#aaronpk[shaners] sweet, username lookup looks good. tho I'll probably do the same thing I do now which is download the whole chat-people page and cache it locally.
#aaronpkspeaking of which, the chat-people page has a non-standard timezone string for the tz property, "Pacific Time (US & Canada)" which i believe is not machine parseable. can you change it to a machine-readable string like "US/Pacific"?
#[shaners]Aaronpk I just used Rails' built in names and offsets. You know all about timezone stuff way better than me. Wanna send a pull request my way?
#LoqiSWAT0 is an abbreviation for The Social Web Acid Test level 0 and is a user-feature interoperability test for social web functionality defined in 2010 https://indiewebcamp.com/SWAT0
#aaronpktho pretty soon instagram will just be a stream of photos from facebook
#Loqipetermolnar meant to say: check the github repository
#wagleStrict Standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method Webmention_Plugin::init() should not be called statically in /var/www/html/wp/wp-includes/plugin.php on line 525
#LoqiI added a countdown scheduled for 7/28 10:47am (#5863)
#gRegorLoveIt's probably not onerous, just a lot of changes going on, and I think pfefferle (the maintainer) has been busy, so new versions may not be getting pushed out as quickly as development happens.
#miklbI thought I had it working last week, but created a bug, last night I rewrote the piece of the plugin to properly parse the links in the front matter to send bridgy webmentions from micropub
#miklbvoxpelli I've been mulling the idea of creating a new collection for notes, but haven't dug into the code yet. Any thoughts?
#voxpellimiklb: I was thinking about that for a while as well, but ended up just making it a subset of the basic post
#miklbI guess I just need to look at how difficult it is to loop through posts and exclude a cat. Shouldn't be hard with liquid
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#voxpellimiklb: subsetting probably goes more hand in hand with the general trend within the community of preferring compositions of post features over strict post types
#voxpelliadding a special tag on Pinboard that when used would mean that I would peso it onto my site
#miklbI used to do something like that with my previous blog engine. Would actually create a link roundup post.
#voxpelliI try to keep a higher level of curation in my links section compared to what I do in my Pinboard – trying to follow the lead of https://adactio.com/links/ (although at a very much slower rate)
#miklbyes, I'd also like to do some linkposts where title links to the actual URL & not back to my site.
#miklbnow that I have that syndication worked out, I can scratch a few new itches :-)
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#gRegorLoveHm. /building-blocks looks like the head of many different rabbit trails - lots of links elsewhere on the wiki. /principles covers a lot of information but doesn't look daunting, like a long article.
#gRegorLoveMaybe recommend them both, in order. "Here's the principles, and if you want to dig in further, building-blocks"