aaronpkFrankly it's kind of silly either way. It's like a band aid on top of the real problem which is that google is serving copies of the article at their own URL which breaks the browser's bookmark and share functionality
arush@GWG do you have your setup documented somewhere? I have all the indieweb plugins installed, and the only one not active is hum, because that one is creating 404 errors as well. But I'm using a cname for my domain to redirect to a subdomain as opposed to parking the domain with the current host. Would that have anything to do with this?
jaduncanHi, does anyone know of a RSS to micropub site/script that will generate a micropub post for each RSS entry? It would make data transfer a lot easier for quantified self in Known.
Loqitantek: KevinMarks left you a message 1 day, 10 hours ago: can you invite people to the fb event for the next hwc sf? I may be in nyc so don't want to be the inviter
jaduncanYeah, the reclaimyourgram service? I wondered if I should take a wander around the codebase. I'm slightly surprised that Known doesn't have a plugin for this to be honest.
jaduncanNot yet, and if I'm going to spend time coding something I'd start with the generally useful solution rather than the Known-only one. I'll pop over and report back though.
jaduncanEssentially Strava and Google Fit, but I'm tempted to try and generalise the approach because so many things export to RSS or have hacks to get the data out that way.
tantekone challenge with generalizing to RSS is that it's so lowest common denominator that it may be too lossy (in terms of the details of what each service provides you)
jaduncan[m] "https://www.googleapis.com/fitness/v1/users/me/sessions?startTime=2014-04-01T00:01:00.00Z&endTime=2014-04-30T23:59:00.00Z" gives you JSON for the month, including all Strava activities if exported there.
KevinMarksRight, but if they're discontinuing the old page they may break that by accident. Can you add an integration test that checks the rel me are still there?
Loqisnarfed: tantek left you a message 1 day, 22 hours ago: you show # of reposts (or a facepile or some other display) of your posts on your posts right? Add yourself, site, and implementation here: https://indieweb.org/reposts#IndieWeb_Examples
aaronpkoh about your earlier question tantek, I usually try to get one of them done before 10-11am. at the beginning I was starting with music but I've switched to starting with indieweb, although I am trying to switch back to doing music first.
jaduncan[m]Generally it means the Googlebot and a few other specific strings. Most things that aren't those pretend to be them. An interesting experience happens if you set your own UA as the Googlebot - an amusing subset of sites suddenly become notably less full of javascripted ad bits.
snarfeduser agent is "Unknown." :P but caching on my side, absolutely, honestly regardless of whether they send Etag or If-Modified-Since or whatever. i actually thought it already was, but must be a bug
snarfedsure! the expensive part is fetching instagram, parsing it, and generating atom. the existing caching just stores and serves the atom end result, which is cheap
tantekaaronpk, how are you handling timezones in your 100 days project? when do you draw the line between days? midnight PST? (will you finish before PDT?) or midnight local-to-travel-timezone? (so some days have more / fewer hours to do a "thing" for that day?)
tantekhmm, besides aaronpk, only sebsel is using a complete hashtag currently. though gRegorLove is not starting til Feb 1 so he has time to pick / use one too
gRegorLoveI may not syndicate all my 100 Words posts to Twitter. I haven't posted notes as regularly lately, and I don't want my Twitter to just become a list of links during that time.
Loqi[indieweb] "Starting a modest #IndieWeb #100Days of Positive Posts #100DoPP, inspired by @aaronpk #100DaysOfIndieWeb #100daysofmusic, @jkphl #100days of #opensource, @sebsel #100dagen500woorden, and @gRegorLove #100Words in 100 Days.
Despite being an optimist, I’m also expecting many (more) things to (start to) go wrong today with the inauguration of the new @POTUS. And since they’re often measured on their first 100 days in office, I’m making a deliberate effort to post at least something positive every day, preferably at the start of the day, as a direct counter.
The basic idea for #100DoPP:
* Every day: post something positive on your own site
* whether something positive you did (ideally)
* a positive / constructive idea or suggestion
* or something positive someone else is doing or suggesting
* Preferably *before* posting anything negative that same day
I’m not sure if I’ve ever had 100 continuous days of posts on my site, so I’m expecting to have to make this a part of my daily routine just to make sure it happens.
@Twitter and other so-called “social media” make it easy to post *something* every day to their silos, so 100 days of that is not interesting in my opinion.
It’s also easier to complain than to be constructive.
Thus despite not being as ambitious as https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofindieweb or certainly https://aaronparecki.com/tag/100daysofmusic (which is seriously amazing), I expect 100 days of deliberately positive posts, on one’s own site, to be no small feat. Perhaps a medium feat. ;)
Up for the challenge? Join me and tag your posts #100DoPP.
Up for more? See: https://indieweb.org/100DaysOfIndieWeb for additional 100 Days projects." on 2017-01-20 http://tantek.com/2017/020/t3/indieweb-100days-positive-posts-100dopp
Loqicreate in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for creating a new post, in its simplest form, a new note https://indieweb.org/create
LoqiStatic site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/static_site_generator
Loqicreate in the context of the indieweb refers to the act of and UI for creating a new post, in its simplest form, a new note https://indieweb.org/creating
voxpelliThere's currently a small bug where the micropub endpoint sometimes is out of sync with the time at the build server so the build server thinks the post is from the future and doesn't render it yet, but apart from that it works fine
voxpelliKevinMarks: I'm not sure actually, people who have big blogs have complained about long build times with Jekyll, not sure if the latest versions has solved that or how multiple build triggers interact
ZegnatAs long as a ssg has to fully rebuild your website there will always be a penalty I am guessing. Is there someway to tell it to not regenerate *everything*?
ZegnatThere are probably always a lot of tag pages that don’t need to be rebuild. Only the ones used. And if you don’t have some sort of dynamic “related posts” section, most permalink-post-pages would not need updating either. That should cut back on a lot of generation, especially if you mostly have tweet-like notes.
LoqiJust generated this week's newsletter! You still have a few minutes to make changes, and I'll re-generate it 10 minutes before it gets sent out at 3pm Pacific time. https://indieweb.org/this-week/2017-01-20.html
KevinMarksThe Hugo setup I made for lifewithalacrity.com has one repository for the source posts, and another that Hugo generates into, then you commit that to github pages
aaronpkZegnat: re: http://indieweb.org/irc/2017-01-20/line/1484946649220 I do not, but I think it's about time that I do. I'll also need to do a big cleanup on my bookmark posts since I now have a mix of quotations and original content in my "content" field of my bookmarks