2017-01-31 UTC
# 00:05 Loqi chrisaldrich has 11 karma in this channel (14 overall)
# 00:07 acegiak I would love to know how to make pfefferle the primary. his fork is pretty much the main branch at this point
# 00:07 acegiak I just created the original repo because it needed to be a separate repo from webmentions
# 00:08 acegiak snarfed, I merged all of pfefferle's changes recently so mine is currently that+salmentions
# 00:08 acegiak which I haven't had a chance to test with anyone yet
snarfed joined the channel
singpolyma and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 00:28 KevinMarks1 is it time fro a salmention party?
snarfed and leg joined the channel
# 00:36 tantek KevinMarks: it's time to recreate SWAT0 since we don't have the original setup anymore
snarfed joined the channel
# 00:36 KevinMarks1 acegiak and I did try it with her site and my known a while back
# 00:37 KevinMarks1 we should retry and log it, yes
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 00:38 KevinMarks1 woodwind is also down at the moment
wolftune joined the channel
snarfed and singpolyma joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 01:19 KevinMarks1 Noterlive.com updated with ChrisAldrich's manual link
# 01:19 KevinMarks1 (wow, I hadn't deployed it in 9 months)
aegibsonme, snarfed, JohnBeales and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 02:47 [acegiak_net] KevinMarks yeah we should test salmentions once I'm not at work, it MIGHT even work for person tags this time which was the issue I had last time. I need to check the changes pfefferle made to webmentions the other day to see if that will work now
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 02:50 [acegiak_net] Actually it's basically lunch time :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
# 02:50 [acegiak_net] Anyone who supports salmentions want to send me a reply to that?
singpolyma joined the channel
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 03:14 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 03:15 chrisaldrich tantek: i'll try to get the details in tonight/tomorrow at the latest.
# 03:22 tantek managed to pre-book space at Mozilla for every HWC SF through June that he'll be around for (so far all but 1 or 2 AFAIK)
tantek joined the channel
# 03:34 [acegiak_net] KevinMarks: I have moderated comments. I had to approve it
# 03:34 [acegiak_net] Just replied to you
# 03:34 [acegiak_net] And now if I send an update webmention manually...
# 03:38 [acegiak_net] That seems to have worked!
# 03:38 Loqi [Ashton McAllan] Salmentions test post. ?
# 03:39 tantek acegiak: do you moderate all comments? no matter who they're from?
# 03:40 [acegiak_net] That's what I have at the moment
# 03:48 KevinMarks I replied inline and re-mentioned the original. Did that get through to you?
# 03:58 [acegiak_net] Oh. Looks like not. I'll check the log
# 04:02 [acegiak_net] Hmm. When it's reading it's only picking up the first. Let me check that
# 04:08 [acegiak_net] No it looks like the mark-up is good
# 04:16 [acegiak_net] Trying to work out why this loop is breaking
arlen and nitot joined the channel
# 04:30 [acegiak_net] Currently wishing 3am Ashton had commented her code
# 04:32 GWG [acegiak_net]: Leave 3am Ashton a nasty note?
nitot joined the channel
# 05:30 [acegiak_net] Ok! Fixed the parsing of that second teply
nitot joined the channel
# 05:30 [acegiak_net] Turns out WordPress was detecting a duplicate comment and calling die or exit or something
# 05:35 [acegiak_net] They're supposed to be but that doesn't seem to be what WordPress is doing. I'll have to look into that cause it's WEIRD
# 05:35 [acegiak_net] Just realised I need to re-add my hook for sending update mentions when approving comments
# 05:37 [acegiak_net] Thinking i should really make salmentions a separate plugin if webmentions and semantic linkbacks are
tolerablyjake and KevinMarks1 joined the channel
# 05:40 KevinMarks1 I thought the feedback was 'too many plugins' rather than too few
# 05:41 KevinMarks1 are the images not showing because known hasn't got file extensions?
# 05:43 KevinMarks1 Content-Type: application/octet-stream
# 05:45 [acegiak_net] Hmm. I haven't checked the code for the images
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 06:04 Loqi [Ashton McAllan] We can kind of fake it with manual webmentions on your end to a point.
gmack and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 06:17 [acegiak_net] weird that it's not showing up...
KevinMarks_ joined the channel
# 06:19 [acegiak_net] worked once I sent the webmention manually
wolftune joined the channel
# 06:24 [acegiak_net] kevinmarks you should have recieved an update webmention from me?
# 06:25 [acegiak_net] if you can check your webmention log on known? I don't know
# 06:27 GWG chrisaldrich: Did another run at Syndication Links. Still working on features.
userXYZ joined the channel
# 06:50 chrisaldrich I noticed this morning that the version I downloaded from Github last night didn't default to using the text "Syndicated to:" as noted in the documentation. Did it change at some point?
wolftune, mlncn and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
KevinMarks, cweiske, friedcell and Pierre-O joined the channel
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# 08:53 acegiak I wonder if I can scrobble the things I watch from my dlna server to my blog...
duper joined the channel
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# 09:06 acegiak I don't like having it do the thing where it moves files to a "watched" folder.
# 09:07 acegiak Though currently I'm just being grumpy at playstation for not providing any way to access a user's activity log
# 09:08 acegiak so instead I've made it really easy to log games I play with my chatbot that now connects to matrix as well as IRC
# 09:16 acegiak though that is reliant on the quality of the boardgamegeek search function so I have to know that entering "the last guardian" will get me Alpha Mission II which was also called ASO II: Last Guardian and that entering Toriko which is the japanese name for one of the characters will ACTUALLY get me The Last Guardian :/
jeremycherfas joined the channel
danohu and gmackmacken joined the channel
# 12:22 Zegnat acegiak, does boardgamegeek do videogame search? I never knew!
# 12:26 acegiak Zegnat: there's boardgamegeek, videogamegeek and RPG geek and then under the hood they are all the same database
# 12:27 acegiak also: I now have a script logging the things I watch on my upnp/dlna server to my blog!
# 12:43 GWG acegiak, how did the salmentions work out?
CherryPuffs and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 13:23 [acegiak_net] I managed to get the base components all working but I haven't had a full test conversation yet. Also need to check how it interacts with person tags.
# 13:26 [acegiak_net] Huh. Apparently my YouTube plugin isn't working
# 13:32 GWG Is this the one that uses the response box in Post Kinds?
# 13:41 [acegiak_net] I don't think so?
# 13:41 [acegiak_net] This one just logs my YouTube history as watch scrobbles
gmackmacken joined the channel
# 13:46 GWG There was one that embedded the video and used kses
singpolyma, hs0ucy, Pierre-O, KevinMarks, EHLOVader, leg, snarfed, friedcell, KartikPrabhu, thebaer, tvn, wolftune, adactio, KevinMarks_ and jmelesky joined the channel
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# 18:17 aaronpk that happened to me too! probably because it didn't count the .blog as a URL!
snarfed joined the channel
tolerablyjake, raretrack, techlifeweb, EHLOVader, snarfed and cdevroe joined the channel
# 20:02 cdevroe GWG: I have some feedback re: the Bridgy Publish plugin now that I’ve had it installed for a few days.
# 20:04 cdevroe @manton - Doubled my pledge for Micro.blog today. I hope you meet your stretch goal!
KevinMarks and [manton] joined the channel
# 20:14 [manton] cdevroe Thank you! (And thanks everyone for the links and support. Excited to work on this and help point more people to the IndieWeb.)
# 20:32 cdevroe GWG (not sure how to leave you a message), but two main things I found that I can add to Github… 1) The plugin posts the content to Twitter/FB rather than a link back even though I have “omit link” as “never”. And, if I uncheck both Facebook and Twitter the plugin still sends a post to Twitter. Or, Bridgy does. Unsure which is the culprit. Let me know if youd like more information very glad to provide it.
# 20:32 cdevroe That being said, pingbacks (or mentions) seem to be working. I just have to figure out a UI for them on my site. :) Happy
snarfed, KevinMarks_ and tantek joined the channel
# 20:41 snarfed hey pfefferle acegiak, i'm trying wp webmention and semantic-linkbacks at head, and webmentions crash and return 500. any tips on how to get a stack trace out of wordpress?
wolftune joined the channel
# 20:43 sknebel !tell cdevroe this is how you leave someone a message ;)
# 20:43 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
Pierre-O, gmack and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 20:50 snarfed acegiak: just fyi looks like the semantic-linkbacks crash is something in your fork that's not in pfefferle's. switching back to his fixed it.
wolftune joined the channel
# 21:04 tantek manton, want to define that? ;) just start a sentence here with "microblogging is ..." (without quotes)
EHLOVader joined the channel
mlncn, JohnBeales and KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 21:45 GWG cdevroe, will have a look when I can, working on the next piece. Will circle back when stable.
[scottgruber] joined the channel
# 22:09 [scottgruber] chrisaldrich Is there a homebrew club meeting or google hang out tomorrow in LA? I plan to do some writing for my website tomorrow night.
chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 22:11 chrisaldrich scottgruber, tomorrow is technically an "off" week for HWC in general with the next ones to fall on 2/8 and 2/22
# 22:11 chrisaldrich If you're around though, maybe we could slap together an unofficial google hangout though.
# 22:14 chrisaldrich ScottGruber, there's been a lot more WordPress activity in the last few weeks, perhaps we should have a virtual WordPress-centric HWC?
# 22:22 [scottgruber] chrisaldrich Thank Chris. I’ve been doing WordPress at work and have learned a lot but for my personal site I use Perch Runway.
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# 22:24 [scottgruber] Its a cms, but could also be called a content management toolkit. Everything is structure content. Maybe similar to Craft CMS, but also different. https://grabaperch.com
# 22:30 sebsel [scottgruber] You need to start your definition with the actual name :)
# 22:30 [scottgruber] I’d be happy to start an entry. It would be url similar to this, https://indieweb.org/WordPress but https://indieweb.org/Perch right? Should there be a specific IndieWeb feature like webmentions or POSSE before posting? I’m using a twitter app to pull my tweets to my site as a PESOS, but have more to build out.
# 22:32 tantek scottgruber, I think what sebsel means is you have to start your "answer with "Perch is ..." (without quotes)
# 22:33 sebsel Yeah, I read your reply as a definition. It might need some work, but if you just said 'Perch Runway is ... ' it would've made a nice stub :)
# 22:37 chrisaldrich Perch is a content management system similar to Craft CMS that bills itself as "The original 'really little CMS'". It also has a developer version known as Perch Runway.
# 22:39 sebsel [scottgruber] feel free to expand! And add yourself as an example
KevinMarks, nitot and nitot_ joined the channel
# 22:48 [scottgruber] Did a bit of editing and will add myself too.
cdevroe, EHLOVader, KevinMarks and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 23:04 [acegiak_net] snarfed: Are you able to access your wordpress error log and apache error log?
# 23:04 [acegiak_net] also is there a way to access #indieweb-dev on the slack?
# 23:05 [acegiak_net] does anything get dumped into either of those error logs when the crash happens?
# 23:06 [acegiak_net] (also my fork does throw a lot of debug lines into the error log currently, I know. I will fix once I know it's all working)
# 23:06 [acegiak_net] I'll jump onto an actual IRC client
# 23:06 snarfed eh no worries, i can't do much now. maybe tonight
# 23:07 sebsel #indieweb-dev is in Slack too, but the bridge does not send messages back
# 23:09 [acegiak_net] Oh I see. It's just dev in slack
EHLOVader and danohu joined the channel
# 23:25 snarfed acegiak: thanks! i doubt that was the crash though.
KevinMarks1 joined the channel