#indieweb 2016-12-18
2016-12-18 UTC
mlncn and aegibsonme joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
kerozene joined the channel
davidmead, leg and gRegorLove joined the channel
@davidmead I had a couple of photos not come across 'ownyourgram' @aaronpk. Is there anyway to just grab those? #indieweb #PESOS (twitter.com/_/status/810329069569146880)
awolf, gRegorLove, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KartikPrabhu RSS xml should already have id for that no?

KartikPrabhu maybe because <slug> is not a thing in RSS

KartikPrabhu I think Atom using <id>

leg joined the channel
awolf and KevinMarks joined the channel
KartikPrabhu updated my JS for generating a UI to get /fragmention from selected text: https://github.com/kartikprabhu/fragmentioner

KartikPrabhu what is fragmention?

Loqi A fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace https://indieweb.org/fragmention

KartikPrabhu thanks! was motivated after reading adactio's wook https://resilientwebdesign.com/

KartikPrabhu still hasn't updated to python 3

KartikPrabhu in what sense?

KartikPrabhu hmm click on them? they are links?

KartikPrabhu I don't think now-a-days there is anything called "look-like link"

KartikPrabhu you can style them as you wish

KartikPrabhu atleast adactio has clear hover states

KartikPrabhu oh interesting wonder if keyborad focus is diff on them

KartikPrabhu keyboarddoes change them from white bg to red bg

KartikPrabhu but I agree it is not as obvious on keyboard scrolling

KartikPrabhu I am sure adactio welcomes fedeback of this sort

KartikPrabhu tab+enter does work on those chapter links

KartikPrabhu that is unfortunate. I have been too since most sites mess up tab order

KartikPrabhu goes to check his site for tab-order

begriffs joined the channel
KartikPrabhu needs to improve keyboard navigation with marginalis

KartikPrabhu hmm i don't have a 2017 commitment yet

KartikPrabhu but I already finished it!! :P

KartikPrabhu my site now shows a nice icon when you select text for the fragmention

KartikPrabhu will appreciate your input on the UI if you feel like road-testing it: https://kartikprabhu.com/

KartikPrabhu thanks!

KartikPrabhu I guess that is because I didn't apply taborder stuff to anything. so it is the default

KartikPrabhu defaults by default

KartikPrabhu yeah made a few contrast changes recently since KevinMarks was complaining about low contrast trends

KartikPrabhu which page?

KartikPrabhu cool will test that

KartikPrabhu probably should be a nbsp; there

KartikPrabhu ha! seems like sometimes I put a space between words and footnote marker and sometimes I don't

KartikPrabhu yeah, I think using a non-breaking-space character should work

KartikPrabhu thanks for pointing this out

KartikPrabhu there definitely are bigger weird things on my site that I should fix

KartikPrabhu for instance, my responsive images don't know their own height so when they load the page has to repaint

KartikPrabhu it messes up fragmention for instance

KartikPrabhu maybe I'll do that for my commitment

KartikPrabhu that and marking up my papers with mf2

KartikPrabhu well, I couldn't find mf2 to markup lists of papers such as the ones I have here: https://kartikprabhu.com/papers

KartikPrabhu there does not exists mf2 for stuff like DOI and all that stuff that science journals use

KartikPrabhu yeah, I have been thinking of making up experimental properties based on some existing uses from paper archiving sites

KartikPrabhu but that is a deep-dive that needs the holiday season

KartikPrabhu i also want to figure out how to make HTML from Latex

KartikPrabhu there is priort art but most of it is annoyoing

KartikPrabhu yeah, I just want to have an HTML version of my papers and my thesis on my site

KartikPrabhu there is also "CommonMark" stuff

KartikPrabhu and the annoying problem of displaying math on webpages

KartikPrabhu yeah PanDoc is one

KartikPrabhu there is a pretty good JS lib called MathJax that does it using HTML+CSS or optionally MathML

KartikPrabhu but most of it is js;dr of course

KartikPrabhu it is terrible as an authoring language

KartikPrabhu while Latex math authoring is pretty good

KartikPrabhu yeah somthing like that. But giving alt-text for math is even more impossible than for images

KartikPrabhu i don't think even WAI-ARIA people have reccomendations for that

bear oh - MathJax supports SVG -- http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/options/SVG.html

KartikPrabhu yeah you can make it set an SVG image. but it does that on-the-fly using JS

KartikPrabhu yeah. what I'm looking for is more like a pre-processor. It takes HTML with some math authored in latex and then converts that into HTML+CSS math or MathML or SVG etc...

KartikPrabhu yeah, which is why I have been procrastinating on this

KartikPrabhu math on the web is not cool enough for kids to pick it up :P

KartikPrabhu writing an animation lib is though!

KartikPrabhu infact only FF has implemented MathML afaik

KartikPrabhu no other browser seems to care

KartikPrabhu haha!

KartikPrabhu if you are into painting you should watch the van Gogh movies

KartikPrabhu one stars Benedict Cumberbatch and the other Andy Serkis as Van Gogh

KartikPrabhu same here!

KartikPrabhu and these are docu-drama movies so they are better than Hollywood-ising van Gogh

KartikPrabhu night bear

KartikPrabhu what is commitments?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "commitments" yet. Would you like to create it?

KartikPrabhu what is commitment?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "commitment" yet. Would you like to create it?

KartikPrabhu hmmm

Loqi 2017-01-01-commitments are implementation and launch commitments publicly made by the IndieWeb community to ship on their personal sites by 2017-01-01 00:00 local time https://indieweb.org/2017-01-01-commitments

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "commitments" yet. Would you like to create it?

Zegnat commitments << [[2015-01-01-commitments]]

Loqi ok, I added "[[2015-01-01-commitments]]" to the "See Also" section of /commitments

Zegnat << [[2016-01-01-commitments]]

Zegnat commitments << [[2016-01-01-commitments]]

Loqi ok, I added "[[2016-01-01-commitments]]" to the "See Also" section of /commitments

Zegnat commitments << [[2017-01-01-commitments]]

Loqi ok, I added "[[2017-01-01-commitments]]" to the "See Also" section of /commitments

KartikPrabhu thanks

KartikPrabhu what is commitments

Loqi commitments are implementation and launch commitments publicly made by the IndieWeb community https://indieweb.org/commitments

John_Duh, catsup, Pierre-O, KevinMarks and Kopfstein joined the channel
sknebel aaronpk: If I didn't miss anything, https://indieweb.org/wiki/backup/data/ hasn't been updated in a few months, is that intentional?
nikivi, KevinMarks, tbbrown, John_Duh and nikivi_ joined the channel
aaronpk there is some pretty amazing stuff going on here, and makes me optimistic that we can get a lot of it to work with indieweb tools https://www.macstories.net/stories/one-year-of-ipad-pro/8/#content

awolf, KevinMarks, sarek, gRegorLove, KevinMarks_ and Lana joined the channel
awolf and John_Duh joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] KartikPrabhu I did some experiments with TeX and html and svg last year, and it was a bit annoying still

Loqi [kevinmarks]: tantek left you a message 1 day, 17 hours ago: MozSF venue confirmed for HWC SF in ~2 weeks: https://indieweb.org/events/2016-12-28-homebrew-website-club - Can you create an indie event and FB POSSE copy? Thanks!

[kevinmarks] A font with the mathematical letter forms is needed if you want text rather than paths in your equations

seekr and nikivi joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and rMdes- joined the channel
@jkphl @vasilis Next step: Join us for an #IndieWebCamp + learn how to use Flickr & Co for reach while always keeping the origs on your own site ;) (twitter.com/_/status/810596523021139968)
strugee and nikivi joined the channel
@jkphl @vasilis Perfect! :) You're always very, very welcome, you know that! Next stops: May 13th-14th in Düsseldorf + http://indieweb.org/2017/Nuremberg (twitter.com/_/status/810601460018900994)
sarek, Lana, MatrixBridge, mindB, Guest90645 and wagle joined the channel