LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "best way to learn coding or which books are the best to read" yet. Would you like to create it? https://indiewebcamp.com/s/10NF
rhiaroThinking about switching to dreamhost... unlimited storage for $8/mo is pretty appealing right now. (where 'right now' is 'I am deleting things cos I ran out of space on my hosting')... but stuck at the first hurdle. Free domain name. What do I pick??
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 10 hours, 3 minutes ago: You should watch the Apple WWDC keynote about the changes to photos and phone apps, it looks like they're doing a lot of things that look like your people-centric comms and organizing photos better like we've talked about http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-13/line/1465842344618
Loqi[Tantek Çelik] Yesterday: automatic reply webmentions sending. (my first indieweb reply to do so was tantek.com/2015/162/t2/indieweb-ui-ux-sketch-build)
tantek.comedited /on_this_day (+647) "/* Silo Examples */ subheads, expand outline of FB on this day features, including noting explicit friendiversary feature not shown elsewhere" (view diff)
miklbaaronpk I was fixing some config on my end with the webmention.io plugin and now getting a connection reset by peer SSL_connect error. Any thoughts what I might have wrong on my end. This is being done locally, not on domain server
rMdes_and if I destroy it, I loose all my paid android apps, or at least I have to contact each dev and ask them to migrate my paid apps to another google ID
rMdes_we should have the right to move and take our data easier. tipically the things I would Like if Europe would chime in and force Google to apply a minimum of real portability of user data
rMdes_i'm moving to self-hosted approach to anything New i'm doing since 2014 but, there is always these old stuff on my trail from the time I used to choose easy over self-hosted
petermolnarrMdes_ what else is there apart from Gmail, if I may ask? Having been there - migrating off from services - I might be able to give some tips
tantek!tell tommorris you in town? any interest in doing a Homebrew Website Club London on Wednesday (tomorrow) night, preferably near Paddington / Metropole?
tommorristantek: for places for a HWC around Paddington - perhaps Grand Union bar at Paddington Basin. Their website says they have bookable private rooms.
Loqitommorris: tantek left you a message 9 minutes ago: you in town? any interest in doing a Homebrew Website Club London on Wednesday (tomorrow) night, preferably near Paddington / Metropole? http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-14/line/1465900784756
tommorristantek: alternatively, places around Bishops Bridge Road are close to the Paddington Metropole. A lot of them are busy during the day with people working, but are quiet in the afternoon. there's also Little Venice a short walk from there.
[chrisaldrich]!tell KartikPrabhu boffosocko.com is self-hosted and isn't on WordPress.com, so doesn't use Bridgy that way. It looks like I received the webmention however. (Note that my comments are also moderated, so they don't show up automatically.)
[chrisaldrich]aaronpk: It'd be great to get mf2 into WordPress entirely... the ship may have sailed for 2016, but I think we should all pound on them for twenty-seventeen
[chrisaldrich]I think that if they'd just add a search box for microformats2 in their theme search interface, that could also push lots of developers to add it as well; it'd certainly be more useful than their "seasonal" checkbox :slightly_smiling_face:
[chrisaldrich]rMdes_ installing the WordPress uf2 plugin helps, but there's only so far one can go with injecting code the way it does. It also breaks some themes (eg. Twenty-Fourteen) which imprudently use microformats for styling rather than semantic markup
davidpeachbut im thinking of using the post published at dates to make a /year/month/day/hh/mm/ss structure, with each part of the url essentially filtering the posts
LoqiCASSIS, short for Client And Server Scripting Implementation Subset, is an intersection of the syntaxes of Javascript and PHP, as well as an open source library, cassis.js, that enables writing code once, and having it natively execute in both JS and PHP https://indiewebcamp.com/CASSIS
davidpeachI really like the idea of using the complete publish date as a way of "digging down" into posts ,ultimately getting the a single post per second. With option of adding manual slugs where wanted
aaronpkthe problem isn't so much that you might actually be creating posts that fast, but if you are importing posts from many data sources (importing last.fm scrobbles while also importing runkeeper, etc) then you might end up with round numbers that conflict
LoqiKartikPrabhu: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 6 hours, 5 minutes ago: boffosocko.com is self-hosted and isn't on WordPress.com, so doesn't use Bridgy that way. It looks like I received the webmention however. (Note that my comments are also moderated, so they don't show up automatically.) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-14/line/1465922340449