aaronpkif you search google news for "aaron parecki" it's full of articles about Uber and ride sharing, because I took a bunch of photos of cabs in portland and posted them on flickr with a CC license and people use them in articles all the time
KevinMarks, tbbrown, mlncn, wolftune, KevinMarks_, tantek, snarfed and goodoo joined the channel
snarfedaaronpk: i don't know exactly what quill sent to the endpoint, but looks like it was a query, and this endpoint responds to both config and syndicate-to queries with {"syndicate-to":[]}
GWGI just keep stalling on the idea. The only way I can think of to make it work is to use a global variable to have plugins register syndication targets for Micropub, the same way Core registers post types and other things.
GWGI started to look at Bridgy Publish for WordPress, which is just a wrapper around the Bridgy Publish service, but I was stopped by the fact people expect it to just work and it needs proper theme markup.
GWGAnd I admit I have trouble focusing on one aspect of a problem because professionally, I'm never given enough time to do one thing. I'm always having to do twenty things simultaneously.
sebilasseMoin moin, 25 tickets for IWC Berlin are gone already but less people put their names in the wiki - they will receive a mail next week, however make sure to enter your name - "Hello - my URL is" https://indieweb.org/2016/Berlin
sknebel(I've had somebody ask me "why should I do that just because your wiki doesn't work like any other website" and they have a point, if they don't use anything else indieweb yet ;))
sebilasseCheck the logs from yesterday - we COULD use an ordinary e.g. "login with twitter" button as an alternative. And that Auth flow could teach and tell the user how not only to be "me on twitter" but me - I'll tell you:
sebilasseYou could "start" it with either a SILO or your domain and it's optional allowing as well anonymous login via https://commentpara.de (hoster cweiske.de attends BER) or an alternative etc. ...
sknebelhm, not sure if I get the difference, but we can talk about that at the camp. IMHO having people log on to the wiki is nice, but not that important. the wiki is quite public as well...
[tantek]Or maybe on /like posts as a beware sort of thing? I do think it's a valid design question - do people expect everything they "like" to then have a permalink which is pushed to all their followers / subscribers?
sknebele.g. what I bookmark and when is a quite detailed view into what I'm doing and interested in right now -> a full stream of my bookmarks is not something I want to be public
sknebelthinking about it, the timing data is a big issue -> a queryable database of all my bookmarks without data when it was created feels less "dangerous" to me than a stream
sknebelso public bookmark posts for me are probably going to be selected reccommendations "this is interesting and you might want to look at it" and "here is a collection of all things I found interesting for X, after the fact"