colintedfordacegiak: It's ambiguous, but I think the way I've usually seen it used (including with Wordpress) is to meant "hosted for you", with "self-hosted" meaning your own copy.
Loqi[tantek] aaronpk, gRegorLove I believe the explanation was something like, spammers had figured out how to automate (script) creation of new withknown accounts....
aaronpk"Blogs have come a long way since Dec. 17, 1997, when Jorn Barger coined the term "weblog" to describe the list of links on his Robot Wisdom website that "logged" his internet wanderings."
LoqiWelcome to news about the IndieWeb where recent notable articles about the IndieWeb are cited and linked to keep you up to date
Loqi[indieweb] "Why do you feel this way ? Personally I am glad that Known empowered me to get into the indieWeb :-)" by Hugo (@hugo)
Loqi[David Shanske] There is an odd implementation detail of many themes that has created a parsing problem with timestamps. It is actually a PHP issue. The below is an excerpt from _s(Underscores) that appears in a large amount of themes.
saurik_, sandro, KevinMarks__ and callovarne joined the channel
j4y_funabashiOk next up on swat0 todo list: receiving webmentions from reply posts, and showing them as comments, properly marked up. This is going to be fun :)
j4y_funabashiyeah I have found that too, each bullet point requires you to implement a bunch of other things. ie 'sending webmentions' means detecting links, discovering endpoints, marking up your posts properly etc..
cweiske.decreated /screenshot (+367) "Created page with "A <dfn>screenshot</dfn> is an image of a computer screen or a website. Website screenshots can be shown with [[bookmark]]s. == Indieweb uses == * {{aaronpk}} shows screenshots..."" (view diff)
tantek_I think this is a good read about community, and am considering what we can incorporate to further improve the indieweb community, appealing to broader communities and generations
aaronpk!tell tantek no reason video uploads aren't allowed other than they aren't allowed by default on mediawiki and extensions have to be whitelisted explicitly
prtksxnaaaronpk: But we will be doing a lot of transcoding on the WMF servers to allow for adaptive bit rate streaming, not sure if that'll be possible for the IWC servers :(
aaronpkprtksxna: i'd be happy enough to just be able to upload a video and have it show up in a player. we don't need to go all out on adaptive streaming. likely we'll only be uploading short-ish stuff anyway, and keep the longer videos on youtube.
prtksxnaYeah! 1.17 :( I had other thoughts about the update too, but wasn't sure if the skin repo was the right place to bring them up, especially now, that we are using Vector.
prtksxnaaaronpk: Other thoughts like running a Parsoid service, so that we get VisualEditor and actually bearable mobile editing (which IIRC was an issue on that repo)
voxpelliVipul1: trusting Jekyll isn't that much different from trusting a text editor – it mostly just mixes together a few templates and outputs final html of it
voxpelliI btw use Jekyll + + an almost release ready Micropub endpoint that talks to GitHub (because that was easier as a first start than to talk full on git)
Callihello! does anyone have a zero-setup MF2 (h-entry) to Atom/RSS feed generator for light use? I just marked up with h-entry (by hand) - would like to generate an Atom/RSS feed from it.
Loqigranary is A library and REST API that frees you from social network API chaff and and exposes the sweet social data foodstuff inside as HTML and JSON with microformats2, ActivityStreams, Atom, XML, and more
aaronpki don't really mind using apple or google's notification services since they're just services, and not storing any content, and i can always replace them with something else seamlessly later
j4y_funabashiaaronpk: Yeah this is certainly something I want to be able to swap out, it's only purpose is alerting me of ephemeral messages from my site
sknebelnot well-documented, and I'm not happy about their stance towards third-party-software, but seemed doable as well. and I'm running Signal anyways
[kylewm]j4y_funabashi: I was paranoid about the battery on my previous phone … wasn’t sure what was draining it so I took off a bunch of things that ran in the background
gRegorLoveHeh, from Wikipedia "In 2014 an unofficial open source plug-in called whatsapp-purple was released for Pidgin, implementing its XMPP and making it possible to use WhatsApp on a Windows or Linux PC.[53][third-party source needed] WhatsApp responded by automatically blocking phone numbers that connected to WhatsApp using this plug-in.[citation needed]"
[shaners]"Standing against this tide of centralization is the indie web movement. (And hackers, the black hat kind and otherwise.) Perhaps “movement” is too strong—it’s more an aesthetic of independence and decentralization. The IndieWebCamp web page states: “When you post something on the web, it should belong to you, not a corporation.” You should own your information and profit from it. You should have your own servers. Your destiny, whic
aaronpkpick one of the tests and write a reply to it, show your post appearing as a comment on the test. then go to the receiving test, and put your post URL in there, and comments on your post
sknebelaaronpk: how much of the things described should be specific to the implementation? Since I guess many people use libraries to cover at least parts of it
bearI had a crazy idea of having a reply held in escrow and when the receiver of the message accesses the url with a cookie or somesuch they would see the message
jkphlthanks! for now, it's basically just an html page, one javascript and some css. i plan to make it a proper framework however, need to do more slides like that
jkphli was discontent with a couple of existing tools, mostly because their results are usually pretty ugly. i wanted to do some simple but nice animations and stuff. it would still be nice to edit the slides as single markdown file or similar
aaronpki just made my slides for osbridge using the reveal-js framework. you author some simple HTML and it turns it into nice formatting. definitely felt limiting in places and i wanted to make things look better but didn't have time to figure it out.
aaronpkjkphl: i can't navigate your presentation on mobile. think you could add some mechanism to move between slides? maybe check out how reveal-js does it?
jkphlright now, the presentation requires keyboard strikes or mouse clicks. can't you even advance the slides one direction by tapping? (never tried it)
[kylewm]jkphl: oh where did the IndieMark badges come from in your presentation? shaners described those to me at IWC, but I didn’t know they were out there
Loqitantek: aaronpk left you a message 8 hours, 21 minutes ago: no reason video uploads aren't allowed other than they aren't allowed by default on mediawiki and extensions have to be whitelisted explicitly
tantek!tell Jeena I don't know, I was offline and couldn't easily find it when writing the post on the plane. People still make it too hard to find and link to their indie site / name.
tantekringmark is a set of tests for measuring how well a browser supports a set of various web technologies, some standard, some experimental, some proprietary, developed by [[Facebook]] and [[Bocoup]].
[shaners]I’m imagining a service that sends back a PNG or SVG at different URLs, so a project page or README could embed it and easily update it as the project changes.
tantekfor those that don't remember or never heard of it GBase was one of Google's previous schema-org-like experiments with structured data: (and yes it died long ago)
tantekhey aaronpk did you point out in your talk that Micropub is a modern replacement for AtomPub? or is AtomPub so old and defunct now that no one has heard of it any more?
aaronpk"I hope this site encourages you to go out and rent web space of your own. Saying what you want is the most important thing in the world and the web lets any one who wants to shout it out loud and proud do so, for a small fee. Please build a web site of your own and get your message out to the world."
EileenKWe all remember the way it used to work, a mailing list or web board had an owner/boss. If you pissed off the boss and his/her friends you often lost contact with everybdoy.
tantek.comedited /rename_to_IndieWeb (+4369) "split up what we actually agreed to at the Leaders Summit vs. proposals that came afterwards that did not have the massive +1 support that this page has collected to date, collect alternatives and provide opinions" (view diff)
jkphlaaropk: you *should* be able to swipe through the slides now (don't have an iphone handy right now, but works on android and win10). english slides only at the moment.