eli_oatalso, has any one checked that these emoji actually translate across platforms — I know there are a few that don't necessarily match one-to-one on some platforms, like samsung
Loqi[eli] This article gives a solid overview of the indieweb ecosystem as I understand it. I like the idea of feed readers being the gravitational center to everyones social network. I've been using tt-rss and my newly indiewebified website for just that. Exc...
eli_oatto your original question about which looks better, I think I dig the one with cameras more than the one with play icons because the UI is a bit less cluttered, there isn't as much going one, but that might also be the nature of the two different events
LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/scrobble
LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/scrobbles
AnchakorHi, is there some comprehensive page which tracks what FB API allows? I'm interested in reading FB events a FB user is invited to? does silo.pub or something like that allow it? Does even the API allow it?
Loqigranary is a library and REST API that frees you from social network snowflake API and exposes the sweet social data foodstuff inside as HTML and JSON with microformats2, ActivityStreams, Atom, XML, and more https://indieweb.org/granary
Loqi[snarfed] granary: Fetches and converts data between Facebook, Google+, Instagram, and Twitter native APIs, ActivityStreams, microformats2 HTML and JSON, Atom, and more.
Loqi[superfeedr] "If you’re going to WordCamp Orange County this weekend and want to chat about using Indieweb principles on your personal website or blog, I’m happy to talk or do short demos." by Chris Aldrich on 2017-06-10 http://boffosocko.com/2017/06/10/indieweb-at-wordcamp-orange-county/
aaronpkNot even willing to get their own domain name? I wouldn't put too much stock in it. Also [kevinmarks] is there any indication that the creators of it are using it as their own online identity?
davidmeadI have a Google Sheet with all my Twitter likes that I’m going to try and import into WP. Wanted to find a structure to mark up the content. Sebsel’s could work nicely for that :-)
[miklb]GWG tantek explained to me that u-photo is when the image is the primary content. u-featured would be a complimentary image that you want associated with the image
gRegorLoveIt doesn't. I guess what I mean is it comes down to author's intent. If you have an article that includes a few photos (not a featured image) and you POSSE it, you probably don't intend for those photos to appear as a gallery on the post... as an /article it's primarily text content you want people to read.