2017-05-23 UTC
KevinMarks, snarfed, [kevinmarks], KevinMarks_, daf, benwerd, wolftune, tbbrown, strugee, davidmead and snarfed1 joined the channel
# 02:35 aaronpk i keep getting confused when i read stuff like this in the backscroll: "another problem: micropub renders at write time"
# 02:35 aaronpk i guess that's talking about the micropub wordpress plugin?
# 02:36 GWG aaronpk, yes. It generates html at time of post creation as opposed to at time of display
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# 03:27 dougbeal aaronpk: I'm putting together a wordpress docker system, to make it easier to track and fix bugs
# 03:28 dougbeal aaronpk: is it using a framework or anything? Or is just composer/php all the necesssary?
# 03:29 aaronpk Running composer install will install all the libraries it needs
# 03:29 aaronpk it uses MySQL as well, the schema file should be up to date
tantek joined the channel
# 03:39 dougbeal aaronpk: is there a secret file for database login connections?
# 03:45 aaronpk I should really get in the habit of making a quick list of installation instructions for these things
raucao, corenominal and tantek joined the channel
wolftune, loicm, snarfed, kerozene and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
cweiske and KevinMarks joined the channel
[kevinmarks] joined the channel
# 07:11 cweiske now his phone pings him because you pinged him and he's awake again :/
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# 07:26 Ruxton cweiske: they're saved from fitbit I think, left-most-side is start of sleep, right-most end of sleep, dark blue = sleep, light blue peaks = restless, red = awake
# 07:56 cweiske "JSON Feed will help alleviate these problems, because it’s easier to get right."
# 07:56 cweiske XML feeds are broken if they are generated by hand instead of using an xml serializer
# 07:56 cweiske so if you write the json feed by hand you have the same problem
# 07:58 cweiske if people think they can do it by hand and it fails, it's their fault for not using a lib that serializes correctly
# 07:59 cweiske ? how is json easier to write? you need a json serializer, too
# 08:02 [kevinmarks] Json is easier to serialise to than xml, because it is closer to language structures in dynamic languages
# 08:03 KartikPrabhu [kevinmarks]: that only means that languages have JSON serialisation done but don't boter with XML
# 08:04 [kevinmarks] No, with xml you need to make choices about what is an element and what is an attribute, that don't map well to language objects
friedcell joined the channel
# 08:12 cweiske KartikPrabhu, PHP has had xml serialization long before json_encode was there. people didn't use it for feeds.
# 08:13 cweiske I made a generalization that of course does not apply to everyone
# 08:15 [kevinmarks] Php is weirder in that you can make a php file as an xml template, and it will work until escaping screws it up
# 08:19 [kevinmarks] Hm. You could, but that feels weird. Php naturally teaches you to make html pages that way, so xml ones seem like a variation
# 08:21 [kevinmarks] Json is legal syntax in python and javascript, so it feels more natural there somehow
# 08:22 [kevinmarks] In java, both are alien so are wrapped up in an abstraction necessarily
# 08:26 Zegnat I am a little tempted to try and make a JSON Feed that will crash JSON parsers.
# 08:32 Loqi [markpilgrim] How to consume RSS safely
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Pierre-O, takyoji[m], M-mxuribe, plindner, pniedzielski[m], garlox[m], M-tom, myfreeweb, Salt[m], schmarty, M-podviaznikov, mindB, SpEcHiDe, jcgregorio[m], M-hotzeplotz, afrogeek[m], rdesfo[m], strk[m], Guest86807[m], jaduncan[m], j-hernandez[m], crasch[m] and dgold[m] joined the channel
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# 09:45 petermolnar [kevinmarks] re how to consume rss safely: convert the content to markdown with pandoc and back to html.
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# 10:49 Jeena It was a long time ago we had one, mostly because not a lot of people were attending and then I didn't have the time and nobody asked about it so I didn't quite have the incentive to do something.
# 10:52 Zegnat Asking because I am back in Sweden. Of course not sure how regular I would be able to do the Gbg trip. But it would be nice to get some IndieWeb going again
jeremycherfas joined the channel
# 10:57 Jeena yeah, perhaps we could start joining the virtual one there is somewhere first?
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# 11:00 Zegnat Virtual HWC is an online [[HWC ]] for IndieWebbers who either can’t make a regular meeting or don’t yet have critical mass to host one in their area.
# 11:01 jeremycherfas Kevinmarks is that platypus thing part of the RSS/Atom wars I keep reading about?
# 11:08 Zegnat Jeena, petermolnar, any platforms you would prefer for virtual HWC?
# 11:10 Zegnat I propose everyone just speaks their own native language?
# 11:11 Zegnat More importantly: what timezone do we pin the start and end time to? CEST?
# 11:12 petermolnar CEST is fine, though I seriously prefer to use UTC whenever possible
# 11:15 Zegnat HWC is defined as a meeting “every other Wednesday right after work, 18:30-19:30.” We could do 18:30 UTC, 18:30 CET, 18:30 CEST, loads of possibilities for the EU audience.
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# 11:19 Jeena do you guys have events on your websites and rsvps?
# 11:21 Zegnat I write all my HTML for posts by hand, so I can RSVP (and have done so before)
# 11:22 Zegnat I am just adding it to the wiki as one we are trying to get started
# 11:24 Zegnat Apparently it is 16:30 UTC, petermolnar, because of summer time ;)
# 11:26 Zegnat I put all our names as organisers, if for whatever reason you don’t feel like that label applies to you, feel free to remove your name
# 11:26 petermolnar (we could use swatch internet beats, just to see how many remembers :D)
# 11:26 Zegnat jeremycherfas, yes, I think Known supports RSVPs out of the box
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# 12:03 Zegnat Why are those beats pinned to UTC+1 and not just UTC, petermolnar... That makes no sense to me.
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gucci_meow, JulianFoad[m], j4y_funabashi, takyoji[m], pniedzielski[m], M-mxuribe, plindner, M-tom, myfreeweb, schmarty, jcgregorio[m], Salt[m], afrogeek[m], rdesfo[m], mindB, M-hotzeplotz, M-podviaznikov, SpEcHiDe, strk[m], Guest86807[m], crasch[m], garlox[m], jaduncan[m], dgold[m], j-hernandez[m] and DanC joined the channel
# 12:53 jeremycherfas Thanks cweiske; to you mean stream.jeremycherfas.net or jeremycherfas.net
# 12:55 cweiske this does work. but I pasted your blog's address in my feed reader, and it was unable to find out the blog.atom link itself
# 12:56 jeremycherfas Ah. I didn’t realise that. Thanks. I will look into it. Just need to finish some work.
hs0ucy and friedcell joined the channel
# 13:03 Zegnat Jeena, petermolnar, jeremycherfas, should we try virtual hwc for /next-hwc? That would be the 31st.
# 13:04 Zegnat I’ll just add it to the wiki for that day then, so people can add their names if interested :)
KevinMarks, gucci_meow and dougbeal|mb1 joined the channel
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# 13:21 cweiske jeremycherfas, your atom feed is broken. there is a webmention link at the beginning
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# 13:24 jeremycherfas Cweiske Do you mean this <link href="https://www.jeremycherfas.net/mentions" rel="webmention" /><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
# 13:24 jeremycherfas I have no idea where tht is coming from. Probably the Grav plugin that makes the feed.
# 13:25 cweiske or a plugin that adds webmention links everywhere
# 13:32 Zegnat Nice Jeena! If you want to make an Indie event out of it on your website go ahead. Lets just get this rolling :)
# 13:34 jeremycherfas Can someone answer a github question. At IWC I had to create a completely new local install of my site on my laptop. I just did this locally, not on Github. Now I want to put everything onto the desktop machine.
# 13:34 Zegnat voxpelli, I updated my status on a Malmö IWC, /planning. Though I am guessing the chances of that going down are lessening by the day
# 13:35 jeremycherfas Or do I create a new repository at github, copy everything into it and then clone it back into the laptop and the desktop machines?
# 13:35 cweiske 2. git init on your laptop, then "git remote add origin $githuburl" && git push
# 13:36 voxpelli Zegnat: I actually talked to a local conference organizer about possibly doing an IWC in connection to that conference, http://confront.se/ , but haven't followed it up :/
# 13:40 Zegnat No worries. If you want me to assist on anything you know where to find me. August is a bit iffy for me (possible exam the 17th, school year starts 28th) but most weekends should be fine.
# 13:42 voxpelli Zegnat: cool, I should follow up with the dates, that conference + see if there are some international interest
# 13:47 voxpelli Maybe the conference can pay some to come and speak at the conference and then attend the camp afterwards
# 13:48 Zegnat I lack that network I’m afraid, so can’t take that off your shoulders
jeremycherfas_ and snarfed joined the channel
# 14:09 jeremycherfas_ Cweiske You were right. It is the plugin that inserts the webmention link. Now to find out where it does that.
# 14:14 dougbeal|mb1 'morn, IW
jjuran and sebsel joined the channel
# 14:21 sebsel I saw a European time Virtual HWC for 31th of May in the logs: I'm interested!
# 14:24 sknebel sebsel: I think 31. was created before that happened
# 14:24 Zegnat Oh, I didn’t actually check that, sorry. Just added to whatever was on 31st and changes /next-hwc to 31st.
# 14:25 sebsel Hm, I haven't got the time now, but it might be nice to transfer the new layout :)
# 14:30 Zegnat Oh, I see, several minor tweakings to the layout and order.
# 14:31 Zegnat We are doing the quiet writing hour, Jeena? How are we doing that one virtually?
# 14:36 Jeena hehe I don't know, it's optional, even if it's quiet it still might be used to ask questions etc.
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# 14:41 Zegnat Hmm, don’t know why I don’t have a display picture, Jeena. Where do you get my author info from?
# 14:42 Zegnat Hmm. Guess you don’t follow the rel="author". Wonder if I made another mark-up mistake.
KevinMarks joined the channel
# 14:45 dougbeal|mb1 Do .ics files not have time zone info?
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# 14:46 Loqi ICS (AKA iCal or iCalendar file / feed) is a format for calendar files (a form of feed file) used by many programs such as Apple Calendar and Google Calendar, and can be used to share and subscribe to calendars across different systems https://indieweb.org/ICS
# 14:46 Jeena Yeah, Zegnat, I'm using the ruby-microformats gem which doesn't follow to a different http resource
# 14:48 Zegnat I am glad to see your website found a name at all then!
# 14:50 Zegnat dougbeal|mb1: the ICS file on Jeena’s website contains a timezone
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# 14:51 dougbeal|mb1 Zegnat: looks like OSX Calendar doesn't like it unless DSTART and DEND reference the time zone as well
# 14:52 Zegnat That could be. ICS is... fun? I don’t remember who had a big discussion about it before, maybe aaronpk and bear
# 14:52 dougbeal|mb1 Yeah, works fine with google calendar directly
# 14:52 Jeena hm weird, I think I developed it with the osx calendar back then
# 14:55 dougbeal|mb1 There is a enable timezone checkbox in Calendar, maybe with it turned off it ignores everything about timezones?
# 15:01 sebsel You actually need some authorship discovery for aaronpk's RSVPs too. He uses '/' as u-author, last time I checked, so you have to fetch that one for his picture and name.
# 15:02 aaronpk you can match the URL to the h-card on the page, you don't need to make a separate HTTP request for mine
# 15:03 aaronpk yeah it's a bit of a trick. it's well documented though
tantek, EHLOVader, KartikPrabhu, wolftune and mlncn joined the channel
# 15:30 jeremycherfas What does it mean when an object contains a #, like this #uri: "/grav-admin/blog/there-s-no-success-like-failure" ?
# 15:32 jeremycherfas +url: "http://localhost:8888/grav-admin/blog/there-s-no-success-like-failure"
# 15:32 Loqi [Jeremy Keith] JSON Feed: Home
May 23rd, 2017
RSS isn’t dead, but it has metamorphosed into JSON.
I don’t know if syndication feeds have yet taken on their final form, but they’re the canonical example of 927ing.
Anyway, I’ve gone ahead and adde...
# 15:33 Zegnat Yikes. That might have better gone in a gist.github.com
# 15:33 Zegnat If you make a gist and go to -dev I will take a look
# 15:35 ben_thatmustbeme websub.rocks test suite is done, if people could start running tests for your publishing, subscribing, or hubs it would really help
# 15:37 Zegnat jeremycherfas, I don’t recognise that. Is that var_dump or something else?
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loicm, jmelesky, benwerd, snarfed, wolftune, [kevinmarks], EHLOVader, Pierre-O, KevinMarks, tantek, sebsel and strugee joined the channel
Pierre-O, mlncn, [cleverdevil] and gRegorLove joined the channel
[kevinmarks], tbbrown, Kaja, amz3, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, EHLOVader and sebsel joined the channel
EHLOVader, sknebel, snarfed, quails and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
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# 19:47 cweiske apparently not. but it seems it takes some time until comments are displayed, even when manually refreshing
# 19:49 dougbeal|mb1 o/ gRegorLove, GWG
# 19:53 aaronpk No it just runs thru webmention.io so it takes a few seconds
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# 19:56 Loqi [Anonymous] It would be nice if the colors and lines would be explained somewhere.
# 19:59 cweiske posting from tt-rss and instantly seeing it pop up in the other browser window on your site
# 19:59 aaronpk Hm it shouldn't be that slow, I would have thought maybe 20 seconds tops
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# 20:03 Loqi cweiske has 76 karma in this channel (91 overall)
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
# 20:03 Loqi cweiske has 77 karma in this channel (92 overall)
# 20:04 aaronpk I might have to look into what's making the comment take so long to show up just so these demos look better
jmelesky, Gold, friedcell and tantek joined the channel
# 20:16 Loqi cweiske has 78 karma in this channel (93 overall)
# 20:23 miklb cweiske is that a public plugin yet, sorry missed earlier conversation.
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# 20:48 Loqi cweiske has 79 karma in this channel (94 overall)
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# 21:15 miklb I'm going to run a test install locally to get feel for it. Might need to customize the UI a little for my tastes.
# 21:16 Loqi cweiske has 80 karma in this channel (95 overall)
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# 21:37 aaronpk it's not on the home page yet but it's in the news blog!
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# 21:52 miklb !tell cweiske got an error on init, not sure where to log errors/issues with ttrss micropub plugin
# 21:52 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
# 21:54 schmarty aaronpk++ congrats on micropub landing as a W3C Recommendation!
# 21:54 Loqi aaronpk has 505 karma in this channel (1324 overall)
# 21:56 GWG I think it is time to open. WordPress ticket proposing integration that people will ignore
# 21:59 GWG Webmention has had a WordPress ticket for a while
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# 21:59 [colinwalker] So many people want XML-RPC killed for security and REST API is proprietary so it would make a lot of sense.
# 22:00 GWG But Indieauth isn't a specification yet though
# 22:01 aaronpk that's true, although people are already making micropub clients that get the access token from some other mechanism, such as copypasting an "api key" from an account settings page
# 22:02 GWG aaronpk, and the REST API should have an oauth provider this year according to their plans
# 22:03 GWG But I will write out the case for WordPress after dinner
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# 22:03 aaronpk that's interesting, maybe i could take a look to see how that could fit in
# 22:03 aaronpk can you point me to where the oauth provider stuff is being discussed?
# 22:03 GWG Anyone have any ideas in that area? Arguments?
# 22:04 aaronpk it's very likely that at the point that wordpress is its own OAuth provider, then adding the IndieAuth bits is very simple
# 22:05 GWG Aaronpk, on my phone right now waiting for a meeting, but they are thinking of having WordPress.org handle it for people who don't want to do it themselves.
# 22:06 GWG I actually thought of writing an authentication provider for Indieauth
# 22:06 GWG The current Indieauth login for WordPress can't be used for everything
# 22:07 GWG That would separate that from Micropub if implemented correctly
# 22:07 GWG I did the research. But too many projects right now
# 22:09 GWG I am contemplating something right now
# 22:09 tantek GWG do you support WebSub publishing on your site?
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raucao, tantek, [eddie], voxpelli, jmelesky, wolftune and snarfed joined the channel
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# 22:54 Loqi [Matthias Pfefferle] Download
By Matthias Pfefferle
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# 22:56 tantek [chrisaldrich]: are you running it? Do you think you could submit an implementation report for it as a WebSub publisher by trying the publisher tests here? https://websub.rocks/
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# 23:11 GWG I have not tried pfefferle's plugin since pre Websub
# 23:12 GWG [Chrisaldrich]: Did you try the new Indieweb plugin
# 23:13 dougbeal|mb1 Is pubsubhubbub newer vs PuSHPress?
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# 23:18 dougbeal|mb1 I'm getting HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized, could it be that Authorization headers are getting stripped?
# 23:18 dougbeal|mb1 What does OwnYourGram use?
# 23:19 dougbeal|mb1 801 - Auth in POST body passes
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# 23:27 dougbeal|mb1 what is Authorization headers
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