2016-06-21 UTC
[tfg4k] joined the channel
# 00:00 [tfg4k] Anyone around want to give me a hand getting set up, I think I could help write up a more concise and friendly how-to for newer people.. if anyone has the time. Just a thought.
# 00:01 [tfg4k] or to put it another way, who should i submit a better getting-started article to once i get set up
# 00:04 [tfg4k] never contributed to a project like this before so i apologize for the elementary questions. Thanks all!
# 00:05 aaronpk no problem at all! The first step to editing the wiki is logging in, which hopefully isn't too painful. Have you set that up yet?
# 00:06 [tfg4k] not as of yet. I just realized how to get set up.
# 00:06 [tfg4k] (this is going to be cool)
KevinMarks__, jciv, pauloppenheim, mikeputnam and [shaners] joined the channel
# 00:21 [shaners] Anyone know of a canonical list of timezone offsets / timezone names (or cities in that timezone)? Preferably as a hash or array of arrays that I can easily copy paste.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 01:04 gRegorLove I wonder about sending people away from /Getting_Started to indiewebify.me as the first step. indiewebify.me is great for the validators but is it confusing to send people there for step-by-step guidance when /Getting_Started is also supposed to be step-by-step?
# 01:20 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
[shaners] joined the channel
# 01:25 bear oh poo - you want the city names, zones and offsets
# 01:25 bear that is just the country code and city names
# 01:27 bear I always go to the source because I want it to be current - if you don't mind a bit of dated-ness you can use some of the secondary sites
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 01:37 aaronpk oh nice "Rails’ ActiveSupport::TimeZone is a wrapper around TZInfo that limits the set of zones provided by TZInfo to a meaningful subset of 146 zones."
# 01:38 aaronpk could probably just query `ActiveSupport::TimeZone` directly
# 01:40 [shaners] aaronpk: I still want them in the db. But `ActiveSupport::TimeZone` will make my migration cleaner. :+1::skin-tone-2:
# 01:47 KevinMarks so named timezones for UI, but numeric offsets for stored data?
# 01:48 aaronpk numeric offsets when rendering a specific timestamp, but named timezones for storing before it's used
# 01:49 aaronpk IMO the best way to handle recurring events is to not handle recurring events
# 01:49 aaronpk calagator.org takes this approach and does well with it
# 01:49 KevinMarks indeed, recurring events are most of what makes calendaring painful
# 01:50 [shaners] kevinmarks: it’s for people’s timezone offset. I’m storing the number (-0800), but also providing place names in the choosing ui for additional convenience.
# 01:51 aaronpk [shaners]: DST means you have to store two offsets as well as the dates that they change. timezone name encodes all of that info in a single value.
[tfg4k] joined the channel
# 01:51 [tfg4k] Finally got set up so I can login to contribute. Sorry for the massive delay. Very excited though.
# 01:51 bear yea DST is *fun* ... you get to deal with "Africa/Cairo observes DST in 2016 from July 7 to the end of October.
# 01:51 bear Guess October 27 and 24:00 transitions. (Thanks to Steffen Thorsen.)
# 01:51 bear For future years, guess April's last Thursday to October's last
# 01:52 aaronpk the super ridiculous/annoying part is the US changed the dates that DST starts and ends a couple years ago so...
# 01:52 aaronpk just store timezone name and then most of the date libraries deal with it correctly
# 01:52 [tfg4k] shaners: Thing is, this is superdope as an idea, it should be way easier to set up. Im going to draft a couple of howto's and put them on my site i set up for this specifically as I continue to RTFM
# 01:52 bear that's why I always store UTC offsets and offer UI text from the OS specified timezone datafile
# 01:53 aaronpk in my individual posts i store the UTC offset since i don't care about whether it was DST when I want to display the date for a post
# 01:53 bear javascript - use moments.js; python - use pytz; ruby (forget); perl use DateTime cpan
# 01:54 aaronpk sometimes i think i should write up a guide on best practices for handling timezones
# 01:54 [shaners] Sounds amazing, tfg4k. We always appreciate more new comer input bc we’re always try to make it easier.
# 01:54 aaronpk this is one thing i feel like i have pretty well figured out on my site and not a lot of other people handle it well
# 01:55 bear do you display comments with the TZ info for the sender?
# 01:56 aaronpk i'm actually on the fence about whether that makes sense or to show it in my timezone, but either way i definitely store the timezone offset of the commenter
# 01:56 bear then i'll have to send you a webmention on hour before DST change over and then see how it displays an hour after
# 01:57 bear working on chandler and cosmo, the most fun times were DST changes and new year
# 01:58 bear all of the date/time handling bugs showed up then
leg and pauloppenheim joined the channel
# 02:31 gRegorLove The info to create a sparkline signature could be extracted from that, though I'm not sure how (in MediaWiki terms)
# 03:17 GWG Hoping to hear that life got less busy
emmak, pauloppenheim and goodoo joined the channel
# 04:19 acegiak GWG: only more busy. But I'm thinking of helping emily switch her site to known so I should be around here a bit more
# 04:22 GWG acegiak: Hosted Known is going away
# 04:30 GWG acegiak: I feel like we're losing the WordPress base
tbbrown joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
leg and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 05:08 GWG Maybe I misunderstood, but I thought that was what it was.
AndChat|566325, goodoo, KevinMarks__, leg, bnvk, KevinMarks_, arthurspooner, cweiske, huguesdk, jihaisse, wolftune and friedcell joined the channel
# 07:36 j4y_funabashi hey petermolnar_ I got webmention sending working and sent a few likes your way :)
# 07:40 j4y_funabashi went on a bit of a detour, tweaked the design and rewrote my datastore to be html+microformats - now that all seems to be working I am back on the long road to implementing swat0
arthurspooner1 joined the channel
mapkyca and loic_m joined the channel
arthurspooner joined the channel
# 08:47 cweiske seems to be the chunked transfer encoding you're using
# 08:55 petermolnar_ !tell rhiaro your site is broken, see 4 lines above in the log, pic from cweiske
# 08:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell her that when I see her next
# 08:55 cweiske petermolnar_, it works with curl on my remote server
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 08:56 petermolnar_ cweiske I don't see a high chance that we're in the same office, but who knows :D
# 08:56 cweiske rhiaro, are you using chunked transfer encoding for a reason?
# 08:57 Loqi rhiaro meant to say: I wouldn't know how if i wanted to
# 08:57 cweiske to send out static HTML at first, so that the user sees something, and then do the heavy calculations that take time and send their results afterwards
# 08:57 cweiske 1st chunk static html, 2nd chunk the dynamic things
# 08:59 j4y_funabashi !tell snarfed - I am going to retry implementing POSSE through brid.gy, could you unblock my IP?
# 08:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 09:03 bear it's behaving differently between firefox and chrome, may be an http/2 difference or the litespeed server default of chunked gzip as default
loic_m and arthurspooner joined the channel
tantek, arthurspooner and goodoo joined the channel
Garbee, friedcell and arthurspooner joined the channel
leg, friedcell and jihaisse joined the channel
friedcell, wolftune and shiflett joined the channel
singpolyma joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 14:17 sknebel oh wow, not looking at the channel for 24h and more backlog than in a week normally
kegan[m], wolftune, hs0ucy, AndChat|566325, gavinc, M-Kodo, M-hotzeplotz, M-RyanRix, kerozene, nitot, callovarne and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 16:11 j4y_funabashi which means I can now do step 1 for person A in swat0! slowly inching my way closer :)
[snarfed] joined the channel
# 16:19 [snarfed] oh btw j4y_funabashi bridgy isn't blocking you now. it only did for a day or two, a while back
tantek joined the channel
# 16:26 j4y_funabashi [snarfed]: awesome, thank you - that was one of my main reasons for implementing person-tag :)
Garbee joined the channel
# 16:32 tantek j4y_funabashi: yes+1 - have been doing it for a while - works great - be sure to link to the FB ID of the person
# 16:33 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] Silo SWAT0 on Facebook
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 16:34 [snarfed] nah, numeric id. profile URL works too but a bit less reliable
# 16:35 [snarfed] it handles personal web site links too, but only to other bridgy users
# 16:37 [snarfed] bridgy's support isn't documented well enough, mostly just points to the wiki. feel free to file an issue to improve that
minsky joined the channel
# 16:46 tantek j4y_funabashi: yeah for my own I still use the named profile URL because I myself am signed up with bridgy
# 16:47 tantek though I could always use numerical FB IDs just to make it easier to copy/paste for others
# 16:52 j4y_funabashi my main use case is quickly tagging my FB friends and pasting in their FB profile url would be easiest on mobile
minsky joined the channel
# 17:00 j4y_funabashi hmm doesn't look like it possed the person tags to fb when using the profile url
# 17:02 [snarfed] check the bridgy publish log to see how it parsed and interpreted your markup
arlen joined the channel
# 17:07 [snarfed] also try re-signing up for bridgy with fb to make sure your access token has the tag permission
minsky joined the channel
# 17:09 j4y_funabashi no problem at all, bridgy is awesome. I think it is not showing up on FB is because I tagged myself
minsky joined the channel
# 17:25 [snarfed] actually it isn't showing the person tags in the preview, and it would if it understood them, so I'm not sure
# 17:35 j4y_funabashi I have tried tagging someone else with their profile url and that hasnt worked either - will give it a few more tries
minsky, terminalpixel and tvn joined the channel
minsky joined the channel
terminalpixel joined the channel
gavinc joined the channel
# 18:58 GWG We're having troubles. There's this woman named Alice who is in WordPressland who wants to tell us all about what she does with her friend Bob
minsky joined the channel
# 18:59 GWG I need to do some writing on my site.
# 19:06 GWG But seriously, I had a great conversation with an Automattic employee about Indieweb and I want to use the chat log to write a post
# 19:11 aaronpk GWG: btw your t-shirt is in the mail and you should get it by friday!
# 19:15 GWG aaronpk, I don't know how to turn a good conversation into a post. I need to try and iterate.
# 19:16 GWG I was getting into the missing timezone offset on WordPress sites.
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 19:21 [kevinmarks] Historically Matt has been keen on microformats - he is an xfn coauthor after all
anarchivist, daf, minsky, JonathanNeal, Astro-, Salt and callovarne joined the channel
hmans, Pierre-O, KartikPrabhu, j12t, minsky and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 19:49 [chrisaldrich] How could we get him more into mf2 though? That could be a nice lynchpin that could create a quick seachange....
# 19:49 [chrisaldrich] How I wish that the theme search tool in wordpress included a checkbox for microformats2 the way it does for microformats... it could spur some broader themer adoption of its use...
# 19:50 aaronpk is that something that could be proposed to them?
# 19:51 [chrisaldrich] From what I understand from GWG it introduces some backwards compatibility issues into core that require some reasonable work; but where there's a will there's a way.
# 19:53 [chrisaldrich] i had a conversation with some Jetpack folks last week to track down the person/group that handles the checkbox... Would certainly be easier to go from the top down, but I just don't have the contacts directly.
goodoo joined the channel
# 19:54 [chrisaldrich] From my perspective things like mf2 and webmention are potential game changers for products like WordPress that catapult them above/beyond other silos, I'm shocked that products like disqus didn't build them 8 years ago.
minsky, mlncn, KevinMarks_, Garbee and callovarne joined the channel
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 20:53 aaronpk i need a "clone" button for events on my site like Calagator has
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 20:54 KevinMarks you still will need an editor, but one that gets the data from elsewhere is smart
# 20:55 aaronpk cloning on calagator is great, cause all i change is the date and the URL
[kylewm] joined the channel
# 20:57 KevinMarks maybe that is the way to do recurring events ratehr than try to express them
# 20:59 aaronpk calagator went that route ages ago and it means there aren't years old stale recurring events left around
leg, minsky, tantek, Lancey, mlncn, AndChat|566325, goodoo and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
shiflett, almereyda, minsky and singpolyma joined the channel
ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
# 23:56 acegiak GWG: interesting I would think "hosted" meant "you can put this on your machine or someone else's" as opposed to Known as a service?
colintedford joined the channel