#@holdenLike Audrey and Kin, I've been slowly deleting the footprint of my past, and I'm realizing we've been brainwashed into keeping this stuff. (twitter.com/_/status/886004655641186305)
#tantekI think that article contains a lot of clues to future transitions for various indieweb efforts. From POSSEing, to purging all but the most recent posts.
#tantekKind of like treating social media silos as nothing more than an ephemeral RSS feed, with only the past year's worth of posts.
wolftune joined the channel
#prtksxnaI guess we'll eventually also need Archive on Own Site Delete on Silos - AOSDOS?
#LoqiExpiring content is content that is only temporarily (ephemerally) relevant, and also part of a larger post, that can and should be (preferably automatically) removed once a particular datetime has passed (the expiration date) https://indieweb.org/ephemeral
#tantekit sounds like we're talking about expiring POSSE copies
#prtksxnaIts not that the content is "temporarily (ephemerally) relevant", but that you don't want it to stick around for that long. I don't know, maybe the same thing.
#tantekwhen indieweb sites are able to keep their own copies of both original posts and all (perhaps backfed) responses to those posts, then there is little reason to keep old posts around on silos
#tantekone reason to keep POSSE copies may be for datetime-proof, e.g. you can prove you were the first person to use a hashtag or define a term on twitter
#tantekalthough you could use archive.org for that too
#tantekanother reason is search discovery, that is, when someone happens to search a silo for something (e.g. a twitter hashtag search), to have them discover your public posts
#prtksxnaRight. Depends on how much silo search matters to you.
#tantekif you build /onthisday functionality, then you don't need FB to tell you what you were doing a year (or more) ago
#prtksxnaIs there an example of a 'bookmark' post which also has multiple h-cites ie quotes from the article? I'd like to see both the presentation and the correct (mf2) markup to do this.
#tantekhowever, your year or older posts that have *other* people tagged in them will show up in those other peoples's fb.com/onthisday - so it depends on whether you care about that or not
#tanteksilo-quits << 2017-07-14 [http://kinlane.com/2017/07/14/i-flushed-the-last-nine-years-of-my-facebook-profile/ I Flushed The Last 9 Years Of My Facebook Profile] <blockquote>I flushed the the last 9 years of my Facebook profile over the last couple of days. Instead of deleting my account, I just cleaned up everything except what I have posted in 2017. In the future I will make it a yearly ritual to flush the previous year of my
#Loqiok, I added "2017-07-14 [http://kinlane.com/2017/07/14/i-flushed-the-last-nine-years-of-my-facebook-profile/ I Flushed The Last 9 Years Of My Facebook Profile] <blockquote>I flushed the the last 9 years of my Facebook profile over the last couple of days. Instead of deleting my account, I just cleaned up everything except what I have posted in 2017. In the future I will make it a yearly ritual to flush the previous year of my" to the "See Also" section of /silo-quits
#prtksxnaNeed to consolidate 'See also' and 'See Also' on that page :/
#prtksxnatantek: I think they aren't able to understand the depth. The W3 specs and such. Maybe refute the assumption by pointing out that a lot of people prefer posting on other's sites (like twitter), without pointing out the irony, and then maybe a link to http://indieweb.org/building_blocks.
#tantekprtksxna: this isn't the first time we've seen this response to the home page material by folks who have some knowledge of past similar trends / behaviors
#prtksxnaMaybe it deserves a page on the wiki (with good possible responses)? Such people are mostly supporters who don't know it?
#petermolnarre longetivity: I started treating silos - with the exception of flickr, ironocally - as ephemeral mediums and deliberytely deleting most of my stuff after a few months
#jeremycherfasRe https://chat.indieweb.org/2017-07-17/1500273067743000 I think there’s something to what he says about feeling old. It is easy to forget that there was a time before the socmed silos. As for the front page, I think it would be possible to make it more of an advocacy document, much as calumryan has been trying to do.
#jeremycherfasChanging the order in which the different elements on that home page are presented might make a difference too. Might even be worth trying and A/B test.
#jeremycherfasTo me, and I am old, the big difference is in the tools. This is not your father’s geocities page …
#jeremycherfasTo me, the indieweb.org page is aimed squarely at Gen1.
#Zegnatjeremycherfas, did you check out the homepage redesign session from IWS?
#jeremycherfasNo, only remembering Calum’s session at IWC Nurg
#ZegnatScott Jenson asked a lot of clever questions leading to new ideas about the homepage. I heartily recommend checking out that session on youtube.
#LucacontiI am the "Pandemic" You were talking about ;)
j12t and sl007 joined the channel
#Zegnatprtksxna re https://chat.indieweb.org/2017-07-17/1500265607248000 : there is no limit to how you do the HTML of your post, if you want multiple h-cites just mark those up. The post becomes a bookmark when you add a u-bookmark-of, but that does not make bookmark posts any different from other posts. Write a post, have multiple h-cite marked up block
#Zegnatquotes, then turn it into a bookmark by adding u-bookmark-of on 1 of those h-cites.
#Loqi[prtksxna] Is there an example of a 'bookmark' post which also has multiple h-cites ie quotes from the article? I'd like to see both the presentation and the correct (mf2) markup to do this.
#LucacontiI am talking about the Indieweb plugin for WordPress. Maybe it was a temporary error?
#ZegnatI am not sure why an IndieWeb WP plugin would try and fetch that external page either, so not sure what your error was. The people in the #indieweb-wordpress channel might be better informed though :)
#Loqi[indieweb] wordpress-indieweb: Helps you establish your IndieWeb identity by extending the user profile to provide rel-me and h-card fields. It also includes a bundled installer for a core set of IndieWeb-related plugins.
#sl007Zegnat - the posters are nearly ready (IndieAuth is missing because I don't know the state of the naming ;) ) - could I use your pic with the tv streaming IWC CC0 ???
#ZegnatWhich one? The one where I took a picture of people waving at me during IWC Berlin?
#ZegnatYes, sl007, that would be the picture from that tweet. Feel free to use it
#ZegnatFeaturing IWC Berlin, some of my favourite books, and birthday cards left over from my birthday in October
adactio joined the channel
#sebselsl007 re the state of naming IndieAuth: it's IndieAuth.com that's in for a rename, but IndieAuth will still be called IndieAuth. The whole point is that IndieAuth != IndieAuth.com, hence the rename :)
#Loqi[aaronpk] Did I mention I actually need two names for this? ?
* The service that users delegate their domain to (analogous to how choosing an OpenID provider used to be a thing, e.g. myopenid.com). This is used for authorization as well as authenticatio...
#sebselsl007 yes, that's about renaming IndieAuth.com
#sebselWhat do you describe on the poster? Linking Twitter via rel=me?
#[miklb]Lucaconti. OK! that retrieve tries to parse the page based on microformats, and if no mf2, fall back to some other elements. Without looking at the source of the link, it’s possible the plugin isn’t able to parse what is on the page. You can check with GWG in the #indieweb-wordpress channel for more details.
#Zegnatsl007: IndieAuth.com is not the IndieAuth protocol/building block. It is just one implementation of it (with an unfortunate name). Don’t confuse the two.
lucaconti[m] joined the channel
#sebselThe whole IndieAuth vs IndieAuth.com IS very confusing at the moment, but that's why IndieAuth.com needs to get a rename.
#petermolnarjust take [kevinmark]'s advice and name it itme and canihaz
#sl007Zegnat - but yes I know this very well because I sat down very long to write the node.js implementation which I demoed several times. The only thing is I need any URL for the posters …
#sebselWeb sign-in more the practice of 'use your domain, not your e-mail', not a protocol.
#sknebelthe link to the mf2 wiki etc describe RelMeAuth
#aaronpkweb sign-in is the general concept of using your domain as your identity, not a specific protocol
#ZegnatYes. Web sign-in is basically “the practice of logging in with your own URL”. Then they describe RelMeAuth as a way to do this. IndieAuth then adds a step for authorisation endpoint discovery before doing RelMeAuth.
#sknebelthat probably should be called out clearer on both wikis. e.g. if I follow the first link in "Details" I get a description of RelMeAuth and no indication that the second one is something completely different
Pierre-O joined the channel
#ZegnatWe need some sort of executive decision on what canonically should be called IndieAuth. Is it http://indieweb.org/IndieAuthProtocol ? Is RelMeAuth in anyway part of it, or is that just a feature of indieauth.com?
#ZegnatMaybe move this to -meta. It is not a bad idea to clean-up that Wiki page
[chrisaldrich], begriffs, snarfed and j12t joined the channel
#sl007thankyou! please take into account that these should be printed in A3 or A2 (e.g. regarding font size) and are not optimized for screen but for digital print
#sl007Zegnat please let's track the "W" in an issue ;)
#ben_thatmustbemeheh, can we make the A in IA a circle at the top, will look like a key hole
#ZegnatI wish I could check out all the images, but I have trouble finding the ones with a small file size and I am stuck on 3G tonight
#Zegnat(Also: GitHub should display filesize on the folder display.)
[miklb] joined the channel
#sl007Yes, right. Also I did not embed the fonts for now. Do the fonts itself have to have a CC0 license ?
snarfed joined the channel
#ZegnatIf you want to embed them, they need to allow for embedding. Most fonts don’t need to be CC0 as you aren’t actually doing anything to the font files themselves.
jeremycherfas joined the channel
#sl007Zegnat - that's ok the. size is scary big, 396MB because of the Poster/img folder - creating a pdfOnly branch
tantek joined the channel
#ZegnatNice, about to have dinner, but will comment on contents of the posters afterwards :)
wolftune, cjk101010 and plindner joined the channel
#sl007Yes, that is the poster folder in the repo (?). brb
#sketchessI had trouble to put the words together first. For non native English speakers, it can be a not so nice read. And if someone has a handicap like me too, it can makes it even harder....
wolftune joined the channel
#sketchessI use English every day and currently train without stopping. You might get my point. ;)
#sketchessSo let me have a check on the other stuff. xD
#ZegnatI am not using it personally, but I know it used to have some server problems. So if you are planning a talk around it you might be better of spinning up a copy yourself.
#ZegnatUptime seems to have been better of late, but I know some people here started selfhosting because of some uptime issues.
#tbbrownok. i have gotten a "fail whale" before but mostly good lately
#LoqiA reader (or indie reader) in the context of the indieweb is the portion/feature integrated into an indieweb site that provides a way to read content from other indieweb sites, possibly including posts from the current site as well https://indieweb.org/reader
#tantekI mean I'm happy to make something up, but would rather be informed by prior art (tweets that *actually* do some sort of RSVPing, instead of being a side-effect of an RSVP somewhere else)
KevinMarks, snarfed and KartikPrabhu joined the channel