tantek.comedited /indieweb.org (+491) "note that this page and the proposals therein were all done after discussions & consensus at the IndieWeb Summit and the subsequent strong +1ing of that consensus by the community" (view diff)
EileenKAlso, I've buit a couple of pages from scratch recently and realized, I have no idea what a modern (2016) home page should look like. Zero... I know the ones we used to build that I used to complain about and improve.
EileenKWell I miss the silver age of the early aughts. Even if the pages were badly laid out (too much dead space and too much center aligning and unnecessary nesting of tables) they were still rich and pretty.
aaronparecki.comedited /rename_to_IndieWeb (-132) "/* Details */ there is no "default" assumption to be made about web interface URLs since the current URL does not include the channel name" (view diff)
gRegorLoveI guess i see a lot of overlap between the two, though maybe for those outside the community they'd be interested in just IndieNews sans all our wiki stuff.
gRegorLoveaaonpk: "I feel like things like indieweb.org/chat/dev/2016-06-22 are a bit too long. IMO chat.indieweb.org/dev/2016-06-22 looks better." those two are the same length. Typo?
aaronpkwould appreciate everyone else (especially those who already voted on this page) to chime in on these issues. we need to make a decision on this sooner rather than later in order to do the switch on July 4th! https://indiewebcamp.com/rename_to_IndieWeb
colintedfordI think subdomains are more clunky/confusing to "regular folks" (well, those who pay any attention to urls). It's like a sentence going in 2 directions at once. Muddles the hierarchy.
LoqiSlack is a closed-source team communication tool similar to IRC but with expanding support for various types of content such as emoji polls, inline images, and attachments https://indiewebcamp.com/Slack
kylewmand it infuriates me that federation still works just enough so you can see people on other networks, but when you try to talk to them it fails invisibly
LoqiHubzilla (formerly RedMatrix) is an open source, federated, community web server that started as a fork of Friendica https://indiewebcamp.com/HubZilla
Vipul1My only issue was, unwillingness to commit to it's tooling (time constraints and all..) meant accepting the rigidness of an out-of-the-box solution, eventually it gets to you.
ben.thatmustbe.meedited /HubZilla (+28) "/* Current Issues and Criticisms */ it has its own methods for verifying comments to prevent forgery" (view diff)
Vipul1HubZilla is more Friendica continued with rebranding emphasizing shift of objective than fork as just another alternative development effort, but I was unable to search & find the exact explanation post for the wiki
ben_thatmustbemewell the code-bases have changed enough that they are not the same software anymore, and they have seperate dev communities, so thats still a fork, even if creator is the one who did it
LoqiPierre-O: tantek left you a message on 6/1 at 10:55am: re: holacracy. Nope. Not a *community*, nor any actual evidence of *success* (more self-asserted marketing claims). That is however a typical example of the current fashion of sexy product site with big blocks of different color background you scroll through to approximate pages. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-01/line/1464803706264
snarfedaaronpk: just fyi i started a wm implemention report for bridgy, but it's awkward to make it talk to wm.rocks, for obvious reasons, and that looks like most of the content...so...not sure
aaronpkwould still love an impl report from bridgy, since it's important to know the details of which parts of the spec it implements in order to progress to the next step in w3c
[chrisaldrich]GWG: I can spin up a few WordPress test sites if you need them. Anything in particular you were trying to test from your comment earlier this morning?
[chrisaldrich]GWG: Kudos on the post this morning. I'm sending you a reply in a moment or two, in part as a devil's advocate for Gen2 and Gen3 indieweb users. (I know most/all of the answers, but thought there might be some use in the Socratic method.) Some of it you may have covered in your Part 2 post, I just haven't seen it yet.
[chrisaldrich]I've been noticing that there are much better methods for doing timestamps than some of the ones I've been using by default, it's definitely on my roadmap, so there's no reason to bump it up a bit.
[chrisaldrich]I've noticed some sporadic timezone issues recently, but haven't had time/desire to dig in and fix them (other than by hand if they seem critical).
[chrisaldrich]I've had tags on my todo list for a bit, but they haven't seemed as important for some reason. Is there something particular (besides completeness?) driving your itch?
[chrisaldrich]Sorry, lost my mind for a second... I was thinking about two other themes I've been pecking away at and had lost sight that this was specifically for _s!
[chrisaldrich]Yes, it's a great way to "infect" underlying code so that it's supported out of the box. The key is to keep people from using the mf stuff for themeing when they're not sure what it's really for...
shiflett, KartikPrabhu, snarfed, friedcell, callovarne, M-RyanRix, jdp, terminalpixel, Eloquence, myfreeweb, danielcberman, PFMurph, halorgium, comzeradd, _6a68, emceeaich_, kegan[m], renoirb, hmans, lmorchard, CaptainCalliope, michel_v, reidab and jkphl joined the channel
tantekGWG, I noticed you were using a US formatted date inside a time element. If you want to use that style of display, you must use a datetime attr for dt-published
tantekshaners, I'm not sure asking "who" is that helpful, instead saying, "I can help with", which is how I signed up for and did the home page changes
gRegorLoveI am willing to do MediaWiki maintenance. I don't have direct experience, but am comfortable setting up a test version of MediaWiki and learning, and PHP is my daily programming language.
[shaners]I think it’s helpful. Bc part of what shaped my part of the proposal was my ability to help build and maintain some of those pieces. But as it stands, I’m not able to do anything about mediawiki or its plugins.
[shaners]also, the web logs of /irc and the live chat of /irc were not built and deployed on someone else’s site. they were built expressly for iwc.com and deployed there.
[shaners]i’m also not even talking about building a cms. we proposed using jekyll. nothing to build. but i can help maintain that in a way that I can’t with mediawiki / php.
tantekI feel like I've seen too many companies/projects go nuts with installing too many things, using too many languages and then you have a big mess that not only no one person can maintain, but each piece has a bus factor of one, which makes it *superfragile* - since the chance of any 1 of n people failing is much greater (exponentially) than just 1 person failing.
bearthe reason I tend to avoid having any community ramp up on core/feature infra is to avoid having the care-and-feeding of that infra turn into another unpaid job for the people who started it (no matter what the level of enthusiasm was)
aaronpkJust want to toss another data point in for consideration. I did a lot of work to make indiewebify.me run on google app engine and auto deploy from github in order to allow more people to contribute to it without going through me, however that has yet to be taken advantage of
aaronpkalso, putting aside the whole discussion of the new things on /indieweb.org, we do need to settle on everything on the "rename to IndieWeb" page pretty soon in order to actually switch on July 4
[kylewm]no I just mean, you can just redirect indiewebcamp.com/ to indieweb.org/ on July 4 … none of the other stuff has to happen on that day does it?
colintedfordRegardless of whether it gets logged, if the chat urls change to have "chat" in them we want to rename #indiechat / #indieweb-chat to avoid confusion.
aaronpk1) IRC room names, pretty much already agreed upon 2) base URL for the web interface, e.g. subdomain vs path, and 3) URL structure for web interface
tantek.comedited /rename_to_IndieWeb (+628) "/* where to put IRC logs */ add votes, change a few votes per reasoning from others, simplify chat options based on non-controversial opinion patterns" (view diff)
bearaaronpk - did I make sense with my little ascii diagram about why I don't like/recommend that proxy_pass goes to any external entity (well any that isn't behind the same firewall as the nginx itself)?
bearwell, you don't *lose* it - you just now have all traffic going across the internet with the same cert - and the web client would not know if the backend connection was MITM'd
tantek.comedited /rename_to_IndieWeb (+266) "/* where to put bookmark aggregator */ changed votes based on others' reasoning, new fave option gazette" (view diff)
tantekshaners "The wiki is too intimidating to drop new people into" is not going to magically solve itself with a second set of pages. if anything that will only make it worse because the same people not improving the wiki will also not improve a second set of pages
KevinMarks_I suppose edting the wiki from chat already means that they have implictly the same login, but we do lose the 'join the club' aspect of setting up indieauth wiht a specific goal
gRegorLoveGood point. At least the home page is in the same wiki-edit flow currently. *if* the home page were a different platform, I think a goal for that should being able to pull in upcoming events automatically.
tantekbear, at some point when I'm more cognizant I'd like to deep dive on a gentlemen's debate on merits/downsides of using subdomains. I feel have things to learn from you.
aaronpkfeel free to! there's nothing stopping anyone from making significant changes to the home page to make it prettier. if you're worried about "breaking" things, then copy it to a page under your user page and experiment there
aaronpknormally you can use [[page]] syntax from the wiki to link to other wiki pages, but we'll lose that for any URLs on indieweb.org that aren't actually in the wiki