#Loqipfefferle: tantek left you a message 13 hours, 54 minutes ago: good to know it is not that black and white. Still want your opinion on moving indieweb related plugins to the indieweb github org, and adding multiple admins for those repos so multiple people can review, accept pull requests, and do releases to the official WP plugin directory
#Loqi[Martijn van der Ven] I will be “hosting” another Virtual Homebrew Website Club this Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:30 (CEST) on talky.io/hwc.
No harm done if nobody shows up, but I would love some company!
[kevinmarks], Garbee, friedcell, eli_oat, sebsel, KevinMarks_, KevinMarks, singpolyma, mlncn, loicm, calumryan, dougbeal|mb1, adactio, snarfed, tantek, Pierre-O and pl joined the channel
#tantek!tell GWG delayed reply. Everytime you ship an update that users can (semi)automatically go get, or go install, it is worth blogging about. E.g. "Post Kinds Plugin now supports Indie RSVPs!"
#tantek!tell GWG and that's the meaning of "supports" we should use - when it actually ships in a way that a user can easily update to it or install. If it requires sftp/scp, it has not "shipped", it is in "development preview" or some such at best
#ZegnatIt should be back again. At least it is for me.
#sknebelZegnat: in general, if it is you announcing the event why not? something that shows rsvps would be nicer, but if that's not available thats what it is
#Loqi[Martijn van der Ven] I will be “hosting” another Virtual Homebrew Website Club this Wednesday from 17:30 to 19:30 (CEST) on talky.io/hwc.
No harm done if nobody shows up, but I would love some company!
#tantekI want to ask everyone's opinion about something - we've been trying to post indie events for every HWC (per city), and then a FB POSSE copy (optionally) to invite people who may not yet be sending indie RSVPs etc.
#tantekbut sometimes indie events don't get posted in time or in advance enough because there are so few of us who have sites that can post them
#tantekwhat do people think if we started with posting just a FB event before an indie event was posted?
#tantekfor things like Homebrew Website Club in various cities, just so that there is *something* that we can use to link to for specific cities, to invite people in particular cities to etc.
#tantek(so far I've been hesitant to do this, but given how late indie events have been posted for various HWC cities, I'm now leaning towards doing and even encouraging at least a FB event posted in advance to get more people)
#ZegnatI am not sure the FB events actually go live that much in advance.
#tantekand also, why is it so hard to post indie events? (I mean for the folks who have sites capable of doing so, implementing it on your site is another big challenge)
#ZegnatMatter of experience, probably. Not used to hosting events on their own websites.
#tantek(but please discuss, looking for answers / insights from anyone here)
#aaronpksince i've been posting the FB events under the indiewebcamp page, I haven't been getting the RSVP backfeed to my site because my site and the indiewebcamp FB page aren't linked
#tantekaaronpk - your site and the page don't have to be linked
#aaronpkbridgy won't send the backfeed if they're not linked
#tantekif you have a u-syndication link from your indie event to the FB POSSE copy
#sknebelWe (Berlin) have now started to create our meetup.com events long in advance, but the indie-versions are only created once we have the location determined (which keeps giving us trouble)
snarfed joined the channel
#ZegnatIt might not help that a lot of the organisation is slightly spur-of-the-moment. Like Berlin’s location. Or tomorrow’s Nürnberg one that was only just created on FB (and added to the wiki) as a “Spontaneous” HWC.
#sknebelZegnat: Right. We let it slip a bit to much, and now are making an effort to get it better (announcing a series of events with predefined topics and such, lets see if people actually come), but we also have 3 organisers to remind each other about things.
#aaronpksnarfed: i have a vague recollection of last time we discussed this you said it was because the FB event is on the indiewebcamp page
#ZegnatNot personal, sknebel. I think it is a general problem.
#sknebelZegnat: sure, didn't take it that way. More like "if even 3 people mess it up, it's probably harder for smaller events with only one main organiser"
#snarfedaaronpk: right. reading backlog...if you're hoping for backfeed from an indiewebcamp-page-owned-event to aaronparecki.com, then i think you're right, aaronparecki.com needs to be in the IWC page's FB profile
#snarfedi see tantek's u-syndication claim, but i don't think that's true (now or ever)
#Zegnatadactio is HWC Brighton happening tomorrow? That’s the last TBD on /next-hwc for Europe!
#adactioZegnat: Alas, no—I’ll be out of the country.
#Loqiadactio: gRegorLove left you a message 3 days, 21 hours ago: When you get a chance, could you add your experience to /search#IndieWeb_Examples? Are your search results ordered by relevance?
#Loqiadactio: [eddie] left you a message 1 day, 18 hours ago: whoa!! You're on my podcast player!! (Presentable)
#Zegnatadactio I will remove it from the page then, thanks!
#aaronpkwould there be any harm in checking for reciprocal u-syndication links from the indie event to the FB event regardless of which account they're on?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#ZegnatTBDs left on /next-hwc: Scranton PA, Seattle WA (is funwhilelost on IRC?), Los Angeles (ping chrisaldrich, shaners)
#ZegnatScranton isn’t on /hwc, so do not know who organises.
#ZegnatSeattle has been missing or TBD on all dates back to /events/2017-04-19-homebrew-website-club where it was new. If there has only been one, it is probably safe to remove it from the event page. Thoughts?
#gRegorLoveI sent a note to cdevroe.com asking if he was still organizing Scranton. Haven't heard back. Don't think he's checking Twitter, so I might email him.
#[markmhendricksoi've been quietly / solo hacking on neotoma.io mostly full-time the past year, will look fwd to getting all of your feedback on it soon
#Loqiarchive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indieweb.org/archive
#tantek"the key difference is that where earlier attempts wanted to move people away from their familiar social networks — which is obviously doomed to failure — the IndieWeb And POSSE are attempting to integrate personal domains with existing networks — personal domains are primary but the Indie Web doesn’t ignore reality."
#Loqiaaronpk has 511 karma in this channel (1347 overall)
Pierre-O and jmelesky joined the channel
#Zegnattantek, that quote makes me wonder if we should spent some more time talking POSSE and even PESOS more than we do. Our more recent focus on IndieWeb tech like webmentions might be a selling point for people in tech but not outside.
#tantekZegnat, I typically talk POSSE more to outsiders already
#tantekfocus on Webmentions here in the channel etc. is fine for inside the community
#ZegnatYes, it might be more a case of the wiki being our entire website, and the wiki follows what is happening inside the community a lot.
#ZegnatMaybe it’s my own tech bubble filtering things for me. I don’t know. I haven’t often felt the big push on POSSE. Even a IndieWeb-friendly tool like Known makes POSSE a hurdle.
#tantekZegnat, agreed that tools should make POSSE setup VERY easy
#ZegnatWant to POSSE notes to Twitter with Known? Grab the Twitter plugin from GitHub, FTP to your server, tick boxes, get a Twitter API key, put the API key in your Known, do some authorisation stuff, and then it still ended up not working for me.
#tantekunless you can point to docs that show how to setup Known or WordPress with Bridgy / Silo.pub without having to ftp anything
#ZegnatI have never tried WordPress. I was testing syndication in Known’s micropub flow for jeremycherfas last HWC, that’s when I ran through the Twitter flow.
#aaronpki didn't say useful for wordpress ;-) but i use them because it was easier than fiddling with api keys myself
#tantekaaronpk - note the date of last update to that section by GWG
#ZegnatCan’t be sure I didn’t make a mistake somewhere tantek. Maybe I’ll run through setting up Known from scratch some time this week and document my steps.
#aaronpkwonders what happens when someone copies the HTML example on that page into a wordpress page that already has class="hentry"
#tantekZegnat document it on the wiki, then open a issue on Known "Setting up Known to POSSE is too damn hard"
#snarfedre using bridgy (publish) w/o ftp, the low tech way actually works ok. just add <a href="https://brid.gy/publish/twitter"></a> to a post, then use bridgy's web ui. no plugins etc needed.
#ZegnatHmm. It might be worth doing a Bridgy Publish Known plugin to add those few tags then. That might be an interesting little project if someone doesn’t have anything for IWS yet
#snarfeder: ...and yes, CMS-dependent is obviously better. i don't know Known but i figured it sent webmentions out of the box...? in which case literally just sign up for bridgy, add that <a> tag (as documented in that bridgy doc link), and done.
#gRegorLoveSurprised Twitter for Known plugin isn't distributed with core
#tanteksnarfed, I think Zegnat is pointing out that it is not that simple, from his personal experience in trying to walk someone through it in-person at IWC in Germany
#tantekI expect we'll learn from Zegnat's write-up
#snarfedright. zegnat's complaint was for known native POSSE.
#tantekgRegorLove: agreed, POSSE should be part of any "core" IndieWeb setup
#ZegnatgRegorLove, I was surprised too. And I couldn’t instantly find a good plugin repo on their website either, so ended up having to grab the plugin from the GitHub repo
#tantekZegnat, feel free to also ask in #knownchat how people there are doing it
#ZegnatMight have missed it though. Remember I was actually debugging an issue jeremycherfas was having, not setting up Known for the sake of setting it up
#[jesse]Hey all! Just found out about this Slack, figured I'd check it out and see what's going on. Looking forward to meeting some of you at the Indie Web Summit in Portland (where I'm currently living) next week!
#Anchakoris it true that even if a service uses indieauth, it can force you to login using facebook because it's indieauth service doesn't support anything else?
#sknebelAnchakor: if it actually uses IndieAuth, there is no "its indieauth service" – if your site announces an indieauth authorization endpoint, then it'll talk to that. It might have a fallback for the case that your site doesn't do that (which often is IndieAuth.com), and that fallback could only support facebook
snarfed joined the channel
#sknebelthere is a lot of confusion with the names of things there... Indieauth (the protocol) vs Indieauth.com (the service) vs RelMeAuth (the protocol where a service (like IndieAuth.com) goes to your homepage and checks for rel=me links)
#gRegorLoveIs there a specific service you're referring to, Anchakor?
#Anchakornothing specific, I'm just thinking about the consequences of how indieauth works and how closed services might adopt it "on the paper" without really following the spirit of it
#Anchakorsknebel: isn't it that the service, not the user and his domain/webserver determine which auth method is actually used for the auth itself?
#Anchakorok, would be nice if this was more visible on the indieauth site, ideally eventually there was a RFC/W3C-style doc even if not RFC/W3C rec itself
#sknebelAnchakor: that's in the works, indieauth-the-protocol vs indieauth.com-the-service gets easily confused
#sknebelso afaik aaronpk plans to rename indieauth.com to something else to resolve that, and has been working on better docs
#Anchakorif the user is in control of what auth endpoint is used, it raises some security points, as users might use some outdated/broken auth method
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 42 minutes ago: delayed reply. Everytime you ship an update that users can (semi)automatically go get, or go install, it is worth blogging about. E.g. "Post Kinds Plugin now supports Indie RSVPs!"
#LoqiGWG: tantek left you a message 8 hours, 41 minutes ago: and that's the meaning of "supports" we should use - when it actually ships in a way that a user can easily update to it or install. If it requires sftp/scp, it has not "shipped", it is in "development preview" or some such at best
KevinMarks_, marjolein, snarfed and fzylogic_ joined the channel