2017-04-02 UTC
# 00:45 GWG Good evening, sknebel. Anything of interest there?
# 00:46 sknebel I fixed micropub on my site -> some filesystem permission issues mostly
# 00:46 GWG I've been trying to get some house stuff done so I can work on Indieweb stuff.
# 00:49 GWG So, I'm brainstorming as I do those things.
# 00:52 GWG I was thinking of posting some posts on my vision of what I want to do.
# 00:53 sknebel sounds good. especially if it is about the WP plugins, you then can get early feedback from your users ;)
# 00:54 sknebel I'm trying to write more of my indieweb ideas/thoughts down as well
# 00:54 sknebel started with the HWC notes, but now trying to expand on some of that
# 00:55 GWG Some of my bigger ideas are a bit well...big.
# 00:56 GWG I could not easily do them alone.
miklb joined the channel
# 00:57 GWG For example, WordPress has a bunch of open tickets that I think would form a good foundation for improving comments, which is their structure for any type of response.
Guest16865 and danohu joined the channel
# 01:09 sknebel that sounds like something where writing it out would be useful. both to think it through yourself again (at least for me that's when the "duhh" moments happen), and to have clear basis for following discussions
# 01:10 GWG Well, the problem with WordPress unlike a custom or smaller platform is that it is so big. It's hard to turn the ship and to get people behind an idea as a newcomer.
# 01:12 sknebel right. I guess presenting a vision has the risk that people might disagree with it, and then are less inclined to look into changes than they would be if one quietly works towards less explained chnages. politics :/
# 01:13 GWG Well, parts of it, people seem to agree with. But trying to build consensus. Right now, WordPress, per order of the head of the project, has moved from a set release cycle to a set of three focuses: REST API, Editor, and Customizer.
# 01:14 GWG So, if it isn't in there, you can write it, and hope someone wants to merge it when a milestone is met for one of the focuses.
# 02:34 GWG miklb: Not going there, I think. Be more aggressive in a plugin, possibly.
# 02:37 miklb only thing of a bigger challenge might be to write a blog engine/CMS from scratch. And I've been down that road with a community.
# 02:40 GWG miklb: I have been trying to change minds at my place of business in different roles for 13 years. I don't give up so easily.
# 02:41 miklb Consider me an ally in lobbying the powers that be in WP land these days.
# 02:42 GWG Well, as I wrote a while ago, I'm thinking of writing up some proposals on my site for some Indieweb adjacent ideas.
snarfed, gucci_meow, madgoat, tantek, raucao and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 04:33 [chrisaldrich] !tell schmarty The link in this week's podcast points to last week's newsletter; keep up the good work!
# 04:33 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 04:36 GWG Or rather, handling some paperwork so I can do that
XgF joined the channel
# 04:38 GWG This isn't Indieweb, it is me paying my taxes
# 04:38 GWG Trying to get it done so I can write a post
# 04:41 GWG I want to write out a vision of the future of comments, users, and posts in an Indieweb world.
finchd joined the channel
# 04:44 martymcguire[m] I had message?
# 04:45 martymcguire[m] Haha thanks chrisaldrich! I posted in a hurry. Will fix probably tomorrow
# 04:50 [chrisaldrich] schmarty I figured maybe you just copied the week before and started editing... I do something like that at least twice a week.
tantek, gucci_meow and wolftune joined the channel
bjoern__, snarfed, thebardian, friedcell, Guest16865, danohu and mlncn joined the channel
moredhel, thebardian, Pierre-O, wilfredh, miklb_, snarfed, catsup, danohu, Guest16865 and friedcell joined the channel
davidmead, friedcell, moredhel, miklb, snarfed, Guest16865, danohu, wolftune, Exodist and tantek joined the channel
# 16:50 voxpelli Now that Upcoming.org is launched and the code is open – has anyone looked at having it consume h-event etc?
# 16:57 voxpelli ^ some good brainstorming on that page, would be neat to have it index HWC h-event:s
# 17:00 tantek definitely! if you think of more ideas please add them!
thebardian, Exodist, wilfredh, Guest16865, danohu, davidmead, tantek and mlncn joined the channel
tantek, Exodist and gRegorLove joined the channel
# 19:43 GWG Hello, Gregorlove. Was just talking about you
# 19:44 GWG Someone asked for travel advice and I was talking about the hotel room snafu at last year's summit
# 19:49 GWG I'd like to. There are two dates I saw now. It depends. The later one is probably easier for me.
# 19:50 GWG Well the others are right after Memorial Day weekend
# 19:51 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 19:51 GWG It has been a light Indiewebcamp year so far
# 19:55 gRegorLove Well I think we learned after last year not to do NYC in January :)
sivoais, KartikPrabhu, Pierre-O, GWG and wolftune joined the channel
Guest16865, danohu and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
# 22:02 [chrisaldrich] Glad to see it's not just my site, but apparently a WordPress-ish issue to SuperFeedr to Loqi.
snarfed joined the channel
# 22:03 aaronpk yeah, it's superfeedr doing a good job of finding and crawling all the feeds it can find
# 22:03 aaronpk and wordpress just happens to publish feeds for comments on posts
# 22:05 [chrisaldrich] I tried some code to turn off my comments feed the other day (at least until I can tweak the RSS feed more significantly directly), but there's a few quirks that have apparently changed since WP 4.4 which I have to read up on.
gRegorLove joined the channel
# 22:14 gRegorLove aaronpk: As we're getting Bellingham IWC details finalized, can we set up something like 2017.indieweb.org/Bellingham?
# 22:15 aaronpk yes i should be able to copy the nyc2 event pretty easily
# 22:18 aaronpk oms i just noticed chrisaldrich sent me a PR ages ago for the LA IWC
# 22:58 aaronpk Thinking I might need to up the number of posts I show in lists. My home page is almost entirely checkins right now
Guest59890, Exodist, mlncn, wolftune and OberstKrueger joined the channel