bear!tell aaronpk found a couple more small bugs in my code, the test works fine. One question to, the source link when visited after the test causes another webmention to be sent, is that on purpose?
LoqiAmazon sells various products and services, in particular several hosting services like S3 and EC2 that may be used for various indieweb site features, as well as a review post silo
tantekyes a bunch of us spent time passing all of the sending tests a few weeks ago during IWC Düsseldorf. definitely some neat edge cases. I even had to push an update to the library/functions I wrote to help with endpoint discovery!
Loqiaaronpk: bear left you a message 12 hours, 32 minutes ago: found a couple more small bugs in my code, the test works fine. One question to, the source link when visited after the test causes another webmention to be sent, is that on purpose?
aaronpkbear: thanks! I do want you to be *able* to run the test again, since I assume people will want to retry after making a change to their code, but it's probably not right to have it automatically run on refresh
[kevinmarks]“The raw output of MF2 parsers is inconvenient to work with, so an object model or helper library can make this easier. ” hm. Is this a Jf2 use case?
aaronpkthe jf2 experiment of putting all nested data at the bottom as separate objects can help with that as then it means property values don't switch between being strings and objects
kylewmemmak: I cannot quite tell from that post, is there a separate HTML file somewhere that holds all your posts, or are you saying the rendered output is literally the datastore used the next time you render?
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "best practice in templates that handle varying numbers of repeated items" yet. Would you like to create it?
tantekall this progress is making me want to finish getting updates/deletes working today and then at least come up with a strategy for implementing receiving / displaying responses (which I have a feeling is going to cause a lot of wiki editing)
tantekthat's the open source way, if a project lead/deployer drops the ball for too long, it is the responsibility of the next most active / responsible person to just fork and ship so the project stays alive
tantekhelping him keep the project live is respectful, especially if you're fine with letting him take it over again if/when he returns, and you make that clear
aaronpknamespaces are great. it means a library like php-mf2 can create a bunch of functions in its own namespace without risking colliding with other plugins.
aaronpki'm curious what wordpress' plans are for php version support. it looks like they recommend php 5.6 but will run all the way back to 5.2, and they explicitly discourage older versions of php.
bear!tell rMdes with .htaccess the only way to get "always SSL" is using mod_rewrite: "RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80" and "RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]" -- these have to be at the top to prevent your other rules from being chained
LoqirMdes: bear left you a message 1 minute ago: with .htaccess the only way to get "always SSL" is using mod_rewrite: "RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80" and "RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R,L]" -- these have to be at the top to prevent your other rules from being chained
GWGI want to make some changes so that if it can't load php-mf2 due to compatibility issues, the current plugin won't refuse to activate. They will just degrade.
tantek.comedited /comments-presentation (+542) "dfn, collapse IndieWeb Examples sections, move eschnou & sandeep to Past Examples, use link for old comment threads, research & add since dates" (view diff)
tantekBTW - I know there are A LOT more of you on here that show indieweb comments on your posts, you should totally add yourself to with the date of when you first started displaying comments from webmentions on your posts!
tantek!tell benwerd do you have any kind of native comment notification / approval dashboard? wondering how (numerous) spam native comments make it through e.g.
miklbfrom a user standpoint, a second plugin doesn't make sense. But I'm setting up a live site and will treat setting up as best I can as someone new to IndieWeb (and WP for that matter)
GWGmiklb: pfefferle made the decision to split them before I joined the community. There were some practical reasons, but I'll agree it confuses people.
miklba user isn't going to care about plumbing/under-the-hood stuff. They are just going to want to receive webmentions and for them to look right on their posts
GWGmiklb: I understand both points of view on the matter. I just think the split should have been to separate the functionality into files in the same plugin, not independent plugins.