LoqiBootstrap is a large collection of boilerplate HTML and CSS styles and components originally developed by Twitter https://indiewebcamp.com/Bootstrap
LoqiA feed reader is an application (local or on the web, like the defunkt Google Reader) that subscribes to feeds (typically legacy Atom & RSS) and presents them in an interface for reading https://indiewebcamp.com/aggregator
acegiakOK my friend's coworkers are being targeted by Gamergate for daring to put a transwoman in a popular franchise. Time to start removing personal information from my blog
snarfed!tell tantek just fyi, i haven't fully figured out why your other IG responses haven't backfed, but it may not end up a high priority. accounts switching back and forth btw public/private definitely isn't a case that bridgy sees much or has much practice with, especially applying to older responses. (it stores and reuses most of the post/response data internally, eg public/private.)
aaronpkso should I be sending webmentions to URLs of the people who leave comments on my post? now that I re-read /salmention it doesn't actually say to do that
Loqitantek: snarfed left you a message 45 minutes ago: just fyi, i haven't fully figured out why your other IG responses haven't backfed, but it may not end up a high priority. accounts switching back and forth btw public/private definitely isn't a case that bridgy sees much or has much practice with, especially applying to older responses. (it stores and reuses most of the post/response data internally, eg public/private.) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-04-05/line/1459867365008
tanteksnarfed: definitely not a high priority for Bridgy. Was hoping you could use the data to perhaps find other bugs as I think many of those cases should have worked (e.g. before I flipped my account to private 2015-02-??, but after the nested h-feed bugfix on 2015-12-31)
tantekaaronpk: interesting. in that case, first document that as a /notification use-case, and then link from there to /Salmention as the mechanism for enabling it
tantekbasically, we should stick to a pretty strict practice of not "just" implementing protocols for protocols sake, but rather first requiring ourselves to explicitly document the desired UI effects, and precisely how those require what protocol interactions, and then and only then actually implement those protocol interactions
tantekit will force us to only implement plumbing when necessary for specific UX, rather than getting lost in the classic dev-centric plumbing implementation for plumbing's sake trap
aaronpkyes that makes sense. I think I implemented this without thinking about it because it wasn't a huge leap from how I am sending webmentions for links in my posts.
aaronpki'm going to remove it since there isn't a good reason to have it, but the "u-like" bug in semantic-linkbacks that tantek fixed is still definitely necessary
tantekaaronpk: the use-case for resending webmentions to earlier comments, when someone makes a new comment, is the notification "So-and-so also commented on a post by Aaron Parecki"
aaronpkSalmention says "then resend Webmentions to everything the original post sent webmentions to" which is not the same as sending webmentions to URLs in comments
sknebelif I understand correctly, Github pages requires an external build service if you want more than stock Jekyll, GitLab integrates with their own, so you can run whatever SSG you want
sknebelvoxpelli: ok, then I remembered that right. Readymade examples + not having to link 2 services hopefully makes it even easier for people to get started
GWGI've decided to table the Indieweb plugin for a bit, since I feel stuck on that, and switch over to a PR for the Webmention plugin that brings it closer to the specification
Loqinotifications in the context of the IndieWeb refer to all forms and ways that an independent web site can receive a message indicating something of interest (server notifications), and potentially relay that information (preferably in realtime) to one or more devices used by the owner of that site (client notifications) https://indiewebcamp.com/notification
gRegorLoveFB auto-subscribes you to notifications when you interact with a status. I often will immediately unsubscribe after I comment because I don't need to hear that all these people I don't know also commented.
snarfedbasically my hope was that it indexed crawled pages by mf2 class, e.g. h-entry, p-content, u-like-of, so that i could give it one of those and it would give me back all pages/sites that use it
snarfedbear: ok! feature request then. :P i have a question like this once a month or so. more examples in the first paragraph on http://snarfed.org/indie-stats
tantekthus lending more credence to the theory that photos (in general) on Swarm are treated like comments unless they are literally attached at the precisely moment of checkin directly using the app
aaronpki've been moving things around on my servers, and tried to bundle install my twitter search code which used that gem, and it said it was disappeared
snarfedKevinMarks: oh if it's indiewebcamp's, and the event is on your site, you also need to add your domain to indiewebcamp's fb profile and re-sign up w/bridgy