2016-06-28 UTC
# 00:02 [shaners] pronoun.is uses up to 5 pronouns. we only have properties for 3.
# 00:22 KevinMarks_ I'm documenting it as an interesting thread from the decentralized web summit
[shaners] joined the channel
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# 00:51 [shaners] gregorlove: thanks for having pronouns in a top level h-card. i was able to use it for testing HaaS.
# 00:52 gRegorLove shaners: Welcome. Didn't expect an experimental property to make it in, but that's rad.
# 00:57 [shaners] so it’s useful to have on people’s profiles for Loqi to lookup!
# 00:58 [shaners] The idea is that this thing could be used for Loqi’s people lookups
# 00:58 gRegorLove Sure. I didn't think Loqi used pronouns already. Based on the wiki profile page?
# 00:59 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 01:00 gRegorLove Yeah, I recall some discussion about that now. aaronpk could tell us for sure :)
# 01:01 gRegorLove Mine would be an edge case I'm sure, since pronouns aren't on my wiki page yet or on my homepage
# 01:01 [shaners] either way, i was able to prove to myself that they’re being imported from a URL
KevinMarks__ joined the channel
# 01:13 KevinMarks__ hm, so it finds my h-card for tantek but not for me, because mine is under the h-feed?
# 01:15 [shaners] correct. i haven’t yet implemented the kind of recursive search for h-cards.
KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks___ joined the channel
# 02:17 aaronpk !tell tantek I use content addressing to archive peoples' avatars from their h-cards. see /ca3db
# 02:17 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 02:19 aaronpk [shaners] sweet, username lookup looks good. tho I'll probably do the same thing I do now which is download the whole chat-people page and cache it locally.
# 02:20 aaronpk speaking of which, the chat-people page has a non-standard timezone string for the tz property, "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" which i believe is not machine parseable. can you change it to a machine-readable string like "US/Pacific"?
[shaners] joined the channel
# 02:30 [shaners] Aaronpk I just used Rails' built in names and offsets. You know all about timezone stuff way better than me. Wanna send a pull request my way?
Lancey, kerozene and tantek joined the channel
# 03:08 tantek looks like IG recently got salmentions - or rather, notifications of comments on posts you're tagged in
# 03:08 tantek e.g. actual notification I got this evening: "lauraglu commented on a post you're tagged in."
# 03:09 tantek pretty sure that's the SWAT0 scenario, someone commenting on a photo you're tagged in
# 03:09 tantek (this is new, didn't exist before today AFAIK)
# 03:14 aaronpk tho pretty soon instagram will just be a stream of photos from facebook
KevinMarks joined the channel
sensiblemn, KevinMarks_, comzeradd, _6a68, emceeaich_, goodoo, snarfed, kegan[m], M-hotzeplotz, M-Kodo, M-RyanRix, rrix and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 05:28 bear oh, it's on a different domain - cool
goodoo and AndChat|566325 joined the channel
Lancey_, friedcell, Lancey__, cweiske, gRegorLove and jihaisse joined the channel
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arthurspooner, marcthiele, nitot, jihaisse, rMdes, friedcell, StatelessCat, Pierre-O, koray, mlncn and [tfg4k] joined the channel
# 10:38 [tfg4k] Guys is it me or is indieweb slipping?
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# 12:47 cweiske just wanted to point out total inverse interpretation of that comment
# 12:47 tantek I haven't yet either but I was considering the one in Berlin in November
# 12:48 tantek the organizer wants to do an indiewebcamp before or after
# 12:49 Loqi tantek meant to say: just curious if that's convenient for you
# 12:52 tantek there's also IndieWebCamp Brighton which looks like it is happening 2016-09-24..25
# 12:53 tantek I was going to say, not too bad if UK is still part of Europe
# 12:53 cweiske berlin is 1h by train, nuremberg 3h which is ok for a 2-day event
# 12:53 tantek from the last time that marcthiele (organizer) was around
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Garbee, Erkan_Yilmaz, shiflett, cyberjar09 and tantek joined the channel
# 13:21 rMdes cweiske, not sure what happend, this was supposed to POSSE to twitter
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# 13:23 rMdes finally fixed my HTTPS issues not resolving well from short-url to normal url
# 13:24 rMdes with bear mod_rewrite tip, thanks to him !
# 13:37 tantek rMdes - I think it may have been a drive-by light-hearted "concern troll" ;)
arthurspooner, leg and shiflett joined the channel
# 14:39 kylewm ben_thatmustbeme: not really. mf2util returns a flat JSON object but it's a stretch to say it's like jf2
# 14:41 ben_thatmustbeme and if you'd be open to it, i'd love to include it in something we would like to unify with
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# 17:32 wagle so do have to fix webmention wordpress plugin myself? 8) 8) 8)
# 17:32 wagle so do I have to fix the webmention wordpress plugin myself? 8) 8) 8)
# 17:34 wagle having once spent a year digging myself out of a mountain of workarounds, I'm loath to apply them
# 17:37 wagle that year made me a real stickler for real fixes
# 17:38 wagle "Never Again will there be an endless firestorm!"
# 17:38 gRegorLove I can't seem to find it in the chat logs, but my suggestion is to disable display of strict standards warnings using error_reporting();
# 17:39 gRegorLove GWG said he had a PR to fix it. I don't know if it's been merged or not.
# 17:39 gRegorLove In general you shouldn't be displaying strict standards warnings anyway, though, unless you're in development mode. Just my opinion.
# 17:39 wagle just now loogged into my wordpress server, and it was still complaining
# 17:40 wagle this is default wordpress, I think.. dunno
# 17:41 miklb should be able to modify error reporting in wp-config
# 17:42 wagle i'll wait for the fix.. was asking if I had to do it myself
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:46 Loqi petermolnar meant to say: check the github repository
# 17:47 Loqi I added a countdown scheduled for 7/28 10:47am (#5863)
# 17:48 gRegorLove It's probably not onerous, just a lot of changes going on, and I think pfefferle (the maintainer) has been busy, so new versions may not be getting pushed out as quickly as development happens.
goodoo joined the channel
# 17:56 miklb unrelated, I'm stoked to say I finally resolved my syndication via micropub on Jekyll
# 17:57 miklb I thought I had it working last week, but created a bug, last night I rewrote the piece of the plugin to properly parse the links in the front matter to send bridgy webmentions from micropub
# 17:58 miklb voxpelli I've been mulling the idea of creating a new collection for notes, but haven't dug into the code yet. Any thoughts?
# 17:59 voxpelli miklb: I was thinking about that for a while as well, but ended up just making it a subset of the basic post
# 18:00 miklb I guess I just need to look at how difficult it is to loop through posts and exclude a cat. Shouldn't be hard with liquid
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# 18:01 voxpelli miklb: subsetting probably goes more hand in hand with the general trend within the community of preferring compositions of post features over strict post types
# 18:02 miklb I'm using the octopress pagination plugin but it is woefully behind in development.
# 18:03 voxpelli the upside of that downside is that I got myself a firehose of all content I create, which in itself is actually a good feature to have :)
# 18:04 miklb I want to start doing links next, but also want to figure out how to posse to pinboard
# 18:05 voxpelli adding a special tag on Pinboard that when used would mean that I would peso it onto my site
# 18:06 miklb I used to do something like that with my previous blog engine. Would actually create a link roundup post.
# 18:08 voxpelli I try to keep a higher level of curation in my links section compared to what I do in my Pinboard – trying to follow the lead of https://adactio.com/links/ (although at a very much slower rate)
# 18:09 miklb yes, I'd also like to do some linkposts where title links to the actual URL & not back to my site.
# 18:11 miklb now that I have that syndication worked out, I can scratch a few new itches :-)
Calli, tantek_, wolftune and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 19:00 tantek ^^^ looks like nytimes redirected KevinMarks article permalink to the home page :/
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 19:06 KevinMarks1 hm, it works on known and twitter, that may be a loqi parsing glitch
# 19:06 aaronpk probably nytimes is redirecting to home page for the user agent Loqi uses
KartikPrabhu and tantek joined the channel
# 19:28 tantek since they're specifically mentioning IndieWeb, perhaps it makes sense to provide an IndieWeb-focused response?
# 19:31 tantek is that good enough to send or does it need more copy editing etc.?
# 19:32 gRegorLove Hm. /building-blocks looks like the head of many different rabbit trails - lots of links elsewhere on the wiki. /principles covers a lot of information but doesn't look daunting, like a long article.
# 19:32 gRegorLove Maybe recommend them both, in order. "Here's the principles, and if you want to dig in further, building-blocks"
anomalily joined the channel
# 19:42 anomalily Hey all - does anyone know offhand if using IFTTT for flickr > wordpress will allow bridgy to work for comments
# 19:43 anomalily I can set up the IFTTT recipe to include the flickr URL (not the IFTTT shorturl)
# 19:43 tantek oh neat - can you make include class="u-syndication" on that link too?
# 19:44 tantek though I don't remember if Bridgy backfeed supports Flickr (assume it does?)
# 19:44 anomalily @tantek I don't think I CAN make it include a class on the link unfortunately.
# 19:45 anomalily I really hate that Flickr discontinued their "send to wordpress" connection. I used that religiously.
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# 20:02 anomalily @tantek A few years back.
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# 21:45 ePirat aaronpk btw feel free to leave ##ePirat again ^^ That was just a test channel :D
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# 21:59 aaronpk lol forgot about that. my irc client hides inactive channels and also tries to autojoin anything i've been in before
# 21:59 aaronpk we'll see if i can make it forget about that channel
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# 22:42 Loqi Ok, I'll tell him that when I see him next
# 22:42 [shaners] aaronpk: I didn’t copy/pasta the /irc-people markup straight up. I simplified it a bit. All the same mf2 classes are there, of course.
# 22:42 [shaners] Could you take a look at it and see if it’d still work for you purposes, please?
# 22:43 aaronpk (other than the timezone issue but I can PR that)
quails and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 23:22 bear I like this because then the irc-people is only their wiki name and the domain - the h-card info comes from discovery
# 23:22 bear get's people to keep their h-card info fresh
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