[chrisaldrich]I'm not aware of real estate companies who renew address URL's past the sale of the house, so it's pretty easy to wait for them to expire and snap them up if you want them. This area has a lot of site-deaths, so make sure you bookmark it to the wayback machine kevinmarks.
Loqi[jeremycherfas]: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 7 hours, 49 minutes ago: some reason my notifications weren't working, so I didn't see your note until about an hour ago catching up on logs. Perhaps sometime next week?
[chrisaldrich]I won't be back home on Tuesday until 8:10am CET because of a class but could do it after time if it's not inconvenient, otherwise 7-8 on Wednesday will work.
jaduncan[m]mblaney: NP; I've just logged in now. (in what is almost a textbook example of how some deanonymization attacks can work just based on timestamps.)
mblaneysknebel in unicyclic.com? if you log in with indieauth there's a button near the top of the page with a pencil icon. if you click that it will show you other options including import.
sknebelmblaney: same here: "I get a short "importing file" notification (that I missed the first time round, hunting frantically for the submit button for the file upload), then nothing
mblaneyjaduncan, sknebel thanks for your help. I've fixed and tested on chrome, if you're interested in testing again you will need to reload the page to get the updated javascript
tantekGWG, that's common. as you get close to finishing something it's often easy to get distracted by looking for something new. Sometimes finishing and wrapping something up is the hardest part.
[eddie]!tell miklb Just looking at your site, WOW! I love the design of your notes "Timeline". I might be using that as some inspiration as I start using mine for notes
miklb[eddie] I'll be putting my WP theme up on GitHub when I'm done. Not as a theme that is meant to be used off the shelf, but just to share the code for any other IndieWeb users looking for ideas.
aaronpkthe equivalent question for webmention would be should you store and display received webmentions before you send them, and I think the answer for that is not necessarily "yes"
aaronpki don't know how that relates to wordpress internals though, so it may make sense for wordpress to be able to receive annotations first like you suggest
GWGaaronpk: For one person, sending webmentions before storing and displaying may make sense. But for the large number of WordPress users, it would be putting the cart before the horse.
sknebelfrom my understanding off the W3C annotation stuff, I would expect clients and annotation servers to be the first bits of the eco system to be created
sknebel(of course, a wordpress site might be all of those pieces: wordpress users/commenters annotating content on the site, the annotations stored on the site)
GWGsknebel: WordPress has a commenting system. It doesn't have an annotation system. So, if annotations as a form of comment in that analogy, the comment system has to be able to accept them as a prerequisite of them being attached to a post.
GWGBut for me, I'd build annotations with webmentions as the protocol, over the mix of JSON-LD, Schema, and whatever else seems to be in the W3C specification.
sknebelright, (2.) on the ticket reads to me like somehow representing annotations on external sites as comments on special posts, which sort of feels like a weird way of doing it (why not posts? because comments are more similar to annotations in some way? because that would support representing annotations other users (not users of the local WP instance) on local posts?)
sknebelthere is a question if all annotations, those stored on the site when it plays the role as "annotation server" for its owner(s), and those published by others, about the local site, and "backfed" to it, should be stored the same way. I *think* that's the aim of "annotations as comments", but I'm not sure about that
sknebelsure, webmentions would work. but the fancy graphics they published pretends it is specified, and if there is no recommendation on how to do it its even more pointless to start implmenting it before someone actually sends it
aaronpkwe have the community group that will continue to exist past the charter of our working group, and while we can't publish a Recommendation from the community group, we can publish a Note, and it's entirely possible that these Notes may get picked up by the working group if the charter is ever renewed again
aaronpkYes that's usually a good idea. The spec should be based on implementation experience. That's also one way to make sure the spec is easier to read, when it's written as documentation of what's being built.
aaronpkI don't agree with all the conclusions drawn, but it's interesting to see this article written as a response to behavior that emerged after something facebook did
[kevinmarks]That annotation syntax is rather messy, yes. Also, they don't give an example of "text being annotated" selector alone, but there looks to be an equivalent.