#aaronpkindiewebify seemed to resolve the twitter URL fine, but it's having trouble "fetching" the URL which is probably due to google appengine's weird URL handling
#aaronpkdo you have some other plugin that's changing all your URLs to protocol relative URLs? it looks like almost every link on the page is protocol relative
#gRegorLoveben_thatmustbeme has something (maybe it's that rel=contact), which I thought his Vouch code consumed. Might just be rel=me that points to a page on the same domain though.
#gRegorLoveI want my webmention plugin to consume a page of h-cards and use the URLs it finds as a default whitelist
#LoqiXFN is an abbreviation for XHTML Friends Network, the network of visible links across blogs that claim various XFN relationships with/to each other https://indiewebcamp.com/XFN
#gRegorLoveThink I'll keep it simple and just allow the user to paste in a URL tha thas h-cards and use those as the whitelist basis.
#tantekgRegorLove: no, it's just a phase, we brainstorm things, then prototype / experiment, then if things get traction (publishing & consuming), then we start specing/formalizing
#LoqigRegorLove meant to say: Think I'll keep it simple and just allow the user to paste in a URL that has h-cards and use those as the whitelist basis.
#gRegorLoveIf anything, I'd rather try class="h-card u-following"
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#tantekgRegorLove: properties only make sense in the context of an object
#tantekif you want to experiment, use -x-, e.g. u-x-following
#tantekand what parent h-* object is that supposed to be part of?
#tantekyour instincts are right that based on /rel-values discussion of rel vs class, it may be better to explore experiments with u-x-* instead
#gRegorLoveNevermind, didn't think that one through fully
#tantekthat's the one advantage rel values - they already have the context of a parent object - the whole page
#gRegorLoveYeah, but would that mean I have to put one followee per page?
#tantekwhenever you're not sure, think of rel values like stylesheet
#tanteka page can have multiple style sheets that apply to it
#gRegorLoveDoes it make sense to say "http://gregorlove.com/following/ is following Tantek", or shouldn't it be "http://gregorlove.com/ is following Tantek"?
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] Music Monday: Walk Off the Earth
#tantekpart of the challenge with a lot of the newer proposed rel values is that they were proposed without specific consuming code use-cases (that anyone had any intent of actually building - beyond just "someone could use it to do x")
#tantekright that's the problem/challenge with rel values - they only indicate the "from" as the page itself
#Loqifollow is a common button in silo UIs (like Twitter) that adds updates from that profile (typically a person) to the stream shown in an integrated reader, and sometimes creates a follow post either in the follower's stream ("… followed …" or "… is following …") thus visible to their followers, and/or in the notifications of the user being followed ("… followed you") http://indiewebcamp.com/following
#KevinMarksthe advantage of xfn is that has a decent installed base in wordpress, though creating blogrolls is not so popular these days
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#tantekKevinMarks: sort of. the UI for adding XFN links is quite buried now in WordPress
#tantekand the challenge is that since Google Social Graph API shutdown, no more popular (or even minor?) consuming applications (beyond rel=me / RelMeAuth / Web Sign-in / IndieAuth)
#tantekwithout that feedback loop - it's not even clear how much of the XFN data out there is accurate or has just decayed like meta data tends to
#aaronpkkylewm: we decided it was my fault that my tweets show up with " in them right?
#tantekLet's see if we can figure out how to make that experience incrementally better
#GWGtantek, no. I thought I read yesterday's log. Will look now.
#aaronpki think nothing was wrong with the indieweb plugins based on that discussion
#tantekaaronpk: it's not a matter of "nothing was wrong", it's a matter of "how can we make that experience better overall?"
#aaronpki mean that the issues had nothing to do with the wordpress plugin
#GWGI agree with aaronpk, but it is still the issue I was working on with putting rel me into the Indieweb plugin.
#aaronpkit pointed out different bugs in indieauth.com and indiewebify.me
#tantekI'm willing to bet there is *some* sort of improvement(s) we can make to IndieWeb plugin, and IndieWebify.me, and even IndieAuth to better detect specific errors and provide more specific actionable steps to fix problems
#tantekat a minimum, did the bugs get filed in github issues on indiewebify and indieauth?
#GWGThat was what was stalling me, so after not moving on the issue, I took a break
#tanteksecond, since that's the current state, IndieWeb plugin could check for the cases that cause those errors, and help the blog author work around them
#tantekthere's always something we can do, in any of those places, to improve the overall experience
#tantekGWG, if you don't want to take a look at that set of issues, here's another one instead
#GWGI did a lot of work in January on improving user friendliness
#tantekI think that's why we're seeing more feedback! More users because it's more user friendly :)
#GWGI just stalled from late January through March.
#GWGtantek, I didn't deploy from Github to WordPress.org, so maybe not
#tantekUsually more feedback is a good sign, it means more people are 1) trying it, and 2) getting far enough to think it's worth the time to ask for help (rather than just give up)
#tantekGWG - sure, if there's gh vs wp org diff, you can point that out and suggest the person try the newer one
#GWGtantek, keep on me. I find it encouraging/motivating. But I'm going to do a little webmentions work and see if I can return to Indieweb after
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#tantekGWG, would be great if you could @-reply misuba and provide him encouragement too!
#tantekI have YxYY July 8-11, and then family stuff the next weekend, but then after that I think I'm available too
#GWGIn the pull request I sent pfefferle, I rewrote the plugin to allow for drop in replacement of the current synchronous handler with an asynchronous one.
#tantekis that awaiting review? is that the issue?
#GWGSo even though I am not writing one right now, someone could add it.
#tantek.comedited /Planning (+802) "note IWC LA has a page and appears to have fairly firm dates, New York City 2 planning! Dates and some initial +1/-1s" (view diff)
#[shaners]Pivotal is providing lots of space. A handful of people to be around to help with logistics, I expect several Pivots will attend as well. The office has very fast internet. AV gear already set up in the common area (intros / demos) and video chat in all of the conference rooms. They will provide at least one meal, maybe more. I’ll prolly line up another sponsor or two just to help out. But it’s a pretty full package here.
#aaronpkI might be able to pull off August, as long as it's not Aug 6-7
#[shaners]I’m giving a lunch time 10 minute talk about #indieweb, IWC and (briefly) Dark Matter later this month to the office. And then we’ll be doing weekly hack nights to build up to IWC in November.
#tantekhmm, I think I found an interesting (quirky? rare?) person-tagging use-case, specifically, for when I *only* want to person-tag IF I can be assured of the person-tag having a specific point (or rect) on the photo
#tanteknormally when I person-tag photos, it's "ok" for it to just be a list of people, because typically the people's faces are visible, and I can order the tags left-to-right, top to bottom.
#tantekhowever sometimes a photo only has parts of people (hands, arms, feet), and in that case it only really makes sense (to me at least) to person-tag if I can pin the person-tags on the parts in the photo
#[kevinmarks]We can talk to them, they did fragmention support before
#[shaners]That’s interesting. I never got any traction from them on better export formatting. Or putting real datetime’s on their website. But maybe you’ll have better luck with them.
#lmorchardAlas, no photo, and an HWC meeting didn’t quite come together. It had been a JS meetup that we tried to repurpose, and it kind of reverted back to a JS meetup
#tantektbrb - did you take photos at recent HWC Edinburgh?
#tbrbNo recent ones, when people are around again we'll get some at one of the next ones
#tantekgRegorLove: your suggestion of a template for HWC meetups might be a particularly good idea for HWC Edinburgh, since their details are the same for every week, and they meet on Tuesdays (every week)
#tantektbrb: do you have particular recent(-ish) HWC Edinburgh wiki page that you think is worthy of semi-automatically cloning to every remaining Tuesday in the year?
#kylewm"Folks, I’ve been telling you for going on 3 years now to turn off XML-RPC and that’s what these things [pingbacks and webmentions] use." -- is that true?
#GWGEach feature is developed as a separate package.
#tantekas Mike's tweets made it clear, users care about what *user* functionality they are getting with a plugin, they don't really care about which does what protocol and why they are separate plugins for architectural reasons
#GWGThe Indieweb plugin is meant to allow packages to be installed
#tantekGWG, what you're calling "feature" in this case is plumbing, not a user visible features typically
#voxpelliit's too bad that WordPress doesn't have a dependency mechanism that makes it possibly to automatically have all dependencies resolved without any custom code :/
#tanteke.g. compare "Indie Responses" (just a strawman) to "Semantic Linkbacks"
#GWGAgreed. I'm using feature in the context of how Wordpress develops new enhancement, by developing as a feature plugin
#tantekjust because other devs are plumbing-centric doesn't mean we should be
#tantekright, it makes sense to have a *simple* IndieWeb plugin that gives people rel-me and IndieAuth support so they can play with that and see *something* working
#miklbfinds this discussion relative to his Jekyll project
#voxpelliit wouldn't have to replace the existing modules, just be a way to attack the problem from two different angles
#miklbvoxpelli I'm getting much closer. If there was a way to have a "theme" separate from jekyll, I'd already be dogfooding it on my own site to finish fleshing out
#GWGI think it may have been too much work to maintain two tracks.
#voxpellimiklb: you can likely achieve it through a git submodule of includes
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#voxpellimiklb: the possibly tricky thing is to get both layouts + includes from the same module, which one would probably need, but maybe one could symlink stuff
#voxpelliGWG: one could be a superset/subset of the other perhaps, especially if one could share some libraries between them through eg. submodules or something
#miklbvoxpelli hmm. With some tweaking of config, can define custom paths for includes & layouts, might be a way to use that to have a "theme" in a submodule.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]Is "indie replies" a good name? How about "clear replies" or "readable replies" or if you want a semantic subtext "meaningful replies"
#gRegorLoveHeh. On Twitter advanced search I tabbed to "Written in (language)" drop-down select and typed "en" to get English. The "n" popped up the Compose New Tweet UI
#snarfedacegiak: if so, congrats!...and consider removing the "Project actively developed on Github at pfefferle/wordpress-semantic-linkbacks." changelog header :P
#kylewmMedium for Publishers is an odd name, I thought Medium was for publishers from the beginning :P
#kylewmtantek: kevinmarks: the Known plugin Kevin is using to repost is more suited for bookmarks. that's why it syndicates to twitter like a bookmark rather than a retweet
#aaronpkultimately i'm going to have to whitelist bridgy specifically at some point
#gRegorLovetantek: ^ Added a "Want to read" example for your consideration / if you want to come up with an emoji for it.
#tantekkylewm in your "concrete problem" steps, did you mean to be explicit about 2. Bob replies (and POSSEs his reply to twitter)?
#aaronpksince essentially it's providing a "fake" representation of twitter.com and facebook.com URLs, and I'm choosing to trust bridgy over the canonical URLs for those
#tantekotherwise why is "Carl replies to Bob on Twitter "?
#aaronpkbut i think that's okay, because I signed up with bridgy explicitly
#kylewmso, are you saying that if Alice POSSEd to Twitter and Bob POSSEd to Twitter, then Bridgy would backfeed Carl's reply all the way back to Alice without having to rely on Salmentions, so this is not a use case we need to worry about?
#tantekeach of which has their own markup, whether u-like or p-comment etc.
#tantekI'd ask ben_thatmustbeme how he has approached / solved this problem since I think he does the most with showing threaded replies (including backfeed from Bridgy)
#tantekI mean, he did solve it, somehow, without needing additional markup from Bridgy
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: when you're crawling a reply chain to build a recursive reply context, and you encounter a url that doesn't have microformats like twitter.com, how do you get the mf2 representation of it?
#ben_thatmustbemei'm not sure i support all the things tantek thinks i do. this has happened before.
#tantekanyway, in general this conversation will make the most sense with more Salmention implementing sites/people involved to point out the actual problems (if any) that they've run into due to salmentions supposedly from silo backfeeds
#ben_thatmustbemeah, i believe i use the twitter shim for that. been a long time since i have looked at that code
#kylewmI can't think of a real example where this would cause loss of reply fidelity
#snarfedah. so the idea is that salmention consumers always consume the embedded mf2 on the containing page, so they don't need to also fetch the original u-url?
#snarfedwhy close then? because we don't yet have real salmention users with this problem in practice yet?
#Loqi[kylewm] so, are you saying that if Alice POSSEd to Twitter and Bob POSSEd to Twitter, then Bridgy would backfeed Carl's reply all the way back to Alice without having to rely on Salmentions, so this is not a use case we need to worry about?...
#ben_thatmustbemewonders what would happen if the u-url of the reply-to-reply was set to a bridgy URL. Depending on the consumer code, if it fetches the reply from that url, it will find the real u-url of the twitter post
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: I think that is the solution voxpelli was playing with in the OP; where bridgy would do some user agent sniffing to decide whether to forward you on to the silo url or not
#ben_thatmustbemeAlice posts on her site, POSSE's to twitter, Bob on twitter, reply's (bridgy hosts reply back to alice at /1) carl reply's to bob's reply. bridgy hosts it at /2 and updates /1 to list ONLY THE URL as the reply
#snarfedben_thatmustbeme: ah, u-url in the receiver's display. seems uncomfortable, but sure
#snarfedooh man user agent sniffing this may be where i bow out
#[kevinmarks]The challenge with posse of a reply that wasn't POSSEd is that known doesn't posse the in reply to url unless I add it explicitly
#[kevinmarks]So if I am not sure if your post was possed , I risk send a tweet with no reference to the source
#ben_thatmustbemeits icky, yes, but the thing is, we already have a special case for bridgy. we are trusting bridgy to us the MF2 of an external site, which you normally shouldn't do. So we are already assuming the URL we fetched the MF2 from is not the canonical URL
#ben_thatmustbemeso implementations should already be rechecking the u-url of the post when they get to it
#ben_thatmustbemethe nice thing is that its the same processing model for the reply-to-reply processing
#kylewmKevinMarks: Known's Twitter plugin let's you do that? That's a bug imho
#kylewmif it let's you send a reply as a tweet without an in-reply-to tweet
#snarfedso ben_thatmustbeme just to confirm, your proposal is that when sites render wms they've received, they should displa* the wm source's u-url, but they should put the actual original source url in their rendered wm's u-url?
#snarfedie for a backfed @-reply, they'd show the twitter.com url visibly, but they'd set its u-url internally to brid-gy.appspot.com/... ?
#aaronpkif that was the case then i'd have to special-case bridgy anyway still, since i want people to go to twitter.com when they click the permalink of a reply
#snarfedaaronpk: seems like that's still doable. you just don't put u-url on that permalink. you instead put it on a separate link to the original source, eg your 'via' link
#ben_thatmustbemesnafed, looking at the example kylewm gave on that post, no. I was looking at a different case
#ben_thatmustbemei was thinking of the case of bridgy actually sending the salmention
#snarfedaaronpk: i don't think so, right? if anything, it's just different logic for when u-url is the same as source url (or missing) vs when they're different
#snarfedben_thatmustbeme: ok. i doubt we'd add salmention-specific logic to bridgy, beyond just twitter @-reply chains, but maybe i'm missing something
#LoqiSalmentions are a protocol extension to Webmention to propagate comments and other interactions upstream by sending a webmention from a response to the original post when the response itself receives a response (comment, like, etc.) https://indiewebcamp.com/salmention
#ben_thatmustbemesnarfed, the use case i would want is, I post on my site (and posse to twitter), somone on twitter replies. someone else on twitter replies to that tweet. I should get a salmention to pull an update from the first reply
#snarfedben_thatmustbeme: bridgy already does that for you now, no salmentions needed. discussed a bit earlier. :P we're now looking for an example that bridgy doesn't already do.
#kylewmcannot navigate singpolyma's site, gives up
#kylewmben_thatmustbeme: my library mf2util returns an simplified version of the mf2 representation of a page
#kylewmbut it serves a pretty different purpose, and has domain-knowledge of the different properties, e.g. properties are always multi-valued or always single-valued
#aaronpkoh dammit. startssl.com updated their site but now it's broken in chrome
#tantekI'm sure they tested it in at least one browser ;)
#aaronpki am kind of curious if i could use an SSH tunnel to reverse proxy port 80 and 443 to my local 80 and 443 and get SSL set up on it and everything
#aaronpkand *.tunnlr.xyz is forwarded to my laptop \o/
#bear(your nginx forwarding of port # question above) -- it can't, you have to match them up with different server blocks (or pass the port # as a special header)
#bear(tho you might be able to do it now with lua scripting in nginx)
#aaronpknot sure what you mean. basically I had nginx listening on 80 with ngrok as the proxy_pass server, and when I went to http://example.tunnlr.xyz/ it would successfully hit ngrok but said the tunnel was not found. but if I went to http://example.tunnlr.xyz:6080/ (where ngrok was actually listening on) then it found the tunnel
#tantekwonders how long until aaronparecki.com is just a cache of what's on aaronpk's laptop, and he uses bluetooth to post from all his mobile devices to his laptop without having to touch the internet directly
#tantek.comedited /principles (+57) "link to positives in dfn para rather than negs, put code of conduct at top as well for additional discoverabilty" (view diff)