#tantek!tell petermolnar I've been trying to convince my webhost to support Letsencrypt for all customers, like with a simple checkbox. But if I don't get that soon, I'll likely do it in the next few weeks manually for myself.
sl007, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, julianf_, pindonga, nitot, camerongray, Pierre-O, glennjones, Pierre-O1 and adactio joined the channel
#adactioI'm trying to figure out why the Brighton Homebrew Website Club never shows up by default on any event pages. There's a comment there saying the event is monthly, which isn't true. I have no idea how to change this.
Pierre-O, Boobie, nikivi, John_Duh, Garbee, ehlovader and mlncn joined the channel
#aaronpkadactio: the event pages are all manually copied from previous dates
#adactioaaronpk: Then why do I keep having to delete that comment every time? There must a template.
#aaronpkCause whoever made the page copied from an older one?
#aaronpkThe whole event thing on our wiki is way more manual than it should be right now
ehlovader, leg, Pierre-O, pfefferle, jmelesky and wolftune joined the channel
#sknebelaaronpk: has anyone scripted something against the wiki before? I looked into it a while back, but got lost somewhere between the not-so-recent mediawiki version and indieauth
#aaronpksknebel: Loqi uses the MW API, but I had to hard-code its login in order to get the API authentication to work.
#aaronpkthe only scripting done in the wiki right now is Loqi
#aaronpkI don't think the API has changed too much in newer versions, so most things you'd expect should work. It's also a self-documenting API so once you start poking around it tells you what fields are expected and things.
aegibsonme1, julianf, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
#julianfBeen wondering something about IndieAuth. If a rel-me link can be anywhere on one's home page, and if it's moderately common for a home page to include a feed of third-party comments etc... doesn't that lead to an easy attach vector for bogus rel-me links into anyone's page who isn't taking great care to filter them out?
#julianfIs this a well known issue, and if so is it documented somewhere?
wolftune joined the channel
#snarfedjulianf: commenting systems that support html generally sanitize it
#snarfedif you're allowing raw html input, you have much bigger problems than this
#julianfErm... you haven't really convinced me :-)
#KevinMarksJulianf when we built the Social Graph API a while back we looked at that, and most sites didn't allow you to add rel to links that you posted
#julianfAt this stage I'm just thinking it's a topic I'd expect to be addressed in a "Security considerations" section in the spec.
#KevinMarksCan you find a site that does allow that?
wolftune joined the channel
#aaronpkalso i'm not convinced of "moderately common for a home page to include a feed of third-party comments"
#ben_thatmustbememy home page shows a feed, but it doesn't include the comments in it, and i always filter out html from comments anyway
#julianfAnd I'm wondering how much it's been investigated. Good to hear you (plural) looked and found "most sites didn't allow" it. I haven't gone looking yet. I'm asking the question first.
#aaronpkand any comment text i show on post permalinks is thoroughly sanitized, only allowing microformats2 class names and a handful of basic html tags
#ben_thatmustbemeit certainly could be an attack vector if someone found a page that did have comments on the home page and copied full html
#aaronpkit's probably worth adding a note on any of our wiki pages that talk about displaying comments that you should never blindly pass through the HTML from comments
#aaronpkalthough that's such a basic part of web development that nobody should be surprised about it
#ben_thatmustbemeyeah, there are definitely a LOT more attack vectors if you do that
#jonnybarnesaaronpk how are you sanitising the comments?
wolftune, j12t and chrisaldrich1 joined the channel
#LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2016-12-09.html
#jonnybarnesif a micropub client queries for syndication targets, but you don’t have any, what should the response be?
tantek joined the channel
#jonnybarnesat the moment my code is running json_encode(['syndicate-to' => null]) when no targets are defined
#ben_thatmustbemeam empty array, or syndicate-to being empty, either way the client should be prepared for it