2016-08-10 UTC
leg, KevinMarks_ and KevinMarks joined the channel
mindB, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and CherryPuffs joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 02:00 GWG [kevinmarks]: Have you been hanging out with Jeff Jarvis again?
# 02:00 [kevinmarks] Suddenly struck that amp with microformats could be a good combination
# 02:00 GWG Do you mean amp + microformats or an amp-like thing with microformats?
# 02:05 GWG My concern is still the JS hosted by Google.
KevinMarks, begriffs, KevinMarks_, quails, misuba, Lana, cweiske, jihaisse, jonnybarnes, AngeloGladding, loicm, koray, Pierre-O, cmal, friedcell, adactio, gmacon, mindB, hs0ucy, Kopfstein, rrix, TheGillies and mlncn joined the channel
adactio_ joined the channel
# 14:04 hs0ucy Hi, hello ... Is there a script to create a feed from all h-entry of a site ?
# 14:11 hs0ucy cweiske: ok, thanks. And de the second one
# 14:13 hs0ucy cweiske: all right :)
singpolyma, mlncn, adactio, qasaur and Pierre-O joined the channel
adactio, M-nd, M-rongladney, kegan[m], M-RyanRix, M-hotzeplotz and wolftune joined the channel
# 15:03 aaronpk i have this weird idea for a new kind of post i want to make for my site, but not sure the best way to go about it, or whether there are other examples i can look at
# 15:04 aaronpk i want to make daily "roll-up" (or stats?) posts that show summaries of things about the day that don't otherwise fit into post-sized pieces
# 15:05 aaronpk examples: number of steps walked today. list and amount of time spent in each project in my text editor. MB of cell data used.
# 15:08 aaronpk i'm thinking about prototyping it in a super simple way, basically not adding any code to my site, and just posting them as HTML articles at first
shiflett joined the channel
# 15:11 GWG aaronpk, would be interested to see a prototype even though I don't have such a thing on my horizon.
Pierre-O and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 15:29 [kevinmarks] That does seem like a common type of post, though not sure what you'd call it
goodoo joined the channel
# 15:40 GWG I get summary emails on a weekly/monthly/etc basis from various sites. For example, I mentioned I installed Automatic in my car and now I get car usage summary emails.
# 15:42 GWG I remember seeing some WordPress plugins that would do a Twitter stat page every day/way.
# 16:00 [kevinmarks] Round-up post? There have been things that do that for tweets or bookmarks for a while
# 16:05 hs0ucy sknebel: thanks
mlncn, friedcell, njnj and shiflett joined the channel
AngeloGladding, adactio, gRegorLove, Pierre-O, rMdes, cweiske, goodoo and hs0ucy joined the channel
tbbrown and Lana joined the channel
loicm, misuba, hs0ucy, mlncn and Pauho joined the channel
shiflett, KartikPrabhu and Unifex joined the channel
qasaur joined the channel
# 20:52 bear wow - zero mentions of anyting IndieWeb related in that article
# 20:54 bear i'm also reading the thread Kevin started
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:05 aaronpk i keep thinking about the chicken and the egg problem
# 21:06 aaronpk in order to get this "adoption" everyone keeps talking about, it's ultimately going to take a company building a service with indieweb features
# 21:06 aaronpk but right now, it's hard to justify doing that when there aren't enough other things to talk to at the scale that theoretical company would be operating at
# 21:07 bear yea, it would have to be a grass roots service that then gets popular
# 21:08 aaronpk part of me wonders if there's something around search that we could take advantage of
# 21:09 aaronpk google has gotten so bad about blog search lately
# 21:09 aaronpk and historically that was a major driver of "indie" things like having a website or adding microformats markup
kbs joined the channel
# 21:11 aaronpk superfeedr was in a good position for that, but now i don't know what the situation there is
# 21:13 miklb seems bridgy would be the first thing that needs to scale
# 21:13 aaronpk bridgy wouldn't be necessary if services supported webmention and microformats natively
# 21:13 aaronpk the ultimate goal is to put bridgy out of business :P
# 21:14 miklb somehow I don't see twitter implementing webmentions, but I'd love to be proven wrong
# 21:15 aaronpk it's true, it's very unlikely. it would have to be something like a bunch of other webmention-supporting services suddenly got popular and twitter was forced to implement it otherwise the twitter users can't participate in the larger conversations
# 21:15 miklb but if more platforms adopted, something like snippets.today could put Twitter out to pasture
# 21:16 miklb though I still post more ephemeral stuff to Twitter that I don't post on my site even though I have the ability to
mindB and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
AndChat|566325, KevinMarks_, goodoo, KevinMarks, kbs and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 22:57 KevinMarks1 hm, that's annoying given I have mention.tech - they may get all trademarky
# 22:57 KevinMarks1 how is this different from datasift etc?
# 22:58 AngeloGladding i see a personal crawler as a core necessity
# 22:58 KevinMarks1 I'm going to make a wikipage to fill in Anil's comparison chart - what should I call it?
# 22:58 aaronpk datasift and the other one i forgot only talk to like twitter and facebook
# 22:59 aaronpk AngeloGladding: i totally agree. that's essentially the only way i read twitter now, i dont go to the home timeline. i would love to extend that idea to everyone's indieweb sites, but building a crawler is hard
# 22:59 AngeloGladding i believe Python > PHP for such background purposes
# 23:00 aaronpk i run plenty of background processes in PHP anyway
# 23:00 AngeloGladding so you have a cron task run a PHP script?
# 23:00 aaronpk i have a bunch of php scripts that get run at boot by the same OS mechanism that runs the web server etc
# 23:00 KevinMarks1 I wrote the technorati crawler using Twisted, and it was process-parallel
# 23:00 AngeloGladding so you have a long-running PHP script?
# 23:02 AngeloGladding Twisted was probably very well suited way back when
# 23:02 KevinMarks1 if you do it right you have a lot of things blocking on reads, so node could be a decent model too
# 23:02 AngeloGladding Python has built-in asyncio nowadays
# 23:03 AngeloGladding Guido (author of Python) wrote that
# 23:04 AngeloGladding I was hitting all of your sites hourly about a week ago
# 23:04 AngeloGladding sorry didn't respect robots yet..
# 23:04 AngeloGladding integrating w/ webmentions will be a bit more complex but i think both are needed
# 23:05 AngeloGladding @aaronpk what else did you crawl?
# 23:05 KevinMarks1 I was thinking a webmention sender like telegraph would go well with a crawler
# 23:05 KevinMarks1 as it fetches every target anyway
# 23:06 KevinMarks1 every potential target
# 23:06 AngeloGladding telegraph?
# 23:07 KevinMarks1 what is lost infrastructure?
# 23:09 KevinMarks1 maybe I can morph mention-tech into that
# 23:09 KevinMarks1 as it caches mentions anyway
# 23:10 KevinMarks1 wow, Anil's table is a bitmap
# 23:14 AngeloGladding aaronpk: well that's quite the approach w/ irc bots
# 23:14 AngeloGladding you must have been the one to show me weehcat back in january
# 23:15 aaronpk i'm using weechat via a web interface now, it's even better
# 23:17 AngeloGladding i suppose you can grep the logs and utilize all the standard unix flat file tools
# 23:17 AngeloGladding but having the crawler parse structured content (microformats) and pushing that into a database for all kinds of output seems so much more robust
# 23:17 AngeloGladding do you do that as well?
# 23:18 AngeloGladding i'm working on releasing my code and a one-click installer so i've halted feature dev for the last week or so
# 23:18 AngeloGladding but i'm looking to websocket new crawler finds to my site as I use it
# 23:19 AngeloGladding similar instaneity but keeps it in the browser
# 23:19 AngeloGladding how do you use weechat in browser?
# 23:25 AngeloGladding very interested in anyone's indieweb crawler dev.. e.g. decentralized technorati
# 23:26 AngeloGladding gg get ready for HWC
KartikPrabhu joined the channel