2016-04-24 UTC
snarfed joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
# 00:53 kylewm does anyone know if Gitorious the software is still being developed, even though Gitorious the company was acquired by GitLab?
# 00:54 kylewm wonders when it's appropriate to refer to projects in the past tense on the wiki
# 01:00 sknebel kylewm: at least the official website still refers to the repo on the now-readonly gitorious site
# 01:01 sknebel and they recommended to switch selfhosted installs away to GitLab
snarfed joined the channel
mlncn joined the channel
brianlovewords_, hecliunyx, snarfed, mdik_ and mlncn joined the channel
# 04:30 snarfed continues slogging through the port to FB API v2.6
snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
# 05:31 aaronpk Gogs is a self-hosted Git server with additional features such as issue management.
# 05:58 kylewm aaronpk: did you intend to restore the "signup required for search" section in your edit of Github?
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 06:09 [kevinmarks] Hm, the shared group definitions thing really is a good use for a bot
# 06:10 [kevinmarks] I'm sceptical of the OMG bots fad, but I have been using bots for this for over a decade
loic_m, j12t and yakker joined the channel
loic_m joined the channel
j12t, tantek, catsup and kerozene joined the channel
Kopfstein, mlncn, mattronix_ and dym_cx joined the channel
# 12:32 dym_cx wiki not saving `data:base64` and other data-urls is a 'security issue' or just not in the white list of things, just like `<article />`?
brianlovewords_ joined the channel
brianlovewords_ joined the channel
# 13:41 Jeena Ah, I had to add my domain to the description.
mlncn joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, hecliunyx, brianlovewords_, snarfed, kbs and mlncn joined the channel
# 16:05 kylewm dym_cx: it seems generally desirable for the wiki not to allow data: urls imho. too much surface area for abuse for not much gain
friedcell, mlncn, j12t, catsup, tantek and jrenslin joined the channel
# 17:15 sknebel Should we maybe move the "Documentation" block to the top in the git article, or link a tutorial in the first block?
# 17:16 aaronpk yes and I also moved up "indieweb examples" higher
# 17:18 aaronpk which is a much better framing of the problem really
# 17:19 tantek some of the git-specific details/options in /code could probably be merged into /git with a pointer left behind
wolftune joined the channel
# 17:26 sknebel Since I read about them a bit recently. No info fed by actual implementation and a lot of issues, so please expand! (e.g. how you display them (images? special fonts?))
# 17:27 tantek what is proper capitalization? I usually see it lower case
# 17:28 aaronpk considers adding a section to "issues" about storing emoji in a mysql database
# 17:28 tantek common usage seems to have succumbed to lowercase but since you recently read about them perhaps you found?
# 17:29 tantek sknebel: understandable! I'm not sure everyone can - do you see a "Move" link in the header of the page?
# 17:30 sknebel (btw, is it intentional that redlinks on the wiki are not red?)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 17:33 sknebel [kevinmarks]: the eev.ee article is linked at the bottom of the page, that's how I went down this particular rabbit hole
dym_cx, j12t and snarfed joined the channel
# 17:48 kylewm sknebel: aaronpk: if it's not a a huge pain, redlinks would be really nice to have
# 17:51 sknebel kylewm: aaronpk: seems like just a missing css format, the links have class="new" already
kbs joined the channel
# 18:01 sknebel and all kinds of clients on all mobile platofrms use apple emoji, despite them not being under a free license as far as I can tell. but I have to admit, I also think they look the best
friedcell, wolftune and Lancey joined the channel
# 18:17 kylewm aaronpk: it looked like gitosis stopped being developed in 2007
# 18:17 kylewm and the few references I could still find to it said it was deprecated in favor of gitolite
# 18:28 kylewm it is pretty wild that bridgy and granary have better test coverage than my mf2util library
# 18:28 kylewm (for context, mf2util is tiny, and I thought pretty extensively tested)
friedcell and j12t joined the channel
squeakytoy2, miklb and squeakytoy joined the channel
Kopfstein and dym_cx joined the channel
# 19:04 dym_cx sknebel: apple is likely to flatten all their emoji to be consistent with current iOS style (surprised it didnt happened 3 years ago)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:09 Loqi [kylewm] right now I think it's creepy that you can log into Quill with https://silo.pub/twitter.com/kylewmahan and start posting without granting write permissions (since you granted silopub write permissions the first time you logged in)...
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 19:19 dym_cx is there anything better than a distributed hash table for shading data?
# 19:22 dym_cx s/shading/sharing/
# 19:22 Loqi dym_cx meant to say: is there anything better than a distributed hash table for sharing data?
# 19:37 [kevinmarks] That's a bit of an open ended question. What kind of data, who gets to write it, do you need availability guarantees? Lots of dimensions
# 19:42 kylewm kevinmarks: oh right, I don't mean anyone could log in as me, I mean I could log into Quill and start writing on twitter, without ever having granted Quill write permission to twitter
j12t joined the channel
# 19:42 kylewm it's the same situation now, but it looks better because it actually asks you to authorize when you hit the indieauth endpoint
# 19:43 kylewm which is also better because it updates your token, if you are on a service like Facebook wehre they expire every so often
# 19:48 [kevinmarks] So now my app could have nascar buttons for twitter etc and it would pass straight through?
# 19:54 kylewm it asks every time you log in, the way bridgy does
dym_cx joined the channel
# 20:07 Loqi [Kevin Marks] Microformats 2 and Schema 2015-06-30
# 20:13 [kevinmarks] It's a more naturally structured json mapping for the mf2 parsed output
# 20:14 dym_cx human-readable json. i can dig it.
# 20:21 dym_cx if i <link> a jf2 file full of posts ("db.json"), do i still have to render html-output on the server?
# 20:31 kylewm (it sort of defeats the point of mf2 which is that the HTML is the source of truth .. and that it's less likely to rot than XML/JSON/etc. because people are actually looking at it)
# 20:34 dym_cx isnt HTML just a wrapper for a database of posts?
mlncn joined the channel
# 20:35 kylewm it can be, sure, doesn't have to be. the point is, it's the medium that we're using to share data with each other
# 20:36 kylewm (note that Tantek's "database" is a set of HTML files with microformats)
# 20:38 dym_cx ok, but i html will be parsed and i already have the parser-output on hand – why do the same thing twice?
# 20:39 Loqi dym_cx meant to say: ok, but if html will be parsed and i already have the parser-output on hand – why do the same thing twice?
# 20:40 kylewm why do you already have it on hand, i guess is my question
# 20:40 dym_cx coz i use it as a database
# 20:42 kylewm what if you want to use a different database in the future :P
# 20:42 kylewm html is good because lots of eyeballs will look at it and raise hell if something breaks
# 20:43 kylewm serving a .json side-file would have the same problems as an .xml side-file
j12t joined the channel
# 20:43 dym_cx isnt purpose of json is to be future-proof?
# 20:45 kylewm it's a good interchange format, and you're right that the standard is basically fixed and will never change
# 20:47 kylewm other people will always be able to parse your JSON into objects, but that doesn't mean they'll understand your vocab or structur
# 20:50 KartikPrabhu dym_cx: "isnt HTML just a wrapper for a database of posts?" No. I would argue that the HTML is the post and the database is just some plumbing that can be swapped out for other things like static storage, file-storage etc...
# 20:51 dym_cx ok, i see we have a chicken-and-egg situation
# 20:51 KartikPrabhu hmm no. I want people to read my posts. People use browsers to do that which render HTML
# 20:52 dym_cx so is anthing underneath it as well?
# 20:52 KartikPrabhu readers don't care if my post is stored in MySQL, Mongo, static files
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:53 Loqi Plumbing in the context of the IndieWeb, refers to all the underlying code, backend setup, protocols, formats that is all merely there to support the design and user experience of a site, the actual user visible and interactive parts https://indiewebcamp.com/plumbing
# 20:57 dym_cx say my index is clientside-js-fillable blank page, but i care about microformats parsers&co – can i <link> a server rendered all-posts.html ?
# 20:58 KartikPrabhu if you have a server-rendered HTML why make your reader vivisble page JS-rendered in the first place?
# 20:59 KartikPrabhu what if I want to download some big JS library to read text on your site?
# 20:59 Loqi KartikPrabhu meant to say: what if I don't want to download some big JS library to read text on your site?
# 20:59 kylewm I'm a little different on that point; I think we could use some exploration of how to interop with client-rendered sites ... I don't like the js;dr answer we have right now
# 21:00 KartikPrabhu kylewm: what is a good use case for that other than "I want to use JS-rendering"?
# 21:00 dym_cx hm, i guess <noscript><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; all-posts.html"></noscript>
# 21:02 kylewm KartikPrabhu: I could imagine client side rendering being a very inexpensive way to run a fancy site... serve js and data on the cheap, outsource processing to the client's cpus
# 21:02 KartikPrabhu if you are running a big database on the backend i don't see how it is easier/cheaper
# 21:03 dym_cx we came back to having a json-file as a database and going in DRY
# 21:04 KartikPrabhu have HTML file as database then... again what is this doing to help the reader of the posts?
# 21:04 kylewm KartikPrabhu: i mean... it's one less thing, database + EC2 instance or just a database
# 21:04 KartikPrabhu kylewm: but then you have to write/maintain the JS-rendering code so not really "one less thing"
# 21:05 KartikPrabhu if you remove some part of your plumbing stack you have to write another one to replace it anyway
# 21:05 kylewm the nice thing is the js-client-rendering code doesn't need to scale with the number of users
# 21:06 kylewm so I can rely on a big fancy database that scales well out of the box, and my code can be dumb, and i can serve it fast and cheap
# 21:06 KartikPrabhu if you are dealing with that amount of scale then you probably have an army of devs and lot of money too ;)
# 21:08 kylewm wikipedia unlike those others has a lot of users and not a lot of money or devs
# 21:08 KartikPrabhu sure but they still don't do JS-rendering and I haven't seen any suggestion that it will solve some problem they have
# 21:09 kylewm I concede that it's probably not necessary for personal sites
# 21:09 miklb voxpelli any chance you'll be working on your mcropub service @ next IWC?
# 21:09 kylewm but js;dr argues that it's a bad idea period and all sites that are client rendered should be ignored
# 21:10 kylewm and also I write code in python because I like python and it's fun. if browser js is your thing, and you like it and it's fun, i say more power to you :)
# 21:11 KartikPrabhu if their solution is "I'll give you an HTML version to parse" then they should just give us the HTML version in the first place
# 21:11 miklb voxpelli no worries. I saw you mention you were busy with work again.
# 21:13 miklb voxpelli I might start poking around your libraries to see if I could get an instance running on my VPS. Just need to figure out how to hook all the parts together. I'm not really familiar with node apps
# 21:13 kylewm I don't think that's an insane use of client-rendering
# 21:14 voxpelli miklb: it should be easy to get up and running on a free Heroku, that's what I'm using myself now
# 21:15 KartikPrabhu kylewm: well I don't see why client-side is needed at all. The whole data.js file could simply be HTML
# 21:16 KartikPrabhu again, people can use JS-rendering if they want. But I have never seen a "need" for it
# 21:16 dym_cx IRC has very bad multi-threading support #meta
# 21:16 kylewm KartikPrabhu: but then she would have to edit that whole big template every time
# 21:17 sknebel kylewm: KartikPrabhu: or use a static site generator of some kind
# 21:17 miklb voxpelli easier you think than on my VPS?
# 21:18 sknebel Maybe I should have tried to convince one of the tutors at uni to let me write a SSG in client-side javascript this semester...
# 21:18 sknebel get all the "install a bunch of stuff locally" out of the way
# 21:19 kylewm heh, hard to make client-side javascript write a bunch of files to disk isn't it?
# 21:21 sknebel (the project the seminar would have been about already can do a lot of the necessary bits and pieces, but they were looking more for people extending the plumbing instead of building apps with it)
# 21:25 kylewm notices my inbox is filling up with exceptions from my site
# 21:26 dym_cx back to jf2 then, there is category[], but no tags[] ?
# 21:29 kylewm oh wow, someone is trying to get into my server
# 21:29 kylewm Invalid URL '-1" OR 3*2<(0+5+967-967) -- ': No schema supplied.
# 21:33 dym_cx Y U NO honeypot
# 21:38 dym_cx skebel: imagin chromebooks in schools, or other web-only phones/tablets/tvs – installing anything is impossible
# 21:40 sknebel quite a few people run their SSG in travis or other CI services
# 21:40 sknebel and that is why I want a client-side one to exist
# 21:41 miklb ah. I use Travis to build my Jekyll site to deploy
j12t and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 21:45 [kevinmarks] You friend's vegan site could be munged into static html server side as easily
# 21:46 bear for me the biggest reason of all to avoid client side js for rendering of the content html is that I am often consuming the post from something other than a browser
# 21:46 bear having js to enhance the user experience, sure - but at the core it should be html+mf2
# 21:54 kylewm kevinmarks: it could, but then she would have to run the generator every time she adds a new restaurant ... i don't know, i certainly wouldn't do it that way, but i don't think it's an invalid use-case
# 22:00 KartikPrabhu [kevinmarks]: that sounds easy but think of people who don't know all those things
# 22:00 kylewm The goal of that project was to make a framework other people could adapt to other cities, not necessarily programmers.
# 22:01 kylewm Easier than learning and writing HTML? yeah I would think
# 22:03 miklb seems gh-pages would be just as easy. Markdown files, can be edited in browser/committed.
# 22:05 miklb heck, a base project could be set up and someone could fork/use without ever touching "code" or git.
# 22:11 sknebel (e.g. if people suggest github pages I always wonder if getting the DNS etc to work isn't already to big an issue in some way for many, even with tutorials. on the other hand, most shared hosting requires an FTP-client etc as well)
# 22:11 miklb sknebel any more difficult than any other method of using a custom domain?
# 22:12 sknebel DNS is kinda scary, if you use shared hosting somewhere that's done for you
# 22:12 sknebel and I honestly have no idea how the UX for shared hosting nowadays is
# 22:13 miklb gh-pages is basically point your domain to the GitHub nameservers, add a file .CNAME with the custom domain to the directory, $profit?
# 22:16 sknebel yeah. means you now have two services, DNS config to do which often isn't nice and tons of features on GitHub to ignore
# 22:17 sknebel If I had it to explain to non-IT users I know, I'd expect getting them started on shared hosting with an FTP client would be easier
# 22:17 miklb sure. I'm not advocating it's for everyone, but for something that is browser based but not a big drag/drop service or wp.com it is an option. Also a gateway for someone who might want to eventually get their hands dirty
# 22:18 miklb at least that was my theory for building an indieweb friendly Jekyll model.
# 22:20 sknebel it is a good theory. I'm just curious what alternatives people use and why
# 22:21 miklb likewise. I'm new to this community, and one thing I've observed is people new to it @ IWC seemingly struggling to get their 1st site up and running.
# 22:22 sknebel I've seen quite a few succesfull tools that somehow use google docs as a backend
peryan joined the channel
# 22:26 peryan My friend Emma Hodge introduced me to your group and I am wondering what are people's opinions of Sublime?
# 22:28 miklb resisted making a joke about the band :-)
# 22:30 KartikPrabhu peryan: welcome. feel free to use any text editor you find comfortable really
j12t and tantek joined the channel
# 23:22 kylewm sknebel: that site in particular is running on Digital Ocean for reasons
# 23:26 aaronpk heh, i'm gonna have to update Telegraph in order to pass the new webmention.rocks update test
# 23:27 aaronpk Telegraph does its own check to make sure the source links to target before even doing webmention discovery, so I can't send update webmentions when I remove a link right now
# 23:37 kylewm that same ip address continues to try to vulnerability scan me even though they are getting 403 for everything now