[shaners]tantek: Maybe my memory is wrong about this (bc memory is fuzzy) but I thought you were one of the people in the room at Leaders Summit 2016 that agreed the website is a wall of text and needs to be redesigned to be more inviting to new people / next generation. Am I wrong about that?
LoqiVideos about the indieweb are a great way to get a quick visual introduction to what is the Indie Web, why we need it, and how you can make a difference for yourself, and others https://indiewebcamp.com/there_to_watch_right_now
gRegorLoveI'm making a separate voting section for "URL paths of chat logs" to help clean up those votes, if that's cool. I won't move any votes, though.
[shaners]Here’s a confusion / frustration of mine with MediaWiki. I want to experiment with the style of a page on the wiki. But I can’t add a style tag. I have to use inline styles on html. What are my options other than that?
gregorlove.comedited /rename_to_IndieWeb (+264) "/* chat subdirectory */ commented out details that have been captured in new section. "Updated" notice at top to revise votes." (view diff)
[shaners]h-card as a service is a website built by {{veganstraightedge}} to prototype the idea of replacing wiki profile pages with a simple form with fields for commonly used properties (name, url, photo, etc) already used by several people on the wiki which could be used as a single point of lookup for people’s h-card info. It also shows the h-card markup on a person’s profile page which could be copy/pasted onto one’s website.
[shaners]gregorlove: I saw that. It’s certainly an improvement of mediawiki profiles. But I think the assumption that we ask people to use mediawiki free form text for what is largely structured data common between lots of profiles is the wrong way to go.
colintedfordaaronpk: It obviously looks fine, but when I look at it in Firefox's inspector, the <body> is 400+ or 600+ px (maybe taking the viewable height?) as shown by a little inspector popup thingy, and I'm able to scroll past the blue highlight showing its area.
gRegorLoveJust thinking out loud. I don't have strong opinions on most of it. And for some of it it feels weird voting for work other people will probably have to do :)
ben_thatmustbemei'm waiting on one last PR that was just accepted to make it to a HubZilla server, so i can have a first instance of pulling in one of their posts as context
colintedfordWell, it looks like most of the chat details have clear consensus anyway -- the only one that needs a decision is subdomain vs subdirectory.
arthurspooner, squeakytoy, cweiske and huguesdk joined the channel
GWGPfefferle, if you are around, wanted to ask again if you can't get to the PR, can you push the fix for the static function error. If the plugin throws errors, it may scare people away.
singpolyma, cyberjar09 and shiflett joined the channel
aaronpkat least the chat URL part has pretty much consensus. I'll try to build it in a way where it doesn't care whether it's at a subdomain or subdirectory.
aaronpkit's a little bit about app architecture too. the way i normally do it is i have a global variable that says "here is the base URL you're installed at" and any time i need to write a URL to the page I build it from the base URL
Loqibear meant to say: at least ones that are written to live behind a webserver - not going to comment on people who put nodejs apps directly on the internets
aaronpkseparately from moving to indieweb.org, i'm planning on rebuilding the wiki login as a totally separate application where all it does is set a cookie, and the wiki (and other sites like chat) can read that cookie to know who's logged in
ben_thatmustbemeaaronpk: this discussion of working out setting a cookie across subdomains IS the issue, its getting to plumbing issues, i'm just saying that there exist plumbing issues and thus adds complexity, thus i would say a con
beardepends on the name match -- (from the RFC) "A is a HDN string and has the form NB, where N is a non-empty name string, B has the form .B’, and B’ is a HDN string. (So, x.y.com domain-matches .Y.com but not Y.com.)"
ben_thatmustbemeauth.indieweb.org can set one for .indieweb.org, which any other subdomain can see, (including www.indieweb.org) but NOT the non-subdomain version http://indieweb.org/ at least from my understanding of it
aaronpkif anyone wants a "fun" task, please try to find which pages use each of these plugins so we can reevalutate whether they are actually necessary http://indiewebcamp.com/MediaWiki_upgrade
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 2pm Pacific time. http://indiewebcamp.com/this-week/2016-06-24.html
gRegorLoveShouldn't be a problem, but I wonder if it'd be better if the address bar always displayed the "right" capitalization. Yeah, just saw that extension ^
bnvkwonders why {{bnvk}} didn't make his picture show up like everyone else... I'm sure there is some new widget-template-dinga that I need to configure
LoqiThe sparkline template is used to display an inline photo with a u-photo microformat. It is commonly used to create templates for users to sign their name on event RSVPs or other wiki pages https://indiewebcamp.com/wiki_signature