tantekhey chrisaldrich - since I was blunt with my feedback of your webmention-overview, take a look at the updated https://indieweb.org/Webmention and be similarly blunt :)
tanteklike: multi-photo: thematically similar or adjacent photos in time (same event and location) without photo-specific person-tags or commentary, e.g. consider the Twitter 4-photos in a tweet feature / POSSE destination
tantekand: album: any other set of thematically related photos but maybe spanning more time, or locations, or with additional per-photo information like person-tags per photo, with the intent of POSSEing them as an album, e.g. to Flickr and Facebook, while being ok with a "downlevel" POSSE tweet of only the first four photos in the album
tantekgoing to let that marinate here in IRC to see if that kind of distinction resonates with anyone else (especially aaronpk, snarfed) before documenting as brainstorming
tantekalbum << to-do: file [[Bridgy]] Publish feature requests to POSSE an album (including all its photos) to [[Flickr]], and to [[Facebook]] (separate GH issues) and then document here in line in a "How to POSSE" section
Loqiok, I added "[[to-do: file [[Bridgy]] Publish feature requests to POSSE an album (including all its photos) to [[Flickr]], and to [[Facebook]] (separate GH issues) and then document here in line in a "How to POSSE" section]]" to the "See Also" section of /album
TC14Beginner question for the people in here: Do I need to configure anything on my server or within Known to receive webmentions? Within Bridgy, all of the responses I've received have "No webmention targets" written below them.
tantekTC14, Known should be adding the u-syndication links automatically I thought when it cross-posts to social media. Can you share an example post link of yours that has copy/copies on social media?
gRegorLoveFrom https://indieweb.org/Known#Plugins_.26_themes " If you want to POSSE to external sites, you need to install those plugins separately (although they may also be included in a downloadable distribution of the content)."
LoqiA bookmark (or linkblog) is a post that is primarily comprised of a URL, often title text from that URL, sometimes optional text describing, tagging, or quoting from its contents https://indieweb.org/bookmark
chatter29to accept Islam say that i bear witness that there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and Muhammad peace be upon him is his slave and messenger
Loqicomics are one of many types of posts that you can publish on your own site, and usually involve one or more comic image frames laid out sequentially, sometimes with characters drawn in each frame speaking to each other https://indieweb.org/comic
nitot, Pierre-O, fzylogic_, mlncn, davidmead, camerongray_, sl007, tantek, Kopfstein and barpthewire joined the channel
GWGbarpthewire: I am not a professional programmer. My job is in an entirely different field. So there are people in the community in a similar boat as hobbyist.
Loqijkphl: tantek left you a message on 2016-12-30 at 11:45pm UTC: when is the first HWC Nürnberg of 2017? 2017-01-04? 2017-01-11? 18? 25? Can you add/confirm on indieweb.org/events ? Thanks!
jkphlwanted to let you know that i've put together a litte one pager for the two consecutive indiewebcamps in may in germany: http://indiewebweek.indieweb.org
jkphlsknebel: let me know if you need help finding a place to stay or anything (i might accommodate a few people at my home - aaronpk will probably stay there)
jkphlon another note, maybe stupid question (not really knowing what i'm talking about): is there something like a official XMDP profiles for microformats 2? +tantek
Zegnat"hetero, white, cis and male", only one of those does not apply to me. Which is why I would prefer for funds to go someone who matches even less of those words. Main reason why I wouldn't put in a request, don't want to compete with people who'd need it more.