2017-01-22 UTC
# 00:19 GWG !tell miklb Pushed an update to the github repo. Can you test re omit link?
# 00:19 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
aegibsonme, nitot and wagle joined the channel
# 00:46 miklb GWG tested, this time no link, but didn't post any content, just site title. I'll investigate that on my end.
# 00:46 Loqi miklb: GWG left you a message 27 minutes ago: Pushed an update to the github repo. Can you test re omit link?
# 00:47 GWG miklb: Should I push the change to stable or do you want to check more?
# 00:48 miklb well, it didn't send the content of the post, so I wouldn't push anything yet
# 00:48 GWG miklb: Well, the content of the post is determined by Bridgy itself.
# 00:49 GWG Although now if the option to send the Excerpt to Twitter is set, it will use the excerpt if set.
# 00:50 miklb but for some reason, it only picked up my site title for content
# 00:50 GWG miklb: I thought about adding a metabox, but I figured this less intrusive option would satisfy most.
# 00:52 GWG miklb: You are setting an explicit name.
# 00:53 GWG "In general, Bridgy prefers to use p-summary if available, then the full e-content, and finally p-name, in that order. The one exception is original tweets (not @-replies) on Twitter: for those, it prefers p-name before e-content. "
KevinMarks and wagle joined the channel
# 00:54 miklb not sure I understand "setting an explicit name"
# 00:55 aaronpk and since that's inside the h-entry it makes it look like the h-entry's p-name
# 00:57 miklb maybe I copied over the changes to underscores improperly
# 01:00 GWG miklb: The problem is WordPress theming plus plugins plus mf2 is hard.
# 01:01 GWG It is why I changed the description of the plugin to emphasize it is a UI for Bridgy Publish and that Bridgy Publish parses the webpage. So, there is a limit to what I can do on the plugin side without overriding all the other stuff.
nitot joined the channel
# 01:08 miklb yeah, that's cool. I'll dig through the markup. Guess can push to stable
# 01:09 GWG miklb: I am hoping that the focus on the editor and more flexible content creation might produce some answers in this area.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 01:12 miklb oh, I read it. I'm just skeptical of motives other than to benefit wp.com in crowded market
# 01:13 GWG miklb: I am too. But I am hoping that we can piggyback on developments made for other things.
# 01:13 miklb genuinely glad to see optimism. I should take a page out of your book
# 01:15 GWG miklb: Hope for the best, prepare for the worst.
snarfed, KevinMarks_, wolftune, funwhilelost, wagle, nitot, aegibsonme, KevinMarks and leg joined the channel
# 02:57 miklb GWG what was the thinking in adding h-entry to the body class, just want to make sure I don't overlook any scenarios
# 02:58 GWG miklb: There was a debate about that. That on a single page, h-entry goes on the top-level element, and on an archive page, h-feed goes on the top level element. But there was some debate.
KevinMarks and nitot joined the channel
# 04:13 aaronpk Whoa apparently Facebook iOS is testing new features in the menu at the bottom
nitot, mblaney and KevinMarks joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
begriffs and nitot joined the channel
# 07:05 aaronpk Yeah the text box prompt is asking what you're selling
Pierre-O joined the channel
aegibsonme1, catsup, Kopfstein and Hory joined the channel
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nitot and gluytium joined the channel
# 13:45 Zegnat So much tinkering with my new habit tracker. Is anyone else tracking habits?
nitot joined the channel
# 13:53 sebsel I actually have two pieces of paper with a 7-day grid for 100 days, I'm marking crosses :)
# 13:53 sebsel I only crossed out the first two days though.
# 13:55 sebsel I first was thinking about a seblog.nl/goals or /quests page, and then posts h-entry:s with u-completion-of
# 13:55 sebsel But then I thought: neh, let's not abuse Mf2+Webmentions for this.
# 13:56 Zegnat That would be cool. I m still looking for a way to update my habits page.
# 13:57 sebsel I actually had that /quests page for a while, with bars and stuff. But I was uneasy with having it all out in the open.
# 13:58 Loqi zegnat has 31 karma in this channel (33 overall)
# 14:01 Zegnat I should start a reading habit. But not sure how to quantify the daily goal.
# 14:02 sebsel well if it means 'I was at', I could be in a book :P
# 14:03 Loqi Media check-in is a somewhat controversial concept that refers to a type of virtual check-in post, where the "location" is an item of consumable media such as a book, audio, video, or realtime media such as a radio or TV broadcast https://indieweb.org/media_checkin
# 14:03 Zegnat was at Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
# 14:04 sebsel The textual representation is different, but the meaning is quite similar.
# 14:05 sebsel that was what aaronpk called 'Things I can checkin to', but not sure if he actually named it that way.
# 14:06 Loqi [aaronpk] "ticcit" => "things i can check in to"
# 14:07 Zegnat For his storage, yeah, I remember. Now I am curious if aaronpk is going to have media checkins stored in there!
moredhel joined the channel
# 14:34 sebsel a habit tracker is a tool to track one's progress in adopting new habits
nitot and leg joined the channel
# 15:42 miklb regretting decision to switch to WordPress already
sebsel joined the channel
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# 15:59 KevinMarks If you check into a cinema, Swarm lets you choose which film, which combines the location and media
Pierre-O, moredhel, userXYZ, nitot and John_Duh joined the channel
CherryPuffs joined the channel
# 16:34 miklb I just need to decide if the effort to get WP to the point I had with static site would be better spent improving what I had.
# 16:35 GWG miklb, I was looking forward to your participation, not taking it personally.
KevinMarks, wolftune, nitot and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 17:12 miklb oh, hey, removing the p-name on the h1 on single pages worked. That lightens my frustrations greatly.
nitot joined the channel
# 17:21 aaronpk i think now you need p-name on the same element as e-content
# 17:25 aaronpk otherwise the parser makes an implied p-name that includes all the content of the h-entry which is kind of a mess
# 17:26 miklb so I need to write a function that checks if the title is empty (where the p-name markup is), then add p-name to the e-content. That's simple
# 17:26 GWG miklb, tell me if I can do anything to ease your suffering.
# 17:27 miklb just frustration with the mf2 and getting bridgy to post the note. That works, now just need to refine the markup for other parsers
# 17:28 GWG miklb, trying to address that has always been an issue for me.
# 17:29 GWG Either way, next on the block is Syndication Links. It only needs some minor fixes.
# 17:31 GWG Then Post Kinds, then I figure out next big project.
wolftune, nitot and [dgold] joined the channel
# 18:41 [dgold] is there a microformat property appropriate to use when a 'post' is a 'link-post' style entry, with the 'post' title being a link to original off-site content?
# 18:42 Loqi A bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/bookmark
# 18:51 [dgold] I'd been looking over the specs, but clearly hadn't searched 'linkblog'
# 18:52 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/H...
# 18:53 aaronpk it'd be u-bookmark-of. i suspect it's still considered "experimental"
# 18:53 [dgold] but thank you - guess I should be looking at locations other than just mf.org
# 18:54 Loqi [Tantek Çelik] h-entry is a simple, open format for episodic or datestamped content on the web. h-entry is often used with content intended to be syndicated, e.g. blog posts. h-entry is one of several open microformat standards suitable for embedding data in HTML/H...
# 18:54 [dgold] trying to implement indie formats in Hugo. Hurty-head making, but worth it
nitot joined the channel
# 19:03 aaronpk i've gotta get the slack bridge translating those emoji names back to emoji for irc :)
# 19:13 voxpelli realizes that IRCCloud already converts those emoji names to emojis for me – neat
begriffs joined the channel
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# 19:23 [dgold] Its similar enough that its useable, voxpelli, thanks
# 19:24 [dgold] golang, particularly its golang-templates, have some _interesting_ design choices
tantek, nitot, leg1, snarfed and CherryPuffs joined the channel
[dgold] joined the channel
# 21:06 [dgold] so, p-name for a note would be p-content from the permalink note page
# 21:06 aaronpk yeah, since notes don't have their own name, you just set the p-name to the same as the content
# 21:08 [dgold] i wandered off base for a while there, doing a few kludgey scripts to convert all my old gplus posts to notes
# 21:09 [dgold] but, yeah, it makes sense that a 'note' with no title needs p-name from other than title
tantek, KevinMarks and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
KevinMarks and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
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# 21:34 KevinMarks I didn't focus on notes though, as Christopher mostly writes articles
userXYZ and CherryPuffs joined the channel
# 21:39 aaronpk there seem to be a couple of presentational differences between recipes and articles/notes but they share a lot of the same things too
# 21:47 KevinMarks They have 2 distinct sections for ingredients and methods, though some have more interpolated text
# 21:48 KevinMarks I have seen some that effectively have sub recipes - separate sauces and so on
# 21:49 miklb hmm, using a reply post kind and POSSE to Twitter needs some work.
# 21:51 GWG miklb: Agreed. I just got the second part working. The first part needs more work.
# 21:55 GWG miklb: POSSE to Twitter. I've been using SNAP and the work I did got me closer to retiring it in favor of Bridgy. The first part, replying to a Tweet, is still a bit cumbersome.
# 21:57 miklb GWG the problem I just experienced was that it wanted to post the full reply, including the context, rather than just my response
# 21:58 GWG miklb: Yes. I've been trying to figure out how to address that. Most themes don't have a place to add the context other than inside the theme. I have some solutions on the theme side that work.
# 21:58 GWG 1. Make the theme post kinds aware by calling the context outside of the content block
# 21:58 GWG 2. Put the e-content inside the content block by adding it in using a filter to the_content at a high priority(like 0)
# 22:03 GWG This is from mf2_s, the old needs to be updated theme I worked on.
# 22:04 GWG Basically, it put the e-content inside the_content so any plugin or otherwise which added to the_content would be outside e-content
# 22:06 miklb gotcha. I want to look closer at that template_types function
# 22:06 GWG It is basically a Post Kinds with fallback to Post Formats function
# 22:07 miklb guess I need to dig further into "post kinds templates"
# 22:09 GWG miklb: I wrote a theme that supported them. But they are generally unsupported. Needs more work.
nitot joined the channel
# 22:12 miklb oh, I was just going by the comment for the function.
# 22:23 aaronpk okay i decided there were enough presentational differences for recipes to warrant using a new base template instead of tweaking my normal base template
# 22:43 GWG aaronpk: Where are these templates?
tantek joined the channel
# 22:44 Zegnat h-recipe for cocktails? That sounds like a good thing!
# 22:44 aaronpk KevinMarks: yeah once i get the templates done i'm going to convert a bunch of my past plaintext recipe posts into h-recipes
nitot joined the channel
# 22:46 KevinMarks At one point Google was parsing cocktails and making them metric, which wax funny
# 22:48 Zegnat What? Cocktails are officially metric … the IBA lists all ingredients in cl IIRC
leg joined the channel
# 22:55 aaronpk huh. i haven't seen this twitter behavior before. two celebrities having an argument where instead of @-replying each other they're using quoted tweets
# 22:56 KevinMarks Oh wait, it's the other way round. They translate the iba ones from Wikipedia to fluid ounces a bit too literally
# 22:57 KevinMarks How to make a dark and stormy: Ingredients: 3 1/3 oz Ginger Beer, Couple dashes of bitters, 2 oz Dark Rum
# 23:01 KartikPrabhu all cocktail reciepes are about proportion, it doesn't really matter wht units you use
snarfed, nitot, KevinMarks_, tantek, KevinMarks and aegibsonme joined the channel
# 23:51 sebsel had to cheat a bit on the importing-old-posts thing.
# 23:51 sebsel also had to drop the writing :( will come back to that though!
# 23:52 sebsel I intend to finish the 100daysofindieweb even more now
# 23:53 KartikPrabhu anyone has a display of posts by tag? Do you display all the posts on one page or paginate by year/month or something else?
# 23:53 aaronpk KartikPrabhu: i paginate my tag pages the same way i paginate all my other pages
# 23:54 aaronpk hm do we have a wiki page with links to examples of tag pages?
# 23:54 Loqi tags or tagging refers to categorizing or labeling content, your own or others (tag-reply), with words, phrases, names, or other information, optionally linked to specific people, events, locations, such as the practice of tagging posts being about certain people (person-tag), like tagging people or other items where (area-tag) they're depicted in a photo https://indieweb.org/tag
# 23:55 sebsel KartikPrabhu yeah I just have the same feed as the rest of my site, and I filter it by tag.
# 23:58 KartikPrabhu sebsel: yeah it seems that microformats uses "category" but "tags" is more popular now
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 23:59 sebsel yeah in Wordpress a 'category' has more weight than a 'tag'
# 23:59 sebsel I'm no longer on wordpress for quite a while, but the feeling remains
# 23:59 KartikPrabhu distinguishing them seems useless to me, I just think of them are equivalent names for the same thing
# 23:59 sebsel I feel like there is a limited list of categories, whereas I can always create new tags.