2017-01-23 UTC
# 00:00 aaronpk to avoid the baggage/confusion of the term "category" i used the term "channel" for my site
# 00:01 aaronpk that's my other organizational mechanism besides tags
# 00:01 sebsel I don't want a limited list of categories next to tags. and since most of my tags are now hashtags I imported form twitter, I more have 'tags' than 'categories'
# 00:01 aaronpk channels have more weight than tags in that there are fewer of them and they have top-level URLs
# 00:01 aaronpk also I link to some of the channels in my header and footer, but not to tags
# 00:01 aaronpk the channels also are more grouped around content type, but not strictly
# 00:02 KartikPrabhu i currently only have tags on articles but now I am thinking of adding them to notes
# 00:02 KartikPrabhu which is why I am looking at pagination since there are many notes but fewer articles
# 00:04 sebsel but you can fill in any date, and it gives you posts from that point on
# 00:05 sebsel I can only do that since I indexed my .txt's with a database.
# 00:06 sebsel after my twitter import I have 8000 posts so that became impossible
# 00:07 sebsel yeah you can just paginate with the pagination you already have in place, no?
# 00:08 sebsel I have to get some sleep now, good night everyone!
# 00:08 KartikPrabhu yeah I could, which is what I am considering, but then I have to have a good URL design for the combined tag + pagination
# 00:15 KevinMarks I put a threshold on tags so they only show in the sidebar with more than that many posts
KevinMarks, tantek, miklb and keroberos joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
mblaney joined the channel
# 02:28 mblaney !tell sebsel nice post! (and progress...) my reader supports your deleted posts. the way you format them in the feed is good :-)
# 02:28 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
gluytium joined the channel
# 02:37 GWG You know, IWC NYC and the great snowstorm was a year ago
KevinMarks_, leg1 and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 03:59 miklb neat. That would make it my one year indie-versary
leg and gluytium joined the channel
wolftune joined the channel
gluytium and tantek joined the channel
leg1 and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 07:14 KartikPrabhu anyone know if <meta name="description"> is consumed at all by anything?
cweiske and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 07:43 [kevinmarks] I think Google search uses it in serps, and maybe fb falls back to it in the absence of ogp
Pierre-O and jihaisse joined the channel
adactio, Pierre-O, nitot and adactio_ joined the channel
adactio and nitot joined the channel
# 10:27 Loqi sebsel: mblaney left you a message 7 hours, 58 minutes ago: nice post! (and progress...) my reader supports your deleted posts. the way you format them in the feed is good :-)
pindonga, Hory, nitot, Pierre-O, arush and tantek joined the channel
moredhel, nitot and hs0ucy joined the channel
gkbrk, hs0ucy, EHLOVader and thebaer joined the channel
# 14:30 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] Day 8: the experimental post type ‘wrote’
ePirat- joined the channel
# 14:32 tantek sebsel, that sounds like post type "posted" ;)
mlncn, tvn, Pierre-O, snarfed, nitot and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
# 15:16 Loqi ok, I added "https://seblog.nl/2017/01/23/2/day-8-the-experimental-post-type-wrote" to the "See Also" section of /iceberg post
# 15:16 Loqi [Sebastiaan Andeweg] Day 8: the experimental post type ‘wrote’
snarfed1, EHLOVader, hs0ucy, snarfed, friedcell and Pierre-O joined the channel
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 16:24 [keithjgrant] Has anybody experimented with implementing a MicroPub client as a browser extension?
# 16:24 Zegnat I have - I have done a lot of different IndieWeb browser extension experiments without releasing.
# 16:26 [keithjgrant] Yeah, I've been trying to make sense if authorization in extensions. Don't have any experience with them, really
tantek joined the channel
# 16:37 Loqi Firefox Social API is a Firefox browser feature from Mozilla for interfacing with social APIs, on silos, servers running open source installations like Known & WordPress, and servers supporting open protocols like micropub https://indieweb.org/Social_API
# 16:37 tantek keithjgrant - there's a Known-specific Micropub-implementation there, would be great to have a generic Micropub add-on for Social API!
mlncn joined the channel
# 16:46 Zegnat The authentication want to redirect to a webpage (this was also a problem cweiske had with shpub). I was planning to experiment with letting the auth endpoint redirect to a extension:// URL within the micropub extension.
# 16:46 Zegnat Never got that to a point for feasible testing though.
begriffs joined the channel
# 16:51 tantek Zegnat check out how the Know Micropub add-on did it
# 16:51 tantek there's a working example that you can play with
# 16:57 tantek Zegnat it's in the Firefox Activations directory
snarfed, EHLOVader, strugee and jmelesky joined the channel
# 17:30 voxpelli Zegnat: ^ sounds like that's what you and sebsel discussed yesterday, could be worth filling out a definition of it
# 17:40 voxpelli lifestreaming is a digital log of all of ones activities in a "publish then filter"-way
Pierre-O, mlncn, wolftune, snarfed and quite joined the channel
# 18:18 Zegnat That page made me think two things: 1. it is Jan 25, 2. aaronpk didn’t eat yesterday on Jan 24.
# 18:18 Zegnat Then I realised those are future entries and the 23rd is still ongoing ;)
snarfed, wolftune, gRegorLove and tolerablyjake joined the channel
mattl, EHLOVader, bttf, KartikPrabhu, leg, snarfed, thebaer, Pierre-O, pfefferle, friedcell and [keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 21:30 [keithjgrant] Well... I *think* I've got webmentions live on keithjgrant.com. setup on webmention.io and brid.gy...
# 21:31 [keithjgrant] Will bridgy catch any links to my site on Twitter? Or only replies to my tweets?
gmack joined the channel
# 22:05 aaronpk ben_thatmustbeme: oh jeez I didn't even think about that
# 22:06 aaronpk [keithjgrant]: you can plug a Bridgy source URL into Telegraph and have Telegraph send the webmentions if you want!
asteres joined the channel
# 22:34 [keithjgrant] hm. I changed my url structure in the redesign. The client-side redirects are to cause me headaches trying to pull in links to the old urls, aren't they? (static site)
[dgold] joined the channel
# 22:34 [dgold] aaronpk: is there a write up on using telegraph with bridgy
# 22:34 aaronpk telegraph has an input field where you'd put in the Bridgy URL
# 22:35 aaronpk it should be pretty straightforward but would be worth making a post with some screenshots showing how!
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[aaronpk] joined the channel
# 22:38 [aaronpk] Oh I see... there's a checkbox for "also send to #indieweb"
# 22:38 miklb aaronpk considering you have 50+ days left, that might be a quick one :-)
# 22:38 [aaronpk] The messages in the thread appear to come through IRC too
# 22:39 [aaronpk] keithjgrant: the Bridgy docs will show you how to turn a tweet URL into a Bridgy URL
# 22:40 [keithjgrant] okay, yeah, so it should be: brid.gy/twitter/asaskevich_dev/761904671623671808
# 22:40 aaronpk that looks right. so if you put that in telegraph it'll find links it can send webmentions to and then you can click the ones you want to send
# 22:48 aaronpk [kevinmarks]: the messages in the thread appear to go to IRC even if that box isn't checked. probably because Loqi is just ignoring the new thread_ts parameter in the messages
# 22:49 [keithjgrant] ah, okay. so say someone else shares a link to my post. Is there an appropriate webmention for that? repost seems to make sense, but that didn't work either
# 22:50 aaronpk i think bridgy URLs will work with any tweet ID as long as you always have your username there?
snarfed, gmack, EHLOVader, nitot, cyantext and wolftune joined the channel