tantek!tell GWG does your WP plugin setup *display* reposts from others of your stuff? If so, could you document a sample post on your site that has been reposted and shows the # of reposts (or a facepile) here https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples ? Thanks!
LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 1 hour, 10 minutes ago: does your WP plugin setup *display* reposts from others of your stuff? If so, could you document a sample post on your site that has been reposted and shows the # of reposts (or a facepile) here https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples ? Thanks!
miklbGWG OK, I'll pull the latest. I'm still having issues with it posting, to bridgy, particularly from micropub. Also, is it mf2_syndicate-to or mp-syndicate-to?
martymcguire[m]gRegorLove: thanks again! HWC Baltimore 01/25 FB POSSE event should now link to a public event. Apparently Private is the default when copying an event and I didn't notice (and you can't change it after publishing!)
Loqimblaney: tantek left you a message 2 weeks ago: re: HWC Australia, John Alsopp in Sydney would likely be interested too. He's been wanting to do an IndieWebCamp there for ages. Also add your HWC Aus thoughts here: https://indieweb.org/Homebrew_Website_Club#Up-and-coming_Meetings
sebselAlso: 3. ? Build tools for yourself, not for all of your friends. It's extremely hard to fight Metcalfe's law: you won't be able to convince all your friends to join the independent web. https://indieweb.org/principles
[jeremycherfas]Thanks [bear]. Some power anyway, I expect. Though I have to disagree, depending of course on what you mean by “value”. One of the good things about ADN was the reasonably low number of connected users.
ZegnatI am part of a low user "social network" too, and its very enjoyable. But to me that's just as nice as an IRC channel. There is socialising more than it being of value for communication.
[jeremycherfas]sebsel. That’s very odd. I swear it was there a few minutes ago, or I wouldn’t have had the nerve to post here. What can be wrong? I’ll investigate.
aaronpkI'm not sure if counting just design documentation counts in the spirit of my 100days project but I think maybe as long as I make the docs public then it counts
[jeremycherfas]I’ve asked on the forum. We shall see. There are various options for cache check method, and I don’t just want to try each of them at random.