#tantekI'm capturing a rough edited transcript from State of the IndieWeb and noticing just how many informalisms I apparently use with an unpracticed talk
#tantekNow I have no idea how KevinMarks is able to live tweet like he is
#tantekeven just taking notes from the words is hard, even having been the person who said them in the first place!
awolf joined the channel
#Ruxtonlevel up that typing speed ;) when typing tutor programs were annoying me in high school (a long time ago) I used to drill by typing out song lyrics from my headphones
tantek, KevinMarks and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
#tantekI'm a decent typist, or at least touch typist from reading. listening then typing is something else, song lyrics are an interesting idea. talking a bit faster than any song lyrics though ;)
#Ruxtontyping while people talk is a whole new skill, because people inevitably pause and get faster. The biggest trick is just accepting stupid mistakes and coming back to clean up when they stop talking.
#tantekhmm - I wonder what generation that tweet thread applies to ("activist mates")
#tantekRuxton, oddly enough, I'm also pretty good at "minute taking" during W3C standards meetings. Perhaps because the vocabulary/concepts are more constrained.
#tantekso it's particularly odd to me that I'm finding it challenging to note-take myself after the fact!
#tanteksigh, used the "you guys" expression I'm really trying to rid myself of
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]I paraphrase, because spoken transcripts look weird
#[kevinmarks]This is partly to fit tweet length, partly because I am not a good enough typist to do full transcript, and also because paraphrasing is better
#[kevinmarks]There is an old journalism legend of a politician claiming that he wasn't being accurately quoted
#[kevinmarks]So they transcribed him verbatim with the ums and repetition for a bit until he backed down
#[shurcool]How was your experience, and do you think it'd be viable to replace frontend tracking? Are there are really major features missing?
#[shurcool]I'm considering learning how to do it and doing it, because I have a few frontend pages where it's kinda tricky/annoying to add the GA script, and if I did it on backend, it'd be done in one place and forever work for all pages.
#[shurcool]I suspect things like browser/user agent detection would take a hit, and probably the real-time info?
#Ruxtonyeah I wouldn't recommend it for regular hit tracking
#Ruxtonit was prety much the only way to track the api access reliably
#Ruxton..into Google Analytics where everything else was..
#[shurcool]can you elaborate why you wouldn't recommend it please?
#Ruxtonit's more work than it's worth, you can throw JS on a page and be tracking most things in a few minutes
#RuxtonI guess it's no more or less reliable though
#RuxtonI just figure, why put it in the work if the outcome is the same
#KartikPrabhuRuxton [shurcool] please add your thought on analytics to that page ^
#[shurcool]Ruxton: The advantage of doing it on backend is that you can do it once, for your server, and all served pages will be tracked. Otherwise you need to not forget to throw it into _every_ html you serve.
#RuxtonTranscripts actually lead into something I've been meditating on for a while, the best way to mark up lyrics
#RuxtonI've been building WEBVTT's of my albums lyrics to go with audio tracks, but i feel like there's a missing link between user presentable lyrics alongside a h-product all marked up together
#Ruxtonand that missing link is a way to represent the timing of the lyrics (or transcript) in a post.
#aaronpkwhy should tantek stop posting photos to twitter just cause one person doesn't want to see that many photos
#KartikPrabhuaaronpk: readers could filter by post types
snarfed joined the channel
#KartikPrabhuthat is also one reason I have separate Articles and Notes feeds
#KartikPrabhusince Notes have higher posting frequency
#Loqi[indieweb] "@mcepl mass #indieweb Paris photo posting will continue until morale improves or #Brexit is undone or both. Or I run out. ;)" http://tantek.com/2016/179/t4/
#aaronpkKartikPrabhu: yeah i publish many different feeds for similar reasons, so you can subscribe to only my sleep data if you wanted to. but readers should be smarter as well
#[shaners]Tantek: my go to response to those kinds of messages from people who think I'm quoteunquote spamming their feed: the unfollow button is right there.
tantek joined the channel
#tantekinteresting, I just discovered that Twitter's permalink sequential nav arrows *skip* @-replies, even when viewing your own permalinks
#aaronpki would implement it more like flickr though
#aaronpksince my posts can be in multiple collections, the navigation would be within the collection that you came to it from
[dshanske] joined the channel
#[dshanske]Weechat is annoying me on mobile. Going to try Slack as my mobile gateway for a bit.
squeakytoy joined the channel
#[dshanske]shaners, enjoying the idea of h-card as a service
#[shaners]gwg: glad to hear. I’ve got a particular vision for what it’ll be, but I’d like to hear what other’s are thinking about it too. Care to brain dump your thoughts about it to the wiki?
tantek, KartikPrabhu and leg joined the channel
#snarfed1fwiw tantek i'm really enjoying your paris photo series
#snarfedgreat subjects, great framing, great editing (i'm guessing :P)
#[dshanske]Won't be home till late, but will try tonight.
#tantekkylewm: no I don't think I know that person.
#snarfedif the volume was always this high, i probably wouldn't have you in the short list i actually read, to shaners's point...but occasional bursts can work well
gRegorLove and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
#[kevinmarks]Also, a chance to mention Kyle's twitter miter
tantek joined the channel
#[shaners]Does anyone have their location on their wiki profile page?
#tantekthanks snarfed! yes, definitely editing down quite a bit ;) maybe 1 of every 10 photos at most. and that's *after* I deleted dupes and kept the "best" of each subject/view/framing
#aaronpkwonders if this is making tantek interested in supporting photo album/collection posts
#tantekre: occasional bursts, I'm trying a "post three in quick succession" approach
#tantekaaronpk: more like I'm leaning towards giving 0 f***s
#tantekwhile everyone else is spamming Twitter with Brexit doom & gloom, I'm responding by posting more photos of happy things. so there Twitter. take that!
#ben_thatmustbeme[shaners]: the URLs are not supposed to have mf2 on them, its not u-url as those are not the canonical me, the tel, email, etc, i could put
#[dshanske]I want to do some sort of building blocks session before the open sessions.
#[shaners]ben_thatmustbeme: twitter.com/veganstraightedge is emphatically not a url equivalent of my personal website, but in my h-card, i include all of my elsewhere links as u-urls.
#Loqi[Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat draft standards suitable for embedding data in ...
#ben_thatmustbemetantek: with regard to that, a permalink and another object on a different site, that is very inconsistant to me, not canonical, but still not consistant
#ben_thatmustbemeif i look up the u-url on an h-entry i expect to get the same object back
#tanteksure, and you could have it replicated on multiple sites, with multiple u-urls
#KevinMarks_an h-card listing multiple URLs seems naturla to me
#aaronpki was not aware of that semantic distinction
#ben_thatmustbemerealistically, there are 3 semantic things, 'url of this object' (u-uid), urls of other copies of this object, url of the canonical copy
#ZegnatBut u-url just means “a URL associated with the current h-* that can be parsed using u-prefix rules” right? It does not state anything about the resource it is pointing to.
#ben_thatmustbemeactually, those don't really fit KevinMarks_ as rel=me only makes sense on cards, and in that case i would assume rel=alternate to be kinda the same
#KevinMarks_no, rel=alternate is explictly 'another version of this'
#KevinMarks_with possible other qualifiers (type, lang)
#ben_thatmustbemei suppose the part that trips me up is, how do i distinguish between permalink of this copy vs permalink of the "original" copy?
#ben_thatmustbemeif u-url is just "any other version of this object" which is sort of both rel=alternate and rel=me
#ben_thatmustbemeyou can see how i got confused, this isn't all that clear once you start looking at the semantics of everything
#ben_thatmustbemeand given that most code i've written and seen doesn't even look for u-uid, but only u-url, and given h-entry lists u-url as the "permalink" it let to some false assuptions
#ben_thatmustbemei mean, if i have multiple permalinks (some being shortlinks presumably) i should always get back the same thing from all of them right?
#LoqiA pronoun is a word that people often use to refer to other people or objects instead of their names; on the indieweb you can express which pronouns should be used to refer to you https://indiewebcamp.com/Pronoun
#LoqiA birthday is the date when someone is born, however in the context of the indieweb, it is a feature displayed on some silos' user profiles that you can (or must) enter, and some prominently present to your friends on the month and day of your birthday, like Facebook's "BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK" feature at the top of their events page https://indiewebcamp.com/birthday
#LoqiYour homepage represents you on the web, typically at the top of your domain, and shows your name and an iconic representation, often marked up with h-card https://indiewebcamp.com/homepage
#Loqi"About" is a commonly occurring page or section on a site that provides an introduction, overview, or summary of the site http://indiewebcamp.com/about
#gRegorLovebio seems more like /about to me, but perhaps because that's how I set my own site up.
#[shaners]Anyone in channel with any Ruby experience that might could help me figure out this one thing that’s not working.
#bearI always liked bio/homepage/about to be the same page
#tantekI'm trying to figure out how to document what shaners asked for regarding p-note
#[shaners]aaronpk: I’m using a syntax highlight lib called Rouge to show the debug info (JSON from pin13) on /new.
#tantekFWIW I've seen separate bio vs about pages, e.g. a bio is sometimes something you specifically curate for conferences that want "your bio" for their conference page
#[shaners]aaronpk: bc as we discussed in PDX the ruby mf2 parser is behind / not complete. So, until it’s in a better way (not enough hours in the day), I can ship now but leaning on pin13 (or some other mf2 parsing web service, if you prefer).
#LoqiThis. (AKA THIS. or This: or THIS:) is type of quotation post similar in meaning to a combined like & repost where the text "This." is stated on a line by itself after the quotation, or the text "This:" is stated before a quotation or URL to express a strong affirmation or agreement with the referenced quotation or article http://indiewebcamp.com/this
#LoqiThat! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply http://indiewebcamp.com/that
#aaronpkyeah i don't think it's something you need to worry about. it's either something i need to fix with my markup, or the parser should be doing it.
#[shaners]aaronpk gregorlove: kind of. I also have the opportunity to convert \n to paragraphs or not. (Rails has `simple_format()` which is a slightly smarter `nl2br()` ).
#aaronpkhm i nee to add u-url to all my rel=me links
#LoqiThe representative h-card for a page is an h-card on that page that represents that page, if any, as not all pages are about a person or organization, a page might not have a representative h-card https://indiewebcamp.com/representative_h-card
#tanteknice ^^^ the decentralization crowd is starting to use our terminology
#[shaners]aaronpk: what’s your service to get a representative h-card from a given URL?
#tantekdoes Quitter / GNUsocial support mf2 / webmention?
#aaronpkbut that library is mostly concerned with finding the representative h-card for a non-profile page, like finding the author h-card for an h-entry permalink
#tantekwas that one of the ones that ben_thatmustbeme patched?
#gRegorLoveWould any PHP + mf2 people be willing to review PRs for php-mf2? ben_thatmustbeme? I'm wanting to get some things merged to the master branch, even if they're not released right away (Barnaby has to sign + release)
#tantekbows out of attempted triple thread discussions
#[shaners](Unnecessary abbreviating in tweets really grinds my gears: "def. of a decen. long")
#[shaners]aaronpk: `bday` on http://acegiak.net isn’t in a top level `h-card`. so I’m not catching it. but looking for authorship of feed/entries is a bigger task than I want to take on right now now.
#tantekshaners, I'm guessing that acegiak might want to hear that feedback, perhaps try a !tell?
#aaronpkah, well that example would be caught by my library. the trick is to find any h-card on the page that has a u-url of the URL of the page it came from
#aaronpkthere seems to be not a lot of consensus on what the top-level object of a home page should be. tantek's is an h-card, acegiak's is an h-feed, i don't have a single top-level object.
#[shaners]I don’t have a single top-level object either. I have h-feed and h-card.
#tantekaaronpk sounds like something worth documenting on /homepage
#[shaners]The way the parsed JSON is specced, (to me) implies that there can be multiple top level objects. That’s why there’s a “items” array, right?
#tantekand that's deliberate, to allow for publisher page design / markup flexibility
#aaronpkin any case the representative h-card algorithm basically says go find an h-card (regardless of how deep it is) that has a u-url of the page
#tantek(i.e. being able to sprinkle the microformats markup into the page's existing structure, instead of having microformats coerce the page structure somehow)
#[shaners]right. that’s just a little bit more of a rabbit hole than i want to dive into today.