ChrisAldrichtantek: I will admit that my original post does have the tag #insidejoke; admittedly aaronpk did the change that added the emoji, but I suspect that you're responsible for the majority of emoji on wiki pages. :)
LoqiChrisAldrich: [jeremycherfas] left you a message 19 hours, 1 minute ago: When I go to that link to your commitments the page endlessly loops from white to content to white to content. Is it supposed to do that?
ChrisAldrich!tell KartikPrabhu Thanks for the note; I've noticed it myself and am attempting to track down the culprit (hoping it's not an upgrade issue for some changes I've made recently...)
KartikPrabhuand the reason seems to be the catch-22 of 1. no one publishes this feature so why should we consume it and 2. no one comsumes this feature so why should be publish it
aaronpkI will post the location tomorrow, but I'm going to do a birthday edition of HWC since Wednesday is my birthday! It will definitely be more birthday than homebrew Website Club
Loqiaaronpk: tantek left you a message 1 day, 8 hours ago: could you confirm a venue for a HWC PDX on the 28th? There should be one (last of 2016)! At least for all the awesome demos of 2017-01-01-commitments and 100daysofindieweb that you and others have gotten working so far!
tantekKartikPrabhu: having grown up with math and taken plenty of advanced math (and learned all that crazy syntax for writing it with tons of extra / greek letters etc.), and since then having learned how lots of writing / encoding can be simplified, I definitely concluded math writing is one big giant messy hack
LoqiA birthday is the date when someone is born, however in the context of the indieweb, it is a feature displayed on some silos' user profiles that you can (or must) enter, and some prominently present to your friends on the month and day of your birthday, like Facebook's "BIRTHDAYS THIS WEEK" feature at the top of their events page
tantekooh and just got a "Error: Server Error / The server encountered an error and could not complete your request. / Please try again in 30 seconds."
aaronpkanother benefit of self-hosting media is you get to control the compression quality. I'm noticing that facebook and twitter both compress the heck out of my music and it sounds pretty terrible in some cases