petermolnarre web annotations: "because that capability can be built into the browser itself and be available as a native feature, just like web search." - that is not a native browser thing... it relies on search providers. I'm still fuzzy about this.
matigoHmm ... that was ood. Either way, I hope to slowly wade in and see how the next version of 10C can work within the ideals of the Indie Web and be more interoperable with the existing platforms out there. Luckily there's always room for more options :)
Loqi10 Centuries (10C) is a blogging/microposting silo, similar in scope and intent to, for posting notes of up to 1,024 bytes, and longer-form articles up to 8,192 bytes
jeremycherfasPetermolnar: Do you really think appnet was wasted money? I think it showed that things are possible and that there was demand. I think Manton’s grows out of it. So, to some extent, did 10C
matigopetermolnar: There was plenty of demand, but the founders wanted something different. When they ignored their most dedicated customers, they decided to close up shop and walk away in the hopes that someone else would do the heavy lifting to bring in the money with a generous 0% cut. Alas ...
petermolnarI saw two kind of closedowns: a, because of no demand - thus, too much time, no money - b, because of pride, when the originators can't let go of an ideology.
jeremycherfasPetermolnar: There may well hve been some ego involved, and a certain amount of stubborness. In the end, it had to either change or close, and it is closing. But I think it has inspired some interesting thoughts and projects.
petermolnarbetter, than the usual; in this case it may not be waporware, which is good, but pages with preorder/pre-sign up/prewhatever I'm sceptical with
sknebel(from a quick scan of the repos it's not easy to judge the current progress, especially since the documentation repo is the least-changed one, so not sure if relevant already)
[chrisaldrich]Thanks jeremycherfas and Eddie Hinkle Fixed it. I rolled out a new feature a few days ago and the sql search I did left a few edge cases I still haven't fixed or found.
[chrisaldrich]Eddie I swear that there is an home export from the Kindle desktop app, but neither Jeremy nor I can find it again now. I'm pretty sure that Jeremy documented his process on his site
jeremycherfaseddie: yup, that’s where I ended up. There’s too much variability between the way different Kindle books format locations in the text to make it wasy to automate.
LoqiA fragmention is an extension to URL syntax that links and cites a phrase within a document by using a URL fragment consisting of the phrase itself, including whitespace
[eddie]"providing people everywhere with powerful tools to discover and access high quality web content, on their terms, independent of platform or content silo.” interesting
[eddie]Other interesting bits: "Pocket’s core team and technology will also accelerate Mozilla’s broader Context Graph initiative.” and "will become part of the Mozilla open source project."
voxpelliWith 25 full time people working on IndieWeb stuff, just imagine the things that could get created – something like 10 different Micropub clients, 5 Indiereaders, 10 publishing platforms
tentonbricksWeb design is a perpetual interest of mine, though I've never taken the steps to actually make it happen. I'm currently enrolled in a fast-paced course that is teaching basics of computer programming - currently learning Python, and working toward a track in possibly Java, javascript, or c#. What path would be most beneficial for a project such as indieweb?
[chrisaldrich]Unless you moved it into the larger part, I'm not seeing the ability to select kinds, but I'm also not able to switch from one tab to another or use the retrieve button.