2017-03-15 UTC
benwerd, KevinMarks, snarfed and fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 01:08 martymcguire[m] snarfed: thanks! i am using that for the endpoint finding and auth bits. i just submitted some patches back for supporting micropub.rocks' more-stringent auth requirements
# 01:09 martymcguire[m] i am thinking about making a second piece of middleware that is like "flask-micropub-proxy" or similar.
# 01:09 martymcguire[m] since a micropub client basically just submits a form and the backend might do a little bit of processing before passing along a bunch of standard stuff, handling uploads, etc. it's that bit that i want to extract if possible.
# 01:10 martymcguire[m] i should finish one of them before i try making it generic
# 01:11 martymcguire[m] i have this mental image of eventually having a bunch of pieces of common flask-micropub-* bits that can be cobbled together to quickly build interesting and strange one-off micropub clients
snarfed, KevinMarks, sl007, mlncn, jdcauley and g3funk joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
Kongaloosh, KevinMarks, wolftune and nitot joined the channel
# 04:17 GWG arush: Are you suggesting that you want the Syndication Links feature to hide the links on a per post basis?
# 04:19 arush gwg: Something like that. Have a default setting, but when you change the value in the meta box on the add new post screen, the plugin should honor that request. Although I probably should have given that longer a post a title instead. :)
# 04:21 arush gwg: OK I will look at this. I really need to go ahead and fork these plugins so I can help fix some accessibility issues lol.
# 04:22 GWG arush: I welcome the help. At some point, maybe you can teach me what to look for.
# 04:22 GWG But the link is just my opening an issue re what you suggested.
# 04:24 arush gwg: There's a getting started guide that the W3C hosts because they're responsible for the web content accessibility guidelines. Hang on and I'll find the link.
# 04:27 GWG arush: Sometimes, as a hobbyist, I'm happy my code works at all. But I will be reading that.
# 04:28 arush gwg: I know that feeling.
# 04:29 GWG arush: But still have much more to learn.
# 04:30 arush gwg: Having much more to learn is true for all of us regarding code I think.
# 04:32 GWG arush: I am surprised at how much I've learned about the pingbacks and trackbacks code and stuff related.
# 04:33 arush gwg: That's a part of WordPress I haven't done much with, so I'm learning that as well.
# 04:36 arush gwg: will definitely do.
snarfed, KevinMarks, tantek, jonnybarnes, benwerd, fzylogic_, nitot, barpthewire, cweiske, barryf, friedcell and jeremycherfas joined the channel
Pierre-O and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
Pierre-O, dgold, friedcell, fzylogic_, KevinMarks, adactio, pindonga and LanaCoyote joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
fzylogic_, KevinMarks, loicm, miklb, leg, mlncn and friedcell joined the channel
# 14:51 aaronpk PSA: Today is the last day app.net is online! export your data if you haven't already!
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 14:53 jeremycherfas Aaronpk: Given how much trouble people are having getting their data, and the backlog, I wouldn’t be at all surprised if app.net stays up until all requests are delivered.
# 14:54 aaronpk it's unfortunately just a bunch of JSON files, so not super easy to actually see what's in it
# 14:54 aaronpk luckily I never posted directly to app.net, it was always a syndicated copy from my website
friedcell joined the channel
tolerablyjake joined the channel
# 14:59 aaronpk oh hey... actually right at the beginning I did make some posts directly on app.net, mostly just talking about the website, and replying to a few people.
# 15:00 aaronpk they wouldn't make sense imported directly into my website, without also adding some sort of context of where they are directed
# 15:01 aaronpk which, interestingly, is the same struggle I have when POSSEing to IRC (or in the future Slack)
# 15:01 Loqi [Aaron Parecki] This post looks out of context on my site, but it's syndicated to #indiewebcamp on Freenode because I clicked that button in my posting interface....
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 15:02 aaronpk when the message is directed at a specific community, how can I indicate that on my website
# 15:02 jeremycherfas I want to implement that Receiver a response thing on my Grav site eventually.
# 15:06 aaronpk i think i might already do that for private messages actually
fzylogic_, snarfed and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 15:27 [kevinmarks] Ah, so like a tag driven strapline? Could that be a p-summary of the pinned post?
# 15:27 aaronpk i think "context" is the right way to think about it
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 15:32 snarfed just as devil's advocate, you could probably do it just by special-casing posts with specific syndication link formats
Pierre-O joined the channel
# 15:39 KartikPrabhu if it is presentation, then you could reuse the reply-context presentation
jmelesky joined the channel
# 15:41 KartikPrabhu !tell tantek re: POSSE of marginalia to Twitter, that does seem like a good workaround
# 15:41 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
KevinMarks, fzylogic_, tantek, benwerd and arush joined the channel
# 16:15 Loqi tantek: KartikPrabhu left you a message 34 minutes ago: re: POSSE of marginalia to Twitter, that does seem like a good workaround
# 16:15 Loqi benwerd has 101 karma in this channel (126 overall)
KevinMarks, arush, [kevinmarks] and catsup joined the channel
# 16:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 16:35 jeremycherfas I’m starting to install the webmentions plugin for Grav CMS by perlkonig. It includes a blacklist “of external links you do *not* wish to notify of mentions”. Are there any sites I should blacklist from the start?
arush joined the channel
# 16:36 aaronpk is that blacklisting the webmention discovery step? that's what I do in Telegraph
# 16:36 aaronpk I avoid attempting to discover the webmention endpoint for a handful of domains that I know don't support it (e.g. twitter.com)
# 16:36 benwerd petermolnar: I have _huge_ spam issues. Turns out maintaining your own website when you don't have time is hard :|
# 16:37 benwerd but there's a bug in my version of KNown - I need to upgrade myself
# 16:37 benwerd I haven't been able to carve out time to fix my site
# 16:41 tantek yeah this is a local comments (classic blog comment spam) problem, nothing to do with webmention
# 16:41 tantek this is a triage situation, stop the bleeding, turn off local comments
# 16:41 dgold would love to move to .9.2, or the dev branch, of known; but the Like/Repost thing is still there.
# 16:42 tantek it's abused by spammers much more than anyone makes any useful local comments
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 16:42 [cleverdevil] Does anyone know if there is a podcast focusing on IndieWeb and related topics?
# 16:42 benwerd but my version has a bug where you can't turn it off :|
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 16:42 jeremycherfas Aaronpk: There are actually two blacklists, one for external links you do not wish to noitfy of webmentions and the other for senders you do not wish to receive notifications from.
# 16:43 jeremycherfas Cleverdevil: Not yet, but Chrisaldrich and I have started talking about it.
# 16:43 [cleverdevil] I was actually thinking of starting one myself, good to see that there's one already going ?
# 16:44 jeremycherfas Cleverdevil: Please do. And I’m sure chrisaldrich would agree that it would be great to have you as a guest when we get going.
# 16:44 [cleverdevil] Chris lives / works nearby me in LA, so I could perhaps even carve out some time and space in my office for recording.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 16:55 aaronpk i might have to specifically call out podcasts in the newsletter if we start getting more!
# 16:56 Loqi Homebrew Website Club PDX on Wednesday, Apr 5, 5:30pm at TBD
benwerd joined the channel
# 17:00 jeremycherfas Especially if people who come across something to do with indieweb huffduff it and use that tag.
KevinMarks and wolftune joined the channel
# 17:05 tantek aaronpk: wait what? ": [indieweb] "Homebrew Website Club PDX" on 2017-03-15 ... Apr 5"?!?
# 17:06 tantek yeah, RSS has failed to be extensible in practice
# 17:06 tantek literally events for RSS were discussed at the same Foo Camp where I proposed hCalendar
gRegorLove, arush and adactio joined the channel
tbbrown and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:20 [cleverdevil] Thanks for that link tantek. I've now got my User page cleaned up and my template page set up properly.
# 17:20 Loqi tantek has 208 karma in this channel (322 overall)
# 17:22 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 17:22 Loqi cleverdevil has 9 karma in this channel (10 overall)
# 17:25 martymcguire[m] i missed all the podcast discussion! adding "podcast" to the list of my notification words. :}
# 17:28 dgold has sucessfully rewritten mapycka's App.Net idno/Known plugin for pnut.io
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 17:29 Loqi dgold has 4 karma in this channel (5 overall)
# 17:29 Loqi pnut is a short-messaging social network silo in which messages have a limited length, and you can follow folks, and be followed by folks https://indieweb.org/pnut
# 17:29 dgold My code skills aren't up to the Coding Standards, mind
# 17:29 tantek yeah martymcguire you've inspired a whole page ;)
# 17:30 dgold [chrisaldrich]: if you want an invite, I can set you up the bomb
snarfed joined the channel
# 17:31 dgold the Global stream is readable for the first time in years...
# 17:33 Loqi dgold has 5 karma in this channel (6 overall)
# 17:38 [chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas: did you turn on webmentions on your grav already? I got one yesterday, but perhaps you sent it by hand?
# 17:39 [chrisaldrich] jeremycherfas and yes, tomorrow morning or the following (CET) is fine to continue our discussion.
# 17:41 [chrisaldrich] tomorrow it is then; I'm up all night, so tell me what time works best for you.
# 17:48 dgold :) the github for the domain blacklist reports itself as Portugese in Chrome.
snarfed and KevinMarks joined the channel
# 17:51 jeremycherfas Snarfed: may be a problem with how the plugin advertises the endpoint. Trying to fix that now.
# 17:55 aaronpk !tell adactio can you put "u-audio" on the <audio> tag on huffduffer?
# 17:55 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 18:01 adactio Done. Huffduffer now has u-audio on the audio elements.
# 18:01 Loqi adactio: tantek left you a message 3 weeks, 6 days ago: any plans for HWC Brighton either 2017-02-22 or 2017-03-08?
# 18:01 Loqi adactio: aaronpk left you a message 6 minutes ago: can you put "u-audio" on the <audio> tag on huffduffer?
# 18:01 Loqi adactio has 32 karma in this channel (35 overall)
snarfed joined the channel
# 18:02 aaronpk well now i have no excuse not to add a podcast section to the newsletter
# 18:03 aaronpk hm what happens if i include an <audio> tag in the email newsletter
# 18:07 tantek aaronpk, does this mean that Huffduffer has everything needed for an h-feed podcast?
# 18:09 martymcguire[m] hmm, the h-feed "name" on huffduffer appears to be a mashup of all the text on the page.
# 18:10 tantek pretty sure we have proposals to fix that already
# 18:10 tantek and just waiting for feedback / implementation
# 18:12 tantek yes because it's an issue, not a brainstorm for a new feature etc
# 18:14 [chrisaldrich] Was there ever a standardized way to spell indieweb? Is it CamelCase or not? Two words or one? IndieWeb, Indieweb, or Indie Web? I've seen it so many ways it's starting to bother me now.
# 18:15 [chrisaldrich] or should we follow the AP style guide and just make it so ubiquitous like the internet that it should be indieweb?!
# 18:15 aaronpk it's been evolving, and that page is meant to capture the current usage
# 18:16 tantek one word, per the hashtag #indieweb (and this channel name)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 18:18 [kevinmarks] If you include <audio> in the newsletter you might want to disable preload
# 18:20 jeremycherfas Chrisaldrich: Snarfed: I need to try and debug this on a local copy. I’m hoping that voxpelli’s node-webmention-testpinger will help, if I can figure out out to use it.
ncollig, barryf and tantek joined the channel
snarfed1 and benwerd joined the channel
# 19:01 Loqi [indieweb] "Day 85: Added Podcasts to the IndieWeb this-week Newsletter #100DaysOfIndieWeb" on 2017-03-15
# 19:02 aaronpk bonus points for huffduffing a link with a media fragment
tantek, nitot and benwerd joined the channel
# 19:32 [kevinmarks] Though they are usually video. I'd have to use snarfed's video to MP3 trick first, then huffduff it again manually
# 19:37 aaronpk Ah well you can just post them to indie news then
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 19:38 [chrisaldrich] use a media fragment if you can (though some of us will listen to the entire episode anyway)
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 19:39 [cleverdevil] Sounds like we're gonna be providing a monthly home for HBWC in PDX, aaronpk ?
barryf, tantek, wolftune, arush, snarfed, bnvk and nitot joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# 20:53 martymcguire[m] Screech is a [[micropub ]] client for publishing audio content such as podcasts.
arlen and snarfed joined the channel
fzylogic_ joined the channel
# 21:02 martymcguire[m] gRegorLove: yep, thanks! i won't hold out hope that the util-* change gets merged. I suppose I should make my own fork if I want to keep using it.
# 21:02 martymcguire[m] i noticed on the /Skeleton page that you listed yourself as using it. have you replaced it with something else?
# 21:02 gRegorLove I was looking through the github thread and the number of forks has grown
# 21:03 gRegorLove I'm still using it. I made the util-* update locally, but still have old posts with the u-*
# 21:05 martymcguire[m] I like that I was able to read through the whole of the documentation, and the stylesheet itself, in about 10 minutes and understand it all.
bnvk, j12t, nitot and benwerd joined the channel
Lana, tantek, snarfed, arush, fzylogic_, mlncn, garlox[m], Pierre-O, benwerd, KartikPrabhu, nitot and gRegorLove joined the channel