2016-04-20 UTC
KevinMarks joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
# 02:17 gRegorLove I think I have local image caching set up! First few tests have worked, at least.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
# 02:48 GWG Just was in the feature project meeting.
# 02:48 GWG Apparently, I'm still having trouble boiling it down.
Lancey joined the channel
# 03:11 GWG tantek: You write proposals a lot, right?
# 03:13 GWG Isn't that part of your business?
# 03:13 GWG Isn't a standard a proposal for people to follow?
# 03:14 tantek GWG, depends on the particular standard and approach
# 03:15 tantek these days more and more standards are written up based on more informal conventions that have shown some momentum already
# 03:19 aaronpk gRegorLove: neat! so you're using the same technique, but written in PHP?
# 03:19 aaronpk "local" meaning not storing on amazon s3, but just storing on disk?
# 03:31 tantek does Bridgy Backfeed look for the original post from a FB Event post's "Find Tickets" link?
# 03:47 GWG I'm just trying to figure out how to write a WordPress prooposal people can get behind
# 03:48 tantek I'd look first at examples of successful proposals that they've "gotten behind" in the past
mdik and snarfed joined the channel
squeakytoy2 and tantek joined the channel
# 04:13 miklb GWG do you have an outline of your proposal?
# 04:14 GWG I know what I want to do, but I'm having trouble outlining it
# 04:15 miklb as someone who's been around WP a long time, my 2¢ would be to appeal to the technical merits of new/more efficient code (assuming that is an aspect of the work) and the core of what WP was founded on of owning your data and possessing a democratic voice
# 04:16 GWG "I've always liked pings from a theoretical viewpoint, and I totally agree that the implementation sucks, so I like it."
# 04:16 GWG "Three thoughts: 1) The code is indeed some of the oldest in WP. (Though that doesn’t necessarily mean it needs to be rewritten.) 2) The XML-RPC dependency is one of the lightest things about the pingback in WordPress, so I’m not sold on that being a driver. 3) A webmentions plugin would be cool."
# 04:53 aaronpk haha yes. The w3c publishing system is in UTC so I published it tomorrow today
# 04:53 aaronpk going to wait until pacific time catches up before I announce it :-)
# 04:54 GWG aaronpk: Didn't add that question I asked about though.
# 04:55 aaronpk yeah, I will add it to the next one. The group approved publishing the current draft so it wouldn't have been appropriate to sneak that in at the last second.
# 04:56 GWG I like that one as I can imagine a malicious individual trying to get sites to download a video files. And when you pair it with the limit request size one...
# 04:57 aaronpk Right now it says you *can* do a head request first, but maybe it should recommend it
snarfed joined the channel
# 05:30 GWG Just showed my nephew the SWAT0 demo for some reason
# 05:55 kylewm oh la la just got my first native comment spam
# 06:01 kylewm nah, the "Public Comments" plugin lets you leave a comment without registering
wolftune and cweiske joined the channel
cweiske, jihaisse and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
cweiske and tvn joined the channel
dym_cx joined the channel
# 07:59 dym_cx !tell tantek: can twtr.io redirect to m.twitter.com? 1.4Mb vs 3.8Mb on non-mobile site
# 07:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 08:00 dym_cx 1.4Mb is still too much for 140 letters
loic_m and j12t joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
snarfed, barnabywalters and Pierre-O joined the channel
# 09:43 Jeena oh wait it was me, I am parsing the source-view
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
wolftune, j12t, dym_cx and mlncn joined the channel
# 10:49 dym_cx what's wrong with having 1-button mouse?
# 10:49 dym_cx s/having/using/
# 10:49 Loqi dym_cx meant to say: what's wrong with using 1-button mouse?
# 11:00 dym_cx general reason for website obesity is the same as for why silos or why using Java – it's **faster and easier** to make a bloated monolithic product which fits needs of the moment
# 11:15 dym_cx petermolnar: "faster and easier" is also greed. for time (man-hours), costs of optimisation, and planning for the future
# 11:16 myfreeweb for big websites, it's often just managers not paying developers to care about performance specifically and instead demanding to add ALL the analytics services, ALL the ad networks, etc.
frzn joined the channel
# 11:27 cweiske .. and one department does not have access to the analytics analysis web interface, so they request another tracker to be integrated so they can see, too
dym_cx joined the channel
barnabywalters and j12t joined the channel
# 12:24 sknebel Oh, my in-progress webmention endpoint limits the amount of data it downloads *before* decompressing it... I guess I'll have to throw a memory limit on the process as well?
friedcell joined the channel
# 12:26 cweiske but you can decompress data even if they are not complete
# 12:26 sknebel But 5 MB gzipped HTTP-request can expand to 5 GB data in memory
friedcell1 joined the channel
# 12:26 sknebel and catching that isn't that easy with the libs I'm using
# 12:27 sknebel so I'll probably set a cgroup and have the verifier OOM-killed when it uses to much memory
# 12:30 sknebel loading and parsing user-supplied URLs has a lot of pitfalls, who would have thought ;)
# 12:32 cweiske I should try to let my webserver deliver a gzip bomb at an url and send webmentions out
tantek and friedcell joined the channel
g3funk, cweiske, brianlovewords_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:12 aaronpk it has some fun XSS tests right now, btu a gzip bomb also sounds fun
friedcell, j12t and sandro joined the channel
# 14:36 sknebel voxpelli: since it wasn't immediatly obvious what's the best way to add such a test case I created a github issue. I'll try to look into it in more detail in the next few days and will come back to you with questions (haven't done much node.js)
# 14:39 aaronpk KevinMarks: how do you determine the 6th number in the matrix transform of the SVG? I didn't see that mentioned in the blog post
# 14:43 voxpelli sknebel: just a warning that it may take a few weeks before I can give a deeper look at anything :/ Reswamped with work
# 14:44 aaronpk KevinMarks: also i'm confused because your post says you need to use <embed> but the example above it has the svg in an <img> tag
# 14:44 sknebel voxpelli: no problem, thanks for the warning though ;)
saurik and shiflett joined the channel
Garbee, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and tantek joined the channel
tvn_ joined the channel
# 15:53 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Itching: h-event to iCal converter
# 15:59 aaronpk looks like i get 105kb on mobile.twitter.com so that isn't too bad
# 16:00 KartikPrabhu also Twitter's modal nonsense loads a bunch of unnecessary background stuff
# 16:01 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: like a giant profile background picture
# 16:03 kylewm twitter's mobile website hasn't been updated in ages though, like I don't think it has polls or any of that newer stuff
# 16:04 KartikPrabhu i mean going mobile-first will prevent mobile site from going stale and keep "desktop" site from growing huge
j12t, brianlovewords_ and frzn joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 16:35 aaronpk it uses a whitelist so that it doesn't clobber the whole server, but you could change that if you wanted
# 16:35 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] Setting up HTTPS with Letsencrypt.org
# 16:36 kylewm hmm, so you mean I could add server_name silo.pub woodwind.xyz kylewm.com
# 16:40 kylewm hmm, ok but I can't have multiple server blocks for the same server, so all three would have to do the same http->https redirection
# 16:42 aaronpk bear: i've found you have to use $http_host instead of $server_name
begriffs joined the channel
# 16:42 aaronpk since $server_name is set to the first server name in the list, not the one that was used for the requst
# 16:42 bear I probably would have learned that once I got to > 1 item :)
# 16:47 kylewm I have already referred to this post like 4 times :P
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
gRegorLove and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:00 [kevinmarks] Aaron: when you invert the y axis you have to move it back up by twice the lowest y value
tantek joined the channel
# 17:04 aaronpk notices a 30kb google favicon that could probably be trimmed down
# 17:04 tantek kevinmarks, sorta - adtech is only part of the problem
# 17:05 tantek and most indieweb sites don't have any adtech nonsense anyway
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 17:07 Loqi Welcome, indie-visitor! Set your nickname by typing /nick yourname
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:08 kylewm aaronpk: the very last command letsencrypt-auto --renew; I think that has changed
# 17:08 kylewm just running "letsencrypt-auto renew" checks all the certificates in the system and tries to renew them if necessary
# 17:09 aaronpk oh interesting, so it will know not to renew unless it's expiring soon?
# 17:09 indie-visitor hello friends! i have found a venue for indie web camp NYC for the weekend of 8/27
# 17:09 kylewm I get "letsencrypt: error: ambiguous option: --renew could match --renew-by-default, --renew-hook
# 17:09 tantek hello indie-visitor! use the /nick yourname command to change your nickname :)
# 17:10 aaronpk this is the classic problem with trying to automate all the things. automation breaks if they make changes to the scripts.
# 17:13 Loqi [indieweb] "New @W3C Webmention working draft today!
friedcell, indie-visitor and brianlovewords_ joined the channel
# 17:17 tantek Emma, did you say we have a venue for IWC NYC2?!?
# 17:22 tantek did you fix the x-axes of the sparklines to all start on the same day?
# 17:22 aaronpk it's like i have to come up with a new layout for a 1/4 wide version of each kind of post
# 17:23 tantek when you link something it shows a mini version of the post
# 17:23 aaronpk kinda. i realized that the sparklines were only showing values for weeks when there were posts, so I made it fill in with 0s if there were no posts that week.
# 17:23 aaronpk i think they take up too much horizontal space tho. might try moving the text above the sparkline
# 17:24 tantek I think you could the headings down a lot on the 1/4 wide versions
# 17:24 tantek that will get them closer to the 45deg ideal limit
mlncn_ joined the channel
# 17:25 tantek the peaks of the sparklines should not go above the capital/ascenders of the line they're on
# 17:25 tantek you can drop the headings on the 4 blocks I think
# 17:26 tantek the eat/drink icons convey that type sufficiently
# 17:27 tantek interesting difference between the 4 things you show sparklines for vs. the 4 things you show boxes for
# 17:28 aaronpk oh the other way i was thinking about showing the sleep image (or maybe add a sparkline for sleep?) is to show a graph of amount of sleep per night for the last n nights
# 17:29 aaronpk food wouldn't be interesting as a sparkline since it's relatively consistent. events wouldn't be interesting because there are so few of them compared to the rest.
# 17:30 tantek aaronpk: I think the color detail chart on sleep looks nicer in the design
# 17:30 tantek bear, GWG, and everyone else - how does 8/27-28 in NYC look for you?
# 17:35 snarfed so we have a bridgy publish design problem that we'd love feedback on
# 17:35 snarfed we're starting to support multi-user sites, where there's a single domain and each user has a path prefix
# 17:35 snarfed we added support, and it works, but it also broke a few single-user sites who link to a path in their silo profile instead of their home page, e.g. me.com/about instead of me.com
# 17:36 snarfed any thoughts on how to distinguish and handle multi-user vs single-user domains?
# 17:37 bear tantek - that is far enough away that I have no worries about the dates - I don't plan things more than 2 weeks out
begriffs_ joined the channel
# 17:44 sknebel snarfed: just from the example, wwwtech.de has a rel=me to wwwtech.de/about. that might be an indicator?
# 17:44 sknebel but requires that on a multiuser site the main page is "trusted" (as in, no user can add a rel=me there)
# 17:49 tantek hmm - looks like FB's "See Friendship" feature has been quietly regressing
# 17:50 tantek as in losing functionality. seems to now only show date you "friended", and globally visible photos that you're both tagged in. used to show things like events you both went to
# 17:56 snarfed (i don't really care too much about terminology here though, happy to cede any details)
# 18:02 gRegorLove I like the idea of matching the author URL against their link on the silo, though depending how much HTML control each user has, they could spoof it.
# 18:02 tantek aaronpk: we should do demos at HWCs tonight of all the things people got working at IWC Nuremberg!!
# 18:04 aaronpk good idea! tho I just realized I haven't posted this on calagator yet.
# 18:04 aaronpk always tricky remembering to do that after coming back from a trip
snarfed and friedcell joined the channel
# 18:05 kylewm gRegorLove: I think you mitigate that by requiring mutual rel-me links
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:25 [kevinmarks] Interesting. I just noticed that android N puts web pages back in a sub tab of chrome, except some progressive web apps get
# 18:29 tantek kylewm: I'm ready to try making webactions / indie-config work again with your site - if you can still hack it up to do so!
# 18:30 tantek I got my webactions working with voxpelli's indie-config (as in he was able to click on my "like" and "reply" buttons and have them automatically open up in Quill to post to his site, instead of the fallback Twitter tweet actions)
webgefrickel joined the channel
# 18:32 gRegorLove [kevinmarks]: sub-tab? Like each tab isn't a separate card in the app switcher?
friedcell joined the channel
# 18:53 kylewm tantek: we can definitely try it with 2015.kylewm.com ... adding web acitons to Known would be non-trivial
brianlovewords_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:01 [kevinmarks] Yes, the app switcher just has chrome, but chrome has a number that expands into cards
frzn joined the channel
# 19:11 sknebel [kevinmarks]: web application manifest maybe? or is that not enough?
Gold joined the channel
# 19:41 tantek anyone know how many actual RSVP implementations we have? I feel like there are a lot (from seeing RSVPs on indie events) but we haven't documented them all yet in /rsvp
# 19:47 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:53 tantek afternoon GWG - did you see we have an IWC NYC2 venue?
# 19:54 GWG I saw the message, need to read where
# 19:55 Loqi The IndieWebCamp community is planning numerous upcoming events, including future IndieWebCamps, regular Homebrew Website Club meetups, talks, and other proposals — if you'd like to help, please contribute to this page! https://indiewebcamp.com/Planning
# 19:59 GWG Other than Vouch and CSRF, what other variables have people been passing to a webmention endpoint?
indie-visitor joined the channel
# 20:02 tantek aaronpk we need get all the people from IWC Nuremberg to hop onto IRC or Slack
# 20:02 tantek I think we need to add explicit info about IRC + wiki into introductions
# 20:02 tantek because we both forgot to tell people about it
# 20:02 aaronpk i can ask joschi to send out a 'thank you for coming' email to everyone that includes that info
KevinMarks and Emma joined the channel
frzn joined the channel
# 20:12 [kevinmarks] the other way to do that is the iframe scaled down 50% in each direction trick I use, which if your layout is responsive anyway can work well
# 20:16 tantek welcome back Emma! meet GWG - your fellow NYC2 co-organizer
# 20:17 aaronpk um, that was a while ago. did your markup change between then and now?
# 20:17 aaronpk i'm trying to remember the process i used to import my comments
# 20:18 tantek <p class="p-in-reply-to h-cite"> should be <p class="u-in-reply-to h-cite">
# 20:19 Emma excited organize NYC together
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:22 GWG I haven't even organized my apartment. I can't take on the whole city
# 20:23 Emma dream big, GWG! we can do it. the entire city. all 5 boroughs.
# 20:23 Emma dream big, GWG! we can do it. the entire city. all 5 boroughs.
# 20:23 Emma we have a head start because someone already set up a grid for us
# 20:23 GWG As long as you take Staten Island I'm in.
# 20:25 gRegorLove tantek: The legacy HTML is commented out. Author info at the bottom.
# 20:27 aaronpk i thought the only difference in that case was what the "value" of the h-* object was
# 20:28 Emma ha, ok im all over staten island.
# 20:28 tantek aaronpk: yes, that's the only difference although somehow the parser is just returning the URL - I don't understand
friedcell joined the channel
# 20:29 gRegorLove iirc, I was aiming to get a minimal reply-context of "in reply to: [link]" to used some "weird" mf2, like the p-in-reply-to.
# 20:30 gRegorLove It's years old at this point, obviously, so I should revisit it. I understand mf2 better now. :)
# 20:36 gRegorLove Re-sent and it worked, though came from https version. I need to fix that.
brianlovewords_ joined the channel
# 20:40 gRegorLove aaronpk: I'm confused the difference between that pin13 parse you linked and the one direct from my site
# 20:41 [kevinmarks] hm, as I look at this sparkline code I realise I could do it in one loop not 2
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# 20:46 gRegorLove Oh, I get it. I was getting confused by the implied name property in the snippet. That's what's different from the full page parse, understandably.
friedcell joined the channel
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# 21:01 [kevinmarks] also, there is a little bit of cropping of the sparkline as the polyline is centred on the co-ordinates, so zero or max runs will be half width
# 21:01 aaronpk diagram would be awesome but i think not necessary
# 21:03 aaronpk oh interesting, yeah i was noticing some oddness around the edges but oculdn't figure ito ut
tvn_ joined the channel
# 21:10 [kevinmarks] this is where the stroke-width being a percent of the viewport is tricky
# 21:12 [kevinmarks] and there is some oddness depending on the raw ratio make the stroke kind of italic
# 21:15 [kevinmarks] also, the for the use case of posting frequency, it should really be a barchart, not line joining points
# 21:16 aaronpk really? i think the line is fine for this use case
# 21:16 aaronpk it's more about showing trends than exact amounts
# 21:27 [kevinmarks] Right, but it was meant for time series of continuous quantities, not discrete ones
tantek joined the channel
# 21:57 kylewm those three events pinged because I changed their permalinks, I'm not sure about the other two!
# 21:58 aaronpk argh, i really want to launch my new home page design because now my site looks super boring without it
[shaners] joined the channel
# 22:01 Loqi [indieweb] "Just published a new @W3C Webmention working draft today, with all technical issues closed!..."
# 22:01 [shaners] Tantek: No. Not deployed yet. It’s just a port of your php one right now.
# 22:02 snarfed kylewm: i also got a new wms from a couple likes/replies of yours in the last hour, looking like similar permalink changes. (just fyi)
# 22:02 tantek cool - maybe add it to the wiki first for folks to try it?
# 22:03 tantek shaners++ for putting up with my C-like coding conventions and porting anyway :)
# 22:04 [shaners] tantek: this is the second thing of yours I’ve ported. :simple_smile:
# 22:04 aaronpk oh, well granary isn't finding my author h-card also
# 22:04 [shaners] The first pass is to just convert your C style php into C style Ruby.
# 22:06 kylewm snarfed: good lord, yes, it seems I forgot to turn off webmention sending while migrating :(
# 22:06 snarfed kylewm: heh. it's a feature, updating permalinks! :P
# 22:10 snarfed and missing <meta name="generator" content="Known">
# 22:17 kylewm we talked about it a little in indiechat this morning; i decided to move my known site to known.kylewm.com and keep working on it there
# 22:18 kylewm (long story short, I can never commit to anything for very long)
begriffs, Lancey, shiflett, KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# 23:03 kylewm huh, is rel=previous (as opposed to rel=prev) used actively?
mlncn joined the channel
# 23:08 tantek kylewm: they're aliases so you can treat them the same
# 23:08 tantek they're both used often enough to support both
# 23:10 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] likes aaronparecki.com’s post
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme and [shaners] joined the channel
# 23:26 [shaners] tantek: I see the same missing space in my feed reader (Reeder.app Mac/iOS), but there’s a space present in your /updates.atom.
# 23:26 [shaners] <content type="xhtml" xml:base="http://tantek.com/2016/" xml:space="preserve">
# 23:26 [shaners] <div xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">likes <a href="https://aaronparecki.com/2016/04/19/8/webmention">aaronparecki.com’s post</a></div>
# 23:27 tantek maybe I have to put xml:space="preserve" on the div too? in addition to the containing <content> element?
# 23:28 [shaners] I don’t know enough about XML homeopathy to even guess at why that happens.
# 23:30 tantek I just looked at it in Firefox and there's a space after "likes"
# 23:30 aaronpk i wonder if i should add my osbridge profile as a rel=me to my website
# 23:30 tantek so if your feed reader still gets it wrong, file a bug in your feed reader, and tell them Firefox treats it properly, so they should too
# 23:31 tantek aaronpk - can you get them to add h-card to their /users/ pages? is the opensourcebridge site code on github
# 23:33 aaronpk they have vcard, which is how Loqi found my name above
# 23:34 aaronpk yeah. i think i'd have to install the whole thing to feel comfortable submitting a PR. otherwise i might get it wrong
# 23:34 aaronpk sure ya do! you wouldn't want an incorrect example out there right?
# 23:35 tantek aaronpk - I'm ok with iterating with production
# 23:38 [shaners] I dunno. It’s Rails. You might go bananas because it uses a template language. With Ruby and HTML intertwangled. :stuck_out_tongue:
# 23:40 tantek shaners it's good for me to be exposed to more Rails code, I need to broaden my perspective anyway ;)
# 23:41 tantek shaners while you're in there, can you file a bug that opensourcebridge site is not HTTPS? :P
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 23:44 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] likes opensourcebridge.org’s post
# 23:47 tantek point being, if you POSSEd it from your site, you could also send it, say, in "Session Proposal: ... " form, to Twitter etc. and people could like it there too
# 23:47 tantek I wonder if you could backfeed from the opensourcebridge favorites
# 23:48 tantek hmm - it doesn't show on the page all the people who liked it