#[shaners]bear aaronpk kevinmarks etc: I added name and website to /chat-people. I also added a table view instead of a list. Which do yall think is better? Especially for a very long list like /irc-people actually is.
#jonnybarnesI currently have that without the square brackets after syndicate-to
#aaronpkI can't remember if I left that in Quill as a fallback, but check out micropub.net which describes a slightly larger response which allows you to have a display name separately from the value used in the syndicate-to parameter
#jonnybarnesoh hang on: “The endpoint MUST return the response in [JSON] format”
#jonnybarnesso I shouldn’t be using http_build_query
#ben_thatmustbemeno, we changed that, it is a bit nicer now having names for things
#snarfedpetermolnar: i ran Namecoin-Qt locally a few days ago to try to register a .bit domain. it ran for days and never converged. :/ i eventually gave up
#petermolnaryou do have namecoins to spend, right?
#ePiratmaybe it's just for me but that editor does not seem to provide much benefit over a plain textfield? at least the demo on the website seems quite pointless…
#[dshanske]Semantic Linkbacks has been refactored in the same way Webmentions has. They can now theoretically be developed separately, but a unified distribution plugin could easily be made
#[kylewm]the Markdown editor has … its own problems
#LoqiHomebrew Website Club is a bi-weekly meetup of people passionate about or interested in creating, improving, building, designing their own website, in the same structure as the classic Homebrew Computer Club meetings https://indiewebcamp.com/hwc
#tantek(and upload to wiki as well would be nice :) )
#tantek(adding it to the HWC event page for today)
snarfed joined the channel
#tantekhey adactio's post https://adactio.com/articles/10887 is awesome and I'm still not done reading it. so far mentions of microformats, XFN, rel=me, indieAuth, Micropub, IndieWebCamp, Bridgy, Webmention
#aaronpkePirat: i'm off and on IRC this morning so your best bet is to leave a question here that i can respond to when i have a minute
tantek_ and wolftune joined the channel
#ePirataaronpk well it's more a discussion topic, I will just ping you another time. I don't think this issues is properly solved.
#ePiratand I just wanted to make sure that I am not misunderstanding something before I continue commenting on the github issue.
#aaronpkthe security consideration paragraph doesn't address it for you?
#bnvkhas anyone considered making a webmention Discourse plugin?
#ePirataaronpk not really, no. proposed ways to mitigate the issue do not help to solve the actual problem: my server can be made to POST to any server.
#ePiratthere should be some way for my server to check, if the referenced endpoint actually handles webmentions for the website that links that endpoint.
#ePirataaronpk yes, I think that is a very good solution
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
#aaronpkthat's a pretty big change, and not something that can just be added right now. but if you think that solution is important you should say that on the github thread and we'll talk about it with the group again.
#ePirataaronpk which one? the one I linked? I am confused as there are so many different repos…
#ePirataaronpk I agree but there are horrible things out there, where it might be enough to post something or which would evaluate url parameters as well.
#ePirataaronpk and I don't want it to be possible that my server could be abused for (even an unlikely) attack.
#ePirataaronpk of course if you decide that the issue is too hard to actually exploit, I would understand. just wanted to point it out that's not fully addressed.
snarfed joined the channel
#ePirataaronpk and as far as I understand the only affected thing would be salmention, so I could choose to just not support them.
#aaronpki think my understanding of salmention was wrong when i wrote that issue
#aaronpksalmention only says that you need to re-send webmentions you previously sent. it doesn't make you send new webmentions that you haven't sent before.
#ePiratok, I guess I need to re-read the salemention stuff
#ePirataaronpk so If I understand correctly, when I write a post, mentio foo.org, I would webmention foo.org and when updating the post, only re-mention foo.org, not commenters of my post?
#ePirataaronpk would the security consideration you added to the draft still apply then?
#aaronpkyes, the security consideration starts out with "It is possible for an attacker to advertise a Webmention endpoint that points to an arbitrary URL." which is still true. but that case will only be hit if the attacker causes you to actually post a link to their site in your own post. so it's more like a targeted phishing attack in that sense.
Pierre-O, sensiblemn, goodoo and [benatwork] joined the channel
#[benatwork]Related: if anyone has any screenshots of anything awesome that I can show off, I’d love to receive them at ben at benwerd dot com. I’ve been told I shouldn’t expect internet necessarily, so no live demos
#KevinMarks1today's xkcd sounds like one of those theoretical webmention bug reports http://xkcd.com/1700/
#gRegorLoveI might experiment with extending Squash Reports to track times, too, for invoicing. We have a really rudimentary system for that currently.
#[kylewm](I recognize that there is some intangible “feel” aspect to all of this, that’s hard to put into words)
#aaronpklinguistically, "slash chat" is a very awkward phrase
#[kylewm]I suspect non-tech people are slightly more used to bare domain slash something (go to audible dot com slash mypodcast for a free trial)
#aaronpkyou have to come to a complete stop in order to separate "sh" and "ch"
#[kylewm]slash chat is where we talk about Guns n Roses
#[kylewm]aaronpk: yep I see your point about the awkward consonance
[benatwork] joined the channel
#[benatwork]yeah, that means something a bit different in Scotland
#[benatwork]also the sheer number of referrals I get for the “facebook login” search tells me that URL design is essentially moot for non-technical users
#aaronpksometimes I accidentally google "google" but that's just when the address bar autocomplete screws up
#[benatwork]my favorite moment on the internet is when a readwriteweb article became the #1 search result for “facebook login” for a day or so and thousands of visitors left angry comments about the facebook redesign
#[shurcool]for those that are attending the Homebrew Website Club Meetup in SF tonight... it's my first time, how will I find people? the location is the open area of a first floor of a big building as I understand.
#KevinMarksI'm a little surprised Vic never got them to onebox "Facebook login" to g+
#aaronpkit's at mozilla, tell the receptionist you're there for homebrew website club
#[shurcool]also, the first hour is "Quiet writing hour before the meetup" so are people just going to work quietly/independently?
#aaronpkit's hard to miss though, it's right when you walk in