#Loqisebsel: KevinMarks left you a message 9 hours, 36 minutes ago: unmung.com does atom/rss to h-feed
#sebselKevinMarks that's nice! it feels wrong to add a Twitter to Atom to a Atom to h-feed, and then parse the HTML for Microformats and store it in jf2 :/
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#[jeremycherfas]keithjgrant Have you looked at Newsblur reader? The ability to train feeds works well for me. Or do you mean specifically feeds from Twitter, FB etc?
#[jeremycherfas]I’ll check next time I look at my feeds, but that wasn’t something I had come across.
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#petermolnaris there a way in the micropub endpoint to push all existing tags to the client to choose from?
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#[keithjgrant]jeremycherfas I mainly had Twitter and/or microposts in mind. But I'm still learning how that works... What sort of thing do folks use to follow microposts, and is it different than a reader for long articles?
#sebselhm maybe I should make separate streams for different post-types in my reader
#sebselin theory, one can subscribe to https://seblog.nl/likes and that would show up very strange in a reader made for long articles
#sebselso yeah, a good /reader probably makes distinctions :)
#ZegnatI don't know of anyone using multiple different readers though (e.g. a reader just for notes)
#sebselthat seems inconvenient to me, but silo's are already working a bit like that
#Loqitags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indieweb.org/tag
#[jeremycherfas]keithjgrant You can subscribe to individual Twitter users in Newsblur, though that is hardly efficient. I’m not sure what other people use. I think manton’s micro.blog may allow you to follow your own Twitter stream.
#sebsel[jeremycherfas] oh, reading Twitter on micro.blog, do you have a source on that?
#sebselI believe it's mostly syndicating post to twitter... not actually reading others.
#[keithjgrant]It would make sense to me for a reader to present two different views (say, two tabs), one for long-form content, another for short. Then it could simply be a UI concern
#sebselthere is 'Browse posts from friends, powered by RSS and indie microblogs.' on the about-page, so it's probably possible to link it in a way
#sebsel[keithjgrant] UI is important! Especially for a reader, which is a lot of UI
#sknebelin inoreader I can at least have different presentation styles for different feeds
#sknebelnormal (article-heavy) rss feeds I have set to the traditional "headline-only" mode, expanding only on selection. microblogs I have in a style that expands the article immediatly
#sknebel(still wasting quite a bit of space, since they are generous with whitespace and controls around the posts, but I can just scroll through)
#voxpellipetermolnar: pushing _all_ existing categories to the client sounds unfeasible? would probably need to be a specific ?q=categories that returns a paginated list and which maybe can support some additional param for some kind of autocomplete/search
#petermolnarmaybe, but even with a few hundred keywords it really shouldn't be that big of a stress, considering the size of js libraries these days
#ZegnatYou could always add a &limit=0 or something, to support getting all in one request, and use &limit=10&offset=20 to get what would be "page 3" with 10 per page.
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#[manton]jeremycherfas sebsel To clarify, there won't be a way to read your Twitter stream on Micro.blog. I think people would love that, but I'm not comfortable with that kind of dependency on another platform except for cross-posts (which are easy to route around with other tools if Twitter shuts it off). Also, mixing tweets and non-tweets in the same timeline is against Twitter's dev guidelines, sadly.
#[jeremycherfas]Thanks manton. My mistake. Apologies keithjgrant
#[manton]jeremycherfas Oh, no problem, I left some of this too vague and still need to fill in more documentation.
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
#[keithjgrant]manton My personal opinion: I would promote it less as “a new Social network” (initially sounds like another silo) and more as connecting with the entire internet as one big social network -- though maybe that only appeals to me b/c I've wanted that for so long
#[keithjgrant]...But I recognize that selling it is as tough a problem as doing it ;)
#[manton]keithjgrant Great point, thank you. I've found it tricky to describe, because it's a few things together. I'll keep working on that. I have some other text (which I cut when simplifying to link to Kickstarter) that kind of echoed that: that it's about helping glue other web sites together and making them more useful.
arush, Zegnat, singpoly1a, bnvk_, reidab, halorgium, g3funk, R2ZER0, jdcauley, prtksxna, mindB, M-rongladney, JulianFoad[m], jcgregorio[m], bjoern, bergie, braidn_, CaptainCalliope_, dch, jezdez, snarfed, anarchivist, userXYZ and leg joined the channel
#aaronpkpetermolnar: the tags thing is interesting. i was actually considering adding tag autocomplete to Quill now that I have a nicer tag interface in it
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#petermolnarit could be pushed in the config request
#petermolnarbut as noted above, too excessive amount of them could be problematic
#petermolnara few hundred shouldn't really be an issue imho
#aaronpki was first considering quill just keeping track of which tags are used within the quill interface and autocompleting from that. but querying your site to get the list would be interesting too
#aaronpkwhich is less than many JS libraries, so...
#aaronpkthe other way to do it is to query the way an autocomplete library would query, so you'd ask for all tags beginning with "i" and then all tags with "in" as the person is typing "indieweb"
#Loqi[jeremycherfas]: snarfed left you a message 1 hour, 9 minutes ago: keithjgrant: just fyi if you haven't already seen it, https://twitter-atom.appspot.com/
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#tantekaaronpk: in looking at your /music, it makes me wonder how we do podcasts with h-feed
#LoqiA podcast is an episodic series of audio and/or video posts that can be subscribed to and downloaded for offline listening/viewing https://indieweb.org/podcast
#aaronpkit's just an h-feed with child h-entrys and each h-entry has an "audio" property linking to the podcast file
#cweiskeyesterday I ranted about the amount of tech needed to parse h-feeds
#cweiskejust imagine that podcatchers on phones need all that stuff
#tantekcweiske: perhaps. the goal is definitely to shift more burden to the consuming code than the publishing code, to make it net easier on more people
#tantekthat being said, the insanity of parsing all the legacy RSS soup is just as bad (if not worse) than parsing HTML
#tantek(plenty of documentation of that by feed reader developers of yore)
#aaronpki'm pretty sure podcasts are a very special case where parsing the RSS feeds aren't as bad, because podcast RSS feeds are a subset of XML feeds and have been more tightly defined over the years compared to Atom/RSS/RSS2.0/etc
#tantekaaronpk: lol depends on which consuming silo's podcast format you want to support :P
#aaronpki don't even know how to disable video, is that possible?
#tantekalso demonstrates why there really should have been a <media> element so you could do <media><source src="...mp4"/><source src="...mp3"/> </media>
#tantekhmm - posed the question in #whatwg, let's see if anyone remembers
#martymcguire[m]i marked up my little comedy podcast at wehavetoask.com based on the examples on /podcast and have been happy with it. woodwind displays the audio player correctly (when it is inside of e-content).
#sebselI use (a modified version of) the Webmentions plugin of Bastian Allgeier... so he has like too
#tantek!tell benwerd, kevinmarks, snarfed, kylewm, voxpelli, sebsel you show # of reposts (or a facepile or some other display) of your posts on your posts right? Add yourself, site, and implementation here: https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples
#Loqisebsel: tantek left you a message 11 minutes ago: you show # of reposts (or a facepile or some other display) of your posts on your posts right? Add yourself, site, and implementation here: https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples
#LoqiA repost on the indieweb is a post that is purely a 100% re-publication of another post. The act of reposting is an umbrella term that covers the general practice of republishing another post typically on the same service or silo, but more and more across sites https://indieweb.org/reshare
#LoqiKevinMarks: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 46 minutes ago: you show # of reposts (or a facepile or some other display) of your posts on your posts right? Add yourself, site, and implementation here: https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples
#aaronpkas in, actually trying to participate in web conversations rather than just being its own service
Nissyen joined the channel
#voxpelliyeah, one dodges Metcalfe's law, the other ran into it full on and knocked itself out
#Loqivoxpelli: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 57 minutes ago: you show # of reposts (or a facepile or some other display) of your posts on your posts right? Add yourself, site, and implementation here: https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples
#Guest99092to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger