#Loqitantek: Zegnat left you a message 1 day, 18 hours ago: Taking a look at /Falcon#Storage_format you do not link any examples (or even show a full post as example HTML) but the URL is guessable (you document YYYY/B.html). However, you also suggest falconpost.php adds things like the syndication links there and do not mention the second storage file at all. Missing documentation?
#tantekinteresting, I'll have to double check the documentation
KevinMarks joined the channel
#@tFinished part of my #IndieWebCamp Brighton hack. Only visible effect for now: newer published dates with seconds. (ttk.me t4jZ1) (twitter.com/_/status/781511118808162309)
#miklbI want to try to start HWC here next month. Probably will be just me in a coffee shop, but I do have a friend with a blog I might try to help setup OwnYourGram. She's doing self PESOS and wants to automate it
#miklbfigure if I start now, after holidays might gain some traction.
#sknebelworking on private webmentions as well, should have a working implementation tommorrow evening (UTC)
#ZegnatBut I *think* I am the only one on vanderven.se not using a subdomain. So I might just point @ and www DNS to Uberspace where I can get LetsEncrypt. Keep the email and the other subdomains at the hosting they are currently at
#aaronpkI'd say it's more important that the webmention endpoint itself is HTTPS and pointing to an HTTPS endpoint from an http domain is okay as a first step
#aaronpkserver-to-server MITM is much more rare than MITM on your local computer
#ZegnatIf I cannot get vanderven.se switched, that is what I will do, aaronpk. But I still feel iffy about adding protection *after* the discovery phase
KevinMarks_, wolftune and sgreger joined the channel
#sgregerpfefferle: trying to get webmentions to work with my bookmarks during IWC Brighton i ran into the issue that the wordpress plugin does not seem to send mentions for custom post types. have you encountered such issue before?
Pierre-O joined the channel
#KartikPrabhusgreger: you can also ask GWG about Wordpress plugins, he uses them too
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#sgregerkartikprabhu: thank you. just crawling through the code to see if i am missing something...
#sgreger(i have a hunch though that this is not the plugin but wordpress itself that doesn't fire the trackback/ping process)
#sgregerah, now i saw the thread under closed issues on github :)
snarfed1 and wolftune joined the channel
#sgregergwg: now i indeed receive the bridgy webmention on one of my custom posts, but something isn't quite right, yet. it shows up under comments in admin, but is not attached to the post ID
snarfed joined the channel
#sgregerdisregard my last line, i believe there's something wrong with my own code now
#gRegorLovetantek: I replicated out a few more of the HWC event pages. Let me know if they look good. Included the alphabetizing of the cities, commented out the ones that are monthly according to /HWC
chrisaldrich1, Pierre-O, tantek, valan, KartikPrabhu, M-rongladney, AngeloGl1, tvn, KevinMarks, neilpdx and sgreger joined the channel
#sgregergwg: still searching for the source of the problem, but i had to roll back to the last stable webmention plugin, as the dev version did not connect the webmentions with the articles
#GWGI can tell you how to hack just the fix into the stable
#sgregerthis was primarily a heads-up for you. i can easily still live a while without the custom posts support, if it will show up in the new version anyways
#GWGI think I saw what might cause problems. Pfefferle and I haven't been around at the same time to discuss.
snarfed, tvn, snarfed1 and AngeloGladding joined the channel