petermolnarI'm slowly accepting the fact that I need to give up flickr (as well): with my only slightly paranoid ublock settings, I can't browse it any more
Loqitantek: petermolnar left you a message 1 day, 3 hours ago: - while brilliant, it also summarizes overengineering by it's mere existence
tantekyeah: "But the trouble is that the business model of most digital news organisations is based around clicks. News media around the world has reached a fever-pitch of frenzied binge-publishing, in order to scrape up digital advertising’s pennies and cents."
petermolnarunless someone calls external binaries via some kind of exec/sytem which relies on env vars, there is no attack vector here as far as I can tell
[kevinmarks]Now, we are caught in a series of confusing battles between opposing forces: between truth and falsehood, fact and rumour, kindness and cruelty; between the few and the many, the connected and the alienated; between the open platform of the web as its architects envisioned it and the gated enclosures of Facebook and other social networks; between an informed public and a misguided mob.
aaronpkit looks like if you set the Proxy header in your HTTP request, make a request to something that makes an external request, the code will use whatever you specify in the header to route the traffic through
tantekI want to believe that indieweb comments will be a lot better since people are using an identity they have consciously built up (their own website) rather than some throwaway login on a random news site.
tantekaaronpk: I wonder if that would have been different had people's G+ profiles had a "most recent comments" box that showed their most recent comments made with that G+ profile anywhere (including YouTube)
tantekmy guess is that people's YT comments still feel sufficiently disconnected / undiscoverable from their "profile" that they don't feel sufficiently "self-conscious" about what they are saying
tantekcweiske, and there's plenty of people with their own domain that write mean things right their on the homepage as well. The point is not about any absolute prevention, but rather, overall discouragement and net effects.
Loqitantek meant to say: cweiske, and there's plenty of people with their own domain that write mean things right there on their homepage as well. The point is not about any absolute prevention, but rather, overall discouragement and net effects.
petermolnarI think one of the issues is option to comment right there, right below the topic; many commenting systems, that are away from the source material seem to behave better; though this might be an illusion
LoqiA pronoun is a word that people often use to refer to other people or objects instead of their names; on the indieweb you can express which pronouns should be used to refer to you
tantekGWG, great! Best thing to do is write yourself a script (like actions you would take, not a javascript) for a demo, and then practice it to make sure it works as you expect