2017-02-01 UTC
danohu joined the channel
# 00:05 KevinMarks1 what are safe replies?
# 00:05 KevinMarks1 tantek, if you want to redirect the singular?
wolftune joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
# 00:19 [manton] Thanks y'all. Still need to catch up on how the bot works. :slightly_smiling_face: And @KevinMarks1: finally listened to This Week in Google. Thanks for the mention!
__number5__ joined the channel
[acegiak_net] joined the channel
gmack joined the channel
# 00:51 GWG acegiak: How are Indieweb things?
# 00:52 [acegiak_net] well I've got my media server scrobbling to my blog now
# 00:52 [acegiak_net] so that's neat
[techlifeweb] joined the channel
# 00:54 [techlifeweb] Experimenting with a Custom Post Type in Wordpress and it looks like webmentions aren't being sent when I use that Type
tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 01:04 GWG I wrote the code that switched from directly querying the database to using WP_Query. It does filter private post types
# 01:09 GWG We had a few issues with plugins modifying the query though
gRegorLove, KevinMarks, tolerablyjake, miklb, gmackmacken and [acegiak_net] joined the channel
# 03:06 GWG [acegiak_net]: I noticed that. We were looking last month.
# 03:06 [acegiak_net] fucking hell
# 03:06 [acegiak_net] I'm Livid
# 03:06 GWG [acegiak_net]: What can we do about it?
# 03:07 [acegiak_net] near sweet FA
# 03:07 [acegiak_net] screen scrape the entire website?
# 03:08 GWG Maybe KevinMarks or someone has a contact at Youtube they might be able to reach out to
# 03:08 GWG I understand not being able to look at someone else's history...but your own?
# 03:08 [acegiak_net] it's fucking ridiculous
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 03:13 GWG [acegiak_net]: What is still left on your itch list?
# 03:14 [acegiak_net] well currently: scrobbling my fucking youtube watches. Mostly it's all swat0 stuff though
# 03:14 [acegiak_net] making whisperfollow nicer
# 03:14 GWG How is that going? I tried it last when you first mentioned it, but that was a long while ago
# 03:16 [acegiak_net] swat0? I need to do some testing with other people who can do salmentions stuff
gRegorLove_ and wolftune joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks, tolerablyjake and EHLOVader joined the channel
techlifeweb, tantek and snarfed joined the channel
# 05:35 tantek hello GWG! great seeing the updated back/forth about the WordPress plugin updates
# 05:36 GWG tantek, pfefferle released the updates we've been working on since the summit/summer
# 05:37 GWG And I have been working on updates to mine. And we've gotten some new participants at the same time
tantek and miklb joined the channel
# 07:17 acegiak I was hoping to find a secret playlist ID somewhere for my watch history but I can't find one
# 07:17 acegiak and then I wanted to use python to just scrape the history page on the youtube site but that involves scripting my way throught the google login process
cweiske, jihaisse, arlen, danohu, friedcell, KevinMarks, friedcell1, wagle, CherryPuffs and jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 12:29 jeremycherfas I vaguely remember seeing something here that there was a way to connect brid.gy and twitter by putting an additional URL somehwere in twitter, but I cannot now find it. Any help appreciated.
# 12:31 GWG You would need your website URL in your Twitter profile
# 12:32 jeremycherfas I have a Twitter account that is linked to a WP account, but I also have a separate URL that uses Known, which makes it much easier to syndicated certain things. I can post from the KNown account to Twitter, but I am not receiving any back feeds.
# 12:37 jeremycherfas I did, for the one “user”. For the other, I want to know where in Twitter to put the extra URL so that Brid.gy can find it.
# 12:38 GWG I think Twitter only allows one. But I haven't looked in a while.
# 12:39 GWG I'm not sure of the solution for that
# 12:42 jeremycherfas OK, Thanks. I know that with Instagram Brid.gy searches the website field and the profile. Maybe Twitter does the same.
# 12:43 GWG You should. If not, ask snarfed, who is the main developer. He would likely know if there is a way to use two URLs
# 12:43 GWG I just don't see a place for it in the Twitter profile. I just checked.
userXYZ joined the channel
# 12:58 GWG That is more up my alley. I am a WordPress user
# 12:59 GWG I can help with most questions on that
# 12:59 GWG Good to know, re two sites. Probably should be in the about page if it isn't
# 13:01 GWG If it isn't, we can file it as a suggestion
__number5__ joined the channel
# 13:05 jeremycherfas Not seeing an obvious place to put it on the indieweb wiki entry for Brid.gy
# 13:06 GWG !tell snarfed Is there somewhere in the Bridgy About page where it mentions how to do multiple sites for a single Twitter account? Can't find it
# 13:06 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 13:06 GWG jeremycherfas: Add a section maybe?
minsky and CherryPuffs joined the channel
# 13:08 GWG Oh, and re WordPress, we were discussing recently that the setup process for adding Indieweb elements can seem overwhelming to some and looking for feedback on what confused people so we might try to do something about it. If you have any experiences to share, please do
# 13:09 cweiske I once tried to setup wordpress with indieweb plugins
# 13:10 GWG cweiske: We know. That is what we've been talking about.
# 13:10 GWG cweiske: Problem is that WordPress has no dependency management
rpcope joined the channel
# 13:11 jeremycherfas I won’t be able to try for a little while, and when I do I will document my steps and difficulties.
cdevroe and TheGillies joined the channel
# 13:40 GWG cweiske, I did address some of your location issues.
# 13:40 cdevroe I’ve got 19 comments (likes, retweets, etc.) to approve today thanks to GWG and Bridgy. Now I just need to sovle a few issues and figure out how to display those "comments".
# 13:40 Loqi cdevroe: sknebel left you a message 16 hours, 57 minutes ago: this is how you leave someone a message ;)
# 13:41 GWG cdevroe, how do you want to display them?
# 13:41 sknebel cdevroe: sorry, I thought you'd see it right away
# 13:42 cdevroe GWG I will figure out the display for the comments. No worries there. Looking forward to that bit. The thing I need help on is; why does the Publish plugin just send the Title to twitter with no link? And, why does it publish the entire post on Facebook? And, why does it publish to Twitter even if I “uncheck” the Twitter box.
# 13:43 GWG cdevroe, I have to see if I can reproduce the last one.
# 13:44 GWG cdevroe, for now, just give me time to get back to it. It's been crazy lately outside of the Indieweb
leg joined the channel
# 13:44 GWG If I need to see your setup, I will. I want to check the code first
# 13:45 cdevroe Very much looking forward to this working though, as I believe it wil help me get off of Twitter/FB more.
# 13:46 GWG cdevroe, me too. I wrote the UI because I wanted to get off SNAP
# 13:47 GWG As pfefferle commented the other day, we'd both like Indieweb as a professional
# 13:49 GWG I think for now, it might not be enough to get someone supported full time indefinitely
# 13:50 GWG I am also afraid that I might not enjoy it as much if it was a job rather than a hobby
# 13:51 GWG I like writing the plugins for my needs and expanding them so that others can enjoy them too
# 13:51 GWG I am close to putting enough pieces together to change my workflow
# 13:52 GWG My goal is improving the path I take when posting things
# 13:53 GWG So in the Bridgy Publish work, I tried to support Micropub
# 13:54 GWG That gets me a bunch of post UI interfaces
# 13:59 cdevroe I’ve updated my status pages to have the proper WordPress functions
# 13:59 Loqi Sick of vloggers calling everyone “guys”. And I’m a guy.
6:57am on February 1st, 2017
# 14:00 GWG As defined by Bridgy in their about page, it means don't show a link
# 14:01 GWG If it isn't omitted, it should show one.
# 14:01 GWG cdevroe, if you did always, that will never show a link
# 14:01 cdevroe Show a link using the_content or relating to the tweet?
minsky joined the channel
# 14:05 cdevroe GWG I think you and I need to hop on Skype if we can ever find the time.
# 14:16 cdevroe But it doesn’t seem like I can interupt the plugin to be able to display that on my own.
# 14:16 cdevroe Though, I suppose, I could use get_syndication_links to get them myself.
EHLOVader and [cdevroe] joined the channel
hs0ucy, Pierre-O, tvn, snarfed, thebaer, Gold, tolerablyjake, Pierre-O1, gRegorLove, mlncn, wolftune, friedcell and adactio joined the channel
jmelesky joined the channel
tantek, hs0ucy and [cdevroe] joined the channel
# 17:07 [cdevroe] @GWG Is there an easy way to delete syndication links? They are metadata, so perhaps I can just find them and remove them.
KartikPrabhu, snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 17:23 tantek sigh, that "Friendica and indieweb" post above is js;dr, and on WordPress too. That takes work (or are there now common js;dr WordPress themes that people are adopting?)
# 17:24 aaronpk there are some wordpress themes that use a "visual editor" which ends up rendering everything via JS :-/
chrisaldrich joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:37 tantek sebsel: any chance of HWC BER 2017-02-22? I will be in Berlin then!
# 17:40 Loqi W3C Advisory Board Meeting 2017-02 Berlin
sgreger joined the channel
# 17:43 sebsel tantek I've been in Berlin only once, and I think Nurnberg is closer, but it sounds good :)
[techlifeweb] joined the channel
# 17:43 [techlifeweb] My wordpress custom post type still isn't sending webmentions. Must be an i undotted or t uncrossed. Have to work on it when the day job isn't in the way.
# 17:44 sgreger tantek: sounds great. i don't see why this may not become into a regular thing (now indeed just testing the waters...)
# 17:45 sgreger tantek: in other words, yes i see a good chance for a HWC on 22.2. (to be confirmed after next week's meeting)
# 17:50 tantek manton++ congrats on Indie Microblogging funding including the stretch goal for Safe Replies!!!
jeremycherfas_ joined the channel
# 18:11 tantek dislikes romanticizing alchemy as it was obsoleted by actual science
hs0ucy joined the channel
# 18:24 sknebel sgreger: thanks for the initiative, already RSVPed in the wiki :)
# 18:25 chrisaldrich is waiting with bated breath to hear what aaronpk must be typing into chat so furiously that he forgot to hit send.
mlncn and EHLOVader joined the channel
# 18:29 Loqi Homebrew Website Club PDX on Wednesday, Feb 8, 5:30pm at Dreamhost
hs0ucy joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:37 Loqi cleverdevil has 7 karma in this channel (8 overall)
raretrack joined the channel
Pierre-O and [cdevroe] joined the channel
[manton] joined the channel
# 18:55 gRegorLove [cdevroe]: I think GWG had a virtual, Google Hangouts one going?
hs0ucy and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 19:11 [cdevroe] tantek I can get to Philadelphia, New York City and a few other larger areas pretty easily. But I think I should start one here.
tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 19:12 chrisaldrich cdevroe, GWG, myself and some others occasionally do virtual HWC via hangouts if you'd like to join us.
# 19:12 [cdevroe] I remember asking adactio if he would livestream one from Brighton but he pretty much told me “it is just people looking at their computers”. haha. I knew exactly what I was asking for! I just want to feel part of it.
# 19:13 [cdevroe] tantek My office is in Scranton, PA and I live about 20 miles away in a more rural setting
# 19:16 Loqi There isn’t a better opportunity to get things right than from the beginning. (Starting a new project.)
2:14pm on February 1st, 2017
# 19:16 chrisaldrich cdevroe, Perhaps you might do both: use the virtual one to help seed/start a physical one. If you build it they will come....
# 19:16 [cdevroe] I have a little more tidying up to do, but I got POSSE working and syndication-links
# 19:17 [cdevroe] chrisaldrich Believe me, I know. I’m part of every group you possibly can be for our area. :slightly_smiling_face: I’m confident I can get a HWC group going.
# 19:19 tantek cdevroe, could be worse, I mean at least you're not in Odessa, Texas
# 19:24 Loqi Observations about flying a DJI Phantom 4 Pro
# 19:29 [cdevroe] Does anyone know if there is something that I need to change for Bridgy to include a link back to my site when I post a regular blog post?
# 19:29 tantek I think that's the default - you have to do something to get Bridgy to NOT do that
# 19:33 martymcguire[m] cdevroe: that internally redirects to the next HWC date
# 19:34 [cdevroe] Trying to find a URL to direct people to. Should they wonder what this event is.
# 19:34 Loqi snarfed: GWG left you a message 6 hours, 27 minutes ago: Is there somewhere in the Bridgy About page where it mentions how to do multiple sites for a single Twitter account? Can't find it
# 19:35 [cdevroe] snarfed Thank you. I have it set to “Never” in the WP Plugin.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 19:38 miklb [cdevroe] you probably want "maybe" as your default then.
# 19:44 snarfed [cdevroe]: try previewing it on your bridgy user page. if it includes the link there, then it's the plugin
KevinMarks1 and EHLOVader joined the channel
# 19:48 [cdevroe] snarfed It does… does it automatically create the wp.me link? I’d rather it not.
# 19:50 miklb I think there's also a setting in the bridgy plugin about using shortlinks
# 19:50 snarfed bridgy prevents that but evidently not through a short link. will file a bug
# 19:51 [cdevroe] mikirk It does, “Send Shortlinks instead of Full URL” which is not checked in my case. (But it did it anyway)
# 19:51 [cdevroe] Well, I guess it didn’t “send” a shortlink. So much as Bridgy captured the shortlink when it parsed my HTML.
# 19:52 [cdevroe] That is the problem when checkboxes instead of radio buttons
# 19:53 [cdevroe] snarfed I believe GWG is in the middle of a rewrite of sorts.
# 19:53 snarfed even so, can do that in a branch and still fix bugs in parallel
friedcell joined the channel
# 19:55 [cdevroe] snarfed My quandary, so far, has been that I don’t know if what I’ve encountered is a bug or not since I’m still wrapping my head around what the intent is.
# 19:56 [cdevroe] So far, the intent has been the direct opposite of what I expected to happen.
# 19:56 [cdevroe] But I’ve been giving GWG feedback throughout my experience.
# 19:57 [cdevroe] As an example; I totally thought that Bridgy Publish would post my content to Twitter/FB. I didn’t expect it to simply place the appropriate HTML in my e-content for Bridgy to come and sniff out and that Bridgy would then send that information onto the silos. That alone switched how I was thinking about every piece of this.
# 19:59 chrisaldrich [cdevroe]: if you prefer, you could handwrite the html links into your post to get it to do what you want it to do (instead of using the Bridgy Publish plugin) as that's what the plugin is doing on your behalf. It could be a good test to see if you're getting the results you want while also helping to track down any bugs in the plugin.
# 20:00 chrisaldrich As I understand it, you (or bridgy publish plugin) are adding html to your post which then sends a webmention to the Bridgy site that then publishes the content on your behalf.
# 20:00 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] Keep Bridgy Publish dumb
# 20:03 GWG cdevroe, I would just call the function.
# 20:03 GWG cdevroe, or the data version to just get the unstyled links
# 20:03 GWG cdevroe, in the post UI there is a box
# 20:05 GWG cdevroe, I am happy to do anything HWC or IWC in NYC
# 20:05 GWG And cdevroe, I love Scranton. Steamtown, coal mine museum
# 20:07 GWG I am rewriting all my plugins one by one. They all need love
EHLOVader joined the channel
# 20:08 GWG snarfed, sorry I missed that line in the about... I was looking for a visitor this morning
# 20:10 snarfed GWG: my arguments in that post all apply to silo.pub too
# 20:10 tantek oops I forgot to tag my #100DoPP post for today
# 20:12 tantek I suppose that means I have to come up with another one
# 20:12 GWG snarfed, so what would you suggest? Other than manual POSSE
# 20:14 GWG I did. Still trying to figure out what I might do
# 20:15 GWG I have a setting that allows specifying the tweet in the Bridgy Publish plugin. But for obvious design reasons, that is problematic.
# 20:15 [cdevroe] GWG That is exactly what I did. re: data function — code forthcoming via Github
# 20:16 snarfed GWG++ still glad your plugin exists! honestly i'd suggest just fixing bugs and polishing, *not* rewriting
# 20:16 Loqi gwg has 185 karma in this channel (202 overall)
# 20:16 snarfed e.g. it published cdevroe's shortlink even though he had that option turned off. (details in irc log)
# 20:16 GWG snarfed, that is my plan. I already did the mo
# 20:17 GWG snarfed, I noticed. I am missing something there
# 20:17 GWG The rewrite I have been doing is of the options
# 20:17 [cdevroe] GWG Believe me, I’m happy to be so much closer than I was just a few days ago.
# 20:19 GWG For example, Syndication Links now has a customizable size for the icons even though it could be set in CSS
# 20:20 [cdevroe] I see no reason for them any longer. Twitter doesn’t count URLs towards the character count.
cweiske joined the channel
# 20:20 snarfed they've been waffling on that a lot, still largely not rolled out
# 20:21 snarfed and afaik the changes never included arbitrary urls, just photos and maybe quote tweets
# 20:21 Loqi A permashortlink (abbreviated PSL) is a URL using a short-domain that expands to a permalink; on the IndieWeb, PSLs use personal short domains to expand to the same person's personal domain, thus minimizing the fragility often associated with shortlinks https://indieweb.org/permashortlink
# 20:21 GWG I am just happy that I am getting so much great feedback.
# 20:21 [cdevroe] tantek Thanks. Looks like I’ll need to find a tiny domain name.
# 20:22 GWG I wish I had more time to fix things
# 20:22 tantek cdevroe, it's not a need per se, but there are some niceties about it
# 20:22 chrisaldrich GWG, does Bridgy Publish plugin support the (wp.me XYXY) (nonlinked) back link for link discovery?
# 20:23 [cdevroe] Will likely clean it up a little. Now that I’m looking at how ugly it is.
# 20:25 GWG Chrisaldrich, it uses get shortlink, so whatever WordPress provides. If overridden by a filter that would be wp.me
# 20:26 chrisaldrich wp.me short urls aren't that short anymore... 20 chars including the ()!!
# 20:26 GWG cdevroe, the settings should allow for a simple display like that.
# 20:26 aaronpk short URLs stopped mattering for anything except print/SMS once twitter started doing t.co
# 20:27 chrisaldrich neologism: shrlong URLs... short urls that over time and massive use have managed to become long again....
# 20:27 Loqi aaronpk has 464 karma in this channel (1200 overall)
# 20:27 GWG cdevroe, so you just want p instead of ul?
# 20:27 [cdevroe] GWG The HTML that returned from the plugin was a bit malformed (in my opinion). Such as “text before” showing up within <ul> but not in a <li>. So I nixed that.
# 20:28 GWG cdevroe, the development version is what I am working on this week. I should fix the bugs and release stable in a few days
# 20:29 GWG Thank you for telling me about the HTML. Will fix tonight.
# 20:30 GWG cdevroe, I will divide the function a bit so you can more easily change that
# 20:31 [cdevroe] Perhaps the function would be modeled after the_tags or the_categories
# 20:31 [cdevroe] So the_syndication_links would be structured very similarly to the_tags
# 20:31 [cdevroe] In that there are options for how to split the values, what the separator is, whether or not it is echoed, etc.
# 20:32 GWG Also, for the next release, I think I will develop in a branch
# 20:32 [cdevroe] GWG, if you want to push that branch to gh I can lend a hand when I pop in
# 20:33 GWG cdevroe. I am developing in master, but that does affect PRs while I am making rapid changes. so I should change my behavior
# 20:34 [cdevroe] GWG Yes, always good to branch so that you keep that muscle memory for projects that really need it.
# 20:35 GWG I branch when I am contribing to others
# 20:37 [cdevroe] I follow my workflow regardless. Even for my own personal projects.
tolerablyjake and snarfed joined the channel
# 20:38 GWG cdevroe, that is what I just decided I would start
# 20:43 martymcguire[m] cdevroe++ for starting Scranton HWC! congrats!
# 20:49 [cdevroe] I can’t imagine wanting to post full content to Facebook ever actually.
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:58 [cdevroe] chrisaldrich I just had to pull your webmentions out of spam, fyi - unsure why. Perhaps WordPress is too aggressive.
# 20:59 petermolnar GWG a long while ago I started writing a posse plugin based on Keyring but never got to a working version
# 20:59 petermolnar I can still say that for WP, that probably would be the best way to deal with POSSE; Keyring is a solid base for these things
# 21:01 chrisaldrich GWG had someone he was talking to to help improve them on akismet's side
# 21:03 snarfed return $commentdata['comment_type'] == 'webmention' ? 1 : $approved;
# 21:03 snarfed add_filter('pre_comment_approved', 'unspam_webmentions', '99', 2);
# 21:03 snarfed function unspam_webmentions($approved, $commentdata) {
# 21:05 snarfed [cdevroe]: out of curiosity, why not? as far as we all know, no one has seen a single native webmention spam in the wild yet, anywhere, ever
# 21:05 snarfed it'll happen, but in the meantime, this is pretty convenient
# 21:07 [cdevroe] snarfed True. I guess I’m still afraid from the trackback days.
# 21:08 [cdevroe] When I used to get 1,000 TBs from Technorati crawlers. Remember those tantek :wink:
tantek joined the channel
# 21:13 chrisaldrich it'll make it easier for snarfed in the future to since I've seen him post it at least 4 times...
# 21:13 Loqi chrisaldrich has 12 karma in this channel (15 overall)
nitot joined the channel
# 21:15 Loqi [Ryan Barrett] WordPress spam statistics: comments, pingbacks, trackbacks
# 21:15 Loqi gwg has 186 karma in this channel (203 overall)
# 21:15 Loqi snarfed has 252 karma in this channel (256 overall)
# 21:16 Loqi chrisaldrich has 13 karma in this channel (16 overall)
# 21:16 [cdevroe] I wanted to give everyone that helped me so far karma. Really appreciate the help. Besides the Facebook link I am really happy where I am so far.
tantek joined the channel
# 21:23 chrisaldrich doesn't look like it; though perhaps still travelling through the interwebs??
# 21:28 chrisaldrich though personally in those cases I usually find it's easier to just manually POSSE to twitter.
# 21:30 tantek chrisaldrich, I shall have to make a graph :)
# 21:31 [cdevroe] My guess is that the first HWC will bring about 6 new people to indieweb.
danohu joined the channel
# 21:56 Loqi Tantek-ing is a method of encouraging people to contribute to the wiki by indirectly prompting the person who first mentioned the term to create a short wiki dfn page for it https://indieweb.org/tanteking
JohnBeales, tantek, hs0ucy, wolftune and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 22:59 [kevinmarks] Or is this the "tweet both predictions while the account is private, delete incorrect one later" trick?
# 23:01 aaronpk Check the tweet ID because from what i understand they're somewhat sequential
# 23:22 tantek a-ha, archive.org has only crawled that twitter account *today*
# 23:23 Loqi export in the context of the indieweb refers to the ability to download some or all of your data from a site, typically from a silo, though also for CMS or site migration https://indieweb.org/export
# 23:23 tantek can't remember what the phrasing was we settled on for "how to export"
tolerabl_ and tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 23:42 Loqi own your data is one of the principles of the IndieWeb and is an encouragement to always post content directly to your own domain with permalinks that you control instead of posting to silos (or only posting copies of your posts to silos per POSSE, and if so, preferably both automatically & with permashortlinks back to your original posts) https://indieweb.org/ownyourdata
# 23:42 tantek alright, "your data" seems like a common enough subphrase that it is worth adopting/referencing
# 23:43 tantek so "How to export your data" rather than just "Export" or "How to export"
tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 23:57 tantek the goal here is to help findability, both on page, and via web search