#indieweb 2016-09-03

2016-09-03 UTC
mlncn and snarfed joined the channel
checks todo list for personal site for something to work on
AngeloGladding, goodoo, KevinMarks_, snarfed, KevinMarks, pl_, leg, thebaer, danielcberman, thebaer_, awolf, linuk0, tonious, tantek, AndChat|566325, nitot, Pierre-O and cmal joined the channel
Good morning indieweb
morning :)
frzn and loicm__ joined the channel
Die Idee, Indieweb mit WordPress umzusetzen-eigene Inhalte auf dem eigenen Server vorhalten & selbstbestimmt verteilen-ist ja schön.. #wcfra
Das Konzept von IndieAuth https://indieweb.org/indieauth.com wird nicht so recht klar ... #wcfra
@pfefferle über Nutzung v Wordpress als Hüter der eigenen social media Daten #IndieWeb #IndieWordPress @WordCampFRA https://twitter.com/VolkerZ/status/772039555297972228/photo/1
thebaer and bashrc joined the channel
@digilotta UX ist aber definitiv ein Thema wird aber auch UX … http://indieweb.org/ux und feedback ist immer gern gesehen :)
In Matthias Pfefferles ( @pfefferle ) Vortrag (IndieWordPress) ging es rund um das spannende Thema Indieweb. #WCFRA https://twitter.com/CallaTux/status/772046072524988416/photo/1
goodoo joined the channel
@jkphl bei welchem Anbieter hast du denn die IndieWeb Aufkleber gemacht?
@jkphl haste den IndieWebCamp besuch verlängert?
AndChat|566325 and friedcell joined the channel
hmmm, can a post ever realistically be a like and a reply?
i suppose it could be actually, if its the same post
@pfefferle Ja, nach vorne! ;) Nein, im Ernst, ab Montag ist hier @reasonsto, und 2 Wochen später komme ich wieder zum @indiewebcamp. \o/
For those running on VPS servers, you will probably get to test your reboot recovery plans soon -- https://xenbits.xen.org/xsa/ <-- 4 Security advisories to be released next week
Xen really hit it badly the last few years...
[indieweb] "Comment on My Indieweb swag arrived! by scottharvey__" by scottharvey__ on 2016-09-02 http://boffosocko.com/2016/08/25/my-indieweb-swag-arrived/#comment-31978
I need to brush up on my German
GWG: only if you can tell pfefferle what printer did the IWC stickers, else you aren’t missing much
rootforce joined the channel
I cannot
Then you do not need your german just yet ;)
I would like to talk to him though
He hasn't been around much lately
@pfefferle @jkphl die IndieWebCamp Aufkleber kommen aus Stickermule! Du kannst sie hier finden: https://indieweb.org/swag
how was that?
goodoo joined the channel
aaronpk: sounds like how I would write it, which means its a cointoss wether it is correct german or not, but is wholly understandable ;)
aaronpk: lol
I was hanging out at a punker club in Düsseldorf last weekend, turns out you will be forced to speak German in that situation. What I was saying did not always sound correct, but apparently everyone knew what I was saying anyway.
goodoo joined the channel
Time to see if I can get WeeChat & Glowing Bear running at my hosting
Installing WeeChat should be easy enough, now that linuxbrew is a thing. But after that I will be clueless. Haha
Zegnat: the instructions on https://www.glowing-bear.org were pretty straightforward. just make sure that port is open in your firewall
aaronpk: I don’t usually manage software on the server, one of the reasons I stick to shared hosting. So just setting up the WeeChat on a remote machine over SSH is going to be a minor accomplishment.
I found some good guides for when I set up ZNC before, but WeeChat relays seem to get less bloggers writing
I have a weechat/Glowing Bear relay
If everyone has a start-to-finish guide for going from nothing to weechat/Glowing Bear setup, much obliged.
pl_ joined the channel
cmal joined the channel
Well, never mind, weechat install failed so that is me done :p
aaronpk: the "kommen aus" reveals the english speaker (only works as a translation of "come from" when it's about a place, e.g. "come from Germany", "sind von" would be a correct version here), but the meaning is obvious, since it's unlikely that Stickermule is a town somewhere ;)
oh thanks :)
snarfed, AndChat|566325, mlncn, terminalpixel, pl_ and jgee joined the channel
hier ist übrigens der link zu meinen folien: https://github.com/pfefferle/wcfra-2016-talk #indieweb #wcfra
awolf, snarfed and dmaczka joined the channel
I was looking at pfefferle's presentation with Google translate on... it translated tantek as Tantekin Steel.
goodoo, jgee, KevinMarks, tantek, thebaer, singpolyma, gRegorLove, KevinMarks_, comzeradd, pl_ and AngeloGladding joined the channel
what is https?
HTTPS is an abbreviation for Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a protocol for secure communication, supported by web servers (like Apache & nginx) and browsers https://indieweb.org/HTTPS
random question: If every website becomes https how will one access hotel/airport wifi which redirect to some login screen and fail to do so on https?
currently I have been using tantek's site for this as it is http
[indieweb] "1500 Word MTU has a POSSE: Week 2 Update" by Paul Lindner on 2016-09-01 http://www.1500wordmtu.com/2016/1500-word-mtu-has-a-posse-week-2-update
AngeloGladding and miklb joined the channel
mlncn, sonicrocketman, jacus, emmak and tantek joined the channel
KartikPrabhu - those use what is called a Captive Portal and depend on DNS redirection as one of the ways they send you to a local login page. Browsers have various ways of detecting this, the Firefox bug tracking it has been active since 2010 -- https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=562917
the browser vendors are all trying to work thru this for the very reason you suggested, TLS doesn't work with this at all and "teaching" users to allow a Captive Portal that is HTTP only is training them to get owned by fake wifi hotspots
KevinMarks joined the channel