#indieweb 2017-03-13
2017-03-13 UTC
@spnbmb Great question. You're the first to ask. There are plenty of templates available: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct-examples… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/841078554561458176 (twitter.com/_/status/841078554561458176)
@kevinmarks “now it is up to all of us to build the web we want – for everyone.” - timbl https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/11/tim-berners-lee-web-inventor-save-internet ?Doing it at http://indieweb.org (twitter.com/_/status/841081084435611652)
nitot, snarfed, davidmead, gucci_meow and sl007 joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed, tantek, nitot, wolftune, gRegorLove and arlen joined the channel
@VeggieTorta @jaduncan @withknown Agreed, if it wasn't for @hertling new book & the mentioning of #indieweb i never would have ran into withknown. (twitter.com/_/status/841150812860497920)
wolftune and kerosene joined the channel
@horse_mans now everyone in the world uses twitter whose core ux is so broken many people just take screenshots of the drafts which won't fit in a tweet (twitter.com/_/status/841106307721678848)
nitot, snarfed and kerozene joined the channel
@ChrisAldrich @VeggieTorta There are a bunch of us using @withknown for #IndieWeb, so if you've got questions don't hesitate to find us there in chat/IRC (twitter.com/_/status/841176864370622464)
Loqi [indieweb] "@VeggieTorta There are a bunch of us using @withknown for #IndieWeb, so if you've got questions don't hesitate to find us there in chat/IRC" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-03-13 http://stream.boffosocko.com/2017/veggietorta-there-are-a-bunch-of-us-using-withknown-for

@ChrisAldrich @VeggieTorta You can find details at http://indieweb.org/ or http://indieweb.org/IRC (twitter.com/_/status/841177375102640129)
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] Can anyone point me to resources that will tell me how to make specific fields (excerpt, photo, audio) show up with the oembed plugin in WordPress?

[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas which particular oembed plugin are you using?

[chrisaldrich] or are you looking for something along the lines of https://make.wordpress.org/core/2015/10/28/new-embeds-feature-in-wordpress-4-4/

cweiske, jihaisse, barpthewire and nitot joined the channel
@zeitdeck Architekten des dezentralen Internets #www #bernerslee #indieweb http://www.zeitdeck.com/architekten-des-dezentralen-internets/2017/03/12 (twitter.com/_/status/841210611849666560)
sl007 and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] chrisaldrich I'm using the one by pfefferle

[jeremycherfas] I'll look at that other link.

[jeremycherfas] I want my WordPress site to provide rich embeds for elsewhere, as you suggested chrisaldrich

jeremycherfas, Pierre-O and friedcell joined the channel
petermolnar that's a built-in feature since 4.3 (?)

jeremycherfas I saw that, but I cannot understand how to make certain fields show up. You test it by adding /embed to the URI, and I am not seeing the content there that I would like to.

jeremycherfas Any ideas how to make sure that, for example, the featured photo is shown?

petermolnar I'm fairly certain you have hooks for it

petermolnar but since I had that turned off from day 1, I never bothered to look

petermolnar let me check

petermolnar jeremycherfas what is the domain your dealing with?

jeremycherfas Www.fornacalia.com

jeremycherfas Just checking myself. Yes, oembed provider plugin is active.

petermolnar eh. the embed json it produces is an iframe - as embeds usually are - with some js black magic

petermolnar what would you expect it to show when embedded?

jeremycherfas A photograph and the excerpt of the post. Audio if there is some (which there is not on that site)

jeremycherfas I’m seeing the excerpt now. I would love to see a photo too.

Pierre-O, adactio, tantek and gkbrk joined the channel
jeremycherfas Maybe the core oEmbed and the plugin were conflicting in some way. Photo works OK with the pugin deactivated.

petermolnar ah. that's what I was referring to; it's on the core; I didn't realize you had the plugin as well

Pierre-O joined the channel
jeremycherfas Right. Thanks. I’d still like to show an audio player too, if possible. But that can wait.

friedcell, hs0ucy, mlncn, barpthewire, singpolyma, nitot_, nitot, leg, miklb, arush, snarfed, tantek, KartikPrabhu, jmelesky, aquarius_, adactio, sl007 and snarfed1 joined the channel
snarfed1 morning!
petermolnar is in the middle of refactoring code and not completely enjoying it

snarfed1 petermolnar: hope you have unit tests!
snarfed1 re hacks, i tried and failed to refactor granary into shape to fully render u-video in all directions. will try again another time. https://github.com/snarfed/granary/issues/103
wolftune joined the channel
gRegorLove joined the channel
snarfed and jkphl joined the channel
funwhilelost joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb] "A brief analogy of food culture and the internet" by Chris Aldrich on 2017-03-13 http://boffosocko.com/2017/03/13/a-brief-analogy-of-food-culture-and-the-internet/

@ChrisAldrich A brief analogy of food culture and the internet #indieweb http://boffosocko.com/2017/03/13/a-brief-analogy-of-food-culture-and-the-internet/ (twitter.com/_/status/841345515468005377)
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] ^^ My first intentional POSSE to IRC? Particularly since slack cuts off longer posts which aren't broken up.

gk-- joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I'll have to delve into it further, but I think the analogy could be taken quite far.

[chrisaldrich] I feel like there's a fantastic neologism out there waiting to be found for intellectual obesity though...

[chrisaldrich] quite a lot of things I might otherwise post die as the result of manual until it hurts and it's usually because they're only fractionally formed.

jmelesky joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] quick and easy isn't always necessarily good....

[chrisaldrich] Are "likes" similar to empty calories? I often find that I prefer substantive comments, questions, or longer form replies than the "star", "thumbs up" or "hearts" others like to give. In fact,

[chrisaldrich] I don't often POSSE/PESSOS those and prefer something like /bookmark or /read which feel like they're in some sense similar, but have more weight.

sl007 joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I ran across this little project yesterday and thought that some might appreciate its value: https://www.proporti.onl/

[chrisaldrich] For your Twitter account, it estimates the gender distribution of your followers and those you follow, based on their profile descriptions or first names in an attempt to help you more evenly distribute what you're consuming.

funwhilelost joined the channel
bear snarfed -- are you using tools from this list? https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Category:Vulnerability_Scanning_Tools

[chrisaldrich] !tell jeremycherfas I don't remember if I mentioned it, but this oEmbed video may be helpful, I've ffwed to the relevant section, but the early portion is helpful too https://videopress.com/v/Zv05OzFV?at=899

wolftune and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] chrisaldrich My time for serious reading is over, but I'm looking forward to chowing down on that in about 12 hours.

Loqi [jeremycherfas]: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 3 minutes ago: I don't remember if I mentioned it, but this oEmbed video may be helpful, I've ffwed to the relevant section, but the early portion is helpful too https://videopress.com/v/Zv05OzFV?at=899

[chrisaldrich] the video walks through some good video/audio examples too if I recall, so happy eating...

gRegorLove Good morning, indieweb

[jeremycherfas] To continue, are people who retweet any reaction to their own tweets selfdogfooding to the point of obesity?

[chrisaldrich] can't wait for consuming Jeremy's improved oEmbed functionality... I've been manually embedding some of (until it hurts) but am happy to do so to increase his audience. ?

[jeremycherfas] chrisaldrich I watched that video once. I should probably So so again.

[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas Many over-retweet things that promote themselves as social proof that they're cool and relevant. This shouldn't prevent you from bragging a bit yourself however as @eatpodcast should be far more popular.

[jeremycherfas] Glad to have got oembeds working from the bread site. Next up will be to get an audio thing in the frame. And maybe a different image because the featured image in WP is not necessarily the best one to share.

[jeremycherfas] You make it easy for me to do that without over-promoting.

sl007 and arush joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas a nice trick is to just add /embed/ to the end of your URLs to test what they'll look like as you're building: eg: http://www.fornacalia.com/2017/black-pepper-rye/embed/

[jeremycherfas] Yup. That one is good to go, now that I've set display: none; for the featured image. Probably need to tweak the theme again.

[chrisaldrich] embedding audio may be a tad more complicated for eatthispodcast, but I think would be well worth it.

[chrisaldrich] I think that the folder in your WP install /wp-includes/theme-compat/ has a bunch of files like embed.php that you could cut/paste into your child theme and then modify to add fields into your embeds.

snarfed joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] It's kind of like modifying your RSS feeds or even your theme manually, it just helps to know where to look to make the modifications

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Proporti.onl" yet. Would you like to create it?

[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Embedding audio is pretty easy with modern browsers. Just use an audio tag.

snarfed joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] kevinmarks Does that apply for getting them to show up in a WP oembed?

[chrisaldrich] tantek, the fact that it's so easy to share/repost also makes it easier for others to eat that too... I'm always so disheartened when I see numbers about people resharing content that they don't bother to read themselves.

[chrisaldrich] remember that it's just taking a sample, so you may want to try it a few times...

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "deauthorize" yet. Would you like to create it?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "authorize" yet. Would you like to create it?

Loqi OAuth is an authorization protocol created to replace the need for client applications of a service (e.g. a silo) to ask for your username and password to the service in order to access the service on your behalf https://indieweb.org/oauth

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "authorization" yet. Would you like to create it?

[jeremycherfas] Tantek you could go all out like that Norwegian paper and make them take a quiz.

[chrisaldrich] Proporti.onl is a [[Twitter]] app that estimates the gender distribution of your followers and those you follow, based on their profile descriptions or first names in an attempt to help you more evenly distribute what you're consuming.

wolftune joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Tantek, it's one of the things i like most about /read posts or even having microformats on a post/reshare which does indicate that a person has actually read the thing they're sharing.

[jeremycherfas] Yes. Missing smiley alert.

[chrisaldrich] I also like the ability to annotate/highlight pieces of content. Twitter posts with highlights or pull quotes are also an interesting piece of social proof that the sharer has actually read (all or at least a portion of) a post

mlncn joined the channel
Loqi A highlight is a reaction post of a range of content that consists typically of just a restyling (like a yellow background as you might use a yellow physical highlighter, or an underline) https://indieweb.org/highlight

tantek zero https://indieweb.org/highlight#IndieWeb_Examples so far

[chrisaldrich] how does highlight in that sense differ from a quote post? the reaction that follows it?

[kevinmarks] jeremycherfas it depends on how they do the oembed. There is a variant that lets you send html to use, but a lot of sites ignore that our of fear of injection

[jeremycherfas] kevinmarks I read about that and that the fear is one reason to favour iframes. Is that correct?

[chrisaldrich] I find that a lot of the things I highlight are saved as private posts, or aren't done for public consumption for anyone but me. It's also an area that I'm actively working on developing.

[kevinmarks] Iframes are more sandboxed, but do normally call back to an external site, so it depends if you worry about tracking or injection

[chrisaldrich] a tentative public example from a few months ago can be found on a NYTimes article I highlighted: http://boffosocko.com/2017/01/19/obamas-secret-to-surviving-the-white-house-years-books-the-new-york-times/#Such+books+were (see the blue section just below the fragmention), but I need to get back to the CSS portion of the presentation.

Loqi [Michiko Kakutani] Obama’s Secret to Surviving the White House Years: Books | The New York Times http://0.gravatar.com/avatar/fbd889ef4771f055451c6fc5e7d79651?s=42&d=mm&r=pg

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] On that post, there should also be several yellow highlights visible by way of the use of hypothes.is on the page in conjunction with the canonical URL of the original. Those yellow highlights stem from hypothes.is users who highlighted on the original post. So one type of highlighting is for my own use while I can still enable seeing the highlights of others the way Amazon's Kindle allows you to turn those on/off.

[jeremycherfas] kevinmarks I am the provider, in this case, so I guess it is others who would worry.

[kevinmarks] Proportion.onl has that retro bootstrap desktop only look

tantek joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] there's actually a lot of semantic overlap in highlights, annotations, notes, etc. when it comes to the older "book" versions of these words compared to the "online" versions

[chrisaldrich] there's also this, which I'd noticed a while back: http://boffosocko.com/2017/01/19/pressforward-and-hypothes-is-work-great-together/

[chrisaldrich] tantek: that's why I used that old example from December... ? I think there's a better way of doing it though. I also don't think I've created a highlight-only specific post, but have used it as a sub-category for other posts like /read.

[chrisaldrich] above at 11:49am, it's more obvious on slack because it expanded the embed

[kevinmarks] Unresponsive bootstrap is retro

Loqi [indieweb] "Gender estimates of my twitter according to proporti.onl - lots of unknown on both ends" by Kevin Marks on 2017-03-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/gender-estimates-of-my-twitter-according-to-proportionl---lots

[chrisaldrich] The entire post is a repost of an NYTimes article and the blue highlights on the page are my highlights from it. The yellow portion was a fragmention of a paragraph above my highlight -- I didn't want the fragmention to overshadow the highlight I made (via CSS) using a <mark> tag.

[kevinmarks] Is this a highlight post? https://twitter.com/kevinmarks/status/840746589002072064

@kevinmarks Connie Willis wrote about this in doomsday book in 1992, @ilikemints https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C6rucK9U4AEFOSm.jpg (twitter.com/_/status/840746589002072064)
[chrisaldrich] Technically my post was a /read post with an entire excerpt and my highlights added via CSS with <mark>

[chrisaldrich] kevinmarks, I'd consider that to be a highlight post.

[kevinmarks] If I'd highlighted the physical book it would have qualified

[chrisaldrich] Here's another older example I found on my site from 2010, though I have it presented more like a quote given the technology of the time: http://boffosocko.com/2010/06/04/continuum-functional-integrals/

[kevinmarks] aaronpk, how do I get the add to homepage link from quill again? Do I have to reauth?

[kevinmarks] Or pur in the footer?

[kevinmarks] When I'm on new note, I'm thinking about the not

[kevinmarks] *put *note

[chrisaldrich] tantek is there a canonical microformat class for adding to highlights? If not I'll coin one now and start using it...

cweiske joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] Does "p-highlight-of" make sense?

[chrisaldrich] Or is this just duplicating/muddying the intent of mark up like <blockquote> <cite> et al.?

[chrisaldrich] in addition to u-quotation-of and h-cite?

[chrisaldrich] Though I think there are subtle enough distinctions for highlighting vs. quotation, particularly when using multiple different highlighter colors to indicate different reasons for highlighting (both in books) as well as the multiple colors that Kindles currently allow.

Loqi [Chris Aldrich] Book Review: Fletch Reflected by Gregory Mcdonald http://1.gravatar.com/avatar/d5fb4e498fe609cc29b04e5b7ad688c4?s=42&d=mm&r=pg

gkbrk, wolftune and jkphl joined the channel
KartikPrabhu I think p-bookmark-of with a fragmention is a highlight

KartikPrabhu tantek sort of said that already nvm

snarfed joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] I think there's more subtlety in highlights versus bookmarks w/ fragmention as well as in quotations. I've updated /highlight a bit with some examples in the wild.

KartikPrabhu what is highlight

Loqi A highlight is a reaction post of a range of content that consists typically of just a restyling (like a yellow background as you might use a yellow physical highlighter, or an underline) https://indieweb.org/highlight

[chrisaldrich] There can also be subtlety in why someone highlighted something, in some part this is why pen companies sell multi-colored highlighters in packages

KartikPrabhu the examples don't say why those are different from bookmark+fragmention

KartikPrabhu also p-highlight-of does not distinguish "different colours" either

KartikPrabhu also the "different colours" seem like tags on the bookmark+fragmention

[chrisaldrich] trying to distinguish between different colors is doable, though is probably a losing battle as different people are going to assign different meaning to which colors they prefer to use.

[chrisaldrich] I'll buy the idea of "tags" on different colors, that makes sense to me.

KartikPrabhu usually hightliting colours are supposed to mean something that is not just "this is green", tags work for that

[chrisaldrich] One may run into trouble trying to bookmark+fragmention things online for objects which don't exist online hoewever: examples include real books (KevinMarks' twitter example) and e-books.

KartikPrabhu [chrisaldrich]: here is a whole bunch of fragmentioned-bookmarks https://kartikprabhu.com/notes/2016-12#bm-resilientweb-choose-tools-wisely

[chrisaldrich] those are great Kartik, thanks.

sknebel http://venturebeat.com/2017/03/13/baidu-launches-swiftscribe-an-app-that-transcribes-audio-with-ai/ might be interesting for some here (free audio transcribing tool with (cloud) speech recognition)
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
[kevinmarks] Well, I could look that book up in open library or google books

[chrisaldrich] wishes I had a JS browser bookmarklet for highlighting text to create quick fragmentions link the way KartikPrabhu's site implements natively.

KartikPrabhu [chrisaldrich]: here is my JS https://github.com/kartikprabhu/fragmentioner

[chrisaldrich] Thanks Kartik, I was just searching for it as I thought you'd put it online somewhere....

KartikPrabhu it isn't polished as I made it quickly to see if it works :P

KartikPrabhu [chrisaldrich]: in my fragmentioned-bookmarks, I am also "quoting" the text below only because I don't have reply-contexts yet. Else I would try to "highlight" the words inside the reply-context

[chrisaldrich] I also see you've got a trailing word "because...." and I'm assuming you could potentially add a reason/note/annotation there?

KartikPrabhu yes, the because to add my own commentary. I have "because" in likes and bookmarks

KartikPrabhu so the text of the post reads "Kartik Prabhu liked a post on example.com because <reason>"

KartikPrabhu or "kartik Prabhu replied to a post on example.com with <reply>"

KartikPrabhu text-first-design++

snarfed and jkphl joined the channel
@kevinmarks Jeremy is spot on here - Google crawl already runs js and times pages, so validating AMP should be easy http://adactio.com/journal/12011 #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/841393084357271552)
Loqi [indieweb] "Jeremy is spot on here - Google crawl already runs js and times pages, so validating AMP should be easy http://adactio.com/journal/12011 #indieweb" by Kevin Marks on 2017-03-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/jeremy-is-spot-on-here---google-crawl-already-runs

tolerablyjake, [cleverdevil], snarfed and arlen joined the channel
@kevinmarks “our data is used by large companies for psychological manipulation—we call this advertising” - @schneier https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2017/03/defense_against.html #indieweb (twitter.com/_/status/841394313212788737)
Loqi [indieweb] "“our data is used by large companies for psychological manipulation—we call this advertising” - @schneier https://www.schneier.com/blog/archives/2017/03/defense_against.html #indieweb" by Kevin Marks on 2017-03-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/our-data-is-used-by-large-companies-for-psychological-manipulationwe

arlen, funwhilelost and Pierre-O joined the channel
Loqi [indieweb] "Yesterday, Cadwalladr laid down this challenge to all of us: "The correlation between technology, capital, influence, and power hasn't been brought together effectively." This is" by Kevin Marks on 2017-03-13 http://known.kevinmarks.com/2017/yesterday-cadwalladr-laid-down-this-challenge-to-all-of-us

benwerd and snarfed joined the channel
arlen joined the channel
KartikPrabhu tantek: I think the trouble is the the "highlight colours" mean different things to different people

KartikPrabhu your "red highlight" does not mean that I want to highlight it red too

KartikPrabhu then why mark it up?

KartikPrabhu as in if the receiver can ignore it then why mark up the colour?

KartikPrabhu should I as a receiver ignore all "highlight colours" or not depending on who sends it?

KartikPrabhu ok, I'll wait for actual examples. I don't plan to consume highlights any way

KartikPrabhu right, I would think using colour based on some common intent is better like /edit

arush Will probably want to look at a way to communicate that something is highlighted with something else along with color. Maybe a tag that can be used, similar to <em> or <strong>?
Loqi [indieweb] "Liked this tweet: VeggieTorta on Twitter: “@jaduncan @withknown Agreed, if it wasn’t for @hertling new book & the mentioning of #indieweb i never would have ran into withknown.”" by Scott Kingery on 2017-03-13 http://techlifeweb.com/15678-2/

snarfed, [cleverdevil] and sl007 joined the channel
arush Hi GWG.
arush @GWG yes.
KartikPrabhu Who is arush?

KartikPrabhu hmm Loqi no response?

arush Amanda Rush.
KartikPrabhu arush: GWG works on the Wordpress indieweb plugins so he might be able to help with your webmention issues

arush @GWG thanks for your help! And yes I had a nice Purim.
arush I've performed every WordPress troubleshooting step I can think of and I think this is the first time in a while WP has thrown a problem I don't know how to solve. :)
leg What relevance has OCS for IndieWeb? http://www.open-collaboration-services.org/ocs/, I could not find OCS on the Indieweb Wiki.
arush But I suspect the problem is with WP and not Bridgy as I can't find any errors in Bridgy logs and it appears to be sending the webmentions it should.
leg tantek: not yet :)
arush @GWG I put out a call on my other Twitter account asking for native webmentions on a specific post, and when they started coming in, they showed up either in the comment moderation cue or the spam cue. The webmentions that show up came from apps like Known, ETC., but anything posted in reply to syndicated posts on Twitter or Facebook has not shown up in either moderation or spam cue.
arush They do, however, show up as sent when I log into Bridgy.
arush @GWG the tweet that started the test, including the link for which I asked for webmentions: https://twitter.com/cswordpress/status/840004242744172544
@cswordpress Hey can I get one of you wonderful #indieweb ppl to send a webmention to http://www.arush.io/?p=43641 ? (twitter.com/_/status/840004242744172544)
arush @GWG hang on, let me double-check.
Gold joined the channel
arush @gwg this may be relevant: from the server logs: [Mon Mar 13 00:17:54.449118 2017] [:error] [pid 836] [client] WordPress database error Illegal mix of collations (latin1_swedish_ci,IMPLICIT) and (utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci,COERCIBLE) for operation '=' for query SELECT comment_ID FROM wp_comments WHERE comment_post_ID = 43652 AND comment_parent = '0' AND comment_approved != 'trash' AND ( comment_author = 'Amanda' )
arush AND comment_content = 'Well hi there, the Facebook! Thanks for noticing that I posted something about how <a href=\\"http://www.arush.io/?p=43652\\">your efforts to become the central authentication service for everything</a> is not a good thing, and showing your appreciation by showing me an ad for, you guessed it, an ad for passwordless secure authentication. I\xe2\x80\x99ve attached a screenshot for the light slaves, but for the
arush blinks, the relevant text is this: \\n<blockquote>Suggested Post\\nSecureAuth\\nPasswordless is possible with modern adaptive authentication defense layers. Download this guide to learn how eliminate passwords while improving security and user experience.\\nRemove Reliance on Passwords\\ninfo.secureauth.com\\nLearn More\\nCustom\\nLikeReactCommentShareLike PageFull StoryMoreSponsored</blockquote>\\nYet another advantage to owning my
arush do_action_ref_array, WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, call_user_func_array, rest_api_loaded, WP_REST_Server->serve_request, WP_REST_Server->dispatch, call_user_func, Webmention_Receiver::post, wp_new_comment, wp_allow_comment, referer: http://www.arush.io/?rest_route=/webmention/1.0/endpoint
arush own data: I can share the text of screenshots as text. \xf0\x9f\x99\x82\\nSyndicated to:<a href=\\"https://www.facebook.com/10212341171546339\\" rel=\\"nofollow\\"> Facebook</a>' LIMIT 1 /* From [www.arush.io/?rest_route=/webmention/1.0/endpoint] in [/nas/content/live/unvarnishedme/wp-content/plugins/webmention/includes/class-webmention-receiver.php:215] */ made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), wp, WP->main, WP->parse_request,
snarfed joined the channel
arush @gwg OK grepping for everything to do with webmention
arush @gwg there's also this: [Mon Mar 13 00:20:38.943553 2017] [:error] [pid 11994] [client] PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /nas/content/live/unvarnishedme/wp-content/plugins/semantic-linkbacks/includes/class-linkbacks-mf2-handler.php on line 292, referer: http://www.arush.io/?rest_route=/webmention/1.0/endpoint
sl007 joined the channel
nitot joined the channel
arush @GWG I've been meaning to make time to file issues, get involved with the plugins, ETC.
arush gwg: I'd personally like to see indieweb/microblogging ETC. become part of WordPress core, and see accessibility become ingrained in the indieweb. Yeah, those are lofty goals. :)
arush gwg: yes, I'd love to help with the accessibility of the plugins.
arush Are their github repos listed on their plugin pages on wordpress.org?
snarfed joined the channel
arush I think I may have installed them directly from WordPress so didn't go look at the plugins repo.
gRegorLove Github repos should be listed on the wiki plugin pages too: https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Plugins

arush That reminds me I need to go add myself to the indieweb wiki. I meant to do that and got distracted with something else. :)
gRegorLove https://indieweb.org/Webmention_Plugin does, but https://indieweb.org/Post_Kinds_Plugin doesn't. Haven't checked the others.

gRegorLove Yeah, I linked to it. It doesn't appear to link to the github repo

LanaCoyote, hs0ucy_ and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
hs0ucy_ Hello i'm trying to display brid.gy/twitter/hs0ucy responses on my site via webmention.herokuapp.com but it's retun nothing `
hs0ucy_ snarfed: Thanks ^^
mlncn joined the channel
Loqi chat is a set of brainstorms for what an amazing indieweb friendly chat web app/site could do https://indieweb.org/chat

KevinMarks joined the channel
KevinMarks so the webmention part is working

fzylogic_ joined the channel
hs0ucy_ KevinMarks: Ah cool :)