2017-01-21 UTC
userXYZ, neilpdx, CherryPuffs and nitot joined the channel
# 01:04 neilpdx awesome. is this indie auth for wordpress?
nitot and squeakytoy joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
# 01:47 chrisaldrich btw, I notice the wiki page for /IndieNews says it has a voting set up which can be indieauthed into... am I missing it or is it just not built yet?
# 01:49 aaronpk the home page used to rank stories based on freshness and number of votes but there isn't a high enough volume of submissions for that to be useful so i switched it to just a time ordered feed
# 01:53 chrisaldrich the number of times I've presaged changes to aaronpk's site unknowingly is starting to scare me
KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 02:06 KevinMarks1 looking up rel="shortlink" history and realising that I accidentally spawned a dubious spec
# 02:08 KevinMarks1 so doing better with sharelink feels like karma for me
leg and nitot joined the channel
funwhilelost and nitot joined the channel
arlen, nitot, Kamelreiter_ and wolftune joined the channel
nitot, mlncn and Pierre-O joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
snarfed, Pierre-O, nitot, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_ and DanC joined the channel
pindonga, Pierre-O and nitot joined the channel
# 10:37 Loqi aaronpk has 456 karma in this channel (1180 overall)
# 10:40 sebsel hm, seems like there is no h-feed on IndieNews, just a collection of h-entry:s that get interpreted as a h-feed...
# 10:41 sebsel and since this is just one, Loqi sees it as a post :)
pindonga joined the channel
peacekeep3r, gluytium and mlncn joined the channel
# 14:58 GWG aaronpk, what wonder are you set to unleash today?
# 15:04 GWG I just finished a refresh of my Bridgy Publish UI plugin. davidmead seems to be having a problem with it that I want to see if I caused, but I am moving on to scouring your x-ray code to get improvements for my link preview code
leg joined the channel
# 15:08 GWG Oddly enough, both pfefferle and I are refreshing our WordPress repos right now.
# 15:09 GWG Merging upstream changes, fixing minor things... I always do that in between bigger projects, but he and I happen to line up
# 15:11 GWG And that service I used to send posts to email subscribers and let them post comments by email is charging now ($50 a month is a bit much for what I use it for) so I need an alternative.
# 15:14 GWG They are taking $3 for just subscribe to comments, but...
# 15:14 aaronpk mailgun is cheap but you'd have to write the code to handle the incoming email. it'll send a post request to your plugin when an email is received.
# 15:15 GWG aaronpk, I was looking at that last night
# 15:16 GWG I was thinking of using their list product to send out my own emails notifying of new posts. Not sure if I want to reproduce their functionality yet.
# 15:18 GWG WordPress doesn't even send HTML emails by itself.
# 15:20 GWG And I think only ten people subscribed
# 15:20 GWG Does an email to Webmention gateway make sense as a project?
nitot joined the channel
# 15:27 aaronpk i think i remember hearing about a project like that before
# 15:30 GWG I am tabling the idea for now and may just put in a simple mailing list. I am not sure that the effort will be worth it for the people who use it.
# 15:37 GWG I am surprised that I can't find an existing replacement that works that nicely, but...
# 15:47 GWG What I will likely do is set up a mailing list that will require people to click to open up the site to comment when I get a chance.
nitot joined the channel
# 15:57 Zegnat GWG, maybe petermolnar has ideas for email-to-webmention. I seem to recall he once had a lot of different things wired up to email.
# 15:59 voxpelli email to webmention? My initial thought was email ->micropub->post->webmention
# 15:59 GWG Zegnat: I may as petermolnar. But I'm trying to figure out if it is worth it for the 13 people who were subscribed.
# 16:01 Zegnat voxpelli, reading GWG’s comments above, it feels like he wants comments created from emails he receives. So the email would become the canonical copy in some way, and not trigger a real post.
# 16:01 GWG Zegnat: I had something that did posts by email, and replying to the email would generate a comment which I could moderate.
# 16:02 GWG So, I need a new solution for both, but as I said, wondering if it is worth the effort.
# 16:03 voxpelli Zegnat: emails being URL-less makes it hard for them to work with webmention though, but as a general commenting mechanism – yeah, eg. GitHub uses that a lot
# 16:04 GWG voxpelli: I was thinking about how snarfed set up Bridgy to use webmentions as a medium.
# 16:04 GWG But either way, right now I'm not sure what I might do.
# 16:04 GWG I just hate being forced to do something because of someone else's actions.
# 16:04 voxpelli I guess the IndieWeb solution would be to have an indiereader that sends you emails about new posts and submits replies to those emails as real replies to ones site using micropub
# 16:05 GWG voxpelli: I set up the mailing list for people who didn't want to visit my site.
# 16:05 voxpelli GWG: Brid.gy though is kind of a hack because of how silos are set up, not the ideal way to handle webmentions when no silos are involved
# 16:06 voxpelli GWG: there are eg. feed to email services for people who want to subscribe to feeds without having to use a feed reader
# 16:07 GWG I am going to add some stuff to my list for the future, but right now just do something stopgap.
# 16:07 voxpelli nope, but would be an interesting project for someone to do – subscribe to an h-feed, get e-mails and optionally connect your micropub for easy replying
# 16:07 GWG voxpelli: Emails and web actions in the body of the email, perhaps.
# 16:10 voxpelli GWG: would probably just have the reply be a normal email reply and then perhaps just have some shortcuts for likes and such – like eg. having a "+1" or heart-emoji reply mean that it's a like
# 16:11 GWG voxpelli: I may note this somewhere as an idea for when/if I decide to do anything.
# 16:11 GWG For now, I have some support stuff that might make it easier later.
# 16:11 GWG Things like storing subscribers in the WordPress user table.
# 16:12 GWG I wanted to do that for incoming comments anyway to cache h-cards for display.
# 16:16 miklb I have no clue why my notes aren't posting to Twitter, just a link. Wits end.
# 16:17 miklb I have been attempting to use the bridgy-publish plugin, yes
nitot joined the channel
# 16:33 miklb GWG shouldn't the inserted link have ?bridgy-omit-link=true
# 16:36 GWG miklb, iamwebrocker embedded the omit link in his PR. So I left it that way
# 16:37 miklb maybe I need to do a fresh pull of master
tantek joined the channel
# 16:43 miklb something is wrong, because it isn't sending in the webmention or embedding in the post.
# 17:02 voxpelli just launched serviceworker support with simple caching and offline pages
KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
# 17:25 miklb I should clarify, it is sending the webmentino, but not with the omit link param, nor is it embedding the link with the data class
# 17:26 miklb GWG so to clarify, the pullrequest was to use the param in the webmention or to use the data class?
# 17:27 GWG The PR used the data class. I figured he was using it on his own site, so I didn't test it, but I can switch it being on the bridgy link.
# 17:29 GWG miklb, how are the other changes looking?
# 17:30 miklb seem ok, but since I can't get past this issue, haven't tested much else
# 17:30 GWG My tests always had a link. Odd yours never do? What are you setting omit link to?
# 17:35 miklb default is set to maybe, I tried explicitly setting to always
# 17:38 GWG miklb, always means that you would always omit the link. Always there would be never.
# 17:39 miklb I've now tried all 3 and am not getting a link. I also get that stripos warning
# 17:39 miklb GWG that's what I assumed, but it's not omitting the link. Its not embedding the data class
# 17:40 GWG miklb, back to the drawing board, I guess. Must be a bug. I am out buying doorbells. Will look when I return.
# 17:40 miklb sorry, meant not getting the data class. Always a link
# 17:40 GWG Oddly, I am not getting the stripos issue, but others are.
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:43 GWG miklb, if you look at @n9nus on Twitter, it always produced a link. That is my test account for this.
# 17:45 miklb did you ever test trying to not send a link?
tantek joined the channel
# 17:50 GWG miklb, I thought I did, maybe I misremembered
# 18:07 GWG Then I will rearrange my update order again to fix the bug in Syndication Links.
nitot joined the channel
# 18:11 GWG My plan is to remove the line entirely
# 18:13 GWG I had this idea of creating a sanitization function for mf2 HTML
wolftune, tolerablyjake, nitot and KevinMarks joined the channel
Pierre-O joined the channel
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# 19:57 petermolnar email to webmention is not done; I did set up wordpress to accept posts by email, but dropped it soon enough for various issues; for the current one, I've started it, but parsing mail (with python) turned out to be painful, so I postponed it till other things are up and running
# 19:58 petermolnar I would, however, not directly mention from mail, just access imap/pop3 as a source of posts
# 20:02 petermolnar where the rest of them; once the email is pulled in, it will get deleted, or at least flagged as deleted
# 20:03 voxpelli petermolnar: but if there's webmention involved, then the webmention would need a source url and a target url – the target url would be the post that is commented on, but the source would be the email that has no url?
# 20:03 tantek aaronpk, just noticing the pattern of "Day n: ..."
# 20:04 tantek noticing more things now that I'm attempting a 100 days of
# 20:05 aaronpk In posts that don't have a title, I was starting the post with "Day n."
# 20:05 aaronpk i believe all my indieweb posts have a title, but not all of my songs did
rrix joined the channel
tantek, KevinMarks, nitot, KevinMarks_, ncollig, wolftune, EHLOVader, sknebel and gRegorLove joined the channel