Loqi[Aaron Parecki] Day 1 of #100DaysOfIndieWeb. Since I am also doing #100DaysOfMusic, and posting those songs as video clips on Instagram, I wanted a way to automatically push them to Facebook as well.
A long-standing feature I've been wanting in OwnYourGram is to... https://aaronparecki.com/2016/12/21/14/photo.png
aaronpk100DaysOfIndieWeb is a challenge to ship something IndieWeb-related for 100 days. The challenge can be started at any time, and all you have to do is commit to starting, and then make a post with the #100DaysOfIndieWeb tag on your personal website every time you finish something. Each project can be as small as you want, but ideally is something you can demonstrate in a screenshot or video.
indiescripterAlso just added a debug feature to display microformats for each html page. You can see that on the top righthand side of each page. Parsing the generated html with microformats-node by Glenn Jones.
indiescripterThere is the View markdown which is the authored content. My static site generator (written in TypeScript) generates the html page adding in some microformat annotations. To see how a microformat aware parser would see the html I run microformats-node over the generated html and that's the JSON output from that parser that you get to see.
indiescripter... you get to see when you hit the view microformats link. So it's an after-the-fact debug facility just so that I can see how a machine would perceive my webpage.
indiescripterpetermolnar Actually it's a hybrid. Rather than having separate markdown files for article sections (eg. summary, teaser, main etc), I chose (for the moment at least) to combine all markdown pages for an article into a single page. So yes, the content is structured in sections but each section is markdown. Except the metadata or front-matter section which is JSON
indiescripterInitial I looked at ponyfoo project (on GitHub) for ideas on how to structure content and I decided pretty quickly that I didn't want to dedicate one directory per article.
marinintimcweiske: and yes, marinin.xyz is my site;. The font is large indeed, I rolled with it since Zeldman posted about it. Probably it would be much smaller after redesign though. (:
aaronpk!tell adactio looks like you have a stray "p-name" class on your comment template. if you remove the p-name from the line that links to the permalink, and move it to the e-content element instead, the inline previews like https://chat.indieweb.org/2016-12-22#t1482423477475000 will look better!
martymcguire[m]looking at /like examples I see that tantek uses u-like-of inside of a p-name, so the displayable content of the post includes the u-like-of reference
martymcguire[m]so maybe the rule is that replies have their own content, so info about the reply context is expected outside that content, but u-repost-of and u-like-of need to be marked up inside of some kind of content (p-name, e-content, something)?
tantek2016 review is a list of indieweb and indiewebcamp accomplishments for all of 2016, as well as indieweb related news in 2016. Please help by adding to the below sections, and adding whole sections from [[2015-review]] and [[2014-review]]!
tantek2016-review is a list of indieweb and indiewebcamp accomplishments for all of 2016, as well as indieweb related news in 2016. Please help by adding to the below sections, and adding whole sections from [[2015-review]] and [[2014-review]]!