#aaronpkthere's definitely going to be pressure to do the as2 thing of sort of silently including @context to turn it into JSON-LD but I want to push back against even that
#gRegorLoveSkipping around this video, slides look inspired by others used in indieweb presentations. independents day info, aol homesite disappearance, etc.
#aaronpki'm not sure if a technical solution like that is necessary. i previously was part of a completely manual channel redirect several years ago on a channel of similar size, and it worked fine
#ePirataaronpk can you try joining #ePirat please? (want to check if redirect works)
#ePirat<+thumbs> ePirat: don't forget to set /msg ChanServ help set guard in both.
#aaronpkthink you could write that up in a little blog post? looks like it wouldn't be too hard to be the first result for a search on redirecting freenode IRC channels.
#ePiratunfortunately my blog can't do any fancy indieweb stuff :P
#ZegnatePirat: you could add some h-entry microformat classes to the theme and the posts would instantly be parsable by indieweb sites, something to consider
#ePiratZegnat thanks, I will, that blog will soon be migrated to a new one anyway. I just never have time to actually do it, so far…
#ZegnatI know the feeling, mine isn’t even online at the moment
Pierre-O, squeakytoy, friedcell, dariusdunlap, catsup, begriffs, snarfed, ben_thatmustbeme, begriffs_ and tantek joined the channel
#tantek!tell aaronpk re: moving chat logs, I tend to be against altering history like that. Despite the search inconvenience I think it may be better to just keep the #indiewebcamp / #indieweb logs separate. Heck maybe we'll even have a separate indieweb-camp in the future for more "live" use during camps.
#tantek!tell aaronpk another difference is that #indiewebcamp is/was a bigger set of topics, intro, dev, etc., while #indieweb is going to be focused more on the human / intro / design side, with the all the dev/plumbing stuff being shunted to #indieweb-dev
#Loqitantek meant to say: kylewm: whatever the overall domain/path design, I'm saying it may be useful to consider keeping #indiewebcamp and #indieweb logs at different paths
#kylewmGuess I don't understand the original question well enough to have an opinion
#tantekmostly it's about preserving historical context
#tantekfrom an archival perspective, to know that stuff in a place in the logs was said in a channel called "indiewebcamp" vs. in a channel called "indieweb"
#tantekfor example, everyone who has clients that keep logs are keeping them different per channel
#tantekso being able to look stuff up either way is easier if we keep them separately online as well
#tantekcurrently this is easy because indiewebcamp.com/irc clearly relates to IRC channel #indiewebcamp - very 1:1
#tantekbut with the indiewebcamp->indieweb domain change, all of a sudden we lose some of that.
#tantekI'm not sure what's a good / best answer to this, but more raising it as an issue
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 12 minutes ago: re: moving chat logs, I tend to be against altering history like that. Despite the search inconvenience I think it may be better to just keep the #indiewebcamp / #indieweb logs separate. Heck maybe we'll even have a separate indieweb-camp in the future for more "live" use during camps. http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-26/line/1466978799210
#Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 6 minutes ago: another difference is that #indiewebcamp is/was a bigger set of topics, intro, dev, etc., while #indieweb is going to be focused more on the human / intro / design side, with the all the dev/plumbing stuff being shunted to #indieweb-dev http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2016-06-26/line/1466979170249
#kylewmAnother option would be keep the h1 header #indiewebcamp, but make irc -> chat a simple redirect
#aaronpki get it, but i think naming the page appropriately is a fine solution
#tantekaaronpk, right, I'm proposing considering (later) that such an indieweb-live channel could be the place where tweets/superfeedrs could go
#aaronpkif we use the same URL space for #indiewebcamp and #indieweb, then it's still true that in both cases that is the "primary" channel for indieweb
#tantekaaronpk: "naming the page" ? kylewm's h1 solution?
#aaronpkbut yeah automatic has a bunch of benefits
#ben_thatmustbemeno, i didn't say that, as far as i knew thats not possible, i thought aaronpk was saying that was possible, i think we both misunderstood that