2017-03-01 UTC
anglophilic, [kevinmarks], wolftune, afrogeek[m], [chrisaldrich], snarfed, nitot, ben_thatmustbeme, leg, Lana, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, tantek, davidmead, mlncn and [eddie] joined the channel
leg, nitot, KevinMarks, KevinMarks_, tantek, barpthewire, jihaisse and cweiske joined the channel
KevinMarks_, marcthiele, Pierre-O, nitot, adactio, j4y_funabashi and Pierre-O1 joined the channel
# 11:24 dgold oof. AIM to no longer use the OSCAR protocol.
barpthewire joined the channel
# 11:42 Zegnat Are they closing down or switching to a different protocol, dgold? Link?
davidmead joined the channel
# 12:20 Zegnat Those first three FAQ answers explained literally nothing
# 12:20 GWG Guess it is time to pressure the 5 people I know who still use AIM and see if they have adopted something else.
# 12:38 dgold hell, I even remember using GAIM when it was capitalised
# 12:45 GWG dgold, I built a bitlbee installation so I could forget about dealing with it and convert it into a format that I was still using. But all good things must come to an end
frzn joined the channel
# 12:52 GWG dgold: There were people I talked to on there a lot.
# 12:52 GWG But either way, on to the future.
# 12:52 GWG Maybe Indiemessenging will become popular
# 13:16 Zegnat I just need Facebook to aggregate their IMing. Most people I know have switched to either Messenger or WhatsApp, if those two merge I can get rid of yet another app.
friedcell joined the channel
# 13:18 frzn Zegnat: if they merge facebook would lost like 100bi dollars.
# 13:18 frzn I think it might never happen
# 13:19 Zegnat If they merge Facebook would have made a competitor disappear for 100bi. That might be worth it on their books.
# 13:19 frzn Zegnat: right, but they already did it buying whatsapp for 30bi
# 13:20 frzn or 20, dont remember well
# 13:20 Zegnat Then how do they lose 100bi? I thought you were referring to the price of WhatsApp.
# 13:21 Zegnat Unless they move AIM to XMPP. But I guess that isn’t what they have done.
# 13:21 frzn Zegnat: because it would be the price of whatsapp today if it was an independent app with more than 1billion users
# 13:22 frzn if they merge messenger and whatsapp, one of these two userbases would be "financially" lost
# 13:22 frzn in their accounting
# 13:23 Zegnat I don’t agree, because Facebook does not plan to sell WhatsApp at all. And I don’t think WhatsApp has publicly traded stock either, so there isn’t actually any real value there other than the assets and the userbase. Facebook would keep the entire userbase by merging with Messenger.
# 13:23 Zegnat Unless I am mistaken and WhatsApp is currently trading?
# 13:23 frzn Zegnat: Facebook treats whatsapp, oculus and instagram as different companies
# 13:24 frzn Zegnat: not yet, but could
# 13:27 dgold Zegnat: they did have AIM using XMPP, for most of 2008
hs0ucy, sebsel, wilfredh, Garbee, leg, mlncn, friedcell, [eddie], DanC, j4y_funabashi and duper joined the channel
j4y_funabashi joined the channel
# 16:19 Zegnat Oh, end of March, terribly tempted to accompany you there voxpelli!
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:20 petermolnar so I'd recommend to go to and leave from Decent without expectations
# 16:22 voxpelli petermolnar: I'm just going because it's a decentralized meetup here in Malmö and feels like the work I do should be represented there
# 16:23 Zegnat couldn’t you have announced IndieWeb stuff at the Indie Tech Summit, petermolnar? Then something would have come out of it
wolftune joined the channel
KevinMarks, benwerd and [eddie] joined the channel
tantek joined the channel
jmelesky joined the channel
# 17:12 Zegnat I don’t think Oculus is of any value to be added to the wiki. The Oculus Rift is one of the two major PC players in VR gaming headsets right now, and they were bought by Facebook because Facebook VR (???)
# 17:13 tantek until someone starts posting VR content on their site
barpthewire joined the channel
# 17:18 Zegnat VR is Virtual Reality, usually this means blocking your sight for true reality and showing something different.
# 17:21 aaronpk TIL you can't change your twitter username when your account is suspended
tolerablyjake, mlncn and benwerd joined the channel
# 17:55 aaronpk and now getting a 500 internal server error trying to update the website
snarfed and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 18:07 tantek 500s on silos / services are worth screenshots IMO
# 18:07 tantek again, helps to dispell all the myths about uptime, reliability etc.
# 18:08 tantek which I hear all too often as why people "just" depend on silos instead of using their own domain, website etc.
# 18:09 dgold tantek: its a search for a mythical ease of use
# 18:14 tantek though related, I think ease of use is different from dependability
tantek, benwerd, dch_ and benwerd_ joined the channel
# 18:34 dgold I hear people all the time saying they 'just' want something that 'just works'
# 18:34 dgold then they leap through hoops to make the silos work like you wouldn't believe
# 18:35 snarfed1 re uptime, shades of gray are also important
# 18:35 snarfed1 nothing has 100% uptime, but the differences btw e.g. 99.9%, 99.0%, and 90% are real and meaningful
# 18:37 aaronpk the differences in disclosure and handling of downtime are important too
# 18:38 snarfed1 as a good example, both twitter and woodwind are down and return errors sometimes, but they clearly have *qualitatively* different uptime and reliability :P
# 18:42 tantek snarfed, the low reliability (high downtime, high latency, high error rate) of Twitter in 2009 is what pushed me over the edge to DIY and (re)build my own posting support with POSSE to Twitter etc.
# 18:42 snarfed1 tantek: understood!
friedcell, jmelesky, snarfed, benwerd and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[eddie] joined the channel
# 19:06 bear ugh - the pain that is involved to move from 2 9's to 3 9's
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 19:07 [cleverdevil] On the plane up to Portland for tonight's Homebrew Website Club at the DreamHost offices,
# 19:07 aaronpk [cleverdevil]: \o/ you should tweet that so I can RT it!
# 19:07 Loqi cleverdevil has 8 karma in this channel (9 overall)
snarfed joined the channel
# 19:26 Zegnat You can ask one of the guys from HWC Brussels to look into it, tantek. Though neither seem to be in this channel right now :(
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 19:50 [chrisaldrich] tantek: It looks like a blogpost about Free Software, but with the caveat that free software does have "costs". the next tweet is that self-hosting and indieweb can be a solution, with the reply that they too can have costs. (To me it looks like middling dev philosophy that nothing good ever comes easy...)
# 19:51 [chrisaldrich] My French isn't great, but should give at least an idea of what they're saying.
[keithjgrant] joined the channel
# 19:53 [keithjgrant] Looks like I've got a little extra metadata in the e-content there, but the extension is working and stable!
# 19:53 [chrisaldrich] I think their conversation boils down to the software question of "How Free is Free?" and does it really make us more "Free" (in the freedom sense.)
# 19:55 tantek or which free(s) are you optimizing for? money? time? space? choice?
wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
KevinMarks_, benwerd, mlncn, barpthewire and friedcell joined the channel
nikivi-, benwerd, snarfed, tolerablyjake, KartikPrabhu and [cleverdevil] joined the channel
snarfed, [barryf], KevinMarks and althara joined the channel
# 21:57 tantek wow instagram is getting mad fast at striking down reported spam. just reported an account as spam and it was taken down within minutes!
# 21:57 tantek I don't know if that's because they're improving in general or if I've somehow acquired a high(er) reputation for spam reporting (so they fast track my reports)
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 22:07 aaronpk [cleverdevil]: awesome! i was thinking about heading downtown a bit earlier and grabbing a happy hour drink nearby if you're interested
# 22:09 [cleverdevil] I need to walk next door and check into my hotel at some point before the meetup.
gRegorLove joined the channel
snarfed, __number5__, benwerd and Lana joined the channel
snarfed, wolftune and KevinMarks_ joined the channel
davidmead, tantek, [aaronpk] and __number5__ joined the channel
KevinMarks and [cleverdevil] joined the channel