tantekwould compromise with treating single line-breaks after 70 chars as hard-wrapping for text files. line-break before 70 chars would be treated as meaningful
Loqi[indieweb] "#indieweb Q: If I send a status tweet to Twitter via Bridgy, do I need to include a link back to my site to see replies there?" by Scott Kingery http://techlifeweb.com/14121-2/
Loqi[indieweb] "vorgestern habe ich bemerkt, dass der theawl.com-RSS-feed jetzt auch wieder volltext anzeigt — nachdem theawl.com kürzlich zu medium.com migriert ist, funktionierte das für eine weile nicht. heute lese ich in der ankündigung, dass superfeedr.com von medium gekauft wurde, dass das jetzt auch für alle alle medium-nutzer funktioniert. das ist eine gute nachricht. ob es eine gute nachricht ist, dass superfeedr von medium aufgekauft wurfe weiss ich nocht nicht. es ist aber wohl so, dass in letzter zeit einige leute die dem offenen netz und dem indieweb nahestehen, zu medium gegangen sind, in festanstellung.
Loqi[indieweb] "#indieweb Q: If I send a status tweet to Twitter via Bridgy, do I need to include a link back to my site to see replies there?" by Scott Kingery http://techlifeweb.com/14123-2/
tantekhey everyone we got a request for kid related or child care (last minute, like today) for IndieWeb Summit (but after we sold out) so I've added that to the list of items to plan for before an IndieWebCamp. Feel free add more support etc.: https://indiewebcamp.com/IndieWebCamps#Before
gRegorLoveI think GWG just did the ti.to registration, so if aaronpk adjusted the amount available last night, there might still be 1 rsvp spot available
Loqijkphl: [shaners] left you a message on 2/12 at 8:42am: There’s a new iteration of the logo redesign. Wanna take a look and see if it meets your approval? (Since you commented on the previous iteration.) /logohttp://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-02-12/line/1455295364728
tantekaaronpk: 1. in order to email you receipt / updates / whatever you would need to put your email in the h-card on your RSVP (which maybe 2 people do today)
kylewmbenwerd: we've done a lot of individual outreach; should we start doing outreach to groups that have thought about this issues a lot ... e.g. Code 2040
JeenaOn the last HWC I was asked if I do something to get those who work together with me and are from India to get them to come to a HWC. The idea the woman had was that when they get hoocked in Sweden and then go back to India (because they're mostly working for 6 months) they would initiate it there, like I was in Portland last year and started the HWC in Sweden.
[chrisaldrich]Shaners: The local LA Drupal group has a small but concrete DrupalChicks subgroup ; There's also an LA chapter of Girl Develop It: http://gdila.org/
KevinMarks1waffle.js is a monthly meetup centered around programming, waffles, and karaoke in SF that you can sign up to speak at https://wafflejs.com/speakers
[chrisaldrich]I've got a list of web-centric groups in LA including various WordPress, Drupal, Linux, php, and related meet up groups that might help the LA camp get to 100, but it'll take some pushing to get it to happen. I will say that there is a segment of very pro-community people here in "Silicon Beach" we ought to be able to tap into.
[chrisaldrich]WordCamp LA is on July 9-10 at UC Irvine; their schedule is technically closed, but I'm going to try to do something there to help intro the IndieWeb to that group of 250+
[chrisaldrich]DrupalCamp LA is usually about 400+ in late July/ early August and I'll do a session there as well when it comes around to do some outreach.
[chrisaldrich]It doesn't seem very IndieWebbish at heart, but the social network effect of having a presence on MeetUp.com may be helpful in both local/global outreach efforts...
[chrisaldrich]A "tutorial" day sounds more inviting and productive than a "sprint" day... Sprint to me has always had a connotation of "you need to have a reasonable level of pre-knowledge to accomplish anything" to me.
[chrisaldrich]There are a seeming lot of MOOCs (coursera, edX, et al.) that do intro basic html/php stuff that we might "infect" with IndieWeb principles. The issue is to catch the organizers/teachers at the top to help do the preliminary introductions. I know the Linux Foundation does something like this too...
[chrisaldrich]Is anyone in the IndieWeb Camp "hiring" students for Google's Summer of Code (this year or next?); that could be an interesting way to not only help bring in new people, but get some useful code into the community.
[chrisaldrich]I meant to ask, is anyone streaming video/audio out of Portland right now for the travel restricted? I know I'm missing a lot by not being able to get out this weekend....
[chrisaldrich]We seem to have a reasonable base of generation 1, it could help if we do individual outreach to a gen 2 seed group of tech forward journalists to help spread out the word....
[chrisaldrich]On the side, I recruit high school students for a university, and in the last few days I've met with a handful of minority parents. Many students have great "content" that they've made/done at the HS level that isn't 8.5x11" to fit into a college application folder, but having it on a blog is a resaonable alternative. Reaching out to high school related groups could be worthwhile....
[chrisaldrich]There are lots of STEM groups in particular at many high schools and outreach progrrams out of universities that could be touched for this kind of strategy.
[chrisaldrich]t: Not directly at the level we're thinking about, but most major Universities use that type of outreach as a means of recruitment and it definitely works there
[chrisaldrich]I know Larry Lim (USC) who does outreach programs for minorities for STEM and could pick his brain on our behalf. Could potentially partner up with him somehow as well. https://pressroom.usc.edu/larry-lim/
[chrisaldrich]Typically STEM outreach groups are looking for event programming for local groups, and we've actually got some content to offer them. The tangible fact that students could go home with a website that they've built themselves could be awesome. Perhaps we could enlist Jim Groom to offer free hosting, etc.? http://jimgroom.net/about/
[chrisaldrich]Coincidentally, my 5 year old daughter playing around in the background just asked me, "Are there any girls in that video?" HA! :slightly_smiling_face:
Jeenawe need more "press" stuff which people in new cities could use to reach out to people instead of comming up with everything themselves. (logos, texts, design)
[chrisaldrich]In my experience, even for events people have shown interest in, the personal conversation (phone call/in person) goes miles towards helping attendance.
[chrisaldrich]The LA Drupal community has become so diverse that there are easily 5 geographical subsections in the LA area. Some of our LA based issue is geographical commute time based.
jkphl1For the records: IWC Nuremberg 2017 is set, and there will be the IndieWeb Hack Day in 3 weeks, and if I get the chance I will also organize others ..
[chrisaldrich]Another source close to journalists, is writing programs at universities... some of my publishing related work brings me into those circles... If writing students can use sites as a portfolio as well as their own "distribution" that could be a great locus of growth.
[chrisaldrich]Has anyone from the hosted version of Known (Gen3) at a university shown interest in joining IndieWeb more proactively? Or are they all just using an advanced tool without real knowledge of the philosophy behind it?
[chrisaldrich]we should have an EPK (electronic press kit) with 3-5 different lengths of descriptions as well as photos and one or two good representative videos we can direct them to.
[chrisaldrich]and we could bring forward some of the major press pieces from Wired, The Atlantic, etc. to feature them on the site. Some of these bigger press pieces are hidden in the longer stream of articles on the /news page.
[chrisaldrich]Jeena: I tried to see if I could disconnect/reconnect on my end, but now I'm stuck with a black screen. I'm wishing I had that frozen picture back now...
[chrisaldrich]Quirkily, my primary use of Medium is to follow Dave Winer and Medium does a great job of giving me mobile notifications when he posts...
[chrisaldrich]We're also generally on the cusp of the entry of gen2 which is going to cement the names/concepts we've got into a broader consciousness hereafter...
[chrisaldrich]slack is also a more "mainstream" interface for Gen2/3 compared with a less mainstream feel of using IRC, which may scare off some of that segment of the community
[chrisaldrich]I like the idea of a WP channel, but at present I worry that it'd be a tad too quiet and toward being welcoming, we need to make sure there's a regular presence of people...
[chrisaldrich]If there are too many empty channels, it could make things look like a ghosttown and more like a dying group rather than a growing one....
[chrisaldrich]I was personally scared away by the current homepage for a while and had to come back several times before I began to really dig under the hood. The goal should be to make it all be more accessible to broader and broader audiences.
[chrisaldrich]It's nice that the google search for indiewebcamp images comes back with lots of pictures of groups of people. Somewhat similar to the way that a search for "withknown images" are pictures of people
aaronpkthe vast majority of the current home page is about events. if we're talking about moving events to events.indieweb.org then all the event stuff on the home page can go there and it would mean much less stuff we're trying to pack in to the home page
[chrisaldrich]the question for new visitors is what is the value proposition for the group/movement? what problem can we help them solve? There's far too much to choose from right now.
[chrisaldrich]re: atom.io - I like the smooth modern simplicity; their tag line should be above the photo with the download link just below it. Mostly it does a good job of compatmentalizing what it does and where to jump into the product
[chrisaldrich]it's a bit too sparse, but I like that it has more whitespace than indiewebcamp.com does right now; our current page doesn't draw people in as much as it should. Think: What would Harry and Mary Beercan expect to see when they come to the homepage from the Atlantic or Wired?
[scottgruber]I like atom and use it as my primary editor these days. Some people say it crashes but I haven't run into that issue. I bounced between bunch of editors including bbedit, sublime, coda, but keep coming back to atom.
[chrisaldrich]Mostly the homepage should answer: Who we are, What we do, how we can help people with links to news (for recurring visitors), events, and how can we help them.
[scottgruber]I'm reading IndieWebcamp wiki site to understand how to build in IndieWeb functionality to my site. My two cents would be focus on how-to and go for good typography for readability.