aaronpkgRegorLove: it depends on whether you're trying to make a generic token endpoint like tokens.indieauth.com or whether your token and micropub endpoint are your own and don't need to interoperate with anything else
wagleStrict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method Webmention_Plugin::init() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525
aaronpki mean if you're building a micropub endpoint and also a token endpoint into the same piece of software, there isn't really a reason to make it follow the tokens.indieauth.com format, since it will only ever be used internally
aaronpkyou don't need your micropub endpoint to use the token endpoint API to verify tokens if it can just look them up in a database or decode them directly
j4y_funabashiben_thatmustbeme: how is mobilepub coming along? I have had the app installed for ages but could never get it to work so I am excited to see it reborn
ben_thatmustbemeIt shouldn't take much. It's the sending them that's three difficult bit. If there is no CORS exception, I have to send the photos through my server
pfefferleben_thatmustbeme have seen it because of singpolymas pull request... will definitely write an implementation report if I tested the last missing tests...
ben_thatmustbemeMy laptop died and until our house gets sold I don't have the cash for a new one. I get most of my work done on the train so it's slower now to get anything done
ben_thatmustbemeYes. Well it could in theory post but not know if it's successful. So as a round about way, I post instead to the mobilepub domain and then send everything to your server with curl
ZegnatJavaScript cannot request the contents of a page unless specifically allowed through CORS. That’s why myhacksite.com cannot request yourbank.com pages and see their contents. So if you want the contents on yourwebsite.com accessible by JavaScript that runs on mywebsite.com, you have to whitelist mywebsite.com. Or just whitelist everything.
petermolnar!tell GWG would it be possible, that instead of the webmention plugin, you look for the existence of 'send_webmention' function in bridgy publish? That way it could utilize other webmention plugins, like mine
j4y_funabashiaaronpk: I was thinking that test 12 should have a Link header with rel=not-webmention is to flush out implementations where the parsing code for Link headers is different from the code for anchors/links
aaronpkthe possible failures in that case are either treating the missing href as an empty string which results in resolving the relative URL to the page URL, or skipping sending altogether
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: re: suggested better wording. The receiver protects against CSRF or it does not accept additional parameters or headers (SHOULD)
sknebelkylewm: ... I was reading twitter api docs yesterday thinking about building something like quiettime.xyz . guess I won't have to do that now ;)
LoqiGWG: petermolnar left you a message 2 hours, 20 minutes ago: would it be possible, that instead of the webmention plugin, you look for the existence of 'send_webmention' function in bridgy publish? That way it could utilize other webmention plugins, like mine http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-13/line/1465827657633
Loqivoxpelli: miklb left you a message 1 week, 1 day ago: wonder if the Heroku deploy from GitHub path that veganstraightedge uses for DarkMatter would be a good intermediate step for Jekyll Micropub. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-04/line/1465068801085
LoqiA web action is the interface and user experience of taking a specific discrete action, across the web, from one site to another site or application https://indiewebcamp.com/webaction
aaronpk"Worst of all, even if we make all the necessary development changes that would be required to continue supporting these networks, there’s no guarantee that they wouldn’t just change their APIs again."
ZegnatSo apparently they started looking for “a new home” in March. A process that usually “happens in secret” but they did publicly because they wanted “to do this right”. https://medium.com/@anildash/thinkup-s-next-step-39f245c10db0#.6q89mlxco Is that PR speak for “our current investors have backed out”? But if they were depending on investors while selling a product for over 5 years, how was it sustainable in the first place?
[benatwork]Zegnat: it’s almost impossible to build a consumer product without built-in runway. Building product and audience takes time. So it’s either investment, crowdfunding, a very slow build while you do a day job, or you’re already wealthy.
Zegnat[benatwork] you might be right. But if you can run a company with losses for 7 years, I would expect you can show me that you are soon to get out of that, right? And if you can show your gameplan for turning a profit, you should be able to find investors for the final stretch? At least, that is what my gut tells me
aaronpkhere's what i have to shorten this to to fit in a tweet with the link and #indieweb hashtag: "Even if we make the changes to continue supporting these networks, they'll just change their APIs again"
aaronpkoriginal: "Worst of all, even if we make all the necessary development changes that would be required to continue supporting these networks, there’s no guarantee that they wouldn’t just change their APIs again."
[benatwork]I guarantee they originally could show a gameplan for turning a product, but the original hypotheses eventually turned out to be incorrect. Investment is a gamble.
ZegnatOf course. I would just expect the company ThinkUp LLC to go down sooner if that is the case. From a legal and economics point of view, the person ThinkUp LLC is who we are talking about. Making a post in March about looking for a new home, and then a post now about ending support (both not on the homepage btw), while still selling your service, after 7years of probably never making a profit... It just all feels weird to me.
ZegnatSure, without quote symbols it becomes something you wrote, so that’s fine. If you had more words to use I might have put something like “the gist:” in front of it to make clear you condensed text
[benatwork]Zegnat: Amazon has almost never turned a profit - intentionally. The economics are more complicated than simple profit and loss. This should probably go in another channel - #indiebiz or something maybe :wink:
Zegnat“Why does ThinkUp cost money? ThinkUp costs money because we don't have ads and we don't sell your data. We're committed to making sure our company and our product are sustainable and around for the long term.” Maybe they should have put a little footnote on that, hehe.
[znmeb]Curiously, I've known who Anil Dash is for years - almost as long as I've been on Twitter, which is early 2007. But it is only in its impending death that I've heard of ThinkUp, and *that* was only here in the IndieWebCamp Slack. Coincidence? I think not. :disappointed:
gRegorLove"The best place to get help with your self-hosted ThinkUp is from the developer community. There is an active mailing list where you can search for the issue you’re having and post questions." The mailing list link is a google group, gives error "there is no group named thinkupapp"
[znmeb]A business that hard-core Twitter users have never heard of even when they're led by a well-known and respected personality is also unsustainable
aaronpk!tell tantek You should watch the Apple WWDC keynote about the changes to photos and phone apps, it looks like they're doing a lot of things that look like your people-centric comms and organizing photos better like we've talked about
aaronpki thought "inessential weirdnesses" referred to things more like how you have to learn mediawiki syntax in order to create your user page after signing in, when really the goal of encouraging people to sign in to the wiki is to get them to set up a domain and some rel=me links
gRegorLove~~~~ probably isn't necessary for most things, like voting on renaming. I guess it's useful for those who don't already have {{template:name}}
gRegorLoveIf there's a brainstorming discussion with a lot of back and forth, the added timestamp may be helpful, but even then... that doesn't seem to happen often.
rMdes_aaronpk, why not use the wiki this way: user is invited to test his indieweb level on the wiki and the wiki would read the h-card and populate the user page using a pre-defined template, hence just by siggning in, that part would be done, this tamplate page could also have some blocks with very simple first step to manipulate the wiki & get in
rMdes_would be lovely to have one unique profile and syndicate this byte of information wherever we login using indieauth, some kinf of indie-bio description, each time you login your profile elsewhere gets updated