rMdes-, Pierre-O, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, leg, funwhilelost and davidmead joined the channel
#Loqi[indienews] New post: "Now accepting new users on OwnYourGram again!
OwnYourGram has been pretty stable since the major refactor this summer, so I just enabled new user registration again! Once you log in with IndieAuth and verify your Instagram account, you'll be able to run a test post to test that your Micropub endpoint accepts photos, and then it will enable your account. I also improved the documentation and text in the interface.
Have fun!" https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/18/15/ownyourgram
ricardokirkner, pindonga, mars, adactio and friedcell joined the channel
#marsHi I'm really just testing the water but feel there might be something in this IndieWeb stuff. First up can anyone suggest why my email address won't validate on indieweb.org. Can send email to myself okay but site says PHP error of sorts.
#marsThe upon send confirmation email, site responds: IndieWeb could not send your confirmation mail. Please check your e-mail address for invalid characters.
#marsMailer returned: Unknown error in PHP's mail() function
#marsBut my email address works when sending email to myself in ThunderBird
ricardokirkner joined the channel
#sknebelmars: I'm not even sure if the wiki supports email
Jeena, indiescripter, mars, friedcell, John_Duh, indiescripter_, Pierre-O, mlncn, Jeena_ and nitot joined the channel
#JeenaI'm giving my IndieWeb-talk tomorrow for the third time, this time at work in our biweekly 'sharing is caring' event in our team (around 10 people)
nitot, awolf, XgF, John_Duh and leg joined the channel
#miklbsknebel I've just seen several comments regarding the homepage/sidebar/events should be more automated/easier to keep up with, so wondered if that idea had been floated out there again
ehlovader and Dumbpersoninwhol joined the channel
#DumbpersoninwholIs this something related to india
#Loqi[Ben Roberts] Thats what webmention is for, yes. Right now its slightly different as the syndicated copies don't know about the original. Also no feedback of comments. Hoping that fix gets pulled in soon and people start to use the plugin. There are already pl...
#sknebelmiklb as aaron said it hasn't come up again, but I noticed the comments about events as well and quite a few people would probably be happy about a solution for that, whatever tools it involves
#sknebel(as in, I wouldn't start with "let's use jekyll for that", but with a design of what you want it to do)
#tantekalso anyone who is going to volunteer to build a new system should also volunteer to maintain it, otherwise it's just trading one (known) maintenance tax (updating multiple places in the wiki, annoying, but simple/easy that anyone can do it), for another (unkown) maintenance tax (updating/fixing software, likely much harder, means it doesn't get done)
#miklbI think the idea behind using jekyll is that it could be put on GitHub pages and provide a simple web interface for creating/editing, not because it's a static page tool
#miklband I was just asking a question, not advocating or volunteering to head anything up
#tantekjust pointing that out as it seems far too often that folks (devs especially) only see the "time to code it and getting working cost" and assume it will be self-maintaining or something
#tantek"provide a simple web interface for creating/editing" <--- no events system has this
#tantekso assuming you (or anyone) could provide it is a bad assumption
#aaronpknot to start an actual debate about this, but the "simple web interface" benefit of jekyll is actually more complicated than the current wiki which is also a web interface
#tantekbasically, if all you're doing is replacing wiki markup with markdown, it's not a benefit
#aaronpkmediawiki: wiki syntax + mediawiki templates. jekyll: markdown + yaml blocks and includes. they're not actually that different.
#tantek"learning one more system" = worse overal UX
#tanteklastly, I'm kinda biased to offhandedly reject any such (event system) proposal by anyone who hasn't at least *tried* actively updating / creating events on indieweb.org so that they have some direct first-person understanding of the needs of the community
#tantekbecause without that first-hand knowledge, any such proposal is likely ignorant of the community's actual needs
hs0ucy joined the channel
#tantekalso not buying the "I won't use the existing system because I hate wikis" argument either, as absence of use of a current system provides no evidence that any new system would gain any use at all
#aaronpki'm going to go out on a limb and say that anything any of us want to build to replace the wiki events has to start out with UI/UX sketches, no code at all.
#tantekand frankly, group events software is so much harder / more complex than indie events support (likely a superset of), that that would be a likely pre-req as well
#ZegnatI am wondering if I should only post the reactionary. But how can I have people request my safety status? And how do I make sure to reply to them timely?
#tantekI'm hypothesizing, can't recall any specific examples
#ZegnatThat would boil down to “receiving a webmention” though. While I imagine my grandmother would rather just press a button
#bearmy vision of that would be a post that is tagged as part of a well-known feed - then anyone can subscribe to it or view an aggregation page for it
#ZegnatI.e. should sknebel post a safety note now, because he is only 25 minutes outside of Berlin? There is no reason for me to think he was visiting the christmas market, but he might have been. Or should I have a way of asking him to post a safety note?
#bearthat's the issue, IMO, with these things -- I think things like "I don't need to post because I'm not near that city" where as my friends from the EU are going "OMG he may have been involved" because they don't grok that 30 minutes away is huge
#bearI could see this being tied to a geo fence solution also - filter the location of the heartbeat/status to be not precise
awolf joined the channel
#ZegnatI like Google’s Open Location Codes for imprecise location reporting. Just dropping characters from the end will basically “zoom out” your location.