#tantekthough I don't understand how it was a problem in Nürnberg but not in Düsseldorf - where I saw you using your laptop in sessions that had a video stream!
#tanteke.g. checkins / indieauth - lots of furious typing :)
#aaronpkI might bring my real streaming setup next time, I think I can get it into a backpack
tantek, wolftune, barpthewire, gucci_meow, pfefferle and loicm joined the channel
#pfefferle!tell tantek I just read your discussion about the wordpress plugins and about me as a "bottleneck"... It is not that black and white as you painted it (i hope this also makes sense in english). Yes, I am not that active in the channel these days, but that is mainly because of my dayjob and the different time zones. I also was absent for quite some time and GWG had a really hard time to get code merged, but that is not the pr
#Loqipfefferle: [chrisaldrich] left you a message 3 days, 13 hours ago: I'm happy to help on an Indieweb PressThis email, but does it need one? I thought they simply went through https://wordpress.org/plugins/developers/add/ ? Let me know how I can help.
#pfefferleoblem any more. I am still actively maintaining my code and my respond time is very fast (keep the timezone in mind). If i stop selfdogfooding some of my plugins i always add other maintainers or completely transfer the ownership (see wordpress-indieweb, wordpress-uf2, wordpress-indieweb-press-this). If i do not release a new version to the WP.org repo, there are reasons for that. The webmention hompage changes for example ar
#Zegnatpfefferle, note that your !tell for tantek got split because of IRC message limits. Loqi probably wont be able to pass on the entirety.
#pfefferleZegnat thanks but I hope he gets it anyways :)
#ZegnatThis channel is logged, so he’ll find it :)
#ZegnatI saw both GWG and miklb also said your response time had gone up again, so I don’t think there are any hard feelings towards you amongst the actual WP crowd
gucci_meow joined the channel
#pfefferleZegnat I hope I am still part of the WP crowd ;)
#GWGpfefferle: For the record, I don't agree with tantek on the matter. I'd like to see more rapid development, but with people having limited time, the only way to do that is to have more people involved contributing.
#GWGEspecially with my less than perfect pull request record
mlncn, eli_oat and rMdes joined the channel
#pfefferleGWG and that is the point... we added the wordpress-indieweb review process to keep code quality high and to discuss different approches.... it does not help to add more people only to click the verify button, otherwise we simply can remove this process, but we need real contributors...
Garbee and rMdes- joined the channel
#petermolnarseeing that Decentralized Web Summit - it's been a year, are there any actual products/projects/code/etc or only the vast amount of laments for the fall of the free web?
#ZegnatMastodon, petermolnar? Though that probably didn’t come out of dWebSummit
rMdes_ joined the channel
#petermolnardefinitely not a product of that; an outcome maybe, but heavily debatable
#pfefferleGWG up to now, no one wanted to contribute to wordpress-mf2 or wordpress-indieweb-press-this and transfering it to the indieweb repo does not speed this up...
#[miklb]Especially when it comes to putting in the official wp.org repo
#singpolymaCC0 is definitely GPL-compatible. *however* be careful using something like CC0 for code, since it doesn't have the warranty disclaimer or other parts, which may matter depending on your juristiction
#sknebel(while we are talking about bugs: why does the tantek-post Loqi dumped into #indieweb 4.5 hours ago say "by Kevin Marks"?!)
[sebsel] joined the channel
#sknebel(whops, that was meant for indieweb-chat, but works here as well)
[aaronpk] joined the channel
#ZegnatThat should probably get linked in the GitHub issue, singpolyma
#ZegnatI would mostly like us to adopt a PD dedication (CC0/Unlicensed/SQLite/whatever) so that anyone can pick-up the tools developed by the community and use it within a plugin/cms/project of their own without having to worry about licence compatibilities.
barpthewire and [miklb] joined the channel
#[miklb]Zegnat that makes sense for generic libraries but code to be compatible with a project it's meant to be used in ?
#ZegnatPD is compatible with everything by default, as nobody is claiming any rights to it. You could even take it and relicense it under something obscure just to be compatible with something else.
#ZegnatAnd it means that if your WP plugin has implemented feature-X, a Grav plugin can just copy it and include it wholesale or with tweaking, without having to care about attribution/licensing/compatibilities/etc.
#Loqitantek: pfefferle left you a message 10 hours, 55 minutes ago: I just read your discussion about the wordpress plugins and about me as a "bottleneck"... It is not that black and white as you painted it (i hope this also makes sense in english). Yes, I am not that active in the channel these days, but that is mainly because of my dayjob and the different time zones. I also was absent for quite some time and GWG had a really hard time to get code merged, but that is not the pr
#tantek!tell pfefferle good to know it is not that black and white. Still want your opinion on moving indieweb related plugins to the indieweb github org, and adding multiple admins for those repos so multiple people can review, accept pull requests, and do releases to the official WP plugin directory
#Loqigregorlove has 99 karma in this channel (143 overall)
#petermolnarsee, that's the thing, schneier was screaming about this 5 years ago, the "big" blogging names 2-3years ago, but only now do the ones with countless followers...
#tantekpetermolnar: it has seen a resurgence this year, because of among other things, maciej's blogposts and talks and such
Jeena joined the channel
#tantekand now Mozilla is using the term "feudal" in some posts too
#@tt-shirt idea: Do you SURF the Open Web, or Do you SERF the Feudal Web? #openweb #indieweb #feudalweb #feudalinternet (ttk.me t4op1) (twitter.com/_/status/874341874231914496)
#Jeenawas feudalism the structure of sociaty where we had the clergy, the dirty peasonts, nobelman and so on?
#petermolnaryou may be oversimplifying it, but yes
snarfed joined the channel
#petermolnaralso the time when people revolted due to <20% taxation
#petermolnarsnarfed tell that to the service providers without alternatives to sms 2fa
#snarfedpetermolnar: agreed! fortunately there aren't many of those. paypal is the only one i can think of that i use personally. TOTP is arguably just as easy for them to support as SMS. lobby them!
#LoqiTOTP is a mechanism of generating a one-time password from a shared secret key and the current time, often used for two-factor auth https://indieweb.org/TOTP
#Loqi[gRegor Morrill] I think the distinction is that it's two separate passphrases. It's not a matter of brute forcing an n+6 length passphrase (n being the length of your passphrase), but brute forcing a passphrase of length n, then brute forcing a 6 digit number. Both ...
#ZegnatAnchakor, if they implement the TOTP or HOTP standard (those have RFCs) you can use any authenticator app. If they use something proprietary you will be out of luck.
#aaronpkyeah i disabled TOTP and SMS as indieauth.com authentication options because they should be second factor not only factor
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
#[cleverdevil]FYI, I am in San Francisco through Wednesday afternoon for a conference, if there's anyone around who wants to grab a drink or get together!
#[cleverdevil]I'll then be in Paris for six days from Wednesday for WordCamp EU. Same story. Happy to get together and chat IndieWeb!
tantek joined the channel
#Zegnat[cleverdevil], I am going to do Virtual HWC on wednesday again. So you are welcome to jump in if you’re on EU time.
#[cleverdevil]I can't remember when I land in Paris, but I'll check the wiki and see if I can hop in.
#[cleverdevil]Sitting in a conference on product management, and its lovely. Thinking about applying some of the learnings to help spread IndieWeb principles.