#[kevinmarks]The viewing lots of notes thing - the twitter export UI isn't bad - scrolling list per month, grid of months, search: kevinmarks.com/tweets (it is js;dr though)
#strkI was thinking (about "easier to deal with") that OpenID also support delegation
#strkso it really just takes adding a couple of <link> tags in your web page to be up and running with OpenID
#strkas long as you have an account on one of the existing (few and diminuishing) OpenID providing services (stackexchange is a prominent one at the moment)
#strkyou'd still be logging in with your own website
[colinwalker] joined the channel
#[colinwalker]@strk "few and diminishing" - that's the problem right there though. OpenID never seemed to catch on - the writing was on the wall and people wanted something different. Problem is, how wide with IndieAuth be adopted?
#strkcorenominal: the "diminishing" part is really about people willing to setup an OpenID provider, more than anything else. And of the 2 "indie" projects I tried (Friendica and GNUSocial) one of them (GNUSocial) does act as an OpenID provider, so finding a provider to delegate to is as easy as registering to any of the existing GNUSocial nodes or setting up your own
#strk[kevinmarks]: *now* I also proxy indieauth to openid (my own openid) with the indieauth-openid proxy
#strkbut I've yet to find a useful service requiring indieauth to login, to be honest
#strkso I think my crusade will keep being spreading OpenID for now :P
#strklike, it would be great if indieauth.com could be used as an OpenID provider
#strk*and* it would be great if RelMeAuth (proto) would also support any OpenID in addition to OAuth2 endpoints
#strkjust to make the indie world a bit more connected
#strkamz3`: I think the idea of the "indie web" is to allow others to login into your website by still retainign their independence from big players on the web (correct me if I'm wrong)
#strkor more generally to allow interaction (not necessarely "login into your website")
#dgoldI think that's more correctly described as a side-effect of indieweb, strk/amz3
#strkuhm, I tried logging in on indieauth.com (the wiki) via text browser but it fails at the stage in which it asks you to select which method (which rel-me link) to use for authenticating :(
#strkstill I think protocols are really important when you want to interoperate
#strkit's probably the main reason why I setup my first non-self-made thing on my website (a wordpress blog): being able to publish my articles on an aggregator, via rss
#KartikPrabhustrk: maybe but starting with protocols is not a great idea
#KartikPrabhumostly people simply want to read/write/interact on the Web. doesn't matter what protocol is used
#strkit does matter, when indieauth.com asks me who I am (to authetnicate) and then fails to let me in
#strkalso the web would not exist if it wasn't for a well-defined protocol
#[jeremycherfas]@amz3` There is a CMS called Known -- withknown.com -- that is equipped for a lot of indieweb things out of the box and that some of us use. If you have a domain and a host, it is quite easy to set up.
#amz3`[jeremycherfas]: my interest is much about coding something useful. I already have blog but it's static http://hyperdev.fr/
#KartikPrabhuamz3`: why not make your blog indieweb-compatible?
#strk( stackexchange also supports OpenID-2.0, and provides it too )
#aaronpkClearly I should have just called IndieAuth "OpenID 3" ;-)
#strkI've yet to understand the difference from OpenID, so far I've only heard it's easier to implement
#aaronpkit is easier to implement, it's based on OAuth 2, so it can also be used for authorization
#strkoh aaronpk ... I noticed you post on twitter with no backlink to homeplace, are those posts really going directly to twitter or is just a POSSE lacking setup you have ?
#strkOpenID-Connect (someone could call that "OpenID 3") is also based on OAuth2
#strkit's what openid.net publishes as superceeding OpenID 2.
#aaronpkyes that's why I'm not interested in OpenID 2
#strkbut there are many people already setup with OpenID 2
#LoqiA silo, or web content hosting silo, in the context of the IndieWeb, is a centralized web site typically owned by a for-profit corporation that stakes some claim to content contributed to it and restricts access in some way (has walls) https://indieweb.org/silo
#skippyKartikPrabhu: sure. I bet I could. but it also does a ton of stuff for which I have no need. I dont have a facebook account or instagram. Just twitter.
#KartikPrabhuskippy: then I guess you want to interact with the Twitter API directly. silo.pub also has a lot of stuff
#skippylike i said, i'm still exploring, and figuring out what i want. just dipping my toes into the indieweb waters.
#skippystrk: skippy.is is what i'm looking to post to twitter, first. maybe the longform posts on .net might get a "hey, i wrote this thing" linked to twitter
Pierre-O joined the channel
#skippyaaronpk: super lame self-built "this is what I'm doing" thing, sinc ei dont use instagram
#KartikPrabhuskippy: well I think it is pretty cool and not super lame
#strkhey, it's 7 months, do you have so much blood ? :)
#Loqiok, I added "http://kottke.org/17/04/pour-some-out-for-the-sites-that-arent-here" to the "See Also" section of /site-deaths
[colinwalker] joined the channel
#[colinwalker]@GWG Decided it's going to be too much hassle to unhook the parts causing me problems as the plugin works differently to how I was expecting (mapping to formats rather than tweaking them.)
#[colinwalker]Instead I'm using some code in functions.php to auto add markup for Reply and Like when a post is saved.
#[colinwalker]URL is added to a custom field, pulled in to the post content on save then deleted so it doesn't get added twice.
#miklb[colinwalker] you can create your own kind_views/kind-reply.php template in your theme to markup them up how you want. Is that not what you want?
#miklbor have a generic kind.php to do all of them and override the plugins template.
#GWGI had thought about a static option because people might uninstall
#[colinwalker]miklb as I only really wanted likes and replies it seemed a bit much to reproduce templates for other post types (article and status) to avoid the display issues I was having when I can add a small function to just add what I needed.