2016-06-27 UTC
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:18 bear oh, it moved from the wiki to the micropub spec - found it
tantek, Guerillero|BNC, KevinMarks__, wolftune, mlncn, KevinMarks, hs0ucy and KevinMarks___ joined the channel
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# 02:09 tantek I'm capturing a rough edited transcript from State of the IndieWeb and noticing just how many informalisms I apparently use with an unpracticed talk
snarfed joined the channel
# 02:17 tantek it can be good for small group comradery, but less good for mass audience broadcast
# 02:23 tantek Now I have no idea how KevinMarks is able to live tweet like he is
# 02:23 tantek even just taking notes from the words is hard, even having been the person who said them in the first place!
awolf joined the channel
# 02:28 Ruxton level up that typing speed ;) when typing tutor programs were annoying me in high school (a long time ago) I used to drill by typing out song lyrics from my headphones
tantek, KevinMarks and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 02:34 tantek I'm a decent typist, or at least touch typist from reading. listening then typing is something else, song lyrics are an interesting idea. talking a bit faster than any song lyrics though ;)
# 02:37 Ruxton typing while people talk is a whole new skill, because people inevitably pause and get faster. The biggest trick is just accepting stupid mistakes and coming back to clean up when they stop talking.
# 02:37 tantek hmm - I wonder what generation that tweet thread applies to ("activist mates")
# 02:38 tantek Ruxton, oddly enough, I'm also pretty good at "minute taking" during W3C standards meetings. Perhaps because the vocabulary/concepts are more constrained.
# 02:38 tantek so it's particularly odd to me that I'm finding it challenging to note-take myself after the fact!
# 02:41 tantek sigh, used the "you guys" expression I'm really trying to rid myself of
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 02:44 [kevinmarks] This is partly to fit tweet length, partly because I am not a good enough typist to do full transcript, and also because paraphrasing is better
# 02:45 [kevinmarks] There is an old journalism legend of a politician claiming that he wasn't being accurately quoted
# 02:45 [kevinmarks] So they transcribed him verbatim with the ums and repetition for a bit until he backed down
# 02:46 tantek the other trick is to learn to speak in a way which is directly / literally quotable
# 02:46 tantek helps to practice a talk multiple times in order to do that
# 02:46 tantek probably also why lots of politicians read from teleprompters
# 02:47 tantek indeed, he's figured that out and is a very well practiced speaker
# 02:48 tantek so true, he does tend to tangent and deep end a bit at times
# 02:48 [kevinmarks] Cory is also a great writer, so is very practiced at cadence and nuance, so not as compressible
# 02:49 [kevinmarks] (also I was exhausted by day 3 - getting to the archive for 9 am is hard from SJ)
# 02:51 tantek haha I'm so socal and I don't even know it when I'm speaking. hilarious
# 02:52 tantek kevinmarks next time you have to do that let's find you a guest room spot in SF ;)
# 02:56 [kevinmarks] Good call. Biking from yours would save me 100 mins cycling and 150 mins of train per day
# 02:57 tantek drat another "you guys". giving myself demerits for that.
# 02:57 GWG tantek: Double points for youse guys.
# 02:57 [kevinmarks] If you want to do a full transcript, playback audio only at 0.75 or 0.5 speed
# 02:58 tantek right now just using the spacebar pause thing on a bluetooth keyboard
# 02:59 [kevinmarks] But they describe it as a trance state - they don't recall it afterwards
# 02:59 Ruxton I use my midi food board, play/pause, rewind 5s, ffwd 5s, bound to winamp
# 02:59 tantek right, I'm trying to be conscious of what I'm saying
# 03:01 tantek It's also interesting comparing my text notes that I spoke from (they're on the wiki already) to what I said.
# 03:03 [kevinmarks] Where you recite what the speaker is saying into a speech recognition system trained on your voice
tantek and rhiaro joined the channel
tantek, mlncn and wolftune joined the channel
# 04:14 aaronpk strawpoll: is the s/foo/bar/ feature of Loqi useful or annoying?
[shurcool] joined the channel
# 04:15 [shurcool] doesn't know what its s/foo/bar/ feature is...
# 04:16 [shurcool] ah lol. Nice. yeah, I don't mind. but I also use/prefer Slack.
# 04:17 [shurcool] Has anyone worked on implementing Google Analytics hit tracking on backend rather than frontend?
# 04:19 [shurcool] How was your experience, and do you think it'd be viable to replace frontend tracking? Are there are really major features missing?
# 04:20 [shurcool] I'm considering learning how to do it and doing it, because I have a few frontend pages where it's kinda tricky/annoying to add the GA script, and if I did it on backend, it'd be done in one place and forever work for all pages.
# 04:20 [shurcool] I suspect things like browser/user agent detection would take a hit, and probably the real-time info?
# 04:24 Ruxton yeah I wouldn't recommend it for regular hit tracking
# 04:24 Ruxton it was prety much the only way to track the api access reliably
# 04:25 Ruxton ..into Google Analytics where everything else was..
# 04:25 [shurcool] can you elaborate why you wouldn't recommend it please?
# 04:26 Ruxton it's more work than it's worth, you can throw JS on a page and be tracking most things in a few minutes
# 04:27 Ruxton I just figure, why put it in the work if the outcome is the same
# 04:28 KartikPrabhu Ruxton [shurcool] please add your thought on analytics to that page ^
# 04:31 [shurcool] Ruxton: The advantage of doing it on backend is that you can do it once, for your server, and all served pages will be tracked. Otherwise you need to not forget to throw it into _every_ html you serve.
# 04:47 aaronpk Eh I'm not a big fan of rewriting history like that
# 04:48 aaronpk the w3c feature is because the final output is minutes, not chat transcripts, so I don't think that applies here
# 04:52 KartikPrabhu i agree. Loqi replace should not rewrite the archive but should be more like "edits" like it is now
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 04:53 [kevinmarks] Fair. Maybe the previous version and the edit post can get the "small type" styling in the html record
# 04:55 aaronpk that sounds hard :) i'm going to think about that later
sensiblemn joined the channel
# 05:17 bear I don't see what i'm doing wrong that is keeping quill from seeing my syndicate-to response
# 05:18 aaronpk are you trying with the "refresh" button on quill?
snarfed and cweiske joined the channel
# 05:22 bear yea, this could very well be that I am not building the array response properly
# 05:22 bear flask doesn't do x-www-form-urlencoded as a GET response normally
tantek joined the channel
# 05:22 aaronpk yeah quill is not very helpful in debugging that part of things
# 05:23 bear this is the value i'm returning: syndicate-to[]=indieweb.chat/distribute
# 05:24 bear I don't think quill is sending application/json - or at least i'm not detecting it
# 05:25 bear oh - I was following the example that quill had
# 05:39 tantek so close. got to the point where I played the SWAT0 demo
# 05:44 bear hmm, when I send Accept: application/json I get a result that looks like the spec, but quill still doesn't see it
wolftune joined the channel
# 05:48 bear odd, the initial GET from quill has no query parameters
# 05:51 tantek raw transcript done. I'm thinking of just putting it on the wiki in that form (and editing later for a blog post)
# 05:52 tantek can't help but hear my own encouragement to "just make something and iterate" :P
# 06:09 Ruxton Transcripts actually lead into something I've been meditating on for a while, the best way to mark up lyrics
# 06:11 Ruxton I've been building WEBVTT's of my albums lyrics to go with audio tracks, but i feel like there's a missing link between user presentable lyrics alongside a h-product all marked up together
# 06:12 Ruxton and that missing link is a way to represent the timing of the lyrics (or transcript) in a post.
tantek and mlncn joined the channel
# 06:23 tantek I could see a few people here be interested in that
# 06:24 Ruxton that was the first thing I noticed doing WebVTT "Oh.. this is just karaoke"
# 06:25 Ruxton cweiske: bandcamp embedds lyrics in all formats that support it, if they're supplied. you might want to look at what they're doing to
# 06:25 Ruxton they don't do timings though, just flat lyrics
# 06:25 Ruxton I made some patches in Firefox to try get WebVTT on Audio working
loic_m joined the channel
# 06:41 cweiske Ruxton, do you have bandcamp? could you download an .ogg file with lyrics there for me to examine?
jihaisse and KevinMarks joined the channel
arthurspooner, goodoo, rrix and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
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# 07:47 Ruxton LRC is good, but they're all non-web things.. Essentially I want to microformat LRC
KevinMarks__, Pierre-O and tantek joined the channel
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cweiske joined the channel
Garbee, tantek and adactio joined the channel
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# 11:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 11:57 GWG pfefferle, if the rest of it is too big to review right now, if you could manually adjust the other issue.
# 11:57 pfefferle hey GWG, no it is not about complexity it is still a time problem ;)
# 11:59 GWG I worry about new people uninstalling
# 12:00 GWG pfefferle, with the rest of it, you know that I am willing to wait. And that I will be sending you another PR as soon as this one is merged.
# 12:04 GWG I am enthusiastic, what can I say?
# 12:05 GWG I could switch over to Semantic Linkbacks PRs for a bit.
# 12:15 pfefferle GWG I think we should start using composer for the mf2 library
# 12:17 GWG pfefferle, I had a PR for that. Except for the pre 5.4 issue
# 12:20 GWG I may file the PR for moving linkback_fix to run on preprocess_comment.
# 12:36 GWG pfefferle, yes. They all call that filter.
tantek joined the channel
# 12:44 GWG edit_comment is getting commentdata passed to it in 4
cyberjar09 joined the channel
mlncn, goodoo and wolftune joined the channel
Pierre-O, snarfed and shiflett joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
friedcell, snarfed, KevinMarks and KevinMarks__ joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
# 15:34 [shaners] aaronpk++ thanks for adding your feedback to the wiki page for it.
# 15:37 [shaners] Kylewm kevinmarks: h-card-as-a-service *will* import an h-card from your entered domain. But it's not yet. Hopefully it will today.
# 15:37 [shaners] It still has a form that you could've typed your info into though.
snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 15:46 ePirat what is this karma stuff?
# 15:49 Loqi The following is a guest post by Yaphi Berhanu, who helps people learn JavaScript. Yaphi comes heading a warning: you should know what you'r...
tantek joined the channel
# 16:03 aaronpk When Loqi becomes sentient the karma points may become significant
# 16:08 tantek we have no idea how many times aaronpk has rolled over
# 16:08 tantek I am trying to come up with a snarky funny but polite response
# 16:11 KartikPrabhu the photo posting thing has nothing to do with indieweb. People post photos to twitter directly in large volumes too
# 16:12 aaronpk this sounds like a good argument for better readers
# 16:12 aaronpk why should tantek stop posting photos to twitter just cause one person doesn't want to see that many photos
snarfed joined the channel
# 16:18 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: yeah i publish many different feeds for similar reasons, so you can subscribe to only my sleep data if you wanted to. but readers should be smarter as well
KevinMarks and [shaners] joined the channel
# 16:26 [shaners] Tantek: my go to response to those kinds of messages from people who think I'm quoteunquote spamming their feed: the unfollow button is right there.
tantek joined the channel
# 16:30 tantek interesting, I just discovered that Twitter's permalink sequential nav arrows *skip* @-replies, even when viewing your own permalinks
# 16:34 kylewm tantek: is that a real life friend complaining about you posting photos?
snarfed1 and minsky joined the channel
# 16:35 kylewm Policing other people's Twitter volume feels so 2008
# 16:40 aaronpk since my posts can be in multiple collections, the navigation would be within the collection that you came to it from
[dshanske] joined the channel
# 16:40 [dshanske] Weechat is annoying me on mobile. Going to try Slack as my mobile gateway for a bit.
squeakytoy joined the channel
# 16:41 [dshanske] shaners, enjoying the idea of h-card as a service
# 16:42 [shaners] gwg: glad to hear. I’ve got a particular vision for what it’ll be, but I’d like to hear what other’s are thinking about it too. Care to brain dump your thoughts about it to the wiki?
tantek, KartikPrabhu and leg joined the channel
# 16:49 snarfed1 fwiw tantek i'm really enjoying your paris photo series
# 16:49 snarfed great subjects, great framing, great editing (i'm guessing :P)
# 16:49 [dshanske] Won't be home till late, but will try tonight.
# 16:49 snarfed if the volume was always this high, i probably wouldn't have you in the short list i actually read, to shaners's point...but occasional bursts can work well
gRegorLove and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
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# 17:01 [shaners] Does anyone have their location on their wiki profile page?
# 17:03 aaronpk oops i actually don't anymore. it was on my last site design though and i must have forgotten to carry that over.
snarfed1 and tantek joined the channel
# 17:12 tantek who did the temporary automatic twitter mute tool? was that kylewm re: kevinmarks?
# 17:15 aaronpk ohh it uses twitter's mute function. didn't even know about that lol.
gavinc joined the channel
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# 17:27 tantek hey do we have confirmations on all the HWC venues this week?
# 17:29 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:33 tantek thanks snarfed! yes, definitely editing down quite a bit ;) maybe 1 of every 10 photos at most. and that's *after* I deleted dupes and kept the "best" of each subject/view/framing
# 17:33 aaronpk wonders if this is making tantek interested in supporting photo album/collection posts
# 17:33 tantek re: occasional bursts, I'm trying a "post three in quick succession" approach
# 17:34 tantek aaronpk: more like I'm leaning towards giving 0 f***s
# 17:34 tantek while everyone else is spamming Twitter with Brexit doom & gloom, I'm responding by posting more photos of happy things. so there Twitter. take that!
# 17:36 tantek considers looking for kittens in the wild to go photograph and mass post to Twitter
# 17:37 tantek hey Superfeedr, what no wikimo update notification that HWC is on the docket for this week?
# 17:37 tantek aaronpk: indeed, what is @indiewebcat's opinion of Brexit?
# 17:38 tantek maybe you can a/b test with British vs. European cat food?
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# 17:44 aaronpk hmm i want all of indiewebcat's instagram photos automatically syndicated to twitter. wonder how i should hook that up.
# 17:46 aaronpk yeah it's using bridgy publish or silo.pub already, but i need to tell it to do that at some point in the ownyourgram -> micropub flow
# 17:47 aaronpk could be a setting in p3k, e.g. "all micropub requests from client_id=x add syndicate-to=y"
# 17:48 aaronpk so that ownyourgram adds the "syndicate-to" property when it makes the micropub request
wolftune, snarfed and shiflett joined the channel
[shaners] joined the channel
# 18:26 tantek nice that they went through a proposal and public all for comments phase before making such decisions
# 18:29 tantek and perhaps it is time to create a simpler CSS "framework" (shudders) to replace bootstrap
# 18:29 gRegorLove I was about to post that link if someone wanted to, to beat someone to suggesting *I* file an issue. Haha
# 18:31 gRegorLove On the plus site, I have a PR open for php-mf2 that skips the camelCase and numbers in class names, so that will help.
# 18:31 Loqi gRegorLove meant to say: On the plus side, I have a PR open for php-mf2 that skips the camelCase and numbers in class names, so that will help.
# 18:33 tantek might want to also point out that microformats with these class names are already well established on 10s of thousands of sites
# 18:42 gRegorLove [shaners]: I have my location on my wiki profile, though not marked up with mf2 apparently.
# 18:43 gRegorLove I can never remember the right mf2 properties for city/state.
# 18:56 [shaners] does anyone have their timezone offset in their h-card on their site?
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:57 [shaners] p-tz - timezone offset, e.g. <data class="p-tz" value="-0800">PST</data>
# 18:57 tantek I thought a previous version of aaronpk's site did
[dshanske] joined the channel
# 19:00 [dshanske] I need to redo my h-card widget
# 19:01 [dshanske] I am not happy with the style.
# 19:03 [dshanske] Well, I know what you would respond to the abstract question "what does a h-card look like"
# 19:05 aaronpk my new site shows the local time, i should make it include the timezone offset too
# 19:07 tantek aaronpk - there's also the display use-case. like you clearly found a use-case for displaying your battery level
# 19:09 aaronpk yea but i don't need to mark it up just to show it
# 19:09 [dshanske] shaners, check out ben_thatmustbeme's h-card, I seem to recall he had some interesting stuff
# 19:09 [shaners] aaronpk: please add your nickname/s. it’ll help me test h-card-as-a-service.
# 19:10 tantek aaronpk you also show *your* current time in your header right next to the battery
# 19:11 tantek then you could put the tz offset in the datetime attr
# 19:11 tantek then we would have a markup challenge, since there's currently no way of extracting *only* the tz
# 19:13 [shaners] ben_thatmustbeme: Do you know that you don’t have h-card properties on some of links? tel, email, urls
# 19:13 [dshanske] ben_thatmustbeme, weren't you his lordship?
# 19:14 bear [shaners] - I just added p-tz and p-nickname to my h-card
# 19:16 [dshanske] tantek, I do want to discuss NYC2.
# 19:17 ben_thatmustbeme [shaners]: the URLs are not supposed to have mf2 on them, its not u-url as those are not the canonical me, the tel, email, etc, i could put
# 19:18 [dshanske] I want to do some sort of building blocks session before the open sessions.
# 19:19 [dshanske] I started to.
# 19:20 [dshanske] I am trying to figure out how to structure that
# 19:20 tantek will the video be posted, or was there an etherpad, IRC chat (logs) ?
# 19:21 [shaners] ben_thatmustbeme: actually, I meant the “Elsewhere” links
# 19:21 bear [shaners] - of all the mf2 I have gathered from folks, no one has p-tz and a lot of folks use p-nickname
# 19:21 aaronpk they weren't recording videos of the osbridge talks this year, only audio, so i set my phone in front of the projector and recorded it myself
# 19:22 ben_thatmustbeme [shaners]: so did I, they have rel=me thats what they are supposed to have, they should not have u-url
# 19:23 tantek if you want to specify canonical, you can use u-uid
# 19:24 tantek like I said, no consuming code I know of makes that assumption "is th"
# 19:24 Loqi tantek meant to say: like I said, no consuming code I know of makes that assumption "is the"
# 19:25 [shaners] ben_thatmustbeme: twitter.com/veganstraightedge is emphatically not a url equivalent of my personal website, but in my h-card, i include all of my elsewhere links as u-urls.
# 19:25 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat draft standards suitable for embedding data in ...
# 19:26 [dshanske] Everything I am is me.
# 19:27 tantek in both cases you can optionally use u-uid as canonical if you really care to specify that much detail
# 19:27 tantek otherwise you can't really make assumptions about uniqueness, canonicalness etc.
# 19:27 tantek permalink just means it will work, it may redirect in the future
# 19:27 tantek aaronpk++ lol you should add that to the issue
# 19:27 [dshanske] Actually, I was quoting Sesame Street.
# 19:28 tantek KevinMarks: I'm just waiting for bootstrap folks to suggest that everyone else should use a use-specific prefix like mf-
# 19:28 tantek so we can counter with, well if you think that's a good idea, you go first with bs-*
# 19:30 ben_thatmustbeme tantek: with regard to that, a permalink and another object on a different site, that is very inconsistant to me, not canonical, but still not consistant
# 19:30 tantek sure, and you could have it replicated on multiple sites, with multiple u-urls
# 19:33 [dshanske] It just means you are distributed
# 19:33 bear all of my h-card u-url are rel="me" (is that wrong?)
# 19:35 ben_thatmustbeme realistically, there are 3 semantic things, 'url of this object' (u-uid), urls of other copies of this object, url of the canonical copy
# 19:35 Zegnat But u-url just means “a URL associated with the current h-* that can be parsed using u-prefix rules” right? It does not state anything about the resource it is pointing to.
# 19:35 KevinMarks_ how did you derive that assumption, ben? from time with salmentiosn etc?
# 19:36 KevinMarks_ maybe I'm coming at this differnetly, btu that si what I have seen rels for
# 19:38 ben_thatmustbeme actually, those don't really fit KevinMarks_ as rel=me only makes sense on cards, and in that case i would assume rel=alternate to be kinda the same
# 19:40 ben_thatmustbeme i suppose the part that trips me up is, how do i distinguish between permalink of this copy vs permalink of the "original" copy?
# 19:40 ben_thatmustbeme if u-url is just "any other version of this object" which is sort of both rel=alternate and rel=me
# 19:45 ben_thatmustbeme you can see how i got confused, this isn't all that clear once you start looking at the semantics of everything
# 19:46 ben_thatmustbeme and given that most code i've written and seen doesn't even look for u-uid, but only u-url, and given h-entry lists u-url as the "permalink" it let to some false assuptions
# 19:47 ben_thatmustbeme i mean, if i have multiple permalinks (some being shortlinks presumably) i should always get back the same thing from all of them right?
# 19:48 ben_thatmustbeme but if all rel=me's are supposed to have u-url, thats very different behaviour between h-entry and h-card
# 19:48 KevinMarks_ I would think so, though if you link to a version in another format (amp? as2?)
# 19:49 [shaners] Anyone know of anyone putting their bday in their h-card on their site?
# 19:49 Zegnat I used to list my bday, but not since I redesigned. It is probably coming back soon-ish though.
# 19:53 [shaners] kevinmarks: your parsed mfs have tantek and chris messina as top level h-cards on your site.
# 19:56 ben_thatmustbeme <a class="u-url url" href="http://known.kevinmarks.com/2016/dwebsummit-i-hadnt-thought-of-ipv4-addresses-as-a-centralized" rel="permalink">
# 19:56 KevinMarks_ right, I mean it only has a u-url for the permalink, not the alternatives
# 19:57 KevinMarks_ this is a case where jf2 is losing some thing compared to mf2 by dropping all the rels
# 19:58 ben_thatmustbeme yes, but honestly, the rels don't make sense for h-entries as they are page scoped, not object scoped
# 19:59 ben_thatmustbeme and i'm going to stop on any of that before we start to go in any sort of a range-14 direction
# 20:00 aaronpk y'all have totally lost me on this discussion as i suspect most others. maybe write up the specific problem on the wiki?
tantek, Garbee, qasaur and leg joined the channel
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# 20:37 gRegorLove Has x-pronoun too, if you want more edge case stuff. :) A few of us have that.
# 20:37 aaronpk why is everyone spelling "possessive" with only 3 s'?
# 20:38 gRegorLove And the whole "minimal h-card pointing to a more complete h-card"
# 20:38 aaronpk most of the examples i found spelled it "posessive"
# 20:38 Loqi A pronoun is a word that people often use to refer to other people or objects instead of their names; on the indieweb you can express which pronouns should be used to refer to you https://indiewebcamp.com/Pronoun
# 20:40 gRegorLove [shaners]: Cuts off at the first period, unless you explicitly wrap in p-summary
# 20:42 aaronpk i'm guessing someone typed it wrong, then someone else copied that example, and then it kept spreading from copypasta
# 20:43 aaronpk ooh there is one spot on the mf2 wiki with the wrong spelling
# 20:50 [shaners] gregorlove: thanks for the p-note example :slightly_smiling_face:
# 20:50 aaronpk considers a slack-emoji-name-to-real-emoji library for Loqi
# 20:59 Loqi [acegiak] oh so p-pronoun-subject p-pronoun-object p-pronoun-posessive ?
# 20:59 Loqi [gRegorLove] Using p-x-pronoun-nominative, p-x-pronoun-oblique, p-x-pronoun-posessive
# 21:08 gRegorLove I'm sure we can get acegiak to fix it on her site and then that in-the-wild example accordingly.
# 21:11 bear what is the pronoun set for male? him/his/his ?
# 21:13 gRegorLove Added my markup to the mf-wiki and noted the corrected spelling in it.
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# 21:37 Loqi A birthday is the date when someone is born, however in the context of the indieweb, it is a feature displayed on some silos' user profiles that you can (or must) enter, and some prominently present to your friends on the month and day of your birthday, like Facebook's "BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK" feature at the top of their events page https://indiewebcamp.com/birthday
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# 21:39 tantek np. I'll keep randomly documenting things in the hopes that one day someone asks the right question.
# 21:42 [shaners] Anyone in channel with any Ruby experience that might could help me figure out this one thing that’s not working.
# 21:42 bear I always liked bio/homepage/about to be the same page
# 21:42 tantek I'm trying to figure out how to document what shaners asked for regarding p-note
# 21:43 tantek shaners, I can't help with that, but I do have p-note on my h-card on my homepage if that helps with anything
# 21:43 tantek now I just need a place to document it as an IndieWeb Example
# 21:44 [shaners] aaronpk: I’m using a syntax highlight lib called Rouge to show the debug info (JSON from pin13) on /new.
# 21:44 tantek FWIW I've seen separate bio vs about pages, e.g. a bio is sometimes something you specifically curate for conferences that want "your bio" for their conference page
# 21:45 bear that seems to be a thin/vague difference between bio and about
# 21:45 [shaners] It’s usage documentation is pretty limited. But it only seems to work with a `File.read` as input.
# 21:45 [shaners] When I give it a string, it barfs. Any idea how to treat a string as a FileIO object or stream or something?
# 21:46 aaronpk [shaners]: any reason you're using pin13 for that and not the ruby mf2 parser?
# 21:49 [shaners] aaronpk: bc as we discussed in PDX the ruby mf2 parser is behind / not complete. So, until it’s in a better way (not enough hours in the day), I can ship now but leaning on pin13 (or some other mf2 parsing web service, if you prefer).
# 21:49 [shaners] either way, i’d still have this File vs string issue for Rouge. :confused:
# 21:51 Loqi [Jeremy Keith] These Are My Bitter-tasting Jams.
# 21:52 aaronpk [shaners]: i thought `File.read` returns a string
# 21:52 tantek Hey did we already discuss what to call Jeremy's CMS since he refuses to give it a name?
# 21:53 [shaners] i was misreading the error and projecting the problem onto the wrong place
# 21:53 tantek I've been threatening to call it ACME and I think I'm going to pull the trigger
# 21:53 tantek shaners, because I know how much you like clever names
# 21:54 bear JKCMS and if he balks say it's Just Kidding CMS
# 21:54 tantek ACME is the Adacio Content Management Engine, a privately developed [[CMS ]] by {{adactio}}
written in [[PHP ]] with [[MySQL ]] for storage.
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# 21:54 bear ah - ACME would have been clearer if I knew that is who adactio is :)
# 21:58 tantek bear, only works if Loqi didn't know what it was
# 21:59 tantek yeah for cap diffs you have to create manually
# 22:03 aaronpk no Loqi only creates pages from IRC lines if previously asked
# 22:03 aaronpk otherwise we'd have a *lot* of junk wiki pages, believe me ;-)
# 22:03 Loqi This. (AKA THIS. or This: or THIS:) is type of quotation post similar in meaning to a combined like & repost where the text "This." is stated on a line by itself after the quotation, or the text "This:" is stated before a quotation or URL to express a strong affirmation or agreement with the referenced quotation or article http://indiewebcamp.com/this
# 22:04 Loqi That! (or "that ^" or "that ^^^") is a rarely seen reply often emphasizing agreement with a This post, but sometimes[1] merely emphasizing agreement with a previous reply http://indiewebcamp.com/that
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# 22:04 bear drat - here I was going to be "funny" and next say "that is this"
# 22:05 tantek bear you could try /me giving Loqi a chaos-test and see what he does with it
# 22:06 aaronpk huh, where did we end up with the discussion on newline handling in p-* parsing?
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# 22:07 [shaners] aaronpk: Not sure. I’m punting on that one. What’s there now is filed under G for “good enough for now”.
# 22:07 aaronpk yeah i don't think it's something you need to worry about. it's either something i need to fix with my markup, or the parser should be doing it.
# 22:08 bear hmm loqi needs to translate slack nicks
# 22:09 [shaners] aaronpk gregorlove: kind of. I also have the opportunity to convert \n to paragraphs or not. (Rails has `simple_format()` which is a slightly smarter `nl2br()` ).
# 22:10 [shaners] I could add rel-mes. Or we could use this as a carrot/stick to encourage u-urls in h-cards.
# 22:11 bear how do I get p-nickname to be associated with different silos?
# 22:12 bear I was wondering - the descriptive text in h-card-as-a-service kinda implies that
# 22:12 aaronpk IRC usernames technically have a URL although i think it ended up not working right when tantek was trying it
# 22:12 bear oh - yea, I could add p-nickname to my rel="me" urls for silos
# 22:12 [shaners] It’s meant to be a way to collect handles for chat room lookups. (URLs by @nicknames are coming soon.)
# 22:14 bear yea, I was going to add <span class="p-nickname">codebear</span> inside the <a> for twitter
# 22:14 aaronpk but like [shaners] was saying, the actual use of it is to match chat usernames to profiles
# 22:15 aaronpk for example if you ask Loqi "who is aaronpk?" he needs to be able to find the username "aaronpk" somewhere
# 22:23 bear I was using your site to test my h-card edits
# 22:25 tantek nice ^^^ the decentralization crowd is starting to use our terminology
# 22:25 [shaners] aaronpk: what’s your service to get a representative h-card from a given URL?
# 22:28 [shaners] Damn. PHP lib does me no good in Rails land. Though, I guess I can port it to Ruby.
# 22:30 tantek doesn't feel like doing one of those, hey, some of us have been decentralized tweeting since 2010 reply :P
# 22:31 tantek does Quitter / GNUsocial support mf2 / webmention?
# 22:31 aaronpk but that library is mostly concerned with finding the representative h-card for a non-profile page, like finding the author h-card for an h-entry permalink
# 22:31 tantek was that one of the ones that ben_thatmustbeme patched?
# 22:31 gRegorLove Would any PHP + mf2 people be willing to review PRs for php-mf2? ben_thatmustbeme? I'm wanting to get some things merged to the master branch, even if they're not released right away (Barnaby has to sign + release)
# 22:31 tantek bows out of attempted triple thread discussions
# 22:32 [shaners] (Unnecessary abbreviating in tweets really grinds my gears: "def. of a decen. long")
# 22:32 gRegorLove Also tantek^. Anyone comfortable with the microformats parsing spec and PHP, really.
# 22:34 [shaners] aaronpk: `bday` on http://acegiak.net isn’t in a top level `h-card`. so I’m not catching it. but looking for authorship of feed/entries is a bigger task than I want to take on right now now.
# 22:35 tantek shaners, I'm guessing that acegiak might want to hear that feedback, perhaps try a !tell?
# 22:35 aaronpk ah, well that example would be caught by my library. the trick is to find any h-card on the page that has a u-url of the URL of the page it came from
# 22:36 aaronpk there seems to be not a lot of consensus on what the top-level object of a home page should be. tantek's is an h-card, acegiak's is an h-feed, i don't have a single top-level object.
# 22:37 [shaners] I don’t have a single top-level object either. I have h-feed and h-card.
# 22:37 tantek you could add an entry for those you've analyzed
# 22:38 tantek * top level object: multiple: h-feed and h-card
# 22:38 [shaners] The way the parsed JSON is specced, (to me) implies that there can be multiple top level objects. That’s why there’s a “items” array, right?
# 22:38 tantek and that's deliberate, to allow for publisher page design / markup flexibility
# 22:38 aaronpk in any case the representative h-card algorithm basically says go find an h-card (regardless of how deep it is) that has a u-url of the page
# 22:39 tantek (i.e. being able to sprinkle the microformats markup into the page's existing structure, instead of having microformats coerce the page structure somehow)
# 22:39 [shaners] right. that’s just a little bit more of a rabbit hole than i want to dive into today.
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# 22:42 [shaners] anyone wanna add `dt-bday` to their h-card for my testing?
# 22:43 aaronpk tho i'm not sure what the ISO8601 format for a date without a year is
# 22:46 bear ah - yea, dt-bday and a specific location you won't find in my websites
# 22:46 KevinMarks_ Quitter/gnusocial has mf2 but not webmention afaik, though we can check
# 22:46 bear (getting dox'd once made me very very careful about public info)
# 22:47 tantek sigh, you don't trust me to have memorized it? ;)
# 22:48 aaronpk it's not that *i* don't trust you, but can't say the same for everyone else reading these logs in the future ;-)
# 22:48 tantek bear, did you ever get back @bear, or was that left as scorched earth?
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# 22:50 bear bah - ISO has a paywall for downloading specs now
# 22:51 tantek yeah the W3C version has all sorts of problems, like artificial precision (which then infected Atom) etc.
# 22:51 tantek do I have to point out that the W3C "version" is a NOTE?
# 22:51 bear iso8601 and rfc3339 IIRC don't allow for partial date but do allow for partial time
# 22:53 tantek bear I believe you are mistaken about iso8601
# 22:54 aaronpk still haven't found a reference to --MM-DD but finding the actual text of ISO8601 or ISO8601:2004 is proving challenging
# 22:54 bear yea, I was trying to find a conanical reference but ISO now has the non-informative sections behind a paywall
# 22:54 tantek bear - I'm pretty sure your intuition about that is incorrect given the two examples I cited
# 22:55 bear was just looking for my own verification - I try to not use wikipedia as a spec authoritative source
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# 22:56 aaronpk well the second "-" is the separator like between MM-DD
# 22:57 aaronpk how can ISO publish a spec that you can only pay to read
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# 22:58 tantek aaronpk, welcome to world of even older standards orgs
# 22:58 bear oh my this is bringing back all of the memories of why I stopped supporting iso8601 in parsedatetime
# 23:02 tantek aaronpk I couldn't think of anything in particular to add
# 23:03 tantek figured my citation in my edit message was sufficient
# 23:05 aaronpk i almost didn't even notice your edit cause it wasn't in the paragraph
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