I’m writing Markdown with pen and paper. So, kinda that. :stuck_out_tongue:
j12t joined the channel
# 18:48 rhiaro I swear the original was there a few days ago
# 18:49 rhiaro I think my website has become sentient and is fighting back
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 18:56 chrisaldrich Shaners, RE: IndieWebCamp LA facebook, if you make an event private, the only thing you can do is delete it and start over again. They don't have a simple toggle for making it public.
M-Kodo, M-RyanRix and begriffs joined the channel
begriffs_, gRegorLove, singpolyma and mlncn joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 19:10 chrisaldrich shaners: not sure how many of us native angelinos there are, but let me know what/how I can help on the event. I've been slowly trying to infect people in small groups and have been contemplating setting up pseudo regular events in LA, but have been too busy the last several months
# 19:11 chrisaldrich I'm hoping that with a local camp, perhaps I'll be more motivated to do some smaller evangelization locally between now and November
# 19:14 GWG Maybe if I figure out what my new lifestyle is, I'll try to come to LA. I haven't been in several years.
# 19:17 GWG ChrisAldrich, got a moment for some brain picking?
# 19:17 chrisaldrich Los Angeles in November will still probably be 70 degrees with good surfing weather.
# 19:19 GWG I was taking a break from something that I was stuck on and looking at Webmentions and Semantic Linkbacks. Any thoughts on improvements for them as a user?
begriffs and begriffs_ joined the channel
# 19:21 chrisaldrich I understand you were still breaking some of the rel-me stuff out of semantic linkback plugin right?
# 19:22 GWG ChrisAldrich, rel.me out of Syndication Links. That is what I tabled.
# 19:22 GWG I thought I should put it aside for a while
shiflett joined the channel
# 19:23 chrisaldrich The two biggest things from a UI perspective I see (in relation to WP) are having better display of comments/trackbacks/pingbacks/webmentions for themes in general, particularly facepiling likes and reposts
# 19:24 chrisaldrich The other is (possibly widgetizing) some of the h-card identification material that will make it easier to identify one on the web
# 19:24 GWG Would you like it even if you had to do some minor theme editing?
# 19:25 GWG ChrisAldrich, the h-card stuff is on the issue list for the Indieweb plugin.
# 19:25 chrisaldrich So for example creating a simple block with an upload for a photo, indcluding, name, address, titles, jobs, etc as well as other rel-me social media links in a simple block
# 19:26 chrisaldrich I don't do a lot of coding professionally, but I'm not opposed to getting my hands dirty on minor theme editing to get a better result.
# 19:26 chrisaldrich I think if there was a simple way to do some theme modification and a reasonable tutorial out there to follow, it might help infect more people into joining the community.
# 19:27 GWG It would be... 'Add this line to your theme where you want your Facepile.' or such.
# 19:29 GWG But my work at the moment is in enhancing the webmentions code to support some new stuff.
# 19:29 chrisaldrich That would be almost too easy... and certainly easily doable. As an example, I think there's an issue with the .org version of Independent Publisher I'd seen that wasn't even displaying likes/reposts from webmentions and I've been meaning to dig into it to fix it, particularly as the dev was actually interested in indieweb
# 19:29 GWG I am hoping to get in delete support and better updating
# 19:30 gRegorLove Can widgets hook into individual posts, both in a stream and on permalinks? I thought yes.
# 19:31 GWG Widgets can have display logic to not always show up.
# 19:31 GWG Plugin hooks are the ones most use to avoid theme hacking. It. limits the flexibility sometimes though
# 19:32 chrisaldrich delete support would be good. I can see some usefulness in updating, though I haven't had particular use cases that have been vexing presently. Do you have a particular case(s) in mind that I could think about?
# 19:33 chrisaldrich I also need to sit down and read through the newest version of the specs as I haven't done that since late last summer sometime. Are there any particular goodies I should focus on?
# 19:33 GWG Simple version is when you correct a typo on a reply
# 19:34 GWG A lot of what I am playing with is having the design to write a better update function later.
# 19:36 GWG I believe in improving on pfefferle's modular design
# 19:38 GWG Also, been reading the specification for ideas. The webmention timeout is set for 100 seconds, the specification suggests 5 as an example.
# 19:38 GWG Curious what other people are using
# 19:38 chrisaldrich yes, the modularity is certainly nice and useful and makes it easier to iterate on or replace/update later.
# 19:39 chrisaldrich I've been trying to spend some time digging into other projects like /known to try out functionality and view code
# 19:40 GWG ChrisAldrich, I use the Github issue tracker even to note my own ideas for enhancement
# 19:41 chrisaldrich The difference between them seems like a lifetime, I wonder what the usable range is
# 19:41 GWG I thought someone who implemented a webmention system might have thoughts.
# 19:42 chrisaldrich eventually the suite of tools may make bundling the entirety together into one super-set a useful thing to do...
# 19:43 GWG pingbacks in Wordpress default to 10
# 19:44 GWG Yes, but due to independent development tracks they are still separate
# 19:44 chrisaldrich The nice part is that things have come along tremendously far since about a year ago, which makes the overall usability and onboarding much better.
# 19:44 GWG Which is why merging may be more viable than before.
# 19:46 chrisaldrich Sometimes it seems like Known moves a bit faster as a project because it's so centralized in relation to the WP
# 19:47 chrisaldrich The IndieWeb plugin was a lovely stroke of genius as it makes some of the bundling to most end-users so seamless.
# 19:49 chrisaldrich I need to set aside some time to just plow through it, but I've been thinking of making a master user-manual for the WordPress suite of tools. Most of the major functionality seems pretty solid, but onboarding can be an issue since there are so many individual pieces which can/should be utilized.
snarfed1 joined the channel
# 19:51 chrisaldrich I know tantek has mentioned making on-boarding easier and smoother in the past, and the WP side of life has gotten WAY better since I started dabbling a year or two ago, but even I have problems keeping some of the moving parts straight.
# 19:52 gRegorLove There was some discussion yesterday about merging the Semantic Linkbacks plugin into the Webmention plugin so one plugin gives better looking comments.
# 19:52 gRegorLove Or, if not that, at least giving Semantic Linkbacks a better name.
# 19:55 chrisaldrich GWG, I know you occasionally do WP core dev work and that Matt is watching the spec in general, but what kind of though/discussion has there been about pushing into WP core? The evolution of what's happening in the community feels to me like the next iteration of what the web should be.
# 19:55 GWG gRegorLove, I want to talk to pfefferle and acegiak before any merger discussion.
# 19:56 GWG ChrisAldrich, very little discussion, but no gigantic opposition other than apathy.
# 19:57 chrisaldrich POSSE Linkbacks? IndieWeb Linkbacks? Webmention linkbacks? Something that keeps the overall branding?
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:10 chrisaldrich Thanks @gRegorLove, that's certainly helpful. Does anyone have a flowchart with dependencies (or make one?) Or possibly a proposed sketch of what could happen in the next year perhaps?
# 20:14 aaronpk how does Known upload photos to the server? Is it done in a normal HTML form, or does it use fancy XHR stuff to do it from javascript?
# 20:15 aaronpk i have this XHR thing mostly working in Quill, but it makes me nervous
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 20:21 aaronpk i'm not as worried abotu drag and drop, but I want to submit via JS so that I can show errors client-side without reloading the page
# 20:25 gRegorLove I think it handles that. Might be overkill for what you need though.
snarfed1 and tantek joined the channel
# 20:26 aaronpk yeah i implemented it in JS directly. holy cow browser JS has gotten way better since 2006
# 20:26 gRegorLove chrisaldrich: I don't think there's a flowchart yet. GWG might be working on it. I'm not a WordPress user myself, though quite a bit of experience with it for clients.
# 20:26 aaronpk document.getElementById('photo_preview').src = URL.createObjectURL(event.target.files[0])
# 20:27 aaronpk and the XMLHttpRequest API seems not insane anymore too
# 20:28 gRegorLove I haven't had to think "what about Internet Explorer..." in quite some time.
# 20:28 aaronpk and you can build multipart requests with the FormData class o.O
# 20:29 tantek is thinking about event post design again, as he does every day the day after HWC ;)
yakker joined the channel
# 20:32 aaronpk wow apparently the mobile safari <input type="file"> element shows a tiny preview of the photo itself!
# 20:32 aaronpk now I can test my laptop's version of Quill from my phone thanks to tunnlr!
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:46 gRegorLove Interesting social media interaction concepts: https://youtu.be/mixsze6uJPg Uses the proximity sensor on your phone to take a picture or video, so you hold it to your chest rather than stare at your phone to get it "just right"
# 20:51 kylewm so I'm not sure if I should finish implementing the authoriship algorithm or put it back the way it was
# 20:55 tantek kylewm: every step in the algorithm was based on someone's authoring publishing practice
# 20:57 kylewm no doubt, but has anyone implemented the algorithm?
# 20:58 tantek or rather, which subsets *have* been implemented?
# 20:59 kylewm I suspect most implementations do some of the algorithm and some things outside of the algorithm
# 21:00 kylewm I havne't personally seen any that actually do the extra fetch if the author is on another URL
# 21:02 KevinMarks TIL if I typo a twitter handle to a non-existent one, twitter doesn't make it a reply post
# 21:03 tantek gRegorLove: in your site, or open source somewhere?
# 21:03 Loqi [Kevin Marks] @kylewmahan If I reply to this on known, and POSSE to twitter, does twitter get the URL?
# 21:04 gRegorLove I'll review my code and note on there what I do and don't support
shiflett joined the channel
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# 21:12 kylewm gRegorLove: is your implementation in ProcessWire-Webmention?
# 21:14 kylewm minor minor nitpick, I think you are not doing 5.2
# 21:17 kylewm although hmm, barnaby's function does quite a bit
# 21:18 gRegorLove kylewm: It does, but I think my parseAuthor function only handles if it returns an h-card, not a URL or a plain text author name.
# 21:19 kylewm gRegorLove: yeah but I think it does some heuristics to try to "flesh out" a u-author
# 21:19 kylewm so like on aaron's page, you have u-author = /, I think barnaby's function will return a full h-card
# 21:36 aaronpk it also does actually fetch the author URL like the algorithm says, but I wasn't happy about it
# 21:43 kylewm I suspected it might but honestly couldn't remember the name
snarfed joined the channel
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# 22:20 aaronpk hmm should Quill correct the photo rotation before it sends it to the micropub endpoint? or is that something my micropub endpoint should do? or both?
snarfed1, arthurspooner, frzn and snarfed joined the channel
# 22:55 aaronpk ookay funtimes. now Quill corrects the photo rotation before sending it along.
tantek joined the channel
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# 23:12 aaronpk well it's not pretty, but new note interface for Quill is live
# 23:12 aaronpk and I successfully POSSEd kitten butt to Twitter with it, photo rotation was correct on both copies
Nissyen, snarfed1, rrix and snarfed joined the channel
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