2016-09-10 UTC
snarfed, miklb, wolftune, ChrisAldrich, tantek and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:05 sensiblemn aaronpk: when i log in to quill with https://sensible.mn/blog and click "authorize" on the /auth/start page I have to manually add /blog to the URL it sends me to in order to be able to log into my page. have you had this issue with other webpages that have their indieweb stuff in their subdirectory instead of their main page?
KevinMarks_, ScruffyDan and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
# 02:41 KartikPrabhu sensiblemn: if your rel-me URLs are on the /blog subdurectory then you will have to use that for indeauth logins
# 03:17 sensiblemn i was just wondering if many other people have signed in with subdirectories to quill and if so, whether their url that they are redirected to is missing the subdirectory and they need to manually enter it. if so, it might be a bug that could be fixed.
mlncn, KevinMarks, wolftune, KevinMarks_, lmorchard and awolf joined the channel
tnguyen14, jdp, KevinMarks, bret, AngeloGladding, jdcauley, halorgium, StatelessCat, miklb, plindner, hs0ucy, lmorchard, bjoern, Lana, tbbrown, KartikPrabhu, Zegnat, bashrc, seekr, daf, M-nd, kerozene, squeakytoy, rdesfo[m], M-rongladney, Leeky, Erkan_Yilmaz, Garbee, ben_thatmustbeme, rascul, Jammy_Stuff, reidab, renoirb, bear, iboxifoo, sknebel, cleverdevil, myfreeweb, ecelis_, tommorris, GWG, anarchivist, bttf, sonicrocketman, bnvk_, comzeradd, PFMurph, aaronpk, chridal, chimo, rektide, tonious, kants, kline, braidn, voxpelli, __number5__, eayoungs, mattl, finchd, arlen, sbruce, jboy, brianloveswords, Jeena, smcgregor, R2ZER0, MylesBraithwaite, j4y_funabashi, petermolnar, lhynes, marinintim, cjk101010, CaptainCalliope, michel_v, JasonO, tbrb, corenominal, neanias, sandro, Guerillero|BNC, ePirat, Salt, XgF, Ruxton, moredhel, rrix, terminalpixel, wagle, rhiaro, tantek, cmal, quails, Pierre-O, cweiske, davidmead and mlncn joined the channel
cmal joined the channel
KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 15:32 GWG Hi, voxpelli. Any exciting projects today?
# 15:33 voxpelli GWG: not really, mainly trying to clear things up to get some time to spend on projects, but pondering on maybe maybe doing some SWAT0 work instead
# 15:33 voxpelli got some PR:s on non-indieweb projects that has been open for a bit too long though :/
snarfed joined the channel
# 15:36 voxpelli I do use the code of those projects in my webmention endpoint though, so will have use of it in the indieweb indirectly :) (Postgres pubsub and Postgres session handling)
KevinMarks joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# 15:39 GWG voxpelli: Still on webmentions. Last night I made them semi-asynchronous.
nikivi joined the channel
# 15:42 GWG Basically, it will randomly source verify sometime between time of receipt and two minutes later using wp-cron. So not very effective.
# 15:44 GWG Trying to decide how to better refine the code before adding another layer on top of it.
davidmead joined the channel
# 16:12 KevinMarks My webmention killer demo is still mentioning my page with Known and having the mention appear in real time via voxpelli's webmention app
awolf joined the channel
# 16:18 voxpelli I'm considering moving at least one of my GitHub Pages to Netlify, seems to be pretty much the same, but with free https for custom domains
# 16:18 voxpelli And due to https, also has HTTP2 and makes service workers etc possible
thebaer and ChrisAldrich joined the channel
# 16:21 GWG voxpelli: Sounds good. I look forward to seeing what you build.
thebaer joined the channel
# 16:54 GWG ChrisAldrich: I might prevail upon you at some point.
chrisaldrich1, ehlovader and mlncn joined the channel
# 17:09 miklb voxpelli am I reading Netlify correctly. If your site is open source then they give you the pro tier free?
# 17:10 voxpelli miklb: yeah, haven't figured out though what in the pro tier that I would want :)
# 17:10 miklb wasn't sure what "deep git integration" meant
# 17:11 voxpelli me neither, seems like they auto-deploy from git as standard – could maybe be support to deploy separate staging sites etc
# 17:13 miklb Guess I'm pretty happy with my $10 Digital Ocean vps and Travis/gh setup
# 17:15 voxpelli I don't want to manage linux, had too much trouble with that :/
# 17:17 miklb since I'm only serving HTML on that, it's not that big a deal once it's set up. I have a reminder once a month to update packages and keep an eye out for security issues. Not much different than using homebrew locally
chrisaldrich_ joined the channel
# 17:20 miklb Could easily serve a single static site on a $5 droplet.
ehlovader, doesntgolf, Pierre-O, davidmead, ChrisAldrich, thebaer, tbbrown, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, awolf, Laura2, mlncn and nikivi joined the channel
# 20:23 GWG I feel like I need peer review of my work. How do I find someone to have a look?
AngeloGladding, nikivi and [emmah] joined the channel
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
Pierre-O, KevinMarks, mlncn, kerozene, leg, cuibonobo, jpcguy89 and KevinMarks_ joined the channel